@itsnoomie Ge hebt er effectief 3 gemaakt?? NOICE! Da’s meer dan de meeste mensen in 3u 😂
@kvandenhaute Shockingly accurate actually 😳
That moment when you record a quick video for your story and then decide you don’t want to post it because it’s stu… https://t.co/9iduWWTJcc
For a second there, I almost made a snarky politics comment on Twitter. But then I contained myself. Thank God I si… https://t.co/PPPVgQDgzA
The greatest thing in life is cheering for other people’s success. I will never not find the energy to scream ‘FUCK… https://t.co/4xl7n75HYM
This is why when you ask a photographer how to make a dope-ass photo, they tell you to improve your lighting. ⤠https://t.co/BVaY3opB6S
@wouterds You wrote ‘amateurs’ wrong.
Manager: We want this HUGE feature
Ronny: Let’s do this MVP version first and see from there
PO: ok
R: * works 1 we… https://t.co/P0CBsZKxlI
Caitchristinee Doing a photo shoot and not giving the photos to the model after 6 months is unprofessional and I stand by that statement
Lowercase yelling doctor-dude telling you in the friendliest funniest way why you’re a dumbass if you believe any o… https://t.co/QJ4Wl0uyKx

@kvandenhaute Oh the visuals…. pic.twitter.com/A5QeGl7pUX
“Er komen straks nog wa maten mee doen!”
“Fuck! Tis te groot. Da gaat er nie in!” https://t.co/ApLW63x2ZO
Absolutely love this! https://t.co/UCcJgWkvjo https://t.co/ntQ94IpD2l
@Compi666 @jNoxxx @gemarkeerd Hij heeft het wel slim gespeeld eh 😉 Kging het ook gewoon bij @gemarkeerd leggen 😃 ðŸ™
@Syr00p Ik ging iets zeggen maar besefte dat ge gelijk had. Anyway, ik ga binnen 2 jaar mijn auto verkopen. Als ge… https://t.co/O0GBRNyPOX
@_chrisbjerre My brain itches because the wires are too straight. Otherwise indistinguishable from a photograph. 💌
When you jokingly float the idea of getting dreadlocks to permanently solve your hair issues and everybody gets sup… https://t.co/ytxCB8olLn
We are in a time where anything and everything can be a career. You have to let go of all preconceptions. This is f… https://t.co/kRwyhpMTQz

@kvandenhaute Or tiktok didn’t like the lyrics ðŸpic.twitter.com/rtawNVnaq0aq0
@kvandenhaute Whoa. She already took the song down. It will be on Spotify soon I’m sure 😉
I just wanna point out that you heard this banger here first. â¤vm.tiktok.com/ZMevYSspf/ZA
Dannmace You have just begun reading what you have just finished reading.
People referring to Twitter as ‘this app’ will never not confuse me….
I’ve always stated that one can’t take a bad picture of NYC. But one CAN take an exceptionally beautiful picture of… https://t.co/AcNGtw53Hn
@tylergold Elon for sure.
Not only has the man got money, brains and vision to come up with a masterplan. He’s got… https://t.co/yXjCNppYDp
@lynnsepticeye_ Hey girly.I don’t know you but I can tell you is that things will get better. You just have to hold… https://t.co/bP57JZxPrB
@jNoxxx That was a 2019 project. 😂
In March 2016 I met @garyvee and we took this photo together. A couple of weeks ago I met the girl of my dreams who… https://t.co/fZtyv9Kiiy
@TomVanMeersche @vercoutere I’m screaming 😂😂😂
@TomVanMeersche Raar dat ze dit zonder woorden toch allemaal heel erg onderstreept lijkt te hebben.
@vercoutere I don’t get it though?! What is it about her that tells me she’s bad news? She’s essentially just expre… https://t.co/YNaUBJEPYN
I don’t usually judge people for their preferences. I’m a live-and-let-live kinda guy but this time I think I might… https://t.co/dOozHWzR5w

