bit101 i laugh at those who thought HTML5 solved everything. HTML5 will also eat up ur cpu and be used for annoying banner ads
I find myself consistently tired around midnight ever since monday. That’s new… And kind of weird.
Listening to Spotify (offline mode) on the train. Whenever the cell connection drops/restores, the music playback freezes briefly. Annoying!
Dear Apple blogs: stop “reporting” about 2 new iPads, a redesigned iPhone 5 and whatnot of you have no solid evidence. It’s getting ludacris
And what do ya know: 10 minutes delay. Like clockwork. Only later…
I seriously hope this train has a few minutes delay. Otherwise I won’t make it. Experience suggests there should be plenty of room for that.
miemosa Massale zelfdoding van knuffels bij Carrefour
@mobilevikings @anthonyvanoyen ik zie ook 111111… Dacht dat da normaal was. ;)
Heading home early: It’s pizza-night day! That’s the only tradition I actually really stick to!
owenderby Give a man a gun and he can rob a bank, give a man a bank and he can rob the world.
Lol wtf? RT @demasso: Oh Really ?
duivvv We gaan eens allemaal virtueel staken, dat zal ze leren !
@Heeties I am unable to get used to ‘normal scrolling’ again now. I find myself constantly scrolling the wrong way (natural) first :p
I have used the ‘natural scrolling’ for about a week or 2 and then went back to normal scrolling and now I can’t get used to that anymore.
Fat! RT @tijs: Smart billboard ad by McDonald’s. I’m lovin’ it!