The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

July 2011

sjespers One of the worst feelings one can have: Missing someone that seemingly does not miss you…

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 11:49 PM, Jul 31st, 2011 via Twitterrific for Mac)

@AugustinDeBie Check out this post from @tuaw which also features the key auto-repeat :)

via Twitterrific for Mac in reply to AugustinDeBie

Ah, haven’t enjoyed hiphop like that in a while. Nas - Let there be light. Those were the days.

via Twitterrific for Mac

So, I’ve been here for 1 month. I’ve seen 0 BlackBerry devices, 1 Samsung Galaxy S2, 3 iPhones. How do people live here? (Yea, yea, I know)

via Twitterrific for Mac

I just thought my younger brothers how to ollie. Made me remember how much I actually love skateboarding.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Middelkerke, Ostend

@joristi it’s insane how the iPad becomes an important part of your life, isn’t it?

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to joristi from Middelkerke, Ostend

@aral This is an official request for skate footage featuring you!

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to aral from Middelkerke, Ostend

@joristi one more year left at school before doing big boy’s work. ;)

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to joristi from Middelkerke, Ostend

@joristi The amusement hall where I have worked for years during the holidays as a student. (more than 7 years!!)

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to joristi from Middelkerke, Ostend

joristi Taking off my sweater for the first time in weeks! Hooray for sun!

via Echofon (retweeted on 6:34 PM, Jul 31st, 2011 via Tweetbot for iPhone)

Last day at work is over. Can’t say I’m not going to miss this place.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Middelkerke, Ostend

@davykestens geolocation of the user’s IP, compare to location of last login an take the necessary actions?

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to davykestens from Middelkerke, Ostend

@joristi I have a screenshot of that same dialog box with about 150 000 files. Freed up 120GB :’)

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to joristi from Middelkerke, Ostend

My first computer was a Pentium 1 MMX 166MHz. It had 8MB RAM and a 3 GB hard drive. It ran Windows 95 and I loved it. How about you?

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Ostend, West Flanders

Guess who’s going to be late for his last day at work…

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Middelkerke, Ostend

ariexlafferty Just logged into Google+ for the first time in a week. Haven’t missed anything. It’s like someone’s turned awkward silence into a website.

via web (retweeted on 11:52 PM, Jul 30th, 2011 via Twitterrific for Mac)

As it turns out, I’ll be able to finally set the record straight with my dad. I’ve been waiting for this for many years.

via Twitterrific for Mac

The truth shall set you free! RT @joristi Schoon gezegd! RT @amedee: @joristi @annabelle__s

via Twitterrific for Mac

visualidiot $ mkdir “MC_Hammer”
$ chmod 000 “MC_Hammer”

Can’t touch this.

via Tweetbot for iPhone (retweeted on 1:33 PM, Jul 30th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iPhone)

lafilledo anyone here interested in making #soundscapes for productvideos new collection? noiselike. classical. like holding a volcano in your pocket.

via Echofon (retweeted on 10:00 AM, Jul 30th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iPhone)

millenomi Frack negativity.

I eat negativity for breakfast. And THEN I kick it in the ass.

After eating it.

It’s sort of a complicated process.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:10 AM, Jul 30th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iPhone)

@Suiadan @greetd proficiat jullie twee! Jullie zijn geweldig samen :)

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to Suiadan from Ostend, West Flanders

@joristi al lang afscheid genomen. Deze zomer effectief alle affectie en gevoel ervoor verloren. Ge voelt dat ge afstand neemt van zoiets.

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to joristi from Middelkerke, Ostend

@joristi twas het goekoopste om op te zeggen na 1 maand :p (aan zee)

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to joristi from Middelkerke, Ostend

Impressive upload speed is impressive. http://shots.nocreativit…

via Twitterrific for Mac

RT @GreenPois0n_JB: Apple Has More Money Than The US Government [Report] #Apple

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Middelkerke, Ostend

@tonylukasavage that’s great news, Tony! Exciting times ahead! Looking forward to seeing what you’re going to do! Good luck!!

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to tonylukasavage from Middelkerke, Ostende

That whole “thank god it’s Friday” and “I hate mondays” is clearly a sign of people not liking the job they do. Yes, you!!