I’ve been on Twitter for a while apparently… ðŸpic.twitter.com/bFXYhZs390390
@thenerd_be DON’T JINX IT!
@MercedesAMGF1 @MercedesAMG You and @paintedblack got close to making the exact same poster for this race. Perhaps… https://t.co/oH97SM6gVi
@ditisdesteven Dit zal zo’n historisch beeld worden waar men binnen enkele jaren de context van de pandemie zal moe… https://t.co/5GogwrE3p6
People hating Asians, gays, trans, black, Jewish, Muslim, vegetarian and all kinds of other people. Such a waste of… https://t.co/la3y5gMHMY
This edition includes an incredible HOT LAP! 🔥🔥🔥 https://t.co/Bg5oxvRrVx
@Digital_uground @PhilSegers @Dynamixxbe Spoiler: @PhilSegers is sneller dan Pierre Gasly in een Red Bull in Monaco… https://t.co/I7nfFAYg8I
ðŸ F1 Simracen met @PhilSegers
🚗 @Dynamixxbe @RonnyKingFPV
@jan_deruyck I’m very much a fan of improving things all the time but I have seen many ‘upgrades’ that broke the ve… https://t.co/atKZ8GMIDj
Ehm… This ever so slightly turns me on… I’m so confused right now… https://t.co/aOQjUHT7SN
@jan_deruyck This has been brought up many times and I always wonder: why? It works. It’s not pretty but who cares.… https://t.co/49cGYwUwra
It’s almost been a year since I wrote this thread and I still stand by every single word.
Life advice from a 34 y… https://t.co/av4UXWzRPN
@mknol Killing it. As ever. Totally on brand, Mark. Congrats! 💌ðŸ’
@MattyWTF1 @sophieebrearley Your humbleness is extraordinary 😂
NYC♥ https://t.co/eadOBxsJEA
@FormuIaUno @FaZeAnselmius How come nobody laughed! That joke was hilarious 😂😂
Oh Seb ♥ https://t.co/gnqSKMFIBX
One of the greatest racers and people to have ever walked this earth. No bullshit. 200% resilience. ⤠https://t.co/ZgIqbYkhyG

Bitcoin be like: pic.twitter.com/OioTHC5ODk
@PostNL Jullie hebben mijn pakje vrijdag in ontvangst genomen en gingen het zaterdag leveren. Dan werd het maandag.… https://t.co/XUtpCPL4Zq
I’m never going to the beach again. https://t.co/63zQAy4VeI
@cherthedev Software developers have become so dense and seem to be losing sight of what’s important… Who cares about a damn title…
@Lieneuh @Telenet In before “Hey Lien, wat jammer om te horen dat je problemen ondervindt met je verbinding. Dat k… https://t.co/NEL4jauKEm
I really like TikTok. Over the past year or 2 I grew more and more addicted to it. It’s such a source of creativity… https://t.co/BMmUtFXAZH

