Time for a workout… It’s been a few weeks since the last time.
Awesome! RT @boagworld: Summarize your sex life with a star wars quote - http://bit.ly/2rnfi1
Finally home. Had a great night with @chezFre, @Lyntje, @Sneejk, and Fabian. Time to get some work done now!
Arrived at the mcDonalds. Time for some healthy food ^^
Waiting for a bus to Kortrijk expo
I don’t like marketing. Too much theoritical blah blah, not enough love and soul.
Waiting for creative programming to start. I should’ve staid in bed today.
Gotta love your friends, right… I’m going to kill some of them tonight…
Had a blast with Kenney tonight. However it’s time for me to get some sleep…
Thinking about pushing this RMD-project as far as possible…
My AIR timelapse app is pretty much setup. Next: Get a new (insanely good) webcam!
Learning all kinds of new stuff I should change/add/remove from Playr… I should start working on V3… Lot’s of things to change…
Optimizing this AIR app. There’s still something leaking out very very slowly. Are there any AIR-memory best practices I should know about?
Just to illustrate: http://shots.nocreativit…
Who said AIR applications were memory hogs? I mean there’s nothing wrong about 1,5GB RAM usage for a little app that takes pictures, right?
Got a new RED5 project lined up… I really need to get my head around that server side java app programming for RED5…
Finding the ‘Flash Player Debug’ version on the Adobe site is one hell of a job if you force yourself not to use Google…
Somebody drew a ‘Doodle’Lisa’ on my blog! How cool is that?! Brought a little bug to my eye as well. Commited a bugfix already ^^
Some people don’t seem to understand how the internet works…
— @DudeBroChill @nelyjax: I really don’t think so.
@WernerL Good man! :)
@freshface I could’ve told you that ;) http://digg.com/u1HE8O
For every Linux user willing to create Flash apps using Flash Builder 4: http://digg.com/d11BIHb
Wanted to go to the shop but I was a bit late. Getting dinner at the snackbar instead.
I might have a bit of luck today… Wondering how things will go now…
Apparently I’ve got 16 Wave invites… If anybody’s intrested: ping me :) First comes, first served
What’s it with people and creating dualscreen wallpapers for dual-1024*768. Did you hear about the year 2009?
Ik zal een interview afnemen van Ralph Hauwert (@unitZeroOne)! Heb jij een vraag die die je wilt stellen? Zeg het ons http://digg.com/u1HBW0
I’m in serious need of food… Dinner-wise… So… FEED ME!
But if I fail and I try again and again and again… I want u to know: it’s not the end. It matters how you gonna finish http://bit.ly/KnJa
Just finished building @ladyElena’s new closet. I hate Ikea (and every other ‘DIY’-furniture producer. It’s hell.
Getting lots of stuff done with my team for our UML-tool project. We rollin’!
Out to get lunch. A bit later than I originally planned…
I’ve said it for a long time, just didn’t quite make my point. http://digg.com/u1H6nF
Wrote a nice little bash-post which is to be published tomorrow… Goodnight!
“Let them do them, while you start to learn how to do you.” I love that line!
Over @wirward’s place for our weekly pizza-diggnation-and-stuff-night
Great example of what can be achieved with Flash Catalyst ONLY: http://digg.com/u1H47f Impressive stuff!
Love this set: Great pictures, cute girls and the fact that these girls are totally rocking the surfboard! Love it! http://digg.com/d11Axws
Home from paintballing. Devine-team == Dream-team. It was a good good night!
Arrived at Paintball valley. Time to kill
And mother nature seems to be turning crazy too… The sky’s pink…
I think they fired too many people…
Adobe is totally kicking ass today: I hit the link to the ‘FP10.1 beta’ forum and I get redirected to ‘FP10 for linux’…
No debug version of FP10.1? Very smart. Release a non-debug player to a public that relies on the debug player.
Running a few basic tests in FP10.1
Getting ready to grab some pasta with @chezfre. I’m pretty much starving here…
RT @FlashFocus: Nieuws: Maak kans op 1 van 5 gratis AUG XL kaartjes! (http://cli.gs/WeBhG)
Damn it… Telenet really should start thinking before disconnecting everybody about once a week… Uptime. That’s what I’m paying for.