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Middelkerke, Ostenda

jessmcguire Teacher versus former student on Facebook. If you’re a spelling/grammar pedant, you’ll love this too.

via web (retweeted on 2:46 PM, Jul 29th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iPhone)

In other news: I just filed a patent application for serving images in digital form from a central server.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Middelkerke, Ostend

What idiot granted such a patent application in the first place?! It doesn’t get any more generic than that.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Ostend, West Flanders

Excuse me while I go get my bullshit-O-meter… RT @engadget: Spotify sued by PacketVideo for patent infringement

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Middelkerke, Ostend

RT @HarcoSorbato: Mijn baas gelooft niet in de kracht van Twitter. Als weddenschap krijg ik €1,- voor elke retweet. Please RT.

via Tweetbot for iPhone

Has anyone ever done a ‘cookie spray’ in a tutorial? I’m not editing that out. No way!

via Twitterrific for Mac

Cool! New hidden keycombo in OSX Lion: CTRL + ALT + ThrowOutWindow (via @joristi)

via Twitterrific for Mac

Great! Everything went fine this time! Probably the longest tutorial I’ve recorded yet!

via Twitterrific for Mac

Alright, everything’s set, some water, some cookies, a few downloads… Let’s re-record this screencast!

via Twitterrific for Mac

joristi Chrome only, this is ridiculous, even more when you know Safari & Chrome use the same engine (WebKit).

via Echofon (retweeted on 4:31 PM, Jul 28th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iPhone)

Riiiiiiight… RT @OctoberJones: I’m on the train. This safety poster worries me

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Middelkerke, Ostend

Fantastic quote RT @tomvdz: Don’t tell me the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Middelkerke, Ostend

NikiWithIssues Home is where my charger is.

via web (retweeted on 12:26 AM, Jul 28th, 2011 via Twitterrific for Mac)

Funny:I can make the Red5 admin work on every localhost (any Red5 build) except my live server…Might have to look into the firewall again.

via Twitterrific for Mac

Reading stories about what happened at Utoeya. I still don’t get how it could’ve taken so long (2 hours!!) to capture/stop that guy…

via Twitterrific for Mac

It seems the cure against this disgusting thing on my arm and leg is finally working.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Middelkerke, Ostend

Auwch! RT @dutchiexl_: McDonalds Wi-Fi Guide. Windows VS Mac … “Says it all!” via @twitpic

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Ostend, West Flanders

aral Some babies, not so cute. #justsayin #youknowitstrue

via Feathers for iPhone (retweeted on 12:02 PM, Jul 27th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iPhone)

Money can not give you true happiness, but it can very well prevent you from enjoying life.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Middelkerke, Ostend

The train’s already 20 mins late. Seems like the Belgian railway company is good at being late.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Flemish Region, Belgium

@ikbenmartijn Apple TV is inderdaad geweldig. Zeker voor die prijs!

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to ikbenmartijn

Not having you around makes this world feel very unfamiliar. Very strange. Very empty.

via Twitterrific for Mac

Hm, getting a strange java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException when connecting to the Red5 admin panel on my server. At 2AM.

via Twitterrific for Mac

Good luck! RT @joggink: Seriously thinking about starting a real company

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Flemish Region, Belgium

Great friends, fantastic girlfriend, the good life… I have achieved happiness. And I’m not asking for anything else. I’m happy.

via Twitterrific for Mac

@boskabout Mja, maar ge moet uw followers de kans geven voor een discussie over da soort belangrijke onderwerpen eh ;)

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to boskabout from Flemish Region, Belgium

I don’t think I told so many people to “stop bitching” ever before. We need to focus more on the positive stuff in life.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Bruges, Bruges

digitalmash It’s a sign of the times when I’m more excited for iOS5 than Lion.

via Twitter for iPad (retweeted on 6:17 PM, Jul 25th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iPhone)

Kortrijk, here I come. Just for a day though. ;)

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Ostend, West Flanders

TUTORIAL: How to install #RED5 on CentOS 5 - The complete guide —

via Echofon

eduardoortiz The trick to life is to not give a fuck how bad it hurts when you fall, but to get up regardless of how bad you look, and try again.

via web (retweeted on 9:11 AM, Jul 25th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iPhone)

Dear G+, you can’t just build a social network with all information set to “public” by default and expect everybody to use their full name.

via Echofon

@object404 lol, I’d say yes. But haven’t thrown a grenade in my life, so don’t take my word for it. Let us know how it works out ;)

via Echofon in reply to object404

Boy, that was the most bumpy screencast EVER. And I’m pretty sure I’m releasing it uncut anyway.

via Twitterrific for Mac

Out for drinks with Yen. It’s been a while!

