The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

March 2012

Yes. This living room works. I love it.

via Tweetbot for iOS from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

Did it occur to anybody else that everybody online seems to smarter than all of Facebook’s people and their advisors combined? (cfr FB IPO)

via Twitter for Mac

“854 million monthly active users.” Holy cheese! That’s a big f***ing number.

via Twitter for Mac

Big day today. We are getting our living room and just about everything else that doesn’t fit in a regular sized elevator. Finally.

via Tweetbot for iOS from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

Some cool stuff in there! RESPECT! RT @maximgladines: #devine students showing their work at @Adobe #sf

via Twitter for Mac

Sometimes it’s better to not talk.

via Twitter for Mac

nattylux 99.9% of support emails are complaining their device isn’t supported. We currently support 707 devices. Mindblowing.

via web (retweeted on 12:39 AM, Mar 31st, 2012 via Tweet Button)

YAWZA! :| RT @wenti: Te koop stijlvol gerenoveerde rijwoning met zonnig stadstuintje (9000 Gent) RT welcome!

via Twitter for Mac

hufkens Temple Run for Android is out and highlights Android’s fragmentation problems -

via Flipboard (retweeted on 9:48 PM, Mar 30th, 2012 via Twitter for Mac)

“Can you make the logo bigger?”
“No. I can not.”

via Twitter for Mac

@Dessertlepeltje Ah, toen dat dien mens aan’t oversteken was en ik voorbij een auto reed om in te draaien? Alleeh: Goedemorgen! :D

via Twitter for Mac in reply to Dessertlepeltje

@Dessertlepeltje Eh? Ik ben nie op een fiets? al zeker 3 en een half uur nie meer!

via Twitter for Mac in reply to Dessertlepeltje

lamazone Fear, like joy, usually means that you’re where you should be, learning what you’re ready to learn, about to become more than who you were.

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 9:54 AM, Mar 30th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Hardware accelerated? Intriguing. RT @arstechnica: Chrome 18 arrives with hardware-accelerated Canvas: by @segphault

via Tweetbot for iOS from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

Apparently I’m losing my touch. Really conflicted with myself.

via Tweetbot for iOS from Schaarbeek, Brussels

@scottjanousek A report from yesterday talked about ‘shipments’. That’s ‘warehouse’.

via Twitter for Mac in reply to scottjanousek

It took 4 months, but I finally have a fuck-up to own up. Meh.

via Twitter for Mac

Holy crap! RT @makc3d: look what’s open sourced today

via Twitter for Mac

daringfireball Jason Perlow Is Sick to Death of Android:

via DF Tootbot (retweeted on 9:54 AM, Mar 29th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@ilovethevegas Holy crap! Papa Lennert?! Oohhh boy… ;) proficiat gast!

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to ilovethevegas from Ghent, Ghent

Facebook accounts for cats. They are actually starting to make sense. I need to get myself a cat…

via Twitter for Mac

mrTimp Zonder de Flair zouden vrouwen veel gelukkiger zijn met zichzelf. Zonder de P-magazine zouden mannen veel gelukkiger zijn met hun vrouw.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 2:15 PM, Mar 28th, 2012 via Twitter for Mac)

s9tpepper I don’t think I’ve ever seen a company destroy so much of their own intellectual property in such a short amount of time. #amazing #Adobe

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 1:43 PM, Mar 28th, 2012 via Twitter for Mac)

davykestens RT @lorenzbogaert: Belgian entrepreneurs are 21st century slaves. I only invest in Belgian start-ups if they leave Belgium after the round.

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 1:38 PM, Mar 28th, 2012 via Twitter for Mac)

@Made_By_Thomas Ginder nen job-aanbod gekregen? Of gewoon verhuizen?

via Twitter for Mac in reply to Made_By_Thomas

stefsull A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions. -Confucius

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 9:54 AM, Mar 28th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@philipdubois Gij had gewoon brute pech. Geef het nog wa tijd ;) Nie oordelen op basis van de verkoper. Wel adh van het product /cc @eXop

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to philipdubois

@peterelst With the events from the past months, it feels a bit as if Adobe is trying to get rid of the Flash Player.

