The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

October 2008

Looking for a basic wordpress theme that looks like K2 (widget ready). I need to get rid of K2. Any suggestions?

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Twa gaan drinken in de max. Productieve meeting gehad.

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Nog altijd mijn geld nie gehad…

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cool shit :) Now let’s head to bed! Playr 2.0 is getting pretty cool. Got some cool ideas to play with already :D

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@babyC 1 - 0 Major annoying bug. Now up for the thing I actually wanted to built in.

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Functions calling themselves… What a pain in the ass…

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@iamshimone I was on their IRC channel when it happened, so obviously i ranted in there. Luckily for some friendly guy was in there :)

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Awesome! A dropbox worker contacted me, and assisted me to recover all files from the server and fix the revisions! Man what a relieve! THX!

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I am SOOOO pissed… Like you wouldn’t believe it… I just realized you really can’t rely on nobody but yourself for important things…

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FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK! All the changes I made in the last couple of days ARE GONE! FFS! Whats the point of revisions if it’s not reliable!?

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Dropbox just deleted my complete Playr 2.0 folder… By error… Good going…

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opening up flex to create some majour ugly code. Watch me use bad practice and make cool shit, you bunch of enterprise nerds.

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@delegatevoid As in: it’s a cool thing which enables you to create even more cool stuff then you already did, and they just make it look bad

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Lost another few days of work because of bad version management…

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Preparing the download page for Walter Ego.

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Running into a major problem… I need a PlayrTween class… Otherwise it won’t work. At all.

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I wonder why some developers always have to turn intresting and cool programming concepts into ‘bad practice’ and ‘ugly programming’…

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Nee. Ik wil niet jouw facebook vriendje worden.

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Watched gattaca… it made me think…

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I just love bitmapdata…

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Laptop uitgespoten + toetsenbord hersteld: Diene vent bij de helpdesk is de coolsten!

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Naar dehelpdesk om mijn laptop te laten leegspuiten

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@breakerforlife Eerste allemaal zeggen ‘volgende week gaan we nog eens’, en nu begint iedereen af te zeggen, of uit te stellen…

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Pffff… Stelletje assholes. Allemaal bij elkaar.

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LMAO: Switch Gent stuurt me een mail: uw bestelling (Iphone 16GB Zwart) ligt klaar om afgehaald te worden… Lekker op tijd…

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Waarom staat PlayrDiscovr gecategoriseerd in ‘Lijst_Dedecker’ op Cool shit, maar ik vind het vreemd :)

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Time for some breakfast… Man i’m starving!

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Hmz… mijn laptop moet eens uitgeblazen worden… idle draait de GPU op 79°… da’s ongever 25° te warm…

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Updating some last fixes on the WalterEgo site. Preparing the download module for sunday.

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Het IQ van de mensen hier op kot is echt nie om over naar huis te schrijven…

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Installing osx updates

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Out to the post office

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com.bydust.ajax is working… now some other updates before i update my site

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Bugfixing like crazy!

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So what’s up in twitterverse?

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En ik heb weer niet kunnen werken aan mijn eigen site… En tis weer 3 uur ‘s nachts… en ik ben echt FUCKING versleten. Slaapwel.

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@Maikel My girl is dancing in the background ;)

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I do NOT like it like this.

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Had a very cool evening with Yen, @LadyElena and @HoFa. Too bad karting was full tonight :(

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HOLY CRAP! Flash scared the shit outta me CS4 help seems to be online now? wth? No internal help files?

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I just can’t get to work on my own damn site now, can i?

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Ik herken een eikel als ik er een zie: eerst zeggen dat je je vak niet kent. Dan vrijwillig hulp aanbieden. En dan verwachten dat je betaald

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okay: it officially happend. I lost my version count… need a subversion system as of now…

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(en ja, dat is een screenshot van mijn site statistieken, dus een publieke ‘wtf’ is hier wel op zijn plaats.)

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Croissants halen bij de bakker

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Downloading the free version of CrossOver :)

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Crossover OSX/Linux free (only tomorrow): (via: @iamshimone)

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Listening to Ayo Technology while watching my girl move to the music… Awesome

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@byDust Thx, maar de PHP oplossing is er al ;)

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Listening to The Web 2.0 Show.

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@delegatevoid Cool! I’ll send you a mail tomorrow concerning Playr 2.0. Thx alot man!

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@glamorous_be My bad man, i’ve already got my PHP solution (called PlayrDiscovr in case you want to know what this was about ;)) Thx anyway

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Ok guys: i need some ASP/PHP/Ruby/Python/Whatever people to help me out with the final steps of Playr 2.0. Any volunteers?

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@byDust Vooral dan, zo blijkt. We gaan morgen eens bellen. Eens zien hoe ze da piepen…

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@byDust Nie direct. Maar ze zouden weleens in de weg durven willen staan voor een samenwerking van mij en Walter Ego, ja…

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Sabam is a stelletje debieln. Zegt dak ik et en gezeid.