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Ostend, West Flanders

TomScorza Amy Winehouse, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix & Kurt Cobain all died at 27. Justin Bieber turns 27 in 2021. Patience, my friends.

via web (retweeted on 6:54 PM, Jul 24th, 2011 via Twitterrific for Mac)

Heading to the doctor. Let’s hope it’s nothing too serious.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Middelkerke, Ostend

@tomvdz dank je. Heb een uurtje moeten zoeken maar uiteindelijk een dokter van wacht gevonden. Straks gaan zien wat er aan de hand is.

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to tomvdz from Middelkerke, Ostend

@BrunoByttebier misschien wel. Zal vanavond zien worden… Ben hier aan zee en tspreekt mij echt nie aan om hier naar ‘t ziekenhuis te gaan.

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to BrunoByttebier from Middelkerke, Ostend

Well, I’ve had better news on a Sunday morning. I might have a bacterial infection on my arm… And no doctors to be reached today.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Middelkerke, Ostend

RT @Mike_FTW: Thanks to Amy Winehouse we don’t have to think about all those dead Norwegian people anymore. That was exhausting.

via Twitterrific for Mac

RT @MCDV8 Ok if hobo’s die from a drugoverdose it’s their own fault, and if Amy Winehouse does it’s sad? :/

via Twitterrific for Mac

True story RT @savvas Irony RT @rlux: I’m seeing more tweets about 1 dead singer than the 70+ killed by a terrorist. Perspective much?

via Twitterrific for Mac

Makes both of us. RT @scottjanousek I think I’ll stop reading the news today. Too depressing.

via Twitterrific for Mac

To those waiting for the RED5-tutorial: I’ll post it on monday. Pinky-swear-promise ;)

via Twitterrific for Mac

@thenerd_be van op je iPad zal da lukken. Van op je Mac nie :( (of toch nie in SL)

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to thenerd_be from Ostend, West Flanders

@davyhoskens No but that’s a very good idea! I will however make that a screencast since it’s more of “click here and there” tutorial ;)

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to davyhoskens from Ostende, Flandres Occidentales

@netlash is er een reden waarom je comment form op een iPhone mijn email adres weigert?

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to netlash from Ostend, West Flanders

Finally got the Red5 installation tutorial together! Posting it tomorrow. Off to bed now! Good night, hunnybunnies!

via Twitterrific for Mac

Wow, I must have missed something! I always thought gender was either male or female. Which ‘other’ is there!?

via Twitterrific for Mac

@BWS_Nazz Installing Red5 on a CentOS server ;)

via Twitterrific for Mac in reply to BWS_Nazz

Okay, here’s my (very public) todo list for now:
1. Have dinner
2. Write tutorial

via Twitterrific for Mac

My little brothers are playing NFSU:MW. Man, those grunge/grafitti graphics in the menus are totally up my alley.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Flemish Region, Belgium

imjustcreative “A web developer walked into a bar. But quickly left when he saw the table layout.” Via @arlton

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 7:23 PM, Jul 22nd, 2011 via Echofon)

Lol :D RT @dimitrivh: Er komen hevige lichtstralen, gepaard met warmte, uit een grote gele bol aan de hemel… Wat is dat? #gent

via Echofon

I’m exhausted. Entertaining people while counting and calculating is harder than you’d think :/

via Twitterrific for Mac

JonasSprengers People CHOOSE @mobilevikings because of their really low prices, but LOVE them because of their amazing & honest customer service #truestory

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 2:05 PM, Jul 22nd, 2011 via Echofon)

Google+ needs a bit of profile customization (like Twitter) and vanity urls (like every decent social network) to really make it work for me

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Middelkerke, Ostend

Heading to work after an amazing night together with @lyntje. She can really take away any bad feelings I have…

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Middelkerke, Ostend

@joristi a few years ago it was in all cities along the coastline.Now it’s Oostende on Mondays.And every city during the national holiday

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to joristi from Koksijde, Veurne