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to peterelst from Schaarbeek, Brussels

@eXop koopt u nen iPhone gast. Zal ff wennen worden maar tzal u gelukkiger maken ;)

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to eXop

peterelst whoever thought launching premium features in Flash Player is a good idea is seriously deluded - as if people need more incentive to move on

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 9:34 AM, Mar 28th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Today is going to be exciting. I can smell it! Do you smell it?

via Tweetbot for iOS from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

It’s time for me to get back on a few personal projects. It’s been a while since I did…

via Tweetbot for iOS from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

@lafilledo Ik mis dat oude logo en de huisstijl toch wel. Dat was eigenzinnig en leefde. Dit is serieus en “Amerika in de 90’s”

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to lafilledo

johnolilly Was a little shocked by how messy the home page is today. So much competing UI now.

via web (retweeted on 6:50 PM, Mar 27th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

WarrenWhitlock “We do not stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing.”

via Pluggio (retweeted on 9:40 AM, Mar 27th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Pure gold. @ Station Kortrijk

via Instagram

daringfireball Android Phone or Condom?:

via DF Tootbot (retweeted on 7:48 AM, Mar 27th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

sgsemu @parislemon “What are you talking about, I love email!” - No one, ever

via web (retweeted on 7:46 AM, Mar 27th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Just read a blogpost from some time ago. Every time it strikes me how lucky I actually got. And all of you did your part. Thanks for that.

via Twitter for Mac

Hey @timehop! Any idea’s why I haven’t gotten an email from you guys ever since March 21st? Not in spam folder either. I feel left out :(

via Twitter for Mac

I want this in my living room. Fuck yea!

via Twitter for Mac

Getting emails that make me feel very happy and proud. It’s hard to not share them because it would probably be called ‘bragging’. Boohoo!

via Twitter for Mac

There’s really nothing quite as impressive as the @mobilevikings customer support. Unmatched (at least in Belgium)

via Twitter for Mac


via Twitter for Mac

RT @pixeldimensions: “Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun” - …

via Tweetbot for iOS

The girl at the sandwichbar was flirting with me. I used to be a pretty smooth talker. Used to. Past tense. This was embarrassing.

via Tweetbot for iOS from Schaarbeek, Brussels

Anyway: seated for The Hunger Games. No clue what to expect.

via Tweetbot for iOS from Courtrai, Courtrai

Wondering how long it takes before Hollywood realizes releasing old blockbusters in 3D is not what we’re waiting for.

via Tweetbot for iOS from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

How badly do you want to go to San Francisco just to try this?It’s an unmanned taco delivery helicopter! AWE. SOME.

via Twitter for Mac

blindfumble Quite brilliant

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 4:45 PM, Mar 25th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@mobilevikings Ja: 3G werkt gewoon. Als ik de tethering gegevens invul krijg ik het hotspot menu niet (en de gegevens verdwijnen achteraf)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to mobilevikings

@mobilevikings Ideeën waarom personal hotspot niet werkt op mijn nieuwe iPad? Reboot + factory reset halen niets uit (

via Twitter for Mac

In the same manner I wonder why they upload a screenshot to a service that is clearly meant to give everybody a shot at photography.

via Twitter for Mac

I always wonder why people use the tiltshift filter in Instagram when they upload a screenshot…

via Twitter for Mac

Damn you, Infinity Blade.

via Twitter for Mac

The drawback of retina iPads: instagram pics now seem tiny ;)

via Tweetbot for iOS from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

@davy_delbeke niet uw wet. It has been around stalking the world for many years. (en de funny images op 9gag ook ;) )

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to davy_delbeke from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

@prplps Ge zijt juist ze: Ik wist de context nie en idd: In mijn flow kunt ge de SWF nie meer accessen tot de CSS3 animatie gedaan is ;)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to prplps

That tweet about the ‘ugly Apple TV UI that was thrown out 5 years ago’ has been deleted. Just wondering what that means… /cc @yipe

via Twitter for Mac

@prplps Tijdens de animatie SWF BMD gebruiken als BG. CSS3 gebruiken ipv JS animation. Is gewoon een ‘technical challenge’ hoor ;) nvm me ;)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to prplps

@prplps Yea, maar je zou de CSS3 animatie kunnen gebruiken en de SWF een BMD laten renderen om in de HTML source de de SWF te vervangen ;)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to prplps

@prplps geen tussenoplossing mogelijk met bitmapdata en fallback png?

