The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

February 2014

@warrebuysse volgens wat’k zie volgen ze de YouTube API TOS op de letter.YT heeft een systeem voor artiesten in place.Ik gok dat het safe is

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@WvdKamp I’m just wondering how much of a success story they need to become before Youtube annoys them ;)

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@WvdKamp Nope. I use AdBlock though. But as far as I’m concerned, that’s one of the selling points of Chartify. No ads ;)

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These guys totally nailed it! A service that acts as a music player. No cost. Any song. Go Youtube API!

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The need for a Mac Pro becomes more apparent with the minute… This 3D project is slowly killing both my Mac Mini and my Retina Macbook Pro…

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Pro-tip: If your Xpresso suddenly breaks for no reason whatsoever, check if the display-level-of-detail tag isn’t breaking it4d

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What to do when you need a little push? Get some help from The World’s Greatest.

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Looks like I’m pulling another all-nighter…

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My man @drieslambrecht made a tutorial about PLE animation (and some other cool tricks) in #cinema4d. Check it out!

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Making spline animations while the sun burns on your skin to the tunes of Paradise Circus by Massive Attack. That’s as good as Mondays get.

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I love how everybody blamed Facebook for the WhatsApp outage. As if that’s what they want to do with a $19B toy: break it.

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I love that we live in a time where machines build tools that make people walk again.

via iOS

“Testing shows skeuomorphic UI design more conversion-efficient than flat design”

NO! How long have you been sitting on this information?!

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[NL] @Newsmonkey_BE doet zelfs geen moeite meer om @BuzzFeedNews items te vertalen.Gewoon retweeten; da’s ook nieuws.

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Angry Birds are referenced as “popular childhood characters” these days. Whatever happened to Bugs Bunny, Wile E.Coyote and Mickey Mouse?!

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People have been mentioning The Bubble for several years now. Facebook paid $15B using that bubble. Only $4B in cash. Pretty smart pull :)

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I wonder if there is an evolutionary explanation to the weird faces cats make when they hear printers warm up.

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davykestens It would be awesome if @facebook would now build an open API for @WhatsApp

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 7:41 PM, Feb 20th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

drieslambrecht @noCreativity just introduced me to this creative process pitch by @davekiss. A must watch I’d say.

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 6:26 PM, Feb 20th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

kyee Insane picture. Before and after - Kiev Independence Sq.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 3:43 AM, Feb 20th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

dcurtis Perspective:

Netflix: $25.6B
Tesla: $23.7B
Macy’s: $19.7B
WhatsApp: $19B
Whole Foods: $19B
Gap: $18.9B
Sony: $17.7B
United Airlines: $15.7B

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 3:42 AM, Feb 20th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@MurtenSaerbi Haven’t used it since Facebook messenger & iMessage hit the iPhone. Really blows my mind how many people still use WhatsApp :o

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joshuatopolsky Just think about how many starving people you could feed with $16b.

via Tweetbot for Mac (retweeted on 12:23 AM, Feb 20th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

mrchrisallen Whatsapp does make Instagram look like a bargain though. :)

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 12:22 AM, Feb 20th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Wow, Facebook and Twitter are exploding over the Whatsapp acquisition. Am I the only one who hasn’t used Whatsapp in years?

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Pushed out quite a bit of work tonight. Good stuff!!

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Some of these are too much. But some of them are just the right amount of perfection.

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Conference call! Conference call! Conference call! (I had too much chocolate)

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That thing you do when you arrive at a meeting on time and then wait for the other party to arrive until the meeting is officially delayed.

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redbull Dream big and dare to fail

via Sprinklr (retweeted on 9:54 AM, Feb 19th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

It scares me that people actually think this is a good idea…

via iOS

jammiesblvd The Birds of the App Store.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 2:12 AM, Feb 18th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@BrunoByttebier Kga da afprinten en inkaderen. Iedereen heeft een motivational poster nodig!

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Time to finalise the preparations for this little demo app for my client.I timed this thing to perfection.My former teachers would be proud!

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#everyday hero @Beeple stars in a documentary about the creative spark on @lynda. Must watch! /via @drieslambrecht

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I love it when a challenge presents itself and you can just take it down step by step and master it in less than an hour.

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Every once in a while, a techblog writes how Apple *needs* to create a new product category. Why? Are they on the verge of going bust?!

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Wow, that’s quite a read about Eric jordan (@2advanced) and the rise and fall of his creative muse.

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If you still think that Mavericks has resolved all issues with Gmail compatibility: Think again.

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Some more client work that’s never going to make it to production but just too interesting to not

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Ah, this kid totally nailed the keywords in his video description. Totally relevant. A job well done.

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Hypnokitty will turn you into a zombie!!

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I’m not sure what it is with this autocorrect crap but lately it’s off quite a lot again. Fushing ship!

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GiveMeInternet I realized why they use this little guy

via givemeinternet (retweeted on 12:34 PM, Feb 16th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@MarkSkinner_ if you unsubscribed while they started sending a new mailing, you could still receive that one as those can take some time ;)

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Scouted the possible location for the works record attempt. Now to get approval from the owners…

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People keep saying Facebook knows too much about you…Well,clearly FB can’t figure out that I’m not French.They must not know all that much

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Well, that can’t be right… Waking up to 1337 new

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Oh this? This is just @CaseyNeistat snowboarding in the streets of NYC. You know… Making it count.

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@angelovm Ik vind het de max! Wa een uitzicht!