At the beach to watch the fireworks

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Middelkerke, Ostend

I asked my girlfriend for a nice picture of me to use for my new profilepic on Twitter. This was her suggestion…

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Middelkerke, Ostend

Don’t we all? RT @FilleUniq: oe sometimes I want to be like 12 again.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Flemish Region, Belgium

dimitrivh Can your baby get pregnant if you have sex while pregnant? -

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 3:34 PM, Jul 21st, 2011 via Tweetbot for iPhone)

RT @TheNextWeb: Official: Apple sold more iPhones than Nokia’s entire range of smartphones in Q2 by @m4tt on @TNWapple

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Flemish Region, Belgium

Twitter is still a bunch of nerds. How do I know? If you search for Lion,you’ll find only few references to animals and a lot of Mac talk ;)

via Echofon

To the people designing iPhone 5 concepts:I don’t want the next generation to be thinner; I want longer battery life. These 2 don’t mix well

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Middelkerke, Ostend

Not trying to nag or anything but this rain-thing is getting old. How about some freaking sunshine?

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Middelkerke, Ostend

Hurray! New @diggnation episode is out! *hits the download button*

via Twitterrific for Mac

RT @q3c The nerve some people have.Some guy just applied for a job at my studio with a portfolio containing works from my tutorial templates

via Twitterrific for Mac

This wednesday is incomplete. There’s no new episode of @diggnation out yet… The horror…

via Twitterrific for Mac

Google really messed up with this whole ‘apps for domains’ infrastructure update. As it turns out I can’t access my youtube account anymore.

via Twitterrific for Mac

Great… “If you do not see the service you want to enable, contact Google”. Because they’re that easy to reach, huh?

via Twitterrific for Mac

So this is the end of the white MacBook? You’ll be missed, you little iconic buddy :(

via Tweetbot for iPhone

DeeSadler #lion vs Adobe known issues.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 6:12 PM, Jul 20th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iPhone)

prplps Aan alle #devine #howest studenten met een mac: lees ivm #adobe producten op #lion! Niet alles werkt nog even goed..

via Twitterrific for Mac (retweeted on 6:11 PM, Jul 20th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iPhone)

Interested in that as well!! RT @joristi: To buy or not to buy - that is the question. Let me know what you’re opinions are! #lion #macosx

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Middelkerke, Ostend

janseurinck Bij intel zoeken ze pas afgestudeerden. Zo zitten er hier wel een paar, niet?

via bitly (retweeted on 2:09 PM, Jul 20th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iPhone)

@prplps could very well be… Or you’re just not “holding it right” ;)

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to prplps from Middelkerke, Ostend

@prplps never experienced that :p had only few crashes in the years I’ve used it :p

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to prplps from Middelkerke, Ostend

Seen as everybody is an entrepreneur these days: I wonder what makes them “Entrepreneurs”…?

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Middelkerke, Ostend

@demasso i knew it was going up. I did not know it had doubled with time to spare. :p

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to demasso from Middelkerke, Ostend

Somebody in my Twitter stream said that Facebook could learn from the G+ iOS app. Seriously: what? They’re both just fine.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Flemish Region, Belgium

Holy crap! Apple stock over the past 2 years. Impressive!

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Flemish Region, Belgium

Looking through some wordpress themes and all I can think is the ‘less is more’-approach is getting old. Less is actually less, these days.

via Twitterrific for Mac

I need to stop following those Apple blogs and fans on Twitter. They take away the surprise everytime Apple is about to do something.

via Twitterrific for Mac

Lol, there seems to be a perfect (maybe even physical) boundary around Middelkerke where 3G stops and EDGE starts. Weird stuff.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Middelkerke, Ostende

@tekkie @thibault_imbert I was hoping to see this in FP11 (as there were other new methods like isPlaying and removeChildren being added)

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to tekkie from Ostend, Ostend

Let’s pack and head to Oostende in this beautiful weather. (The sun has been replaced by lots of thick clouds… *sigh*)

via Twitterrific for Mac

*LIKE* RT @davy_delbeke Toch wel redelijk hard zwaar fan van de nieuwe stijl van MTV Ident!

via Twitterrific for Mac

Ugh, paperwork… The permanent roadblock, invented by the system to make things easier. Or something like that…

via Twitterrific for Mac

Tweetbot’s push notification seems to work alright. I would love it though of I were able to choose a different (louder) sound for it.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