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to prplps from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

@DavidSuiker @boskabout Chance dat het allemaal zo simpel blijft eh! Een mens zou anders nog eens de verkeerde kabel kunnen kopen ;)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to DavidSuiker

@boskabout Er zijn blijkbaar ‘nieuwere’ versies van HDMI (1.3, 1.4, etc). Dus er lijkt wel een verschil in te zitten.

via Twitter for Mac in reply to boskabout

peterelst tilt-shift is the new lens flare ;)

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 9:33 AM, Mar 24th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

SaatchiBrussels Anything you share online could become a Pizza Party. Never before has it been so easy to win your own party! Check

via web (retweeted on 6:00 PM, Mar 23rd, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@mobilevikings enige reden waarom mijn nieuwe iPad de tethering gegevens nie lijkt op te slaan (en ik dus nie kan tetheren)? Nieuwe sim

via Tweetbot for iOS from Courtrai, Courtrai

@scottjanousek I’ve played Infinity Blade 2 for an hour now. No overwhelming heat increase. I’m not even sure if I’d call it “increase”.

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to scottjanousek from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

Zotte @mobilevikings zijn zot. Donderdagochtend om 1u een SIM kaart besteld. Vrijdag om 10u in de bus gekregen. Ongelooflijk. Thanks!

via Twitter for Mac

If you value your life, stay inside! I’m coming…

via Hipstamatic from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

Holy crap, Hipstamatic sucks bad at sharing pics on Twitter… :/

via Twitter for Mac

@prplps I have an iPad 1, so quite a lot of change. The retina impact is key though. Didn’t expect it to be so crisp and clear.

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to prplps from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

frank_be wie een ipad wil: @vandenborre heeft stock in aantal winkels (reserveren via web, uur later in de shop afhalen)

via Osfoora for Mac (retweeted on 9:45 AM, Mar 23rd, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@prplps I remember that too ;) however this was only the start and this is a tiny -almost nerdless- city ;)

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to prplps from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

“Once your mind has been pre-blown, it cannot be re-blown.” -Sheldon Cooper.
Theory invalidated.

via Twitter for Mac

@joristi Wanna come by tonight and put your willpower to the test? You know you want to… (WE’VE GOT COOKIES!!)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to joristi

@philipdubois Your eyes have not yet glazed over this screen. It’s like Medusa. No shit.

via Twitter for Mac in reply to philipdubois

For those of you would don’t want to buy a new iPad: don’t look at its screen or you will not be able to resist. This is mind boggling.

via Tweetbot for iOS from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

Friday morning at @wirward’s place. Special event.

via Tweetbot for iOS from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

@miespaties I know :( For many years I resisted but in the end it turned out to be stronger than myself… ;)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to miespaties

@glamorous_be @thenerd_be is al uitverkocht in Kortrijk ;) da’s een hint ;)

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to glamorous_be from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

@lizztheblizz voorraad genoeg… Ook wel genoeg gekken hier… Just sayin…

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to lizztheblizz from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

First times for everything: Queueing in line for a new iPad on launch day. At 6AM. What the hell am I doing…?

via Tweetbot for iOS from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

Whoever said that there wasn’t going to be a big queue at the @lab9stores in Kortrijk at 5:30 AM was wrong.

via Tweetbot for iOS from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

It’s way too early to get up…

via Tweetbot for iOS from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

Oh! For those of you who noticed my site was down for about 2 days: it’s up again! Sorry for the (non-existing) inconvenience ;)

via Twitter for Mac

@AugustinDeBie Raar, kzie nochtans uw laatste DM staan (denk ik). Anders moet ge mij maar mailen of via iMessage pingen ;)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to AugustinDeBie

