Yes, people. We get it: Instagram is down. Please move on…
To all those scientists doing pointless research: Explain to me what it is with women and buying 200.000 pairs of shoes?! WHAT THE FUCK!?
dcurtis The most destructive thing smart people do is spend their lives waiting. Live your dreams and aspirations now.
Don’t wait.
Polledemaagt The force in women to go out and buy clothing piece X and return w/ Y, Z, A, B, C and D is strong. Hence #solden.
5:30… AM….
I should get some sleep… :/
And as it turns out: The last time I had an Xbox 360 was in february 2008… Whoa… (I have had a few of these. This is my 5th one, I think)
Bought a Kinect with Dance Central 2 for my girlfriend. She wanted this thing for weeks!
Giving the whole Chrome iOS thing a chance. Also using Chrome as my main browser on desktop for now. Excited to see what it’s like.
Some parts of the internet must have time-vortexes or something… I mean: This looks like it came straight from 1992!
It would be okay if Google told me ‘no records found for your keywords’ instead of just starting to guess new ones.
Cool! You can now finally comment/like photos on Instagram in your browser on your computer! Example: Hurray!
That really is the kind of demo where all of a sudden somebody in the crowd stands up and shouts “SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!”
Finally found the time to check out the most amazing live demo ever done. Congrats for kicking ass, Google!
@bnox I thought they already did that? Might be confusing it with something else though…
/cc @bpost_nl
Made great progress on this tool today! Looking forward to presenting it to our team on monday!
mrchrisallen Could save tons of lives. I want to go diving with it too. RT @Ehdeekay: Unreal! This is truly a game changer -
@svenpeeters Kwestie van volgend jaar dezelfde grammaticale fout nog eens te maken? :p
Cool! In today’s @timehop email:”Congrats on unlocking an achievement! It’s called doing awesome things”.
That’s what I call an achievement!
The one thing I really miss today is fresh air from the fan in the office! It’s insanely hot!
Very happy with the progress of this project! I’m just flying through this!
@hannes_bhc De luxe hebben om van thuis uit te werken is op zo’n momenten een goddelijk geschenk! (aan’t wachten tot de file weg is)
Oh nice! FB added the option not to ‘post as your page’! Nice tweak :)
@BrunoByttebier oh dat valt wel mee ;) heb al vrij zotte beelden ;) soon!
@BrunoByttebier de Hull gebroken (zie foto eerder deze week) en een tandwiel gebroken… dat laatste is een probleem :)
@BrunoByttebier nee, onder k. Daar zijn zo van die buizen om parkings van elkaar te scheiden. Slecht om daarop te vallen :(
@BrunoByttebier heb de mijne tegen het plafond van een garage laten raken: is zijwaarts naar beneden gevallen, op een buis geland. Bad thing
@BrunoByttebier ik wacht op spare parts. Maandag nen major crash gehad met blijvende schade :(
@BrunoByttebier Nenee, ik rij langs Gent om 9u en kom voorbij Aalst rond da uur ;) ik vertrek in Kortrijk rond 8:30 ;)
richardleggett OK $199 for the Nexus 7 tablet comes with $25 Play Store credit and mag subs, that’s a crazy aggressive price.
@BrunoByttebier hangt af van dag tot dag. Uk heb er redelijk weinig last van. Ik doe dat stukje van 9u to 9u20 ofzo.
Foursquare seems to be acting up on my iPhone. Anybody else experiencing issues?
@creativeskills Sounds like a plan!
@ilovethevegas Die foute Stockphoto van Getty in de achtergrond: Geweldig :D
It doesn’t pop enough! RT @saatchiza: Sh#t Creative Directors Say via @TattooProjects
Finding a bug in somebody else’s code. Again. Seriously, what crap code do people write!?
hannes_bhc Sound words
Got a (belated) birthday card at work too! Hurray!
Clariskees “What have you been smoking?” A Facebook App for Unstoppable Europe.
Woah, it’s not easy to write an email, telling people they didn’t get the job… It’s actually a horrible thing to do early in the morning..
Then I refresh the page and that stupid force-login overlay just disappears. Strange but okay…
So I cannot read anything on Quora unless I create an account/log in? Nice!
2 new USB sticks.
Left: The new USB stick.
Right: What you actually bought.
But it was totally worth it! Did some great flights today and shoot some amazing footage! Might create a short video later this week!
Oh and that’s not all: I actually broke a pinwheel too. So flying is over for a few days. Thanks to @philipdubois for fixing the hull!
My beloved AR.Drone took a serious hit: 8ft sidewards fall & landing on a pipe. Result:indoor hull almost split in half
thijswostyn I can accept failure, everyone fails at something, but I can’t accept not trying - Michael Jordan
I just noticed that Youtube defaults to 15min limits. Just verified the account and re-uploading now! Keep you posted!
