Haha! //@maxvoltar RT @WouterDS: @noCreativity vreemd dat ze daar Tim Van Damme voor nodig hebben ..
I think this is the funniest thing I have seen all week :D Good way to kick in the weekend. http://t.co/efe1HJKsbZ
I’m pretty sure I haven’t used one anymore in 20 years. RT @sjespers: The Audio Cassette Is 50 Years Old Today http://t.co/2kkUaepZgh
While I disagree with the conclusion,this is a great read on “Skeuomorphism vs Flat†and why this bothers me so musachagreif.com/flat-pixels/9A6M
Another one bites the dust.
Scheduling a platform upgrade and making the entire thing work like clockwork: so exciting!
@jeroen_algoet @bytte Geef mij een email en ge hoort van mij ;)
I didn’t know this existed! Whoa! MIB3 vehicles gone real!! http://t.co/zc7KEYsB3Z via @JudeThinks