Some follow-up about the 3.5” iPhone display:

via Tweetbot for iOS from Sint-Lievens-Houtem, Aalst

@Suiadan But I thought that ‘customizing Android to the manufacturer’s needs’ was part of the point of Android?

via Twitter for Mac in reply to Suiadan

@Suiadan Exactly. Google should be helping manufacturers to get ICS on all devices now.

via Twitter for Mac in reply to Suiadan

@BrunoByttebier Op de fiets zou kunnen. 19u04 niet :p Ik was thuis om 18:50 ;)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to BrunoByttebier

Lol! They announced Android 5.0 while major devices still have to upgrade to 4.0… What a joke…

via Twitter for Mac

@BrunoByttebier How? When? Where? I feel violated. And not in the good way. ;)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to BrunoByttebier

paulrouget keming?

via Firefox Share (alpha) (retweeted on 2:02 PM, Mar 22nd, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Wtf?! RT @philedewulf: @noCreativity only with blackberry your thumbs get deformed!

via Tweetbot for iOS

@hannesfostie Pannenkoekenhuis in de Leiestraat, wellicht enkele terrasjes op de Grote Markt, Park Hotel mss ook ;)

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to hannesfostie from Sint-Lievens-Houtem, Aalst

I can’t believe these rumors about a bigger iPhone screen in future versions. It won’t happen: our thumbs don’t get bigger, now do they?

via Tweetbot for iOS

nikz New Hobby: using Apple tag lines as commit messages:

“This Changes Everything. Again”

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 8:12 AM, Mar 22nd, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

In other news: Fuck you, Winter! I’m skipping spring and hitting summer right away! See ya!

via Instagram

Well, today is going to be an interesting day.

via Tweetbot for iOS

Might just want something like this… RT @matesl: wacom style pen on iPad. Woop Woop! Declassified: Blue Tiger

via Twitter for Mac

It’s one of these days where being brutally honest would hurt a few ego’s. Instead I’ll just try to not care.

via Twitter for Mac

MnrCD Stop fixating on where to put the logo, and figure out where to put the idea. #print

via Mobile Web (retweeted on 6:26 PM, Mar 21st, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

As long as Hipstamatic stays around and keeps doing good stuff,I’m cool with this.Never really liked Instagram filters.

via Tweetbot for iOS from Brussels-Capital Region, Belgium

“Samsung Galaxy S Blaze 4G”
I wonder if those Samsung execs call their kids like that too. Just imagine: Victor Charles B Clintthrust Jr. II

via Tweetbot for iOS

Alfred Hitchcock’s definition of happiness. Couldn’t have said it any better. (via @daringfireball)

via Tweetbot for iOS

@GuusDeGraeve Komt van de “Pick Me” reeks van American Football ;)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to GuusDeGraeve

@duivvv De waarheid is het! Natuurlijk lijden uw schoolprojecten daar dan wat onder. Maar er was altijd tijd om te experimenteren. ;)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to duivvv

Today would be better if it were friday.

via Twitter for Mac

parislemon Winter And The Wall

via Tweet Button (retweeted on 10:00 AM, Mar 21st, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Man, 6 years ago today, Twitter went live. 5 years ago I signed up. Holy crap; time flies! Happy birthday, Twitter!

via Tweetbot for iOS from Brussels, Brussels

@PidgonOfficial Creatief idee. Bijna alsof ik het nergens eerder heb gezien, die ‘hoe meer shares, hoe sneller bekend’. Toch succes ermee…

via Twitter for Mac in reply to PidgonOfficial

Apple should start paying me money. Another new iPhone user. And one less Android believer. Challenge completed.

via Tweetbot for iOS from Harelbeke, Kortrijk

Overheard at the office: “… bigger, but not in a sexual way”. You’ve got to be wondering what they were talking about…

via Twitter for Mac

@dcurtis are we sure that Google shut it down? Maybe @kevinrose & team did this because the entire team is moving to a new venture?

