Wth? @mdowney joined MS as silverlight evanglist? Kinda shocked…
Well that was it for today. spiders are still driving me nuts but I don’t care. Nuts is still okay.
It’s funny to see people’s expression on their face when they realize I can speak Luxemburgisch.
Aaaaaargh!!!! What’s up with them damn tiny spiders everywhere?! Driving me nuts!!
Streettrain not moving anymore. Helloooo? Some people got a job to get to. So get me there. Today preferably.
Awake and kicking. Up & running. Whatever you wanna Call it: I am.
Get out of the shower. When I put on my shirt (which used to be a bit too wide) it turns out it kinda stretches on my chest now… Progress!
That Nike+ sportsband is tripping. I went way faster than yesterday, and according to the stats I went 15s/km slower. I smell buggy stuff.
ran 4.64 km @ a 05:37/km pace with Nike+ on 07/30/2009 (run time: 26:08) http://bit.ly/2w8DI #nikeplus
This workout was FUN! Freaking intense but FUN! My arms are about to fall off but it was real fun! Off for the run now!
Fucking great. Somebody on my shift made a 20€ error again and I’m the one responsible for it. That’s the one thing I hate about my job.
Up + running - “in the mood for work” = me
Watching Diggnation and chilling…. Might just fall asleep already…
The web starts to disgust me: Banners and ads all over the place. Redirects and full screen-screen banners everywhere you click…
“The older I get, the more I have to let go. That’s life.” - Rocky Balboa
Finally password protected the wifi network at home. Only wanted to do that for like a year…
Having lunch after a pretty weird morning. Let’s hope everything else goes smoother.
Intresting: The entire management platform at work is down and nobody knows why. Hurray for cheap software develpment solutions.
Heading to work now. Ready for another 6 days of amusement-hall-joy
My intensive workout scheme is showing some serious results. Already lost quite some weight and getting My old shapes back. Feel good
Time for a shower before hitting the sack. I’m exhausted.
It will be published in the october issue of the magazine so I’ll have to be patient some more time.
Sending out a ‘RTP’ (Ready To Publish) version of the article and all assets. Very excited to see the result in the magazine!
@Robbedewilde Not too happy to be honest. I can do 4:45, and on a good day i might even make 4:35. But powertraining + run might be a reason
Really enjoyed working out. *I!!! I feel so alive!*
ran 5.63 km @ a 05:13/km pace with Nike+ on 07/28/2009 (run time: 29:24) http://bit.ly/ZBZ4 #nikeplus
Waiting for yen to be ready to head to the gym. Really looking forward to today’s workout.
Why are people still using the mighty mouse? It’s the biggest piece of shit Apple ever released.
… But man!!! Having it comes in handy more often than I expected. Really understanding what all the fuzz was about now…
I was one of those people saying copy/paste on the iPhone would be good to have but not ‘that big of a deal’…
Got on the train in the very last second. Heading to Oostende now to see Delphine (my sister).
Uploading some of my photos in order to sent them to the magazine. They want to publish some of those as well. *joy*
Went to see @wirward and talk about an upcoming project. Heading home now.
Waiting foe the train to Kortrijk to leave. Made an error while filling in my train ticket… So where’s the train-dude?
Already 4 days of serious connection problems in an area where I used to have 3g with no problems at all.
I didnt have as much trouble with mobistar since last year. Will start looking at proximus plans again if this keeps on going like this
Walking through the rain in shorts and tshirt. This is lunchtime … And I’m soaked.
It’s official: the iPhone 3G S video quality pretty much rocks. That is a reason for buying one. But not just yet.
Just had @HoFa and ste visit me at work. Hofa is getting old. Seems like he’s close to getting bald already.
Having lunch. That sandwichbar is making lots of money off me…
Heading to work. Weather seems to be getting ready for a beautiful day. “life is good, so please enjoy it while it lasts”
Sent out a second version of my article. Time to get some sleep now. One more day of work before my day off. Hurray for good news!
I never saved any energy for the way back…
ran 6.46 km @ a 05:25/km pace with Nike+ on 07/26/2009 (run time: 34:59) http://bit.ly/5XDK5 #nikeplus
@Chi_Chi in middelkerke. I wasn’t able to connect to anything online. No problems with text messages or phone call though.
Seems like 3g is working again. For how long…?
Getting ready for a run on the boulevart with Yen.
A good friend of mine once said: “It’s all about the blabla you sell. Your skill doesn’t seem to count anymore.” He was so right…
@dimitrivh Ik heb gedurende een volledig jaar bijna altijd 3G (soms EDGE).. Nooit problemen gehad tot op heden…
@KoenPhlips Vreemd: ik heb pas problemen sinds een dag of 2. Dacht eerst dat de EDGE/3G dekking daar nie zo ideaal was…Is blijkbaar overal
Anybody else experiencing the same problems with mobistar mobile Internet (edge/3g) ? Mine is kinda … dead.