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Heading out to the last dentist visit for the coming week… Let’s hope all goes well…

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In for a quick shower.

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I can haz Flex Builder 3 Professional Edition!! Thanks @peterelst and Adobe!!!

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I’m at Broelkaai 1, 8500 Kortrijk, Kortrijk, Belgium (Broelkaai 1, Kortrijk, Vlaams Gewest 8500, BE) -

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@SamSeriously happy name change ;) and sure: I could use some company next time when being all lonely in the train station ;)

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I’m at Oostende, Natiënkaai, 8400 Oostende, Oostende, Belgium (Natiënkaai, Oostende, Vlaams Gewest 8400, BE) -

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Breakfast in the trainstation - Photo:

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… En de tram in middelkerke heeft weer heel wat weg van een mobiel rusthuis…

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5 hours of travelling (including all the waiting ) for a 15 min talk we could’ve had on the phone. Great. Just great.

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Waiting… How boring…

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I’m at Casino, 8430 Middelkerke, Middelkerke, Belgium (Casino, Middelkerke, Vlaams Gewest 8430, BE) -

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I’m at Oostende, Natiënkaai, 8400 Oostende, Oostende, Belgium (Natiënkaai, Oostende, Vlaams Gewest 8400, BE) -

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Playr development while watching the sunrise out of a moving train. I feel like i’m walking the thin line between geek and artist.

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Train is about to leave. I wonder for how many minutes I’ll be at that meeting. I’ll have a 3 hour trip back and forth..

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Waking up… ready to head back and forth to Middelkerke…

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ready to go to bed. gnight!

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Cool stuff coming the following week! I’m looking forward to it!

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Watching @aral’s session at amsterdam during the CS4 launch. I need motvation. That’ll work:…

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Last session at <head>. What a GREAT conference! @aral and the crew did an AWESOME job making this happen. Really smashing! <head2009> ++ !!

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@Sakura_Skye Maui was more… Well.. eh… Well… It was more Maui! We want @Maui back!

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@aral: tell seb we can’t see him or the chat anymore pls ;)

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Hmz… Go to westende tonight, or get up early tomorrow morning?

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Again the thought about my own physical server is crossing my mind…

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Looking through the open-source licenses while having breakfast

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Geoff Bowers’ session about open-source and communities was smashing! Very intresting talk!

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Hoss is undefined in speakerroom :( Time for lunch then!

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Waiting for Hoss Gifford to join the room, in order to have his session about ‘Shared narrative’

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Fuck. I just realized I need to be in middelkerke tomorrow morning. Have to think how I’ll get there in time.

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As promised: Cool quotes from the <head> conference:

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Cool news about Red5. Looking forward to the coming 2 months…

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[RED5] : “It’s all about getting <head>”… Good going :D

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**edit: room 4 that is**

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In room 3 waiting for Chris Allen to teach me the secrets of RED5… But @stefsull seems to be preparing/testing her presentation

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Rewrote most of the singleTrack engine. Standard mode is running. Next up is the advanced mode :)

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Debugging without debug player is quite a PITA :) I wonder why CS4 MC didn’t install the debug version by itself :s

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Kzou echt zot worden van zo’n mensen eh.

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Just noticed I can spin down the CPU usage a bit, using way less casting. Great :)

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Too bad i missed most of the sound analyzing session. Was able to get an answer to a problem that kept me busy for some time now :)

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Home from shopping and lunch. Now tuning in on room 3 at <head>

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Uit gaan eten met de vriendin en haar ouders.

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Looking for the K2 documentation. I need to find where those hooks went…

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Rewrote the DoYouFollowMe widget as a K2 sidebar module.

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Back home from the dentist. I hope this will be done soon… Starts to annoy me…

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Calling it a night. Playr 2.0 is heading a complete other (more powerfull) direction. Can’t wait to release this thing!

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How cool! Had a talk with Chris Allen while he was preparing his slides for tomorrow. Man <head> totally rocks!

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Oh crap… I have to review the complete eventflow of the class… This is starting to look like i better started from scratch again…

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@ryanstewart Keep me posted about your experience with MediaTemple. Might move there to.

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(the <head> guys are really pushing my geek level :p)

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Well: Have to rewrite the event flow of the playr class… That’s work for tomorrow. Now i’ll <head> to bed, and get some REST

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Experimenting with some Actionscript techniques while watching the REST-session (revisited with sound) at <head>

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I just realized i’ld need a few people to write the different server side scripts for playr

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Man, internet is small! I ran into Antti Kupila at the <head> conference :) How cool is that!?

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Rewriting a major part of Playr 2.0… There’s still a lot of work.

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Awesome quote @ <head>: ” A confenrece where I can kiss my baby goodnight, and come back to it. Am liking this so far :)”

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Home from a lovely dinner with the girlfriend. Now tuning back in to <head>

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Heading out to the bank and then going over to the pizza place with @ ladyelena

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(I got that registration in the mail only a minute ago… Yet i didn’t signup ANYWHERE :s)

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I just registered to an Adobe Event… But i didn’t fill in any forms… WTF?