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to dcurtis from Brussels, Brussels

I’d like to invite all of you to say “Wow!” together:

via Tweetbot for iOS from Brussels, Brussels

What is it with wannabe-important people and talking loud everywhere they go…?

via Tweetbot for iOS from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

One of these days I’m going to do a server-move again. This is ridiculous. Server has been up and down with for the past 12 hours…

via Twitter for Mac

It’s one of these days where it seems like the universe is trying to talk to me:I see signs everywhere.Or I probably need to get some sleep.

via Twitter for Mac

UXYoda Minimalist design. Less design it is not.

via web (retweeted on 11:56 PM, Mar 19th, 2012 via Twitter for Mac)

MurtenSaerbi The company I work for is looking for talented flash wizards, jQuery magicians, CSS guru’s and overall nice dudes/dudettes. #artcoreSociety

via web (retweeted on 11:53 PM, Mar 19th, 2012 via Twitter for Mac)

@MurtenSaerbi Haha! Very subtle! I almost didn’t notice what was going on ;) Good luck finding your Guru/Wizard/Magician ;)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to MurtenSaerbi

It’s awesome to be called a name which is exactly what you set out to become.

via Tweetbot for iOS from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

Yea baby! RT @aral_lara: You share it, we pizza-party it! Well done! @miespaties @noCreativity &the rest of the team!

via Twitter for Mac

Anybody wanna tell me what @shipmentapp is? It seems they don’t want to tell me on their website (where I’m supposed to request an invite)

via Tweetbot for iOS from Schaarbeek, Brussels

Jonazzty RT @lyntje: Gezocht: Vlaamse stem m/v die voice-over van 1:30 min kan opnemen. info/contact via / @gentsagency RT = thx!

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 4:21 PM, Mar 19th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@parko_Kortrijk dan was de persoon in kwestie nie in zijn beste humeur. Nie leuk om het weekend mee in te zetten.

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to parko_Kortrijk from Brussels, Brussels

yratof Seriously, I DON’T NEED WIDOWS!!! I need width! Stupid alphabetised auto crap

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 1:11 PM, Mar 19th, 2012 via Twitter for Mac)

Alles wat ik voortaan online deel, kan een Pizza Party worden. Zelfs deze tweet. Doe ook mee op en win je Pizza Party.

via Tweet Button

Big up for @davykestens. Got some remarkable investors backing his @twitspark business! Congrats man!

via Twitter for Mac

So what is Apple going to do with its $97 600 000 000? (That’s a lot of zeros…) Tomorrow will be an interesting day…

via Twitter for Mac

Arjun024 140 char limit .. really? \355\240\265\355\263\243\355\240\265\355\263\250\355\240\265\355\263\234\355\240\265\355\263\220\355\240\265\355\263\243\355\240\265\355\263\250\355\240\265\355\263\220\355\240\265\355\263\233\355\240\265\355\263\243\355\240\265\355\263\250\355\240\265\355\263\220\355\240\265\355\263\233\355\240\265\355\263\243\355\240\265\355\263\250\355\240\265\355\263\243\355\240\265\355\263\250\355\240\265\355\263\234\355\240\265\355\263\220\355\240\265\355\263\243\355\240\265\355\263\250\355\240\265\355\263\220\355\240\265\355\263\233\355\240\265\355\263\243\355\240\265\355\263\250\355\240\265\355\263\220\355\240\265\355\263\233\355\240\265\355\263\243\355\240\265\355\263\250\355\240\265\355\263\243\355\240\265\355\263\250\355\240\265\355\263\234\355\240\265\355\263\220\355\240\265\355\263\243\355\240\265\355\263\250\355\240\265\355\263\220\355\240\265\355\263\233\355\240\265\355\263\243\355\240\265\355\263\250\355\240\265\355\263\220\355\240\265\355\263\233\355\240\265\355\263\243\355\240\265\355\263\250\355\240\265\355\263\243\355\240\265\355\263\250\355\240\265\355\263\234\355\240\265\355\263\220\355\240\265\355\263\243\355\240\265\355\263\250\355\240\265\355\263\220\355\240\265\355\263\233\355\240\265\355\263\243\355\240\265\355\263\250\355\240\265\355\263\220\355\240\265\355\263\233\355\240\265\355\263\243\355\240\265\355\263\250\355\240\265\355\263\233