Over at @wirward’s place. Watching Code 37 and having a coke. Good times.
What is it with people, companies and all to *fuck up* stuff when updating, rather than actually FIXING stuff?
Vexxhost is ‘updating our servers’… Now the whole website showing HTTP::500. Good job guys.
Watching @LadyElena play a sniper spec ops mission in Modern Warfare 2. She’s so too much into this game
@aral I’ve been using Vimeo for about a year now, It’s always been like that as far as I know (you can get a paid account to skip the queue)
According to @Klout, I am a Twitter connector. http://bit.ly/7dasOM
Intresting… Let’s make sure i make up for this disaster…
I have to go to class, but I don’t feel like going outside. Mother nature must be in a very bad mood… It’s raining like crazy…
Deja vu: Dreaming about projects and deadlines… Waking up at 5.30AM for no reason at all and not being able to get back to sleep.
I was wondering if changing to Fight Club would be a good idea. I now know: it is. [NSFW] http://digg.com/d1pT3X
If all of those thrown-away ideas were doodles on paper, my trash-can would be filled with countless crumbled-up versions…
Been staring at a blank canvas for 2 hours now. Tons of ideas. Nothing worth getting started with…
I love it when paid iPhone apps push out updates for free!
Looking for a post I wrote not too long ago on FlashFocus, and I can’t find it… Now: Who can I blame for this?
@devdev_be Aahhh! Kvroeg mij al af van waar ze me zou kennen/gezien hebben :p
@devdev_be Uw moeder? Uw moeder heeft mijn gezien? Hoe? Waar? Wat? En vooral: Unk?!
@devdev_be The truth is you know it might be deceiving :p I’m still an idiot :D
Time for a haircut! Need to get rid of that *thing* on my head…
Cool, Playr seems to have gone a long way already. A pretty well known company turns out to be using it in a project. ^^
Seeing how every browser seems to be sluggish & incomplete in almost every aspect worth naming,I’d start considering paying for a decent one
in class. Hacking around with a few API’s. It’s too early for this kind of stuff!
Analyzing and starting a pretty intresting project in class. Wondering how this will turn out…
Giving vBulletin 4.0 a try. Looks pretty nice! New standard layout already makes it look/feel way better :)
RT @wirward: Pizza-night zit er weer op,lots of fun! Hapjes, pintjes, diggnation, big bang theory,how i met your mother,pizza, PS3 games…
We are like 3 woman together: Watching TV soaps and eating chocolate…
Over at @wirward’s place. Shooting a new timelapse, while drinking cocktails and watching Diggnation. Life is good.
My lamp died. Again. (although it took about a year this time…) off to the shop to get a new one.
Love it RT @venom_be: Nice game/comercial by Adidas! http://tr.im/FdCG
I love how they used facebook connect for something else besides just posting to your feed. Love it http://www.welcometofc.c…
Somebody will have to explain why it takes Twitter beta stages to enable the retweet-feature while the users have done it like forever…
Microsoft trying to get rid of their ‘serious’ look & feel. Employees dancing in the stores. http://digg.com/d11AHpo I kinda digg it
Just proposed another cool idea for @FlashFocus… Wondering if my fellow colleagues will like it…
Wanneer gaat dat reet-likken in die Vlaamse blogosfeer eindelijk eens ophouden? #dewetenschappersgaanditvroegoflaatkankerverwekkendverklaren
@UnitZeroOne Dude, that Alt.html version is pretty insane! (That really makes me want to dive into 3D again…) Good job man!
Got an invitation for The Switch in Amsterdam (december 3rd). Cool!
Holy shit! Love it! RT @UnitZeroOne: Just uploaded an old, unfinished(!!) demo of Triangle3D, […]. Be patient! http://is.gd/4X1Mq
“The older I get, the more things I have to leave behind. That’s life.”
So I advice byte-level speech recognition :p
Well, I’ve got a speech recognition engine working… Although it can’t make a real difference between ‘new project’ and ‘stupid b*tch’…
I might actually have gotten very close to speech recognition with this little experiment. And this is without using bytearray’s or RTMP!