@joniVanBogaert I checked out Plex a few times, but I just like the FR simplicity too much. It does exactly what I want. Works for me :)

via Twitterrific for Mac in reply to joniVanBogaert

@FilleUniq En een groot deel van de kindjes tussen 16 en 20 ook… :p

via Twitterrific for Mac in reply to FilleUniq

Wait, what? No more Front Row in OSX Lion? Then what’s that shiny remote for? No no no… Stop fucking up OSX and give us Front Row back.

via Twitterrific for Mac

@adactio We need video to confirm he’s actually skating ;) /cc @aral

via Twitterrific for Mac in reply to adactio

RT @JohnnyCupcakes: Do more of what makes you happy.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

RT @nickbilton: Lulz Security hacks UK Times site, putting up fake story of Rupert Murdoch dying from a drug overdose:

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Flemish Region, Belgium

“Oh ladder goat… You so random…” sometimes you really have to know how people came up with things like this :D

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Flemish Region, Belgium

I would really consider not jailbreaking my iPhone anymore if I could have SBSettings kinda stuff built-in in iOS5

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Flemish Region, Belgium

RT @maximgladines RT @glenndavid For 24 hours! Download a FREE theme from @WPBundle and 2 Iconsets from @Symbolicons.

via Twitterrific for Mac

leifwells The @Flash_Platform will be around for quite some time, but if the top 10% of devs are already jumping ship, it does not bode well.

via Twitter for iPad (retweeted on 7:47 PM, Jul 18th, 2011 via Twitterrific for Mac)

Apparently so! Should be interesting! RT @ikbenmartijn: . @tweetbot notifications are go :)

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Bruges, Flandres Occidentales

Waiting for the train to leave to Kortrijk! Hometown, here I come!!

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Ostend, Ostend

joristi +1! :) RT @lostplan: I never go on Google+. I just curate circles via notifications at the top Gmail. Then I go on Twitter to talk about it.

via Echofon (retweeted on 2:25 PM, Jul 18th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iPhone)

mobilevikings Artikel in HLN over .@vincentvq met mooi compliment voor ons :)

via HootSuite (retweeted on 11:02 AM, Jul 18th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iPhone)

Today I changed somebody’s life by telling him not to forget he can chose to be happy. How can one forget that..?

via Twitterrific for Mac

@mrchrisallen Rocking! Will ping you a little later tonight ;) (I’m on the road now :p )

via Twitterrific for Mac in reply to mrchrisallen

@mrchrisallen Enough with the teasing! Show us the hot stuff already!

via Twitterrific for Mac in reply to mrchrisallen

Random people are adding me on G+. seems like G+ is rapidly becoming the new Myspace.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Middelkerke, Ostend

If your mother only knew - Rhazel.
It really doesn’t get any more badass than that.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Middelkerke, Ostend

@stealfish Luna park, Reflex op den dijk. Vlakbij het casino.

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to stealfish from Middelkerke, Ostend

Streettrain seems to have hit a car nearby work. Lots of medical assistance and fire rescue workers. I hope everyone’s okay…

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Middelkerke, Ostend

Out to have dinner with my lovely girlfriend. Good times.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Flemish Region, Belgium

I’ll just leave this here for future reference. (just some thoughts about Apple)

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Middelkerke, Ostend

Hm… Seems like somethings’s up… “load average: 110.38, 107.83, 70.69

via Twitterrific for Mac

mrchrisallen I really think that no one should know about design patters existing until they’ve had at least three years or programming experience.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 9:55 PM, Jul 15th, 2011 via Twitterrific for Mac)

People change. And with them, friendships disappear.

via Twitterrific for Mac

@nickvegas of the round-ups? Yea, I’m not sure if they add much value. Maybe if there’s something “more” in them (e.g. Tip of the week).

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to nickvegas from Middelkerke, Ostend

@nickvegas Any chance i can unsubscribe from those “weekly round-ups” but stay subscribed to the other newsletters(I check the site daily)?

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Middelkerke, Ostend

AgnÄ”ska. How could I forget her name… #nostalgia

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Middelkerke, Ostend

@turntablefm hey guys. Any ETA when Europe (or at least Belgium) will be given access to Turntable again?