via QIP 2012 (retweeted on 9:44 PM, Mar 18th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

ingegeerdens “You’ve achieved success in your field when you don’t know whether what you’re doing is work or play.” - Warren Beatty

via web (retweeted on 5:24 PM, Mar 17th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@BeateV ja, maar daarvoor moeten een aantal papieren in orde zijn. En ge kunt da nie in orde brengen zonder congé te pakken. Nog even dus ;)

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to BeateV from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

@BeateV Maar ze hadden op’t z’n minst even kunnen doorlopen en achteraf terug komen bij onze wagen om dan te beboeten. Scheelde minuten :/

via Twitter for Mac in reply to BeateV

@BeateV Was ik nu net naar aan’t kijken. Gaat mij ook nie om het feit da’k een boete heb omda’k iets fout heb gedaan.Da hoort nu eenmaal zo.

via Twitter for Mac in reply to BeateV

Beste @parko_kortrijk: Ge zijt assholes. 5 minuten na het vervallen van mijn ticket had ik al een boete. Nie eens de kans om bij te betalen.

via Twitter for Mac

What if this tragedy would have been treated like any other news story? A 3-minute-report, followed by the sunny weather forecast. Better?

via Tweetbot for iOS from Brussels, Brussels

davydooms Gettyimages, you amaze me every day! Thank god it’s friday.

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 3:55 PM, Mar 16th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Friday afternoon: Great weather, cool project about to launch, doing the finishing touches and having the weekend right there… I love it!

via Twitter for Mac

@starvomiter Ik denk niet dat ouders TV nodig hebben 2 dagen na de gebeurtenis om herinnert te worden aan wat hun kinderen is overkomen.

via Twitter for Mac in reply to starvomiter

I bet you any money that if your kid had been on that bus,you wouldn’t be bitching about all the media attention,you inconsiderate douchebag

via Tweetbot for iOS from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

@ghylleweb I’ve yet got to discover what’s so fantastic about G+. It isn’t sold on me even though I see the potential. It’s trying too hard.

via Twitter for Mac in reply to ghylleweb

Google trying to spice up it’s Google+ product by hiring @kevinrose. Not sure if this is gonna catch on, though…

via Twitter for Mac

@BrunoByttebier Idem :D Was vroeger wel klant. Is wel al 4 jaar geleden…

via Twitter for Mac in reply to BrunoByttebier

fdenkens Who needs monitoring tools when you have Twitter.

via Echofon (retweeted on 10:46 AM, Mar 15th, 2012 via Twitter for Mac)

After 6 years Mac-only, trying to actually do something on a Windows computer actually feels slow motion… How does one forget so much?

via Twitter for Mac

It’s like seeing a ghost…

via Tweetbot for iOS from Schaarbeek, Brussels

I asked specifically for a camera with NO interlacing… Guess what I got..

via Twitter for Mac

Dacht ik ook net… RT @Kat_InTheCradle: En opeens lijken je eigen problemen zo futiel. :s

via Tweetbot for iOS from Brussels, Brussels

“Our goal is simple objects, objects that you can’t imagine any other way.” - Johny Ive

via Twitter for Mac

@mobilevikings didnt help. Problem solved when I left Brussels. Thx for your concern :)

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to mobilevikings

Pfff… @mobilevikings service is letting me down again (centre of Brussels). This seems to be becoming a regular thing.

via Tweetbot for iOS from Brussels, Brussels

Instafave. RT @maximgladines: The Facebook Cheat Sheet: Sizes and Dimensions | What every web-designer should have

via Twitter for Mac

It’s hard to not say some things on Twitter, today…

via Tweetbot for iOS from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

Building coding demo’s. Even though I’m dead tired, I love doing this :)

via Twitter for Mac

Say what!? Twitter acquired posterous…? Not exactly something I saw coming… The question is now: Where are they going with this?

