The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

May 2009

Writing an intresting blogpost… People will kill me before the sun sets.

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@savvasmalamas Nah, not for that :p I just really like the idea of dual 30” :p

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@savvasmalamas I’d answer with ‘Do I get it if you die?’ :p

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@savvasmalamas Yea, that was my second though: THANK GOD IT’S A MAC! He won’t get any virusses and stuff anytime soon… That’s ONE relief

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… he actually lifted it up… He can’t even record a movie using his (idiot proof) recorder… (it’s really just the push of 1 button)

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@savvasmalamas Let’s start with ‘how to use the mouse’. About 10 years ago I tried to help him. When I told him to ‘go up with the mouse’…

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For the record: my dad is 62, and has never done ANYTHING using a computer…

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@savvasmalamas Yea, I’ll forward his questions on ‘how do i login’ to you. Good luck with that… (Really, I’m not amused)

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oh my god… My dad just called: ‘Hi son, I bought a macbook!’… He can’t even send a textmessage on his cellphone… Pfff

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Why don’t they give version numbers to Actionscript?? I’m looking for soundspectrum in FP10, and all i get is FP9… Actionscript 3.1 it is!

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Scratch that. Experimenting with SoundSpectrum again.

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Watching Friends, reading about interface design…

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About to watch the new star trek with @code_is_art

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@Heeties I wouldn’t know yet. It’s my first time really using it for more than 10 minutes. I don’t think so though…

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Restyled my adium with HUD V2. Very happy. First time being positive about Adium in about 2 years…

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@didieeer als’t voor de examens van de deviners is, zou da moeten zijn :)

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I did enjoy that good night of sleep… I was really wrecked…

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@Lieneuh Een mens moet toch wat doen ‘s nachts eh! Ge kunt nie gewoon de hele tijd slapen ;)

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@Lieneuh Ik blijf het toch maar vies vinden, als je persoonlijke -online- leven (Twitter in dit geval) een reden tot ontslag kan worden…

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@Lieneuh Wat is er wel gebeurd als ik zo nieuwsgierig mag zijn?

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I feel really relaxed… Awesome!

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@wouter Damn, jammer. Nuja, khad uiteindlijk ‘al’ om 20uur ingediend, maar da’s dus toch nie ideaal :(

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@wouter een paar van mijn klasgenoten zien dat nog altijd staan op hun fiche trouwens… Staat blijkbaar zo op dokeos. ;)

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@wouter Dank u. Ik heb blijkbaar nog de oude fiche staan (16:00 GMT +1 ) U = hero!

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Great, now i thought everything was done, and i was on time… Seems that I was 4 hours late to hand in my AS3 project…

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Closed about 35 tabs… All from last weeks work. Felt better everytime I closed one, aka Right now i feel GREAT!

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Done. After 90 minutes of (completely) going nuts, everything seems to be online, and working… Let’s see how this turns out

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Echt eh, wtf is da met dokeos???

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Big up to the PIH for only providing 1 database per student. That’s just ridiculous guys… Really… At LEAST 5 would be ok…

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Starting to look like a defeat… But I am so close…

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And I’m back… 4 hours to deadline… Looking into some opensource project. If it is viable, I’ll give this a shot.

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Done for now. Complete management works. Now for some sleep, and then build the really good part.

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So close to victory…

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And the energy starts to fade away… Too bad. I was really hoping I could make it all the way…

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I’m rushing through this and creating flawless code like never before. I’m so on fire! (time for a break and dinner though)

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I love it when stuff Just Works â„¢

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I am actually starting to believe I can beat this deadline…

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Building a custom framework on the go… As if i didn’t have enough work on my hands already… Oh what the hell… Why not…

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Let’s create that thing!

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Diggnation download is slow as hell…

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And there it is: The brainwave, that brings all the ideas I need. Tomorrow is going to be a productive day!

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Really, Adobe. What were you thinking when you figured remapping the Zoom shortcut to M on the keyboard..?

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Isn’t technology awesome??

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Oh, and the same goes for all Flash Platform freaks…

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I’ve got a hot topic to blog about… And I bet a lot of standards people will be wanting to KILL me for that :D

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Oh great… The deadline is by 4:00PM… not 11:59PM… That’s about as far as hope goes…

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Just had dinner. Pasta Sciutta ftw!

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1 last push… Almost done.

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Still working on this actionscript project. Should’ve been done hours ago…

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I’m running out of juice here…

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THAT is one fat guy… Holy …

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What’s tje point of having a scrobbler if it doesn’t scrobble?

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Sitting somewhere in Kortrijk… Waiting for a few people to arrive… Drinking hot chocolate in the meantime. @dimitrivh is buying *happy*

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Off to the budascoop

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“Welkom in Nieuwpoort.” Heimwee naar toen. Nooit meer naar haar. Ik voel me miserabel, maar ik ben vrij. Geloof het of niet maar ik ben blij

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Back to paper for some formula-design (oh yes, this is happening…)

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Only one more minor glitch… I might actually push this to the limit and finish tonight…

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Sunset in Kortrijk is blowing my mind. The clouds are turning pink and orange… <3

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@Lieneuh @anthonyvanoyen van gisteren dus (aka, van deze nacht tot 4 uur ‘s ochtends :p )

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Wow, tonights seems to be worse than I figured it would be. Lots of people talking about ‘the worst storm ever’…

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is happy with his custom (badass) slider.

