The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

September 20th, 2013

It’s @lyntje’s 23rd birthday today! Let’s give her a little cheer!

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@thenerd_be Ik wou heel even ‘NERRRRD’ roepen maar toen zag ik uw Twitternaam… :D Enjoy!

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@stefsmet I can’t say I don’t appreciate some aspects. But looking at the big picture: I can’t help but think of the word ‘disaster’.

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@stefsmet i have been using it since the very first day of the beta release. I’ve made up my mind ;)

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2nd that. RT @davykestens: Considering switching to Android.
Ios7 lost me… Does not feel as an improvement to me. Usability matters Apple..

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Those times when you stare out of the window of a plane, thinking you see something stunning. This beats everything.

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While I dislike iOS7,I really like that they changed the lockscreen text color based on the background color

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@quasimondo It shouldn’t take Apple more than a year to unfuck what they just released as “the best mobile OS ever”. It physically hurts.

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