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“Oh me? Oh, I’m just hanging out here, checking the view. Without safety lines. Or parachutes… You know… Casual…”

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Yes! Yes! YES! More power to this man!!

via iOS

@TheTwinElephant mind you, that guy *crafts* masterpieces and lets you watch them over and over again for free. That’s passion right there!

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Auwch! RT @CaseyNeistat: i get asked a lot how much $$ i make from’s a copy of last weeks earning report

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“Guinness World Records is pleased to confirm that your record application has been accepted”

Let’s do it this summer!

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@m_vanneste @thenerd_be Wow, late to the party blijkbaar. Kzie net dat die tweets van gisteren waren… Nevermind me ;)

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to noCreativity

@m_vanneste @thenerd_be Dell of Samsung.Valt qua prijs heel goed uit tov Apple. Qua kwaliteit zijn die 2 dik in orde.Veel mogelijkheden ook!

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I did quit Everydays but I really like what I’m working on for a client, so here goes.

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Nothing like watching a movie while rendering some frames for some client research.

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@WouterDS zal maar weinig van dat geld voor de founders zijn.Tenzij ze onlangs hun aandelen verkocht hebben. (Al denk ik dat da illegaal is)

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@WouterDS Welja, op da vlak ben ik blij dat iemand ze wou kopen. Anders zijn de founders 6 jaar kwijt. En een exit bij 100M is nie slecht.

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@WouterDS gezien ze nooit echt winst gedraaid hebben is het duidelijk dat het voor weinig mensen een bruikbare tool was.

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It just goes to show: you don’t need a product to make money. Klout gets sold for $100M after 6 years. Disgraceful.

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I want all of it in my future house.

via iOS

delijn ? Wij zetten hightech kippen in voor vertraagde aflevering :

via Engagor (retweeted on 4:12 PM, Feb 12th, 2014 via Tweetbot for Mac)

Man, if this video is real, then hats off to @GoPro. That’s some indestructible gear right there.

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I just ran 4,02 km @ a 7’31”/km pace with Nike+.

via Nike+ GPS on iOS

Today I decided to break a world record before the end of the year. And just now, I decided which one to break. Time to get practicing.

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Well, that’s not a reasonable sound for a Formula 1 car. They used to sound like imploding cheetahs in the wild…

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I swear, from time to time, being a freelancer really sucks. But then that one project comes along and you realize “I love this shit!”

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“I need a clone of this game. My budget is 90$. I need it done today.”
RT @WvdKamp: @noCreativity You mean these?

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I’m just waiting for that one person who wants to make a quick buck to build a remake of Flappy Bird and put it into the App Store.

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HBO South Asia’s rebrand is fucking sexy as

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The new Dooodl plugin clearly enables people to draw even cooler things! So awesome!

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And all sources are up for grabs! RT @IOArtFactory: Finally the new site is up!

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I still can’t believe that our kids will refer to us as the generation that didn’t fund a Deathstar.

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Getting a ton of email about the Dooodl update! I’m so glad people take time out of their day to send me feedback, suggestions, ideas! Cool!

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@Jannemans seems to be a common problem among tattoo’d people ;)

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@thomasjoos The ‘important apps’ is also my biggest worry. Thanks for your insights :)

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For eternity, I shall remember to never give up. @ Kortrijk

via Instagram

NeelieKroesEU If we can mix commerce & we can definitely mix Olympics & Human Rights. Sponsors shd speak against homophobia

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:35 AM, Feb 6th, 2014 via Tweetbot for Mac)

@thomasjoos Would you care to elaborate where Nokia got it wrong? I’m fascinated by the sheer amount of ‘go-back-to-iphone’-ers :)

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Waking up to a client phonecall because of a broken Lightspeed system. Turns out it’s their own fault… 8AM is too early for debugging… Ugh.

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Quite pleased with how the @IOArtFactory site is coming along. It’s just so much work to actually add work to your portfolio.

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RT @davykestens: Love the iBeacon. Sure there’s a privacy issue, but the other side of the coin, which is extreme personalisation, will tip…

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This is a perfect story why designers/developers hate being who they have become under the pressure of the client.

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I finally updated my Dooodl Wordpress plugin to incorporate an HTML5 version of the drawing tool.

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dekaminski Scary shit going down. RT @iamviktort I feared this day wld come. Gang wars on the rise in the streets of Stockholm.

via Tweetbot for iOS (retweeted on 11:15 AM, Feb 5th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

I was going to chill but then I realized there was yet another tiny bug out there.

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Well, it looks like my Dooodl update-script works. Official release tomorrow. That should fix a lot of problems. Time to relax a bit now.

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Making some great progress on the HTML5 rebuild of Dooodl. Really happy about that. Might push the new version to Wordpress later tonight.

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That feeling when you know you have some testing code files lying around somewhere but you just can’t find them…

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Sometimes when I’m bored, I sit at my desk, stare at the wall while making scanner warm-up noises. Freaks my cat out like crazy.

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@MurtenSaerbi it’s not just haters. A lot of “nay-sayers” too. Because they’re afraid of change, jealous, stubborn… Too bad.

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If you take one step back and look at the big picture, you realize how much negative energy there is on the internet.

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Wanted to go out for a quick skate session only to find the park full of broken glass. Everywhere. Not cool, guys!

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Brilliant pie-chart that shows the likely consequences once the law is passed to allow gay people to get married.

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SciencePorn By balancing temperature, humidity and lighting, a Dutch artist created a cloud in the middle of a room.

via Buffer (retweeted on 12:55 AM, Feb 2nd, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)