@anthonyvanoyen 720p film van 1u is meestal rond dat formaat. Vind het raar dat da teveel zou zijn. Youtube doet zelf toch ook compressie?
@anthonyvanoyen Goe punt… Die van mij werd verwijderd vanwege ‘te lang’…. Nog eens proberen alvast :)
@lammerj Yea, 500MB/week (or month) upload, so that’s a no go.
@boskabout Yea, maar da’s nie handig… (is nie eens voor mij OF belangrijk dus liever nie teveel moeite :p )
@tynoesj To watch in a player
@boskabout Youtube verwijderd filmpjes van meer dan een uur blijkbaar… :/
Anywhere where I can upload a video (70 minutes, 2.8GB) for no charge? I’m pretty sure I’m forgetting some site…
bradcolbow Stop the captcha madness!
imhugo Inside the Mind of a Freelancer
“Sublime Text Editor” is sublime.
It’s always good fun to pause a video of talking people: Funny faces all over the place!
Reverse engineering somebody’s 5 year old JS/PHP Wordpress hack. It’s like trying to figure out a magic trick…
I visit a site that defaults to French.
I change language to English.
Site content is still in French.
I think the wrong team scored… #euro12
parislemon Two 15 minutes periods with no sudden death. Then penalty kicks. Got it. Thx Twitter!
Right, HTTP server is down, so you can’t see the pic in my last tweet… Funny irony.
Isn’t this kind of defeating the point of CloudFlare?
Boris “If a cluttered desk signs a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?”
“A clean house is a sign of a wasted life.”
In Ghent with @joristi and @philipdubois because the boys are also buying AR Drones :D Boys and their toys. ;)
Boris Smile, Listen, Agree, and then do whatever the fuck you wanted to do anyway…
— Robert Downey Jr.
Why did I get this FB update mail in German!? I never use anything in German…
hyperisland Hyper Island helped Cannes write the book on the future of advertising in a single day. Get it here:
nickvegas Ask for constructive feedback and don’t take “That’s nice” as an answer.
Just lost 1.4M keys due to a @whatpulse ‘invalid token’ bug. First time in 6 years. Annoying though.
Back at the Saatchi Office. Opening my Calendar only to see this in @miespaties’ calendar. Good luck, Marlies!
Home… quite something…
Thanks @lyntje for the warm welcome! I love it!
“and there becomes here” @ BRU - Arrivals
You’ve got to be shitting me!? “Lugage delayedâ€
What? Stuck in a traffic jam or what?!
“And the last mile is always the longest.†@ Brussels Airport (BRU)
Safe and sound in Brussels.
MnrCD Ah crap. I’m not winning anything else until Saturday. #canneslions
Congrats to Nice Airport where “Free Wifi†actually means FREE wifi.
Why do you hate Belgium?
Let’s head back home! Kortrijk, here I come!
I built this thing that streams the latest #CannesLions tweets as QR codes. I don’t know why I did this.
I hate it when people write “AS3” libs that require Flex components… It’s not an AS3 lib if it requires Flex!
RT @JasonXenopoulos: The legendary Saatchi & Saatchi New Directors’ Showcase’ next at #CannesLions
Cannes_Lions Full listings of all 34,301 entries into #CannesLions 2012 are up online:
It still strikes me how many experiments show that using certain products increases chances of getting cancer. How is humanity still here?!
Online check-in done! Flying back home tomorrow. Honestly: Can’t wait to be back home even though #CannesLions was an exceptional experience
At the Saatchi drink. A lot of Saatchi peeps here…
Years ago, I wrote about Hotel 626. Today I find out that this was apparently an idea by @GSP/@gspdigital #CannesLions
Ready for a masterclass by @GSP / @gspdigital about selling the ideas to the client. #CannesLions
Awesome baby duck chases a guy. Funny (and cute) as hell! (via @lyntje)
OgilvyCT Being an artist gives you the freedom to fail. #JR #CannesLions
MariKiirikki Touching artworks, really inspirirational speach. Thank you #CannesLions
Draftfcb When you succeed people forget about failure. #AriannnaHuffington @ #ipgcannes2012 #CannesLions
‘I don’t write “Just do itâ€; I just did it.’ - JR
Standing ovation for a man who’s work is actually illegal. #CannesLions.
“Art is a surprise.†#CannesLions
An artist who’s art tells an important story, makes houses waterproof and can be seen from Google Earth. He exists. #CannesLions
RT @AmirKassaei: If the client is not scared, your idea is not good enough. #ddb #CannesLions
Today’s my last day at #CannesLions. Trying to take in as much as possible while I still #Cannes (Sorry!Couldn’t resist that one any longer)
Here’s a tip for QR-code creators: use shortened URLs to keep the QR code simple and quickly readable.
