@meanlumberjack Ik vind Dreamweaver, Photoshop, After Effects en Illustrator momenteel toch nog killerapps. Totaal het geld waard imho.
@meanlumberjack Waarom zouden de docenten die licenties moeten ‘verpatsen’? Maar don’t worry: Ze gaan Adobe CS nog even blijven gebruiken
@meanlumberjack Geen idee :D Ben geen docent aan Howest he ;) Ik vermoed van wel. Maar da zal erg veel afhangen van wat Adobe nu doet.
@meanlumberjack @joggink Hey!!! I spent a lot of time working on those HPTO’s :( All that work… LOST! :(
@meanlumberjack @joggink Hah! That IS a very good Ad-blocker. True :D
@joggink No Flash Player on your browser? And you haven’t had 1 occasion where having Flash would’ve made something easier/better?
To those of you who said you uninstalled the Desktop Flash Player well over a year ago and you haven’t missed it once ever since: Liars.
I think it might be time to empty my trash… http://t.co/A7PmekdU
This iMac has really had it. Making strange noises… Hang in there, mate… Just a few more months…
- “Oh look! After Effects crashes! ”
+ “What else is new?”
@davy_delbeke @joristi Aaah, Belgium… Thou art the stone-age of the internet.
@joristi On behalf of everyone I’d just like to say: “What the fuck?”
@joristi Hmm?
So, Spotify reportedly coming to Belgium soon (maybe this week). Who of you guys is going to get a Premium account?
I asked for an image. I get am email with a Word document… with the image embedded in it. I can’t believe this is still happening.
“Not a single drop of blood.” - “Hm… what’s that?” - “Red sweat.” -> I lolled http://t.co/IAvJS6dw
There’s nothing like midnight test renders…