JoshHelfferich Rockstar should have made an app that uses your phone instead of the in-game phone. Same functions, calls, emails. Would have been so cool.
mindofchester We interrupt your twitter feed to bring you this walnut that looks like Chewbacca.
@joshuamcclure Ha, even better: Since Chrome has a built-in FP & PDF viewer, these will still work. And the whitelist is not too bad either.
@joshuamcclure If I’m not mistaken 1Password won’t be affected.
Extensions != plugin
The Flash Player however…
It must be, because after some googling, I found this! /cc @aral
Is this not one of the Singularity (before it become <head>) badges @aral handed out at @multimania, 400 years ago?
@WouterDS Bitch please, ALS ik een ergens Windows installeer is het absoluut XP. Beste Windows OS ooit ;)
@WouterDS Dikke zever. Als uw merk/product minder bruikbaar wordt door uw change zijt ge daar niets mee.
What is it with people and changing an interface that has worked for years? Change for the sake of change is pointless.
Hashtag shut the fuck up.
I was just about to buy 3 batteries for my old Samsung camcorder when Amazon pushed my mental WHAT-THE-FUCK button.
Looks like my monitoring service is in a yoyo-mood. According to it, my server has been up & down all day (not true)
I do have one more battery saving tip though: Completely shutting the device down is a HUGE power saver.
Battery saving tips for iOS7.
Also known as: How to turn you super advanced phone into a Nokia 3210.
You can only start to appreciate a good painting once it stares at you hanging from your living room wall.
Who cares? They look ridiculous! RT @RedmondPie: Samsung: Gold Phones Are Nothing New,We’ve Been Making Them For
@beeple that’s beautiful! Dude, you should start explaining your process. So much cool stuff!
I’m wondering if there’s a correlation between successful startups and parent’s garages…
@hannes_bhc Film da nekeer. Kwil da ook wel zien ;) //cc @Pechakucha8000
RT @JoshHelfferich: 35 Lists That Nobody Gives a Shit About
KimDotcom How to stop piracy:
1. Create great content
2. Make it easy to buy
3. Same day global release
4. Works on any device
5. Fair price
Woot woot! Somebody’s not going to get as much sleep tonight as he planned.
What does a real creative guy do when he gets hold of a pair of RayBan glasses? He removes the damn label. Boss.
Going through some old files and coming across 7-8-9 year old work. Wow, I made some horrible stuff back when I was 17 :D That was AWESOME!
@prplps @angelovm Then JS kicks in and replaces <img> with new sources that then ALSO start loading.
@prplps @angelovm But sites that incorporate ‘image replacement’ are still causing multiple load times. <img> starts loading as HTML is done
@jhml @vercoutere Zover ik weet in webdesign/development. ;) Best eens aan hem vragen ;)
My man Jonathan @vercoutere is looking for a new job opportunity! GIve him a shout ;)
@vercoutere Honestly, I have no idea. I have done quite a lot of retina-imagery too but in the end, it’s just extra download. That’s bad.
Seriously, guys: All this retina-web-graphics-replacement stuff does is slowing websites down. Thanks for that.
@boskabout Ik ben vrij zeker dat @lyntje dit gesprek heeft gezien en ik vanavond ga horen ‘oh, wa is da wel? Ga je?’ :D
@boskabout Well, you got my attention. Ik bekijk het zo meteen. Merci voor de link alvast :D
@boskabout Ik bekijk het zo meteen maar ‘waarom denk je dat?’ is meteen mijn eerste gedacht ;)
@hannes_bhc @boskabout Vanavond naar brussel is voor mij ook nie ideaal. Zaterdag zeer haalbaar voor mij.
@warrebuysse Het zijn enkel tech-nerds die het kennen. Apple kan hier door hun grote publiek zonder moeite verandering in brengen.
@warrebuysse Apple heeft al vaker iets dat “al populair is†uitgebracht voor de massa. Ik zou NFC niet populair noemen nu ;)
@warrebuysse Low energy… Dit zal met batterijen werken of zonne energie ;) dit zal een redelijk populair iets worden ;)
@warrebuysse zoveel ik er nu van versta: NFC werkt pas van heel dichtbij. Ibrahim van veel verder en kent de aftand en kan dus NFC nabootsen
BOOM! I called it. I fucking knew it. Apple’s iBeacon is the answer to NFC. Let the awesome begin!
@Telenet Nee, probleem lijkt nu opgelost. Gaat nu weer aan volle snelheid (11,5MB/s). Toch merci voor de opvolging.