via Twitter for Mac

iPhone 4S battery drained from 75% to 25% in about 80 minutes just by calling, SMSing, and mailing. Ridiculous.

via Tweetbot for iOS from Affligem, Halle-Vilvoorde

So, it’s one of these days, then…? Something way more important is bound to go wrong.

via Tweetbot for iOS from Brussels, Brussels

The new Basecamp doesn’t support mobile. At all. Major turn off.

via Tweetbot for iOS from Brussels, Brussels

You impress me every time. You know that, right? RT @NeuroProd:Not what I was looking for, but I like it. #OpenGL #GLSL

via Twitter for Mac

I just love the Facebook-philosophy :)

via Twitter for Mac

HarvardAsianGuy Nerd Joke: How do you generate a random string? Put a first year CS student in front of VIM and tell him to save and exit.

via web (retweeted on 1:52 PM, Mar 12th, 2012 via Twitter for Mac)

Het lijkt altijd een beetje pointless om iets te retweeten nadat @boskabout dat al gedaan heeft.Iedereen die mij volgt,volgt hem toch ook :p

via Twitter for Mac

The day at work starts with my second computer screen breaking and me banging my head against the table while trying to fix it. Awesome!

via Twitter for Mac

lytchi The Agency List: #inspiration #webdesign

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 10:47 AM, Mar 12th, 2012 via Twitter for Mac)

webdevotion So nice to see the sun again. Shine baby, shine!

via Wren for Mac (retweeted on 8:45 AM, Mar 12th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@joristi nie zagen als ge erop zit. Ge zou kunnen buiten staan terwijl hij nie vertrekt en u nie meer laat opstappen :p

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to joristi

Apple should really start sending the jailbreakers money. They are actively pointing out vulnerabilities and never aim to harm anyone.

via Tweetbot for iOS from Schaarbeek, Brussels

Heard a strange ringing noise when I came back to the apartment. Almost forgot we had a fixed phone…

via Twitter for Mac

@starvomiter Ik heb het al eens gedaan. Is niets goed van gekomen.

via Twitter for Mac in reply to starvomiter

And don’t let her go either. RT @AugustinDeBie: Don’t go abroad for 3months when you have a girlfriend.Don’t. #gettingCrazy

via Tweetbot for iOS from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

This might take a while…

via Twitter for Mac

The iOS Facebook app needs a “read post later”-feature for when you want to check a status/video/note/link/photo later on.

via Tweetbot for iOS from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

RT @samvermette: Sex is no accident. Always use a condom. (via @goobimama)

via Tweetbot for iOS from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

Dear 10-year-old me: I am fine.

via Twitter for Mac

I just spotted a Foot Locker in Kortrijk. Must investigate soon!

via Tweetbot for iOS from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

What a beautiful day to wake up to… Happy weekend, all!

via Tweetbot for iOS from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

First day in about 2 weeks that I can actually relax at home. Feels awesome…

via Twitter for Mac

You know you’re pushing it when you’re searching empty frames to delete to dive under the 50kb banner-size limit.

via Twitter for Mac

Oh Samsung… You so funny. RT @verge: Major update: Samsung denies March 10th date for Galaxy S II ICS upgrade

via Tweetbot for iOS from Brussels, Brussels

BryanRoberts72 Genius. A QR code on a TfL poster. A TfL poster telling you to keep valuable items like smartphones hidden.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 8:22 AM, Mar 9th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

RT @nickvegas: “Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better.” - Jim Rohn

via Tweetbot for iOS from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

@Draitnn Nope. Tis nen location service. Ben nie echt privacy-minded maar mensen da’k nie ken moeten daar nie weten waar ik ben.

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to Draitnn from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

It’s like a fake facade.

via Twitter for Mac

Dear Lotus Notes: i hope you burn in hell.

via Tweetbot for iOS from Zottegem, Aalst

@aral white looks pretty freaking awesome. Couldn’t go back to a black iPhone. But the black one hides the “holes” pretty well.

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to aral

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