Finally weekend.
Never have I wanted a Mac Pro more than now. 12 CPU cores, 24GB RAM, 512GB SSD, and a badass graphics card. I could so use that right now.
“I don’t like that diamond. Please give me a bigger one.”
leenvanderpoten #dringend op zoek naar een #freelance #jquery developer. Please retweet!
Waking up to a feedback mail that throws all my plans for today out the window.
Finally rendering. Dead tired. Pretty close to a 24h day… 12 hours of which I was editing video. Almost of to bed…
What were they thinking? Changing the copy halfway through the project… It’s almost 5AM and I still have to clean up their mess.
Man, I really should stop working through the night like this. I’m actually falling asleep where I’m sitting :/ STAY AWAKE! Must finish!
@nickvegas Cool nick! Good luck!
I’m really back to the old me. I didn’t want to join 4SQ but lately I feel like I should give it a run. Same for instagram. Must resist.
RT @ivesdeblieck: Heb nog eens een aflevering van #superfans gezien. Proficiat VT4, ge hebt echt uw dieptepunt bereikt!