@Syr00p Fuckboi status alert pic.twitter.com/kqB7llENHS
@mr_crazydude @Lotje_twt @kleinevampier Ik zei altijd dat ik medische problemen heb waardoor dat niet kan MAAR MERC… https://t.co/rqOFVW8RRF
@Lotje_twt Da is ‘normaal’ (voor zover die zin zelfs maar steek houdt). Het probleem is dat mensen denken dat we ee… https://t.co/oEMtvRQlYF
Current reality. https://t.co/6GEsPXMEp7
@RideOnewheel Free Wheelie â¤
Tell me we’re living in the future without telling me we’re living in the future… youtu.be/7CZTLogln34
Clearly, Elon is spreading secret messages but the smart people of the internet have caught him red handed! https://t.co/u4N1VX7Stu
@jNoxxx Ah, wasn’t aware of the nuance. My bad.
@jNoxxx Youtube takes 45% of ad revenue (according to what I heard in the @MKBHD podcast when they talked about the Epic vs Apple story).
@stevenspohn Whoa, is it 16 years ago already??
@BatwoMANDA Nothing to be insecure about if you ask me. I actually like the way they look. And I’m sure they are pa… https://t.co/bmBSIkGEeN
@spinocle @KatVanMul @keersmaecker Ik kom hier letter zoeken of niemand anders die vraag had. Ik vraag mij ook af h… https://t.co/KP6UarJrDw
My life right now:
↘ broke up with the girlfriend
↗ got a dope fpv project 2 years after all hell broke lose
↘ gett… https://t.co/6SfIjUpbwC
@mr_crazydude Haha, schoenen zijn idd een probleem geworden. Ik draag al 4-5 jaar dezelfde schoenen. Al zeker 4 jaa… https://t.co/K57wILyPCT
@mr_crazydude Dit gaat op voor alle kledingzaken in het algemeen hoor.
@TheRealSkyeGray I understand that the child wants their parents to be supportive. I don’t understand why said appr… https://t.co/A7BdIXBZYy
I am a very understanding person but the older I get, the less I understand “coming out to your parents”. Sure, the… https://t.co/pyyFqgFR2E
If you were ever to invest in crypto, I’d say now is your shot. The public pressure for a more environmentally frie… https://t.co/GhtM2aYKWG

elonmusk Tesla & Bitcoin pic.twitter.com/YSswJmVZhP

This man understands life. Listen and learn. pic.twitter.com/Om2exJLXQb
RT @womenpostingws: for some context, tw // suicide :
Semicolons continue a sentence when it could have ended, it’s a reminder that your s…
RT @GiuliaRozzi: I’d much rather be “too sensitive†than whatever the fuck has happened to half of humanity.
RT @ruskamartin: It’s downright shameful that we deprive ourselves of living in interesting, meaningful, and wonderful places, given the in…
RT @fwa: Great quote. https://t.co/3RUoWIn3DP
That moment when you go to you Google Drive to download some client project footage to create a badass demo video.… https://t.co/a3DOYZ45Cr
I subscribe to that idea. https://t.co/No1lsJNAuE
@bit101 That makes sense I guess. I have these buttons on my keyboard together with the volume wheel. VERY satisfyi… https://t.co/bDwyiNHmG2
@bit101 Is this somewhere next to your computer or is it located in a more central living area location?
@studio_caro Whoa… plots weer zin om C4D te installeren 😮😮
RT @Its_Realms: You ever just smile when you see your friends posting wins???? I’ve got some incredible friends taking on the world by stor…
@_MrDoorey I’d prefer Vettel to be on the 3rd step actually but that seems to be out of reach for now.
@_MrDoorey 1. Verstappen
2. Hamilton
3. Perez

megancgraham Currently obsessed with this skateboard-riding construction cone named Cony Hawk pic.twitter.com/AfxLgaRr9R