Calling modern HD cameras used in Hollywood productions “traditional cameras†and then referring to Windows Phone as an amazing camera.Sure.
Having a drink with star-designer @davydooms at #CannesLions
jasperhauser Fascinating, to actually see how product shots like this are done, and that McDonalds has the balls to do this.
I turn 26 today. Year-ago-me would be majorly impressed if he only knew what great changes lie ahead…
I think I might have (seriously?) damaged my right ear doing a sidewards flip into the pool yesterday…
crossthebreeze Agency of the year in Media for @duvalguillaume! Hell yeah! @ Cannes Lions 2012
@hannesfostie a what? No I didn’t ;) and no you didn’t win anything either. Nobody will btw ;)
It took like 5 years but I finally managed to pull of that joke. I’m so happy ^^
I’ve been saying this for a long time: what the client wants is not always what the client needs. #CannesLions
“Break things. It’s very important.â€
“It was supposed to be an internal video but it accidentally went viralâ€. Oops… #CannesLions
“Know yourself,figure out what you’re passionate about.Ignore everybody else’s advice.Stick w/ ur passion.It will all work out†#CannesLions
Beat it! Beat it! Just beat it! #CannesLions
RT @AmirKassaei: Having a great idea is not the key.
The key is fighting with passion and persisitence to bring it to life. #ddb #Canne …
OgilvyCT Adora, TEDtalks youngest speaker, says she had no fear of public speaking because she didn’t know it was supposed to be scary. #CannesLions
samdecker Facebook speaker says canvas (I.e. pages) see little brand engagement, but get brand focus because they are like web pages. #CannesLions
“The future is already here. It’s just not evenly distributed.â€
“People share to …, manage their identities, …â€. Interesting point of view. #CannesLions
It’s no secret that #CannesLions isn’t exactly cheap but €4.10 for a coke? Really?
Wanted to go to a session but the queue to get in was so long, it took a 2min walk just to get to the end of the line. Right… #CannesLions
Walked down the steep hill all the way to the city only to realize I forgot my freakin badge.So now I’m back at the villa,sweating like hell
Holy crap, I just woke up. :/
I must have been completely broken yesterday…
@stefsel Good point ;) “First times for everything” zeggen we dan ;) // @geoffreyhantson @katrienbottez @duvalguillaume
@stefsel Volgens CCB zijn ze dat al, he ;) // @geoffreyhantson @katrienbottez @duvalguillaume
I’m in France so Google is in French,it looks for French results even though it knows I’ve always lived in Belgium & my PC is set to English
Fantastic ad: Cheer for perfection. #goworld First seen at #CannesLions:
No need for words. “wow” will probably do…
tonylukasavage wise == learned from a shit ton of mistakes
“The Making of a Global Olympics Marketing Campaign†by Visa & TBWA - most impressive session I’ve ever attended
@DevinGus not a lot, why? Everybody is very casual ;)
I love how they used black & white photography as part of the message for the “go world†campaign - no teams, no borders #CannesLions
“Once the heart is fully comitted, the brain will follow.â€
I just realized I have the most unfitting Twitter handle to be at #CannesLions, the festival of creativity…
I just got my own unskippable YouTube ad! #CannesLions
RT @jkleske: Agencies have paid a total of 14.8 million € to submit their works for the Cannes Lions this year.
Guess what I’ll be attending at 3PM
“What’s the most important thing you’d tell new people in this industry that nobody told you?â€
Let’s learn some tricks from Hollywood! #CannesLions
Checking out the entries for #CannesLions. Very cool stuff! And I even saw some great work from other Saatchi’s around the globe! So cool!
Don’t call it the creative dept. Call it the experience dept. It requires creativity but the outcome is an experience. #CannesLions
Obligatory picture! #CannesLions
@frederikprijck 360 Panorama (doesn’t it say that on the link I posted? )
Signalnoise MTV website, circa 1997. Wow, memories.
Quick poolside 360 of where we are staying during #CannesLions.
MillChannel #Cannes Lions lessons from #Nike, #Sony, and #Coca-Cola: only a great story can create a great brand.
This place could easily keep up with MTV Cribs. Mother of goooood!
I’m calling it: I’ll have a massive sunburn in like 12 hours tops…#CannesLions
Landed in Nice and taking the bus to Cannes! First thing I noticed upon arrival: unlike in Belgium they have actual sunshine here! Amazing!
These airplane seats are too small :/ Or I am too big (not fat! Big!)
Boarding and ready to fly to Nice! Whoohoo!
Passed security. 2 hours ahead of schedule… Right…
The never-ending walkalator. @ Departure Hall (BRU)
“Instead of mourning your death, I’d rather celebrate your life.†- Eminem.
I’ll always remember @madebySarah_be.
We miss you.
Heading to #CannesLions today. First stop: Brussels airport. Go!
Thanks all for the great #CannesLions tips for first-timers. Keep them coming!
“Win a free iPad!!†- As opposed to what? An iPad you still have to pay for?
Looking good… ^^ RT @PaulMMartin: I don’t mean to brag but… #CannesLions
Auwch! RT @bobbiejohnson: @robinwauters @TNW LOOK!
Let’s try that again: I’m flying to the #CannesLions Festival tomorrow. Any advice from people who’ve been there already?
@miespaties Right… *shakes head*
I’m flying to the Cannes Festival tomorrow. Any advice from people who’ve been there already?
creativeskills RT @joke MEGAdringend gezocht: ervaren freelance webdesigner voor Saatchi Brussel:
Beautiful shot! @parislemon: It is perfect weather in NY right now. Walking to f.ounders closing dinner.
Holy crap, some people had too much time on their hands when creating I love it though.
I need to learn to let things go.
Said goodbye to my fantastic mentor,colleague & friend @miespaties today.She’s leaving for a new adventure in Sweden in a few days.Good luck
hannes_bhc Wow. It’s BATBEAR!
Why does blogging on a WP-blog feel like such a ‘big job’ while blogging on your Tumblr feels like such a quick & easy job? Seriously, WTF!?
Everytime I see that Samsonite commercial on TV, I’m so proud of working at @SaatchiBrussels.
Ever since I got my new desktop setup (Mac Mini & 27” Cinema Display), I enjoy the colors of the internet so much more.
Because details manner: Apple’s insane sense for detail -
I love it! Looks like a great adventure! RT @smnprtz:@AugustinDeBie made a video about our amazing internship @ Warsaw
Samuel L Jackson really is the most awesome ‘speech’-dude ever. I still maintain this is one of the funnier ones…
Surprise goodbye party for @miespaties @ Saatchi & Saatchi Brussels
@duivvv Ik kan u nie terug DM’n zolang ge mij niet followt ;)
@duivvv Waarom? Of op welke manier? Hoe zou je hun dan noemen? Wat lijkt jou een meer gepaste term voor die mensen? Just curious :)
@hannesfostie Can’t blame a man for not knowing :D Genoeg idioten die foto’s zitten te trekken en te smsn aan 100kmh…
@duivvv ‘Creatives’ verwijst niet naar een talent maar job.Ik kan ook mails sturen naar klanten maar daarom ben ik nog altijd geen ‘Account’
@hannesfostie rijtje aanvullen: gij die erachter rijdt en aan het twitteren zijt?Samen 3 dommekloten die zich nie a/d verkeersregels houden?
@issuus pizza party gewonnen ofzo? Smakelijk alvast!
creativeskills Freelance Experienced Web Designer - (Saatchi and Saatchi Brussels), Strombeek-bever
JoshHelfferich Highly recommend using Dropbox’s new video download page with built-in embedded preview. Amazing for sending videos to clients.
@SanderDbe 1m, I’m guessing. Only works for Apple keyboards (true story). Came free with a new keyboard though ;)
I’ve had these Apple Keyboard cord lengtheners for years. Today I’ll actually need them! Perfect!
@desmetjens Groot project hier ;) Het resultaat zal zeker met veel tralala voorbij komen hier ;)
@desmetjens yezzz :)
@Stievius No, it still says Online Project Manager but we’re in the middle of some internal changes ;) Soon though… ;)
Today, I made a led blink. Then I made it blink faster. Then I made it fade. I’m SOOO enjoying these tiny steps of the learning process!
fredericbaert Prometheus UI Development Sketches #motion #interface
@hannesfostie I’m guessing because they couldn’t fit enough batteries in ;)
@ninasger Already tried that route. Since the our corporate structure is so complex in our agency,we can’t ‘just install this’.Thanks though
Webpages that stay white until the stupid leaderboard ad (that nobody cares for) has finally loaded… Meh…
@Clariskees Why don’t I believe you? :p
jammed New maps icon is pretty but will kill you.
I’d love to have an iPhone app for Lotus Notes. Having to log in into webmail on mobile every single time is getting old…
Watched the videostream of the WWDC Keynote. Some great stuff in iOS6. And even Mountain Lion is starting to look good. Solid stuff.
A 15” Macbook with Retina Display… Really wondering what the future holds for that device… Love the SSD drive and the 2 thunderbolts though.
@jongold @aral Imagine you crapped money and could chain up 3 of these bad boys… Or 4!!! Oh boy…. Somebody stop the nerd-porn!
ChaseMit Started reading todays Apple announcement on my cool state-of-the-art MacBook Pro and finished reading it on my stupid obsolete MacBook Pro.
Archived some projects and emptied the thrash on my computer at work…
Before: 12GB available
After: 161GB available