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@hermine_ Ik ook. Helaas ben ik verre van klaar met die andere 2… :(

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@hermine_ Ik mag hopen dat die 2 ook bijna af zijn?

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BitmapData.draw() is messing with my good nature again…

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Creating a render engine… For a scrollbar.

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@Stefanvds F9 - 5” - ISO100 - Geen postprocessing behalve croppen. Ben zo geen fan van postprocessing.

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@FinduilasC Thx! @Hanne_L Dank je! “Geduld is een deugd” heeft zicht vannacht bewezen :D

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Cool! My lightning shot got featured on Endandit!

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And that’s when we call it a night! Ciao all!

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@UnitZeroOne Belgium didn’t go to sleep due to that ;) Pretty crazy stuff!

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Lightning at Kortrijk. Mother nature at work.…

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Excuse me? The whole freaking sky was blowing apart and I didn’t get A SINGLE ONE?

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Ok, was that it? Only one hour of thunder, lightning? Mother nature seems to be tired… Let’s check out those pictures then…

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Some hilarious tweets in there: #search?q=%233wordsaftersex">

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Let’s get started!

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Anybody knows what happened to ?

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Dead tired. Heading to bed. Night night world.

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Alright! Set my timelapse stuff up to capture 30secs a shot. 30secs of rendering… That leaves about 50% chance to capture lightning <3

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Holy mother of god! That was a close one! Setting up my camera. I HAVE to get some shots of this!

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@newmovieclip @mysoulflower I’d agree. They sure did a great job at #2M09

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Well, that was lightning… Where is the thunder?

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Time for dinner… I’m starving, and getting a headache…

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@wouter Tried address to address now. Works perfectly. I’d suggest putting the type-combobox first though.

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@Robbedewilde Ik ben het wel eens met @anthonyvanoyen nu… Trouwens, tmag eens fel regenen… Tmoet ier afkoelen… tis ier om te bakken :p

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@wouter Can’t seem to find any existing routes. Anything I should know before trying it?

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@Robbedewilde Nah, leukste job is Mythbuster of Top Gear host :D

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@Robbedewilde Ge moet daar dan ook voor betaald worden. Da’s 6-12 weken fulltime werk :p Met 250€ kom je nie in aanmerking :p

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Somebody asked me to build a complete community platform online. Do people realize the amount of money for this is actually that high?

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On my way to Kortrijk. I’ve got a coding week waiting for me. Really stoked about beating 2 major deadlines in 5 days.

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On my way home. Watching the sunrise. I feel so alive.

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Twitter keeps unfollowing people… The worst thing is that it goes unnoticed…

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@W0utR @Robbedewilde als’t in PHP is: der is een functie die die tekens omzet naar ‘html special chars’ ;) (encode/decode ;))

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“What was the matter? So I can fix it myself?” -“It’s a typical ID ten T error. Just write it down, you’ll figure it out…”

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I’m set for my trip to Denmark. Got everything I need! Really looking forward to it :)

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Compact camera: check. Messenger bag: check. Next: tshirts!

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Does anybody know why the following error/solution works like that, because to me it makes no sense at all.

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Sometimes it feels like people should not be allowed to develop for the web. They shouldn’t even be allowed near a computer…

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Doing a bit of work, while waiting for yen

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Home from a lovely day out with a lot of friends. Good old times :)

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Out with edwin for a drink :)

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Had a great day with the family. Really awesome :)

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Guess who overslept on such an important day…

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Getting back at mail after an evening out with Yen.

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@peterelst ik heb mijn xbox vandaag ontvangen. 3 weken wachten is nog altijd de standaard bij ibood me dunkt

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is totally going “hihi”

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RT @danielRiots: a 15 year old girl just tried to add me on myspace. her screen name was ‘hot piece of ass’ .. i weep for our future.

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There we go! Twitterfon pro. Although 4€ might be pushing it.

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Great. I update twitterfon only to see ads now. Why?! Damn that. I hope they will releases paid non-ad version.

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Train is already 10 minutes late. And this is the departure station…

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Getting my stuff togehter before leaving for westende.

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Change of plans. Heading to school. Hopefully they got some good news for me

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Just made the first plans for this years FlashFocus summer competition

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@zemah_ duuuuude! Congrats! I’m so sorry though i ran out juice just then. Tried to stream it anyway but the phone just couldn’t take it :(

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1. I’m out of juice. 2. iPhone is waaay too hot 3. I can’t feel my arms anymore. I hope you guys enjoyed it.

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@freekdp I’ll tweet the URL as soon as it starts. So stay tuned or keep an eye on my blog. ;)

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I will be streaming the award show tonight!!