F1 Q1 done: first 16 cars within .735 seconds!!! #WTF1 pic.twitter.com/7vyWIhUjM7
@CedBronkhorst @F1Help I use the website (to cast to my TV mainly). A similar example like this on F1TV would be invaluable 💌
@F1Help Thanks for the quick response. I just figured that out, yes. It is EXACTLY what I was looking for but seems… https://t.co/C3IOX4hcN7
One of the major features that F1TV seems to be missing is just a straight up schedule of when the next F1 session… https://t.co/ctAKASOkyx
RT @Digital_uground: ðŸ RACE WEEKEND! ðŸ
@RonnyKingFPV en @jerressic blikken vooruit naar de kwalificatie en de racen we in Spanje 🇪🇸 !
@putahontas666 …just like any other day 😉
Women about Tinder: ‘the men on there are just out for sex, no real relationships’
Those same women when they see m… https://t.co/NvQk6UWKPC
Relatable. https://t.co/TbrQ94byxQ
Sarah keeping it real. https://t.co/foyf7g2lny
@ianparkesf1 @ValtteriBottas @MercedesAMGF1 And he’s absolutely right. Until the constructors championship is under… https://t.co/EuWXlmCGiY
@Belgiumers Thanks, man! Looks good!
@Belgiumers Ik denk er ook al een tijdje aan om er een te kopen. Wat kun je mij zeggen over prijs, types enzo? Waar… https://t.co/Y5nqy9Jd5r
Just a big word thrown around by small people with little vision.
Congrats to @SpaceX for yet anot… https://t.co/Z5IegWMr2w
For those of you who hadn’t seen my latest project for Fisheye (the guys who designed a couple of Tomorrowland stag… https://t.co/JKPcZzgBlG
@studio_caro <all of the above>
@joshuatopolsky Oh yea: it’s the absolute worst.
I really do wonder about the analytics of that stuff. Clearly it must work for some of them since it became such a… https://t.co/UP1oemZBma
@Syr00p @cuttheplot @Bloodyspasm Het enige drama dat er ooit tussen ons kan zijn is de eindeloze kwestie over wie het betere kapsel heeft.
@Syr00p @Bloodyspasm Nah, @Syr00p en ik zijn gewoon ultra-buddies ♥ Zelfs als we ooit kwaad gaan zijn op elkaar gaa… https://t.co/NUQ1J5RG2W
@KennyLeys Daarvoor edde ne langere tube nodig, ze 😉
I love that @SpaceX actually called out “May the 4th be with you” both on liftoff and conclusion of the stream. ♥
@justinboldaji Did you know the character named Switch is named like that because they initially wanted her to be a… https://t.co/FS9M9OdeFb
Why did @Spotify remove the ability to play ‘all the songs’ from an artist? You just used to go to the artist page… https://t.co/FnmvXOTVFF
RT @PhillyD: I love my kids with every ounce of my being, but there are A LOT of reasons A LOT of people shouldn’t have them. We’ve all met…
@Eevee_Co @studio_caro Hebben ze jullie dan nog kunnen helpen? De visa kaar deblokkeren doen ze niet. Ze gingen een… https://t.co/yW8bX4T0AH
I ain’t fixing SHIT on my wedding day.
1. It’s a fucking webapp. Nobody gives a shit.
2. There’s other very capable… https://t.co/20uwRTop6Q
@studio_caro Typisch. Mijn ex heeft da keer meegemaakt toen we aan het roadtrippen waren in de States. Die hebben h… https://t.co/TdGEMJ98Ow
@studio_caro Amai zot. Hoe zijt ge erachter gekomen? En vooral: wa zijn nu uw next-steps. Zoiets nog nooit mee gema… https://t.co/DP9VmMd3bw
@Nonunsenses Ik verwachtte echt full-on TOK ipv tak… 😂
It’s noon so it’s time to take a break from all the work and just relax with some flow & vibes. Enjoy â™youtu.be/PyF-UpiNV108S
Yup. My first real programming efforts were made on a calculator using this exact syntax when I was 12. https://t.co/2HpJNngeo3

@mrswrldwide @putahontas666 Smart. I respect your skills. pic.twitter.com/bZXJNmcWxx
@TheRealSkyeGray That’s so nice of you, Skye ♥ China has some REALLY cinematic landscapes and regions so it’s hard… https://t.co/vPRqIN7KXy
Fascinating! https://t.co/eZ9HBudlNQ
RT @Digital_uground: Nog maar enkele uren voor … LIGHTS OUT! #F1 #PortugueseGP
Wij nodigden @zweefpoes van @plankgaspodcast uit om voor…
@Syr00p Da’s geen eerlijke vergelijking. Die drones moeten bewijzen dat ze het waard zijn. Als ze doen waarvoor ze… https://t.co/yAhwB0f5yV
@Syr00p Zo agressief zeg! Maakt vanalles kapot. Not the vibe I’m looking for.

What does “unstoppable” look like? youtu.be/PyF-UpiNV10 pic.twitter.com/b6giZPu3e6
RT @wolfejosh: 🤯Regular reminder—REALITY is not what our brains actually reproduce.
Infuriatingly TRUE—nothing is actually. moving. Put a…
@joristi At least now you know it fits 💌ðŸ˜