Sent out my final version of the article. Hoping to get some feedback pretty soon (aka tomorrow). Deadline is monday…
I have my good days. Today is not one of them.
Time for lunch. Really hungry. I could eat a horse!
Up & running. And kicking!! Feeling very good actually. Muscles seem to be catching up. Powertraining turns out to be real fun ^^
It’s official: You can’t write a detailed tutorial about how to create an image viewer in less than 1000 words.
Writing my workshop for the magazine. Very cool stuff! I like doing this!
Today’s workout was pretty relaxing. Did some great progress and my 30 min run went pretty okay too. I’m getting the hang of this.
Guess who’s late again…
Got pretty irritated at work. Happy i’m done. Fitst time ever i feel like this. Maybe it’s time to start looking for something else
My muscles are killing me. Damn didn’t know workin out would be so tough.
Wait…. What? http://digg.com/u19Je5 #srsly #what
And where did al the gigabytes go? “4,6GB available”!? Are you freaking kidding me!?
I totally love teaching people what I learned using the things I learned from everyone else. “Learning” and “Teaching” are such cool things!
So that’s it! The tutorial stuff is completely set up. Writing Le Stuff tomorrow. Totally digging this kind of productivity!
Starting to wonder if 1000 words for a complete ‘xml image gallery tutorial’ are actually enough…
Back from the gym. I’m pretty close to the power of yen for today’s exercises. Did some pretty hard cycling too. I’m on freaking fire!!
Preparing dinner! Feed the beast!!!
Doing a bit of work on this article before heading to bed. I am totally exhausted to be honest…
Wow! I’m totally hooked! I really enjoyed the powertraining. Really exhausting but very satisfieing!
Off to the gym with yen.
Over at yen’s to have dinner. As always: yen is late.
Not getting back to work just yet. Taking some time off to get a new haircut.
Finally time for my lunchbreak! I’m starving!
In the streettrain on my way to work. Next to me: an extremely fat (and smelly) woman. One of those takes up serious space. No kidding.
Picta’s online! I’m very happy with the shots. They are exactly what I wanted them to be! Off to bed now: Enjoy! http://digg.com/u19AO0
Ok: those are the most amazing pictures I ever shot (at least that what it looks like on the little screen). Can’t wait to see the originals
Waiting for the fireworks to begin. This time with DSLR and remote!
Watching yen fix a little bump on my dad’s car. He seems to be doing a pretty good job. http://twitpic.com/b4izq
On our way to Oostende to do some shopping. Weather is amazing!
Having drinks with Yen and @LadyElena.
Waiting for the streettrain. Enjoying the sun while listening to my wake up playlist…
I must admit: Worms for iPhone needs a bit of practice, but once you understand the controls, the game is total awesomeness
Working on my article for the magazine. Really enjoying this
Heading out for dinner. Pretty hungry. Anybody got a good movie suggestion for me during dinner?
Today was pretty crazy. Total multitasking-madness. Wondering if the weather will play nice in order to go out for some skateboarding…
Out for lunch. Really not waking up today. Need something powerful.
Just saw an old friend of mine. Already all drunk… It’s 9.30 in the morning. How do people actually live like this?
On my way to work. Thinking about the 2 people that got run over yesterday in Mariakerke
@Robbedewilde Hmz… ‘Die due to HIV/AIDS’ vs ‘painfull and risky treatment’. I’d make my mind up pretty fast… :p
Huh? Are they talking about ‘A cure for HIV’ on Diggnation? That kinda sounds amazing… Would this be ‘The Cure’?
Home. Time for some catching up on email, twitter, flashfocus and the entire interwactivity and stuff
Out with yen for a few drinks. Parties all over the place today.
Out for dinner with my dad and brother.
On my way home. Hungry as hell. But daaaamn, I’m on fire like you wouldn’t believe it.
Middelkerke casino. This feels right. http://twitpic.com/ar565
Man I want to see that skate contest. I’m working next to it and I can’t go.
I love racing on my bike in extremely crowded area’s. Nothing like an adrenaline rush in the morning.
Getting dinner before it’s too late. Not feeling hungry to be honest.
Wtf? Are they serious?? What the hell do they think they’re doing?! http://bit.ly/AGs8t
Wind was playing pretty nice. Rain wasn’t.
Out for some skateboarding… Let’s hope the wind plays nice…
Had a pretty busy afternoon at work. Didnt realize it was 6pm already :)
I touched an iPhone 3GS!!
Fire-sandwich! Ther’s never enough tabasco!!
Gooooooodmooooooorniiiiiiiing Vietnaaaaaaaaaaam!!!
That’s it for today. Chilling a bit before heading to bed.
None of those “I’m going to Adobe HQ”-guys is going to say anything, are they??
News letter designing. Putting our precious sponsors in place!