@hannes_bhc @boskabout ge roept naar hè ;)
@Telenet Extreem traag internet hier in Kortrijk (8,5Mbps down, 5,5Mbps up). Normaal heb ik hier gemiddeld 90-115Mbps down. What’s up?
Do not watch this video unless you want to be mindfucked into eternity.
brdrck What if Apple passed the device color along with the user agent? We could create interfaces specifically for their device.
“What do you mean, you had to wait until the render was done!?†- Somebody, soon.
“I’m totally afraid. I’m afraid of everything.†- Mike Tyson.
What an incredible piece about the monster in the man.
gmunk just went over 4,000 pins: Pinterest is the best reference resource on earth & an honor to share my tastes with y’all
This is as close as I’m willing to get to water with m@ardronene. Too bad the camera quality of the drone
It’s @lyntje’s 23rd birthday today! Let’s give her a little cheer!
@thenerd_be Ik wou heel even ‘NERRRRD’ roepen maar toen zag ik uw Twitternaam… :D Enjoy!
@stefsmet I can’t say I don’t appreciate some aspects. But looking at the big picture: I can’t help but think of the word ‘disaster’.
@stefsmet i have been using it since the very first day of the beta release. I’ve made up my mind ;)
2nd that. RT @davykestens: Considering switching to Android.
Ios7 lost me… Does not feel as an improvement to me. Usability matters Apple..
Those times when you stare out of the window of a plane, thinking you see something stunning. This beats everything.
While I dislike iOS7,I really like that they changed the lockscreen text color based on the background color
@quasimondo It shouldn’t take Apple more than a year to unfuck what they just released as “the best mobile OS ever”. It physically hurts.
As if he were still there. Still breaking the laws of physics and evading statistical odds. The legend on track.
I just saw the auto-update of the Chrome app on my iPhone. That was a cool animation! Icon changed colors and everything. Awesome!
Insert ‘WOW’ here.
@issuus Ikke! Ikke! Ikke!
I’m fascinated by this upcoming/hip/soon-to-be-popular iBeacons things. Anybody already used this tech?
RT @laurakalbag: “Every time you see 320px, 480px, 768px, 1024px used as breakpoint values, a kitten gets its head bitten off by an angel…â€â€¦
HistoricalPics View from the back seat of a USAF Thunderbird F-16D while flying formation.
So falling in love with Amazon’s web services. Everything seems so complicated yet beautifully tailored to work together. Fascinating.
@N_A_G_D @minorissues You guys are killing me :’) I absolutely HATE the new version of the icon. It looks so cheap…
Flat design. Before and after. Somebody tell me how this is an improvement.
I can’t stop glaring at the GTA V case that lays on my desk and enjoy what must be the most beautiful artwork ever put into a game.
RT @PickwickProject: Is there a Drupal module that overrides the existing image upload with a nicer, more UX friendly interface? #dtv
Haha! //@maxvoltar RT @WouterDS: @noCreativity vreemd dat ze daar Tim Van Damme voor nodig hebben ..
I think this is the funniest thing I have seen all week :D Good way to kick in the weekend.
I’m pretty sure I haven’t used one anymore in 20 years. RT @sjespers: The Audio Cassette Is 50 Years Old Today
While I disagree with the conclusion,this is a great read on “Skeuomorphism vs Flat†and why this bothers me so
Another one bites the dust.
Scheduling a platform upgrade and making the entire thing work like clockwork: so exciting!
@jeroen_algoet @bytte Geef mij een email en ge hoort van mij ;)
I didn’t know this existed! Whoa! MIB3 vehicles gone real!! via @JudeThinks
@BrunoFonzi I’m using Gmail ;)
@BrunoFonzi Hah! I’m just wondering if anyone else got 7 emails from Adobe at once :D
@davykestens Wow, I didn’t even know! Good for them :)
So Twitter goes public. I didn’t even know they were making money yet… Are they?
I’m guessing something went wrong at Adobe?
thibault_imbert Your brand is what people say about you when you are not in the room - Jeff Bezos.
AHA! 64 bit in the next generation of Samsung phones! YES! THAT IS WHAT CUSTOMERS WANT! 64 BIT! Who cares about battery life, right?
@glenndavid rekenmachine, translator, currency converter… Gelijk wat ge aan het doen zijt, al die data is maar keystroke weg. Mega handig!
@glenndavid post-its met todo/lijstjes/keywords/adressen, weerbericht in kortrijk, Gent, Middelkerke, uren van BXL, SFO, NYC, kalenders,etc
So tell me: Am I really the only one still using the OSX Dashboard like my life depends on it?