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Why nerds will rule the world

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“the best way of starting is just starting and doing it wrong” -@aral

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Thx everybody for viewing and retweeting. Batteries are running low fast though. @aral is up now. As always he’s having fun on stage

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Thanking @wouter for the wifi password. Keynote is about to start

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Btw: location is at the same location as last year. (for those who didn’t already know)

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Hello world! Sun is shining. Throat is scratching and is waiting!!

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@delegatevoid Lol, I will get some sleep… later, when I’m old, and my childeren annoy me all day… No rest for the wicked ;)

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And that will be it for today!

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I will be streaming live coverage at make sure to check it out!

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Setting up my Blog, qik and Twitter for tomorrow’s livestreaming

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Taking a shower before hitting the sack. Somebody gimme a wake-up call at 8AM please! kthxbai

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Updated the ads on my blog. Google adsense got me 4€ in 4 weeks… Let’s try somethng else :)

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Off to bed. I’m dead tired…

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@wouter and thank you (and the others) for doing an amazing job (again)!

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@bartclaeys I’m afraid not. I did meet @bart_chanet for a minute (i always mix you guys up… Bart & Bart :p )

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@zemah_ Believe me, when the battery died on me, that thing was the first thing i was thinking about :p I’ll order some of those next year:p

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Haha, I made it into the ‘Top Qikkers’ list today. I feel so geeky now ^^

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Wow a lot of new followers on Twitter. Cool! I can’t follow all of you guys though, so please don’t hate me! Welcome however!

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@mattijsdesmedt No, too bad. I know. My battery was halfway through when the Keynote was over :p Wouldn’t have made it anyway :p

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And WOW!! The Keynote i recorded this morning has ben watched more than 1300 times! So cool! I’m a happy camper! :)

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On my way home. was fantastic.

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Somebody stole my -FREE- drankbonnetje!!!

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is a wrap. What an awesome day. Time for the party.

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@zemah_ you made it 3rd on the adnerds award too. Congrats again!!

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RT @sjespers Omg… Just arranged 2 world exclusives for the Multi Mania keynote — If you didn’t see that one coming… :p

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@glamorous_be No, I already got that one. It says ‘the local idiot’ on my back :p

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That crazy idea is back… If I’m working this out, I need to print my tshirt VERY fast…

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Only a few minutes ago the sky was falling apart and Kortrijk was about in rain…

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One down. Two to go. Went pretty much as expected.

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Caught myself doing some very stupid mistakes today! But i’m happy. it’s working and it rocks!

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Getting a headache… Time to finish this up and get some food…

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Alriiight! OOP has once again proven its power!

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I am amazed by the fact how fast news is spreading (cfr Berlaymont building fire BXL). But where are the live feeds? We got the technology!

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Oyea! I’m really getting that SQL stuff! Never been that good at it before :)

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@glamorous_be First thing that went through my head when I read it :D Coincidence?

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Working on this little imageviewer. Last thing to do to finish this one up!

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@DaveFlash Wat zou je willen doen? We zijn vooral op zoek naar PHP mensen (om te werken aan de site), en nieuws schrijvers.

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@glamorous_be … zijn eigen suggesties welkom. Wat zou je willen doen? Laat het ons weten en we zien dan wel of er een plaatsje is :)

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@glamorous_be Momenteel hebben we wat mensen voor Techniek nodig. Mensen die nieuws willen schrijven zijn zeker ook welkom. Daarnaast …

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Ik ben op zoek naar mensen die actief aan FlashFocus willen meewerken. Als je interesse hebt om me te helpen, @reply maar!

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Wow, all of a sudden I’m exhausted… Will code some more. Can’t go to bed quite yet.

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OMG! Some people should NOT be allowed to publish a screencast. That guy was driving me crazy! ARRRRGH!

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Really digging Plex!

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I did a good day’s work. Tomorrow I’ll finish it. Just one more little touch.

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RT: @maeseele Ja, de les gaat door morgen. — Laten we in groep doen alsof we deze tweet niet gezien hebben? :p

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call_user_func_array() saved the day!

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Sommige mensen zouden Twitter beter NIET leren kennen…

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@Stefanvds Exactly my point :) (Isn’t it a little bit weird to be a developer and expect errors instead of perfect compiling?)

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(To some of you this might not be all that miraculous, but I’m pretty sure a lot of people know what I’m talking about)

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Don’t you just love it when you write a lot of code, and when testrunning it, it does EXACTLY you what you wanted it too?

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Coding PHP like crazy…

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Back home. Had a very cool night with @aral, @newmovieclip and @code_is_art. Now back to coding PHP. (Sleeping is for grown-ups)

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Having one last drink with @code_is_art

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Watching @newmovieclip trying to explain what a ‘deviner’ is to @aral

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We are waiting for @newmovieclip but he seems to be taking all the time he needs to get here. 30 minutes and counting

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@glamorous_be So I wasn’t in there yet? :o J/k ;) thanks :) I’ll try to keep you satisfied ^^

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@glamorous_be True… I don’t follow that kind of blogs. But I can see how feedreaders come in handy at that point :)

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