RT @bramzo: Do NOT wear a tanktop if you don’t have the muscles to wear one. #facebook — Lol :) So true :D
Out for a ride.
Wow! I’m not as enduring as I once was… Will be fixing this in the coming weeks… #mybigcomeback
Out for a skate session.
So I guess that’s a no…
Is any of you guys in diegem gonna tell us what’s going on?
Heading home after a long ( and boring ) day at work. Wondering what to do tonight.
Wondering what all the adobe hq fuzz is about (in Belgium)…
@simohell Ik eet wat evenwichtiger en doe veel meet duursport. Dat doet veel hoor ;)
Lost 7kg in less than 2 weeks. Hurray
What a horrible night… Really not feeling like I’m ready for work.
What’s easy about having 7 different models to choose from? http://twitpic.com/agorw #theirony
Who’s the low rider? http://twitpic.com/agivz
Thanks all. It went great. We had fun. Never expected this to be so cool.
Sorta nervous about meeting my real sister for the first time in my life. Wondering all kinds of things…
Great. Was reading an article on my iPhone on the metro.When looking up I realized I’m allready halfway in Oostende (instead of middelkerke)
On my way to work. Let’s hope tourists go easy on me today. Haven’t slept all that well…
Testing the updated version of tweetdeck. Really liking it so far.
Respect. http://digg.com/d1wfuh
Had a great time with Sam, Daisy, @byDust and @LadyElena on the beach. Getting ready to head out for dinner now.
Heading towestende to get some beach stuff. Weather seems to be playing games…
About to watch ice age 3 with @LadyElena.
Sea, sand, sunset and my girlfriend. Talk about perfect; this is it. http://twitpic.com/a929u
Heading home together with @LadyElena
Sooo… Nobody here? (and I mean NOBODY…)
Heading to work. I am in a very productive mood. Would be great not to have to work today, that way I could work on my new portfolio …
Catching up on mail and other ways of communication (and that’s still one hell of a list!)
Cocktail-consuming-time! (allthough they’re empty) http://twitpic.com/a59w7
on my way home. Weather has changed for the better today. Seems like I have to stay away from my computer then. That’s totally ok to me!
Fixed all bugs and optimized a few useability features. Time for a sandwich now!
“Daaaarling, when? When did we fall? When was it over?”
Excuse me? Adobe’s got 2 different platforms? Knowing I can run any Flash content as an AIR app:No. If I’d be working for MS,I’d be ashamed.
How is this dude a product manager? “To run flash you need a server + Adobe’s own server”. Get a clue. Seriously. http://digg.com/u17whn
That’s it for today! Excel vba app ready and running. Will get feedback by tomorrow. Already looking forward to the bugreports…
Had to relearn all the basics of vb and vba again. I did however have those “hell yea! It’s working”-moments again. Happy times…
Writing a vba application inside excel. My well trained OOP and Actionscript brain are experiencing the worst kind of pain ever.
Heading to work. It’s raining and I need to get there dry. And… I’m going by bike. Nothing like the smell of fresh fail in the morning.
Boooom!! http://twitpic.com/a1ipq
Fireworks time!
Sooo… Where’s Dimitri? http://twitpic.com/a0vnj
Heading to middelkerke to go out with Dimitri. Not in the mood to stay in tonight.
@savvas I hear ya. That’s the worst possible thing that could happen to MS: A product manager talking that kinda crap about the competition
Newsletter is looking pretty good. More work for that tomorrow. Let’s play some skate, and watch diggnation before going to bed :)
I agree, tabledesign is nasty, not-done and plain wrong… but it’s so much fun, and sooooo easy…
Designing and writing the @FlashFocus newsletter.
ran 3.93 km @ a 04:55/km pace with Nike+ on 07/10/2009 (run time: 19:19) http://bit.ly/11ed5g #nikeplus
went out for a run on the beach. Pretty relaxing. Hoping i won’t have trouble tomorrow because of sore muscles again.
On my way home. Got a pretty intresting assignment at work… In excel :’)
Heading to work early. Staying at home any minute longer just would cause problems anyway.
Heading to bed… Kinda tired… Yet I feel like I’m not done here…
Just watched ‘Ali’ again. ‘Ali’ and ‘Rocky Balboa’ are without any doubt my all time most inspiring movies…
had a great day… Got some cool new stuff. Thinking about some stuff right now. Need to get a few projects running in the coming days…
Cool. My sister is tagging along for some shopping. Oostende better be prepared…
On the train again.Heading to Oostende for some shopping. Let’s see who’s going with me.I need someone to carry my (insane number of) bags.
Off to bed. Not working tomorrow. Love the sound of that…
Ony way home to see @LadyElena.
Over at @wirward’s place. “giant” was the first word that occured to me. Nice place!
Wow! I’m getting close to 400 followers! Awesome!! All of you people follow me just to read my crap? That’s amazing! ;)
Are they serious? Job offer - