Heard a strange ringing noise when I came back to the apartment. Almost forgot we had a fixed phone…
@starvomiter Ik heb het al eens gedaan. Is niets goed van gekomen.
And don’t let her go either. RT @AugustinDeBie: Don’t go abroad for 3months when you have a girlfriend.Don’t. #gettingCrazy
This might take a while… http://t.co/XVEE8lTQ
The iOS Facebook app needs a “read post later”-feature for when you want to check a status/video/note/link/photo later on.
RT @samvermette: Sex is no accident. Always use a condom. http://t.co/TjP13Byl (via @goobimama)
Dear 10-year-old me: I am fine. http://t.co/A8aD3RkS