Bring that new Apple smell ^^ There’s nothing quite like it.
@dimimae @Parko_Kortrijk @VincentVQ veemarkt en romeinselaan waren volledig bezet. Andere parking is dan erg ver weg.
@dimimae @Parko_Kortrijk @VincentVQ Ik stond daar vanaf 16-17u ergens tot ik denk 20:30. Ik vond het ook veel mr ik had niet echt veel keuze
@Parko_Kortrijk @VincentVQ … na een boete van 25€ die ronduit om ermee te lachen is vind ik dat iemand het maar eens moet aankaarten.
@Parko_Kortrijk @VincentVQ … mijn wagen tegen woekerprijzen even onder de Veemarkt te plaatsen. Ik klaag er liever niet over maar…
@Parko_Kortrijk @VincentVQ Ik heb een bewonerskaart op de Veemarkt, maar gezien die regelmatig vol staat ben ik gedwongen om …
This site embodies why I love code.
@Parko_Kortrijk @VincentVQ Nu 25€ omdat ik ergens 25 minuten stond zonder te weten dat de uren veranderd zijn. Niet aanvaardbaar.
@Parko_Kortrijk @VincentVQ Tof dat parkeerbeleid/monopolie in Kortrijk.Gisteren 8€ betaald om 4u te parkeren onder de Veemarkt(waar ik woon)
@Parko_Kortrijk Gezien ik een bewonersvergunning heb en af en toe email met jullie verwachtte ik mij aan een mail die dit even aankondigde.
@Parko_Kortrijk Ik heb daar geen idee van. Staat niet op de ticket machines ook niet. Ik vind dit absoluut niet kunnen. En al 25€…
I could play with this Voronoi diagram for hours. No jokes.
I love this crazy stuff.
@WvdKamp That would have turned the iPhone into a complete payment system. Imagine the NFC-possibilities with this infrastructure in place.
@WvdKamp Apple has millions of VISA-linked accounts. NFC-swipe an iPhone, see the payments, authenticate using fingerprint. Paid.
@WvdKamp Well, actually I expected NFC accompanied with the fingerprint scanner, since that ‘would have changed everything’.
@boudewijndanser Haha, ik wachtte er maar op :D
@WvdKamp That’s my point exactly: Right now, it’s pretty much maxed out. They can only refine at this point. What else does a phone need?
@WvdKamp I never even cared. I don’t care about tech. I care about experience. I don’t care how you did it; just that I can use it. ;)
Oh great. Another free typo. Of course I meant “previous”, not “precious”.
All that makes me wonder is: What do you want? It’s a phone with great performance, apps, 2 cameras… What else is there besides holograms?
I’ve been going through some of the iPhone 5S comments. People seem to be disappointed about no “revolutionary” changes like precious years.
Beste @Parko_Kortrijk, dit kan maar beter een vergissing zijn. Ik stond hier geparkeerd tussen 18:35 en 21:30.
This man (* points to @CaseyNeistat *): Role model.
That is all.
You can look at some sort of tech and think “this will change everythingâ€. This however *will* change *everything*.
@lyntje Welja, ge laat uw sleutels binnen liggen, ge gaat naar buiten, trekt de deur toe en denkt dan dagge iets belangrijk vergeten zijt.
Locked myself out of the apartment. Isn’t that just great? Thank god for my fantastic friends who come to the rescue with the spare key!
Damn it! 1 calendar went offline and the whole world seems to implode. Very uncool. Damn it!
Seated for the Jobs movie. The real question is: Jobs vs Pirates of Silicon Valley: which do we like best?
I’m not sure why the Surface didn’t take off. I had the chance to play with one for a few minutes and I really enjoyed it.
Next time your client says he needs more likes, show him this picture. RT @Brilliant_Ads: Liking isn’t helping!
And that’s it for our holiday in #Rhodes. Bring us home, captain!
We went for a boat trip along the coast of Rhodes & went for swims in a few bays. Very cool but my back got overloaded with awesome.#sunburn
Checking my email in the worst of conditions. #thegoodlife
Went for a little ride on a jetski with @lyntje. It was massive fun even though we got thrown off once. Lovin’ this!
@abeloosf @jeroen_algoet check mijn comment op mijn laatste FB post van diezelfde foto ;) #amateurs ;)
Every bar/restaurant/store around here offers free wifi… except the Starbucks we are havering a drink at. Rhodes is inside-out, I tell ya.
Kitesurfers showing off. Makes me kinda jealous. @ Ixia Beach