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I’ve got a spare <head> ticket… I wonder if anyone would be interested…

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Taking a look around in the conference rooms at <head>

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Blog updated… My custom widgets are out for now (K2 doesn’t include them anymore), so i’ll just switch to another theme VERY soon…

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Note to self: RTFM (before upgrading)…

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K2 is broken (again). Will be developing my own K2 style without all that shit later on…

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Upgrading my blog using the Wordpress Auto update plugin…

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Uit mijn bed gehaald door de deurbel. Als ik de deur open doe antwoord de persoon in kwestie :”oei verkeerde bel”.

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Off for another dentist visit.

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Een laatste nota over <head> voordat het zover is:

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In the pastabar. Waiting for @ikkekietje

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“You have a ticket for <head> 2008 assigned to you. ” COOL! Thx @aral &a@peterelstelst!

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@Viol8or I still haven’t decided yet. Haven’t actually heard about a local one yet. Should look into this tonight. What about you?

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@Viol8or Long story. I think @aral overlooked the DM’s and mails I sent him, but I don’t feel like spamming him all day long about this. :p

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Still no news about my <head> tickets :(

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Major Atelier it is… Waking up, and brainstorming about a puzzle idea.. I might have that PERFECT idea… All i need is some kickass AS3..

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@Fitzchev @Maikel It’s an entertaining movie, but not a ‘good movie’…

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Watching death race… Should move to bed…

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Well that was entertaining… Let’s get dinner

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@breakerforlife Ge kent de weg naar hier voor uw AS3 vragen eh :D

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@breakerforlife leer mij dan maar breakdancen… :p

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Sweet revenge: “I hate you julia’ Well…. He’s kinda pissed…

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There’s no way of getting rid of the spam followers… FFS…

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Can’t debug in Flex Builder when using Flash Player 10… pffff

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I need to get rid of these spamfollowers… Will build an app in flex tonight that enables me to block them all at once…

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@byDust Yo, niets mis met het OCMW! Ik ben godverdomme blij dat zij me steunen! ‘t Zou anders keihard werken zijn hier…

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Quote from a <head> mail: “Even a few non-standards compliant ones — we’re not naming any names — should work.”

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Looking for an iPhone app which enables me to browse to my iMac files. Any suggestions?

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Angelina Jolie sure looks sexy in Wanted. However: who the hell wrote that script? I mean: who came up with the ‘Angelina dies’-idea??

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Seen as my internet connection sucks (again) I can’t play a game. That leaves me some spare time to check out screenrecorders again

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Appareantly I went over my 6k tweets today… Wow, that went fast!

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My macbook is kicking my ass :(

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Killing the todo list. I’m on a roll.

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Lesson’s done. Let’s head home :)

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Hops! We gaan eens naar da monitoraat eh!

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Het ‘water’ in de leie staat weer enorm laag …

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Off to the pasta bar. Time for some food before heading to school to help out my fellow colleagues :)

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I feel like going karting again… Tonight… Who’s in? :D

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Ik ging zonet via online banking mijn rekening bij fortis eens checken… Maar gezien de zoekresultaten op mijn site ligt dat alweer plat…

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Have to plan out how i will fix this tomorrow…. Got a pretty hard job to do in only a feeeeew minutes…

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Omg she was already home for hours! I didn’t even know. I’m soooo relieved… Getting started on my assignment :)

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Trying to do some photoshop… Worrying…

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I start to worry about @LadyElena… She ain’t home yet, and apperantly she didn’t make it to her (last) train. Her phone’s off too…

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Frituur! here i come!

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@desaturated Wij hadden niets te klagen moet ik eerlijk zeggen. ‘t Was echt de max!

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I’m at Broelkaai 1, 8500 Kortrijk, Kortrijk, Belgium (Broelkaai 1, Kortrijk, Vlaams Gewest 8500, BE) -

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I love this place. Might make a weekly appointment here.

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I’m at Flanders Indoor Kart Circuit (8500 Kortrijk, Belgium, BE) -

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Home for a few minutes. Have to get ready to go karting with the MCT community :)

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Lesson done. Next in 5 minutes

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@Jeroen_HD MB: 4GB. iMac: 2GB. Might have found the real issue though. Will keep you posted.

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Seems to be running just fine on my Macbook… Will i need more RAM to run Flash CS4 properly?

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Testing out how Flash CS4 is doing on my Macbook…

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Oh, man i LOVE eclipse! And oh man:I LOVE OPEN-SOURCE! I just can’t believe which joy OS brought into my life (as a Flash Developer that is)

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Installing CS4 on my MB. Hoping it doesn’t overwrite/upgrade my CS3 (since I don’t know if CS4 will be running as superb as on my imac..)

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Werken aan persoonlijke projecten. Voorkennis ftw :)

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@brightkite: Congrats to the iPhone app. Looking good!

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There’s more tweets in this month! Go up and select a date to see more ↑