Oh! For those of you who noticed my site was down for about 2 days: it’s up again! Sorry for the (non-existing) inconvenience ;)
@AugustinDeBie Raar, kzie nochtans uw laatste DM staan (denk ik). Anders moet ge mij maar mailen of via iMessage pingen ;)
Some follow-up about the 3.5” iPhone display: http://t.co/sDNpUgCK
@Suiadan But I thought that ‘customizing Android to the manufacturer’s needs’ was part of the point of Android?
@Suiadan Exactly. Google should be helping manufacturers to get ICS on all devices now.
@BrunoByttebier Op de fiets zou kunnen. 19u04 niet :p Ik was thuis om 18:50 ;)
Lol! They announced Android 5.0 while major devices still have to upgrade to 4.0… What a joke…
@BrunoByttebier How? When? Where? I feel violated. And not in the good way. ;)
paulrouget keming? http://t.co/RzoVUW1Y
Wtf?! RT @philedewulf: @noCreativity only with blackberry your thumbs get deformed! http://t.co/agobcwKf
@hannesfostie Pannenkoekenhuis in de Leiestraat, wellicht enkele terrasjes op de Grote Markt, Park Hotel mss ook ;)
I can’t believe these rumors about a bigger iPhone screen in future versions. It won’t happen: our thumbs don’t get bigger, now do they?
nikz New Hobby: using Apple tag lines as commit messages:
“This Changes Everything. Again”
In other news: Fuck you, Winter! I’m skipping spring and hitting summer right away! See ya! http://t.co/90GCVHpW
Well, today is going to be an interesting day.