Doing a little experiment concerning speech recognition in Flash…
In class. I thought i’d be late but i’m quite on time.
The usual stop in Bruges. Something makes me wonder why we always stop here for 15 minutes… Clueless
Thx to yen i now smell like a woman.
In Oostende station. Weather is pretty shitty here. And guess who’s late again.
Got on the train. Heading to Oostende to go shopping with yen.
God, I love what I do. Every time I get an assignment and my head goes all crazy with ideas. The cool thing: I know I can. So much fun!
@UnitZeroOne So, it’s not so much to be released, but rather to experiment around for yourself? Anyway: Looks amazing! Keep it up :)
@UnitZeroOne Look crazy good man! Will be able to get our hands on this any time soon?
Deze jongen wilt naar de MediaMarkt. Welke auto-bezittende chauffeur heeft daar ook zin in? ^^
Cool! jQuery-like chaining. Love it! http://digg.com/u1GLv0. @mknol is on a roll!
Anyone wants to explain why getTimer() returns an int, where it should return a uint? Time is always positive (in this universe…)
I’ve been looking for this for about an hour now and it looks like it’s not possible: Is there a way to create an AIR app without dock icon?
Can’t stop wondering why they decided to make us switch codebases after 3 weeks of development… I’m afraid this will be a disaster….
Damn traffic jams… We are so about to be too late for class.
No day goes by without a challenge. Today’s project: duplicate the Macheist JavaScript menu (together with @chezfre)
On the road with @chezfre. On our way to the apple store.
Got another freelance job offer. Required skills: 5 years of Adobe AIR experience. 5 huh? Those guys are WAY ahead !
In class for Creative programming 3. It’s too early!!
Just finished another basic project: an irc bot written in AS3 and AIR. Works like a charm! Love it!
Off to @wirward for our weekly pizzanight!
@articG FB3, ja. Waarom?
Hmz, I’m running into strange problems regarding AIR and AMF… Am I getting this right? You can’t use the default behavior?
I have been saying it for years and we will see proof soon.Websites shouldn’t push the ads too far.It’ll become their end. Hear me, Youtube?
Writing an IRC bot in AIR, and really making progress. I love these small fun projects :)
Off to the shop! Getting pizza for tomorrow’s Pizza-night with @wirward
Nice and handy AS3 class that adds standard HTML behaviour to images loaded into Flash :) http://digg.com/u1G5l2
Seriously, what’s up Wordpress? Another 8 comments marked as spam, which they are not? What?
Just got an idea for 2 very intresting Flash tutorials. Might just look into creating those in the coming week.
Still haven’t slept. Off to bed now.
@boskabout Aha… Vreemd… Ik heb daar gisteren echt meerdere keren miserie mee gehad. Thx :) (en wauw: tot het einde? Verveelt ge u? :p )
A Deviner’s life: http://bit.ly/2YioWd
All happy. Releaved. Relaxed. Satisfied.
Waiting for mathias to pick me up. Wondering how this afternoon will go
Getting breakfast. I’m really relaxed right now
That’s it. “We did it, Adrian. We did it…”
It’s done. After more than 2 weeks of heavy programming, the deadline was met at T minus 56 minutes. Must be some kind of a record!
Great… Now OSX doesn’t want to zip the folder… Do it for cryin’ out loud! DO IT!
Shutting everything down. Time for the adminstration…
Last stop: SWFAddress.
Uploading the bin-release folder to the server… Only 2 big steps to go now…
Dear PHP, would you please make up your mind? Either run the script or fuck off.
Man, I’m rusty… Really really being ashamed for the stupid mistakes I keep making…
Oh my god… Somebody please kick me.
Running into blue artifacts in my PNG image. When viewing the image itself, it’s ok. When it’s used in an HTML file however …’I see blue’
Pushing my buddies to do just that one extra effort…. And not working myself… (and I really should)
Perrrrfect! The ‘ultimate’ shots I rendered tonight fit perfectly. Couldn’t have planned this any better.
Dooodl’s up for 998 installs! Who will be number 1000? (I’m so proud!)
