It seems my ‘simple’ idea of just grabbing all starred items of my Google Reader account via API is pretty close to impossible…
I’m changing my Twitter name sometime soon. Still figuring out what it’s going to be.
Remember to never grow up. Always stay young and foolish.
I think I’m about to cough my lungs out. Been sick for 3 weeks now and it seems it’s only getting worse.
Can’t sleep. Watching the sunrise instead.
Sometimes it’s hard to not feel like you’re not needed.
Remember this? Sure you do!…
Wow, youtube just crashed on me…
What is it with you people and stressing out all the time!? You’re trying to do so much, you actually forget to enjoy life.
This pisses me off to no end!
Yes I do. RT @fwa: Sometimes Google autofill amazes me. Do you tweet on the first date?
Since everybody is talking about Tron, I’m watching The Lawnmower Man ^^
@ikkekietje nein ;)
Having a hot chocolate with @lyntje in the CoffeeCook
Out to see if i can get my old jacket fixed
I’m referring to this of course:…
If email verification becomes protocol for blog comments, then I guess people won’t like to write a lot of comments anymore. Needs fixing!
FAT. RT @ikkekietje: Leuk! RT @coletom: Grootste pop-up boek ter wereld #pearle #guinnessworldrecords
@tynoesj Totally!
14 years ago I had a skateboard accident that broke a tooth. Today I finally had it fixed. I’m so happy!
There’s a bunch of falling domino’s on my blog!…
@peterelst Too bad! Still jealous though! ;) Have fun over there!
@peterelst Dude! Motorola Droid 2 and Google TV… And now Denzel! That’s just unfair! Did you actually meet him? #jealous #cool
Oh the humanity! I keep getting TONS of Twitter spam due to my handle. Will change it sometime soon. I’m really getting tired of it.
*KABOOM* <- That is a blown mind! RT @mknol: RT @elsassph: Cool RT @simppafi Disconnected by Away3d & Evoflash HD
Anyway: Our trip to Paris is completely ready! Looking forward to it!
Not able to make a phone call but I can go online with my iPhone. What’s up Mobistar?
It’s the little things. One day I’ll stop caring.
Wanna see how badass the human race is? Check this! (via @hofa)
@joristimmerman Right. I actually knew that… kinda forgot because of that surprising destination :D
@peterelst Probably a problem on their end then. Ohwell, they’ll use P2P too sometime ;)
@peterelst Did you actually check out that link? Goes to a very NSFW site… Just sayin’ :p
Hey @Twitter: What happened to my favorited tweets? I only have 3 left… What’s up with that!?
So what has been rendering here over the past few days? This!…
Finally -after days of bad news- the first good news I’m actually waiting for… I feel way better…
Having fun with volumetric light…
I would really enjoy it if my computer would start working FOR me… Not against me..
I _HATE_ it when computers make me wait for things like opening a window or a new tab in a browser.
RT @glenndavid: it basically all just boils down to: just do it.
Remember this tweet ( I was right. RT @peterelst: Flash to HTML5 sneak #adobemax
I just came up with ‘Cinemazement’. Just so you know: That’s my word. Got it? Let’s just make sure it’s official: ® © â„¢ . There we go!
I’m actually wondering if there’s anybody out there handing out dribbble invites…
Had the greatest pleasure reading this! You did superb on stage, Joa! RT @joa: Adobe MAX 2010 Opener
Today is a bad day to test my temper. I dare you.
Anybody wants one of these?
@boskabout Easy peasy hoor ;) Gezien je JAVA background zal AIR (en AS3) geen probleem voor je zijn. (En dus BB Playbook ook niet ;) )
@boskabout AIR zou daar blijkbaar een groot deel van de Core OS zijn (as in: apps bouwen voor de Playbook == apps bouwen in AIR) (denk ik)
LOL :D RT @devdev_be: ffs … i hope y’all get arrested at customs with all those gadgets #stilljealous #adobemax
Lol nice: Yesterday they gave Droids away. Now it’s Logitech Google TV devices. Bunch of showoffs! #adobeMax!
I seem to be in a horrible mood tonight. Can’t be used for anything.
That is a cool demo! #adobeMax
Dear @Adobe, if you feel the need to update my Flash player (even though it’s been up to date for weeks), at least give me my debug player!
