The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

November 17th, 2009

Somebody will have to explain why it takes Twitter beta stages to enable the retweet-feature while the users have done it like forever…

via Twitter for iPhone

Microsoft trying to get rid of their ‘serious’ look & feel. Employees dancing in the stores. I kinda digg it

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Just proposed another cool idea for @FlashFocus… Wondering if my fellow colleagues will like it…

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Wanneer gaat dat reet-likken in die Vlaamse blogosfeer eindelijk eens ophouden? #dewetenschappersgaanditvroegoflaatkankerverwekkendverklaren

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@UnitZeroOne Dude, that Alt.html version is pretty insane! (That really makes me want to dive into 3D again…) Good job man!

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to UnitZeroOne

Got an invitation for The Switch in Amsterdam (december 3rd). Cool!

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Holy shit! Love it! RT @UnitZeroOne: Just uploaded an old, unfinished(!!) demo of Triangle3D, […]. Be patient!

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“The older I get, the more things I have to leave behind. That’s life.”

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