@joristimmerman Nope, with friends and the girlfriend ;)
Lot’s of facetiming today :D
“We know a lot about Flash!”. No, my dear Steve. You don’t. You really really don’t.
So now it’s not a ‘webcam’… It’s a FaceTime camera… Rrrrrright!
Apple’s developer site is down… Seems like they’re getting ready for the FaceTime beta release/Mac App Store (ugh)
RT @aral: I don’t know whether to be worried or giddy.
There we go :)
That Garage Band learning feature is like an educational Guitar Hero for pianists… Cool!
Okay… Have to admit: That’s impressive…
Oh, that’s disappointing! We were expecting to create our full movie, then hit 1 button and get a ‘suggestion’ trailer (which you then edit)
Oohlala! Did you see the facetime-like icon in the dock? What’s your guess on that? ;)
Anybody wondering why that iPhoto app has a real iOS look? iLife on iOS?
Let’s make some wishes: next MacBook air will be a MacBook touch!
Watching the apple lion event with @woutr_be. I’m bored already. We know you’ve got a gazillion dollar. Show us new stuff!!
Me too! What are the chances?! RT @joristimmerman: #dutch I seriously need a hair cut :) http://tinyurl.com/2w8s7… #hetnieuwsblad
Apparently not too long ago, I figured it would be a GREAT idea to throw away the last winxp disc I had… #idiot
is in 3D (complex light) render hell. And actually enjoying it.Let’s see if I can set up a little render farm with all of my laptops at home
Hmm… Feeling some pain in my neck caused by yesterday’s race…
It’s that time of the day again: You hear that popping sound? That’s your mind being blown. http://bit.ly/9Ao1dG
Am I the only one who starts hating those tech sites for ruining Apple’s “surprises”? I actually enjoy not knowing until the event…
The cool thing about sharing your work is the great feeling it gives you when people tell you they use it for their paper at school.
@bit101 Happy birthday, Keith! Have a good one!
RT @delegatevoid: honestly people… whitespace, tabs, spaces…. all free….!!!!
@joristimmerman Oh, okay! That clears it up! Thx ;) (So on thursday it’s still running all night? )
@joristimmerman It used to run all night long! :( I remember pulling all-nighters with Otto-Jan in my radio!
Tweeting that you are ‘pooping’ will most likely get you on my shit-list.
It comes to my attention that the #onenightstand of @stubru doesn’t go through the entire night anymore. What an uncool surprise!