Let’s do some cleaning up while watching the #adobeMax keynote
WTF?! I AM on 10.1… I watched it yesterday! http://shots.nocreativit…
That, my dear friends, is how I want to have my eyesight checked! http://life.nocreativity…
Thanks for the tutorial on how to hijack sessions.You might think of it as a public service but there’s too many idiots online. So it’s not.
@joniVanBogaert Haha, ja hoor! Renderen op zich is niet veel werk. Het is vooral lang wachten (en ik ben niet gekend voor mijn geduld :p )
God damn, the Download manager on @nalden’s site is pretty damn badass! Very cool!
Yea, this render is starting to look perfect. Really looking forward to compositing this tomorrow!
There we go! Another 24h render started! And now I’m off to bed!
I think I set up a pretty nice scene now… Lets see if this works out the way I hope. (Either way: This is my last render for this project)
@beerad Creating a HQ test render in Cinema4D. I’m animating this right now:
Thinking about making this a multipass render, just to make sure I can take out the stars afterwards if I want to…
It’s hard to make somebody aware of the fact that the 3D camera is turning when there are no static reference points whatsoever…
@mikehaugland That’s not their primary focus anymore (according to them). That’s raising questions on my end.
It seems Adobe is giving in to Apple: Adobe now focuses on gaming,video and enterprise apps with Flash. What’s with unique experience? #sad
23 hours later the last frame is finally rendered! Now making changes to render again. I want more!!
LOL at that last line: “We should’ve highfived Martha!” #adobemax
Holy shit! “Everybody at Max right now will get a Droid” That’s bad ass! #adobemax
One of these days, one of either 3 of my important hard drives is going to crash…and I’ll be _PISSED_ (cause I didn’t back up ANY of them)
LMAO: Kevin Lynch about sudden boobs on the iPad: “Ehm… I don’t know what that was all about…” #adobemax
@Dessertlepeltje “Scroll jezelf in het genot”
Holy crap… @Joa’s thing looks incredible! (No… Not his ‘thing’…)
Cool! DJ is playing music on stage using the AudioTool! Love it! And it seems @joa is doing some speedcoding!
Remember this? Did you know you can get the C4D source file for that? For free!
RT @lamazone: Going home from work? Have you turned it off?
@kennyclement Wow, seriously? That blows… Good to know though! Thanks for the heads up!
“Email does not match the confirmation”. Oh, I’m sorry for not using upper cases in that confirmation email… #uxfail
@ikkekietje Vienna is pretty nice :)
I’m turning sicker and sicker. If my coughing gets any worse, I might cough my lungs out.
First frames of my biggest render yet just started. Here’s hoping all is setup well because this will take at least a day…
RT @FilleUniq: RT @omgidothistoo: I still think the 90’s were 10 years ago. #idothistoo
Rock that cinema!…
@svyaene Is idd de volgende stap :D Straks een animatie maken en dan laten renderen… Dat gaat eeuwig duren :D
@tonylukasavage Thanks! Abstract is fun, so it’s cool ;)
Apparently people see a black background: That’s not right… Re-rendering (using the right gamma value this time)
For those of you interested: This is the HQ render. Let me know if you like it :)
Waiting for this to render in HQ. Thinking about animating it in the meantime…
Hilarious! RT @aral: David O’Doherty — comedy inc. iPhones & status updates
RT @nickvegas: RT @ThisIsSethsBlog Seth’s Blog: Two problems with whining
Trying to create a star-trek-space-cloud mist-thing… Harder than you’d think…
Safari finally gave in: 50 tabs with video’s on every single one of them. That oughta do it. *Force quit*
I love it when I’m experimenting and I have NO CLUE what I’m doing. Best thing in the world!
Seriously? Enter my C4D license key online in order to buy a 3rd party plugin? Is this a joke?
Great cheatsheet of noisemaps for sub polygonal displacement in Cinema4D:
Wow, the Vimeo queue is blazing fast again!Didn’t even finish writing my description before Vimeo sent the mail to tell me my video is ready
Damn! The exported animation is ‘buggy’ at some point. Ohwell: new knowledge!
Rendering my first sequence using my little ‘renderfarm’ i set up earlier today… Well… Yesterday in fact… And off to bed!
Test rendering before setting up the final render.
Having a drink in The Irish Pub with @lyntje
Getting dinner: I’m starving over here!
RT @Nalden: google before you tweet is the new think before you speak
Alright: 1 iMac renders 11 frames in 34 minutes. 1 iMac, 1 Macbook and 1 Dell XPS get the job done in 11 minutes flat. Conclusion: Success!
@glenndavid Denk wel dawwe iets kunnen regelen ;)
And here … we… GO!
Cinema4D render server is set up. So is the first client. Now let’s add 2 more before giving it a run…
Haven’t installed a Windows machine in years. Forgot the whole drivers-thing you need to do before you can actually use your computer
Setting up the Net Render clients for Cinema4D. Very interested in seeing if this will help speed up things for my next render.
Waking up next to her is like starting over. Best thing ever.
And starting over! (this thing is going to be so sexy!)
First real (awesome) render in Cinema4D just started… 150 frames, 2mins/frame… I guess I’ll see that later tonight :D
Dinnering (yes, i know: not a real word. I still don’t care) in ‘t mouterijtje with @lyntje
At the Budascoop to meet with one of my lectors.
I’m so eager for new knowledge, I’m actually forgetting about breakfast.
I usually don’t do the #followfriday thing, but on this occasion I will: Follow @nickvegas! He tha man!
@joristimmerman You’re getting a Limited Edition R8, aren’t ya?
@ikkekietje Indeed: “Retractable Banner Stand” :D And yes: I was referring to that ;)
So, what’s the actual name for that ‘thing’ standing on the left? (Featuring the <head> logo)
@ikkekietje I do that. I just didn’t think I’d _EVER_ need that, back then :p
Looking for a photo somebody tweeted like 3 years ago… “Good luck with that”. Thank you.
</past><ronny reloaded=”true”>
Had a very productive team meeting. Now time for dinner!!
Well, that’s it… Today is the worst day of my life. I must’ve been such an asshole in my previous life to deserve this.
AHA! RT @joristimmerman: @babyC Eclipse on the mac is cross compiled to be a Carbon/Cocoa build. :)
Does this mean I won’t be able to run Eclipse in future releases of OS X?
Diggnation for breakfast!
RT @tonylukasavage: Loving these #as3signals one-liners: (new NativeSignal(this, Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, Event)).addOnce(onAddedToStage);
I better get some sleep. Gotta get up on a few hours. 3D is so addictive.
Sub polygon displacement is really awesome! So easy, yet so freaking cool!
Haven’t been that excited about now knowing what I’m doing for like 7 years. Great stuff!
I am so digging GreyScaleGorilla… Best motion tutorial/inspiration resource I’ve seen yet! Go check it out! http://greyscalegorilla….
@joristimmerman Nope, with friends and the girlfriend ;)
Lot’s of facetiming today :D
“We know a lot about Flash!”. No, my dear Steve. You don’t. You really really don’t.
So now it’s not a ‘webcam’… It’s a FaceTime camera… Rrrrrright!
Apple’s developer site is down… Seems like they’re getting ready for the FaceTime beta release/Mac App Store (ugh)
RT @aral: I don’t know whether to be worried or giddy.
There we go :)
That Garage Band learning feature is like an educational Guitar Hero for pianists… Cool!
Okay… Have to admit: That’s impressive…
Oh, that’s disappointing! We were expecting to create our full movie, then hit 1 button and get a ‘suggestion’ trailer (which you then edit)
Oohlala! Did you see the facetime-like icon in the dock? What’s your guess on that? ;)
Anybody wondering why that iPhoto app has a real iOS look? iLife on iOS?
Let’s make some wishes: next MacBook air will be a MacBook touch!
Watching the apple lion event with @woutr_be. I’m bored already. We know you’ve got a gazillion dollar. Show us new stuff!!
Me too! What are the chances?! RT @joristimmerman: #dutch I seriously need a hair cut :)… #hetnieuwsblad
Apparently not too long ago, I figured it would be a GREAT idea to throw away the last winxp disc I had… #idiot
is in 3D (complex light) render hell. And actually enjoying it.Let’s see if I can set up a little render farm with all of my laptops at home
Hmm… Feeling some pain in my neck caused by yesterday’s race…
It’s that time of the day again: You hear that popping sound? That’s your mind being blown.
Am I the only one who starts hating those tech sites for ruining Apple’s “surprises”? I actually enjoy not knowing until the event…
The cool thing about sharing your work is the great feeling it gives you when people tell you they use it for their paper at school.