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Middelkerke, Ostend

Only 11 AM and I’ve already an hour worth of power training at work. Stacked 1,5T of point-tickets. Yup, exhausted.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Middelkerke, Ostend

RT @tonylukasavage: So… how do I integrate admob into an #appcelerator #iphone app?

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Middelkerke, Ostend

The sun will never shine quite the same way without you.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Middelkerke, Ostend

Lol, seems like @turntablefm isn’t quite set for Europe after all. Region restriction is in place again. /cc @hannesfostie

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Middelkerke, Ostend

Seems like we all do/did ;) RT @thatguyerik: We only dine at one place in Denmark:

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Middelkerke, Ostend

Will the next version of the Adobe Flash publishing tools feature a working Player detection script?

via Twitterrific for Mac

@BWS_Nazz Nog nie. De bal lijkt in Apple hun kamp te liggen om de app goed te keuren. Daarna zien we wel.

via Twitterrific for Mac in reply to BWS_Nazz

Cool! Tested Facetime over 3G with @mobilevikings (worked great!) and now we also tested Google Hangouts.Not too shabby. Needs more features

via Twitterrific for Mac

Woooot! Congrats guys! RT @turntablefm Annnd, we’re back! The doors are open again!

via Twitterrific for Mac

scottjanousek RT @Localytics: “Feal really powerless b/c there’s noone to call” when HTML5 app crashes inexplicably (OH) #massmobile <-no adobe to bitch @

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 7:24 PM, Jul 13th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iPhone)

Arriving in Middelkerke only to discover I’ll be biking through some more rain… In my shorts… Again… Ugh…

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Middelkerke, Ostend

@anthonyvanoyen that’s the strange thing. It is enabled.I wonder if the iPhone thinks it’s a known network because of a known network *name*

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to anthonyvanoyen from Ostend, Ostend

@KevinGorjan hehe, thx! If I can’t get my head around it, you’ll probably read about it right here ;)

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to KevinGorjan from Ostende, Ostende

Hmmz. My iPhone just connected to some random unprotected wifi network. I’m not at a security geek but that seems like bad stuff to me.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Ostende, Ostende

@joristi thx for not adding any kind of geolocation to that tweet ;)

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to joristi from Ostende, Ostende

@KevinGorjan any examples on the hard stuff? I just checked out some demo’s and if there are docs it should be fairly easy, no?

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Ostende, Ostende

Btw: I haven’t enjoyed mobile Internet like this ever before. Big up to @mobilevikings! They really know their stuff. It’s not a hype.

via Echofon

Never really gave Sencha Touch a try, but from what I’m seeing here, I think I’ll love it.

via Echofon

kevinrose Best license place ever!!…

via Instagram (retweeted on 5:11 PM, Jul 13th, 2011 via web)

RT @amoorie: Check out Arcade Fire’s new interactive HTML5 music experience, “The Wilderness Downtown”

via Twitterrific for Mac

In other news: Today’s my day off. And today sucks on a whole new level. Yup, I should’ve just stayed in bed. Literally.

via Twitterrific for Mac

Everybody was like ‘Plugins are bad!Die Flash!Die!’.Then FB & G+ came along with their own plugins to support webcam features and all was ok

via Twitterrific for Mac

@ifEls dank je! Ik wist dat het ergens stond, maar geen idee waar. Waar hb je da nu gevonden?

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to ifEls from Flemish Region, Belgium

Kan nergens de locatie voor CMD2 en MA4 consult vinden. Any help? #devine

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Flemish Region, Belgium

@maximgladines 5 years ago, everybody was a webdesigner, now everybody’s an entrepreneur. The game doesn’t change. The names do.

via Twitterrific for Mac in reply to maximgladines

maximgladines There are too many people calling themselves ‘entrepreneurs’ without actually doing anything. The word is becoming meaningless. #overhyped

via Tweetie for Mac (retweeted on 1:23 AM, Jul 13th, 2011 via Twitterrific for Mac)

Just wondering if anybody of the @mobilevikings team is still awake for support. An hour ago they were… Gimem a shout if you’re there ;)

via Twitterrific for Mac

RT @joristi If I want G+ notifications, I’ll log into Google Plus. #kthxbye

via Twitterrific for Mac

There’s more tweets in this month! Go up and select a date to see more ↑