Don’t look back. instagram.com/p/BNX2pupjYZ2/
Browsing our new mobile site that is bound to enter public beta. Unable to get a slow experience; even on slow network. #challengeCompleted
Brilliant: Please don’t learn to code from stock photos. https://t.co/WCCJixhYHQ

Just keep pushing forward. That’s how winning is done! instagram.com/p/BNNL5nxjl_-/
I want one of those Autopilot enabled Teslas so I can livestream the ‘Tesla Breakfast Show’ while driving to work! Somebody, call Elon!
RT @hannes_bhc: #UPLOADING man I love the vloggame.
@HoFa just wait until advertisers figure out they can make more money from nojs-advertising…

I don’t care about the accident. Shit happens. That’s life. I don’t care about the money or theâ€instagram.com/p/BNACaTTDHlU/IM
Yesterday somebody presented our project over really bad wifi. The site was still blazing fast. Challenge completed. #frontend #performance
It’s just ridiculous how much faster a website becomes once you strip all JS from it…
Most of my energy from the past few weeks has gone into researching the best way to load fonts on the web: I found that they all suck.
RT @nickvegas: If you don’t want the Apple book, you aren’t the target demographic.
Everything isn’t for everybody.
@katharinahaeb They tried it here as well but quickly dismissed it as a bad idea. Seemed idiotic from the very start to me.

My name is Power. Will Power. And I can beat you. instagram.com/p/BM2BPgoD3or/
@ivesdeblieck het lijkt me dat dit zijn enige kans zou kunnen zijn. Hij is ook geduldig geweest. Hij bleef vechten na 2 keer net te missen.
@ivesdeblieck hij zal nooit op dezelfde lijn staan als Verstappen, hamilton, Alonso of Schumacher. En toch draagt hij straks dezelfde titel.
@ivesdeblieck mja is een eindeloze discussie. Hij was er telkens als de punten te rapen waren. Net goe genoeg zoals zijn pa.
@ivesdeblieck in mijn ogen had hij gewoon teveel pech. Malaysie was de doodsteek. Nico heeft nog geen enkele technical failure gehad.
@ivesdeblieck ik blijf erbij: hij heeft zich in mijn ogen niet genoeg bewezen. Dit jaar werd hem bijna cadeau gedaan.

Ramping up… Closing in on 200km this year… instagram.com/p/BMwD7MVDDq6/

New arrivals at the #sneakeraddiction #collection. This is seriously the beginning of a badâ€instagram.com/p/BMusTypDqwI/O7
Got bored this afternoon so I made a… A thing I guess… https://t.co/HJkMv5byTE #frontend #css #codepen https://t.co/oXM1MU8R5L
From the minds who brought you “build a website without writing a single letter of codeâ€: Write a book without writ… https://t.co/j9vxGYsWrM

Because I want to. Because I need to. Because I can. Because I am. instagram.com/p/BMpKBj-jVKg/
@barbarosso yes, it’s been pointed out to me. ;)
Tsouloftas The only real winner of tonight: real-time Javascript
Look, let’s see what he’ll do once he takes office. He won because people voted for him. Now let’s give the guy a chance.
Whoever said the darkest hour is right before the dawn was wrong. It’s in the middle of the night… just saying.
@monkviper It’s a standard #PostCSS plugin so if you can use PostCSS with Webpack, this plugin should work as well.

I’ll just leave this here. Really wondering what the future holds :) pic.twitter.com/yrR11AHM4N

Double our usual active users today. #hln #USElection2016 pic.twitter.com/E5e1GtTU3m
I think he deserves the win to be honest. If you can manage to fool roughly 150.000.000 people into voting for you, you deserve a win.
Obviously this guy is gonna get shot at some point. So we should start placing bets as to ‘when?’. Who’s in?
RT @deadmau5: ill take, “WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS A JOKE!?” for $400, Alex. https://t.co/EnbQ8PzDiS

Google be like: “Trump? Nope! I won’t acknowledge that! No fancy doodles for yopic.twitter.com/pNji7HtIm07HtIm0
RT @hdv: Just saw this on a website: ‘Please email us at JavaScript required’.
30s later, the last two words were replaced by an email add…
Seriously? That guy? You’ll give that guy control over your country?! https://t.co/8sactKjIkh #USElection2016
Seriously? That guy?? #USElections2016 gph.is/2e9zWUv
Hey America… What the actual fuck?! Are you fucking kidding me?! #USElection2016
Good morning, Americans. Important day, today as the world watches while you vote for the lesser of 2 evils.Thanks for doing the right thing
@hannes_bhc @lab9be Als ik me de processen goed herinner zou dat wel kunnen lukken ja. Pak je aankoopfactuur mee naar de winkel ;)
Spent the past 2 hours looking for a really weird CSS bug. Turned out to be an invalid ASCI whitespace charâ€#failsonsundaya#cssss
Why Obama is #boss. “Don’t boo! Vote!†https://t.co/7frgA96X4Q

VilleImmonen Future of testing? @cpojer pic.twitter.com/lVVpEZomoY
RT @joristi: Playing @CallofDuty Infinite Warfare: Jackal Assault with @noCreativity
That. Game. Is. Awesome!
(Free in the PSVR section of…

Run. Run your heart out. instagram.com/p/BMb8lwEDsH4/
Just published postcss-critical-split 2.3.0 to #NPM. In this release: massive speed gains! 🚀… https://t.co/bGJfdD3zJ5
Working vigorously on bugfixes and performance updates for postcss-critical-split. Really making headway! Update later today!
From time to time, I re-read this post by Linds Redding as it helps me refocus on what’s important. https://t.co/rEuBUUFOoL #perspective
My friend @hannes_bhc just released his new book called “Like my Like”. Great read if you’re… https://t.co/pWCiGjKLVs
NatGeoChannel Watch #BeforeTheFlood right here, as @LeoDiCaprio travels the world to tackle climate change on.natgeo.com/2eYdCsI snpy.tv/2e5I5pY