Last day before the deadline. I’ve worked my ass off to get where I am today… Final effort today… I’ll make it…
Leaving my computer to render the ‘ultimate’ version of my AE files (i ran out of ‘finals’, ‘reloaded’ and ‘revisited’ versions…) G’night
Great, now I come to realize my Slider doesn’t work in 3D… How am I going to fix that??
About to add the last real feature to my application. Thinking about extra additions, seen as I am a few hours ahead of schedule…
I seem to be ahead of schedule… Let’s hope I can keep this up for another 24 hours… Then I’ll have completed something for myself ^^
Oh! New idea for an extra feature… Well.. Why not.. Right?
Creating a ‘back’-button. I start feeling like ‘overkill’ is my middle name…I wonder how much more of this, the Flash Player will take…
That story on Digg about the LHC being broken over and over again by people travelling back from the future really starts to look plausible.
How is one supposed to really see the benefits of a multi-user application if only a small amounts of your friends have access to it??
Just got a Google Wave invite and the only thing I concluded after 30 seconds was that Google is using a bad approach to get people excited
Writing XML entries that document the events in 7 videos… Joy…
I’m slowly getting there… Only a few more features, and yet 2 days to go… I might actually make it…
I a lean, mean, pixelpushing, timesplitting, classcreating maniac at this very moment… But perfection is close…
Off to the bank! Gimme my money! (and going to the ‘shoe repair dudette’ to fix @ladyElena’s new boots)(Yes. She broke them already)
Hmz? Apparently Wordpress marked 12 of my comments as spam even though they weren’t. Anybody else having false positives like this?
Finalized the textures in my 3D room. Off to bed for a few hours. Tomorrow is the big day…
Noticed the change of ‘iamdesign’ to ‘@devdev_be‘… Kinda shocked… He just went from design to development in the wink of an eye.
Nice. Been looking for something like this for quite some time now… Needs a bit of automation though… http://digg.com/u1FnXG
Animating some stuff for my preloader. Because I will really really need one…
Out for dinner with @LadyElena
… and now I created a viewport. I’m getting good at this… But too slow…
If this doesn’t stop, I’ll go out there and find Edward Murphy… That freaking law shall be gone by sunset…
Back home. Getting up to speed again… Need to get some work done. Well lots ts of work to be… Lying. ‘Tons of work’ is really the truth
Watching diggnation over at @wirward’s place
@wirward *gaat uit de deur*
Okay, this was totally worth it! Created a basic 2.5D-to-3D render engine and it runs pretty smooth (extremely low poly though)
FIXED. Now let’s head on and create the actual project!
I -think- I fixed a bug which I have been fighting for days now… Fixed it with simple maths… I have to stop trying to be a genius. Idiot
Just heard one of my best friends had a car accident. Seems to be pretty bad… Luckily he’s okay…
Hoopt dat @hannes_nieuwsbe hem sebiet nekeer zal hightlighten op Twitter met goed nieuws ^^
@iamdesign Die zien er nie zo lekker uit hoor :p
On the move. On my way to lichtervelde to make the iPhone deal official.
have to figure one bug out before catching some rest…
Back in 3D-hell… Wondering how to fix this…
Refactoring, restructuring, re-everyting-ing.
Out for a walk… This is driving me crazy. And not the good kind.
WTF? RT @hannes_nieuwsbe: armoede in kortrijk op vtm. 220 daklozen.je ziet ze niet.
Might have found something mighty interesting… This might solve a lot of issues…
Kinda dissapointed with today’s findings… Hoping tomorrow is a better day..
Out for a walk… I need get my head straight. This can’t be this hard to figure out…
Out for some shopping. Need to be away from my computer for some time.
Got another job offer… Let’s hope I won’t have any problems finding a job when I graduate, 2 years from now…
Hmz… Getting spam through Twitter DM’s… People should really think before agreeing to enter their Twitter login details on some site…
Let’s start over. I know I can fix this…
Exhausted and wondering if today’s work was worth the squeeze
Wrote my own Cube class in 2.5D… Wondering if it will be any good…
Writing a all kinds of strange code… Somebody should really shoot me for doing this…
Writing way too much code without running it once… That’s going be one hell of a ride when I push the button later on…
Up & running! Continuing my work in a few