@bit101 Happy birthday, Keith! Have a good one!
RT @delegatevoid: honestly people… whitespace, tabs, spaces…. all free….!!!!
@joristimmerman Oh, okay! That clears it up! Thx ;) (So on thursday it’s still running all night? )
@joristimmerman It used to run all night long! :( I remember pulling all-nighters with Otto-Jan in my radio!
Tweeting that you are ‘pooping’ will most likely get you on my shit-list.
It comes to my attention that the #onenightstand of @stubru doesn’t go through the entire night anymore. What an uncool surprise!
I love how LinkedIn disables me to connect with one of my lectors: (Others is no option Haven’t got his personal email)
On our way to the karting racetrack. Tonight is mctcommunity racenight!
At the hospital for a little consultation. I don’t like the waiting room in this place.
GO GO GO! RT @devineforum: Inschrijven voor MCT Community Goes FITC Amsterdam is vanaf nu mogelijk! Alle info:…
Wow, just had a freak occurrence. Was listening to a track in iTunes. When I switched to the radio station they were playing the same song!
About to present our little trip to FITC to the reboot-candidates!
Prepared my presentation for tomorrow morning. I’m really liking this! If only I were better at it!
The question stands: Will I take my photography stuff?
Just booked our little trip to Paris! (with my pretty @lyntje ^^). Totally looking forward to that!
@Dessertlepeltje yea I guess so
An ambulance hit a car on its way to a rescue call. Happily nobody got injured.
One of my best friends left to live his dream in South-Africa. He wanted to do this ever since I know him. I hope he does well over there…
RT @glenndavid: RT @LoveQuotesx: Paypal is donating $0.05 for everytime someone tweets #BeatCancer. Please tweet it.
I always preach you should do what you love. And what am I doing? Something I hate to the bone.
Is there an official (and legal) policy about what to do to people who use tables in HTML to design forms?
I hate PHP… It’s boring me to death! There’s not a lot of things in the world I’d want to do less than write PHP…
It seems that new bridge in Kortrijk is finally open! Looking great!
Very cool stuff! RT @ikkekietje: Lovely RT @TheRoxor: Great Examples Of Negative Space In Logo Design
Had the greatest night… Just perfect.
Totally loving Cinema4D. I always wanted to get started in 3D. Now I finally got around that!
There will be patatoes!
@Boris Sure it is! People on Facebook are actually investing time to visit and read; take their time. Twitter users are ‘on the go’-reading.
Back home. It’s Diggnation time!
Last preparation before heading out for this morning’s presentation…
Slower, World! SLOWER, I tell ya… I need to wake up…
Wanna have your mind blown in style? Check this dude’s gallery… Yea: That’s one badass Photoshop Guru! http://www.janoliehoek.c…
Watching those #FITC A’dam ’10 videos while preparing a little presentation about it tomorrow. Can’t wait for FITC A’dam ’11!
@AugustinDeBie Lol, nee :D Tis nen Ben uit Australië :p
I’m the lucky boyfriend in crime ^^ RT @lyntje: I am one lucky girlfriend and we’re about to rule the world.
I’m talking to Ben. He’s from the future. No kidding.
That lightpainting experiment turns out to be turning quite some heads. Didn’t expect that :D
It was all part of the plan.
Come on Twitter. You have been ‘temporarily’ disabling my complete Twitter history for 2 years now. Let’s get it over with!
@woutr_be … And let’s not forget: We actually work with those kind of connections in class…
Agreed.It’s full of errors & warnings. RT @joggink:@babyC I hope the guy who wrote 50 000 lines of JS code poops 50 000 gallons of diarrhea
My laptop is heating up like crazy because I need to correct a 50 000 line JS file… Insane…
Back in school for hopefully my last paperstuff meeting…
RT @lamazone: Tweetie kan de nieuwe RT/url-handling van #newtwitter precies niet goed aan. Krijg vaak afgebroken URLs te zien.
Fuck yea! RT @peterelst: RT @workflowFlash: Alternativa3D goes free #Flash #FlashDev
Home doing the most boring stuff in the world:Fixing paperwork in order to be able to keep living the life I live.Important.But very boring.
RT @thomasjoos: Aan alle MCT en Devine studenten een gratis tip: zorg dat je er bij bent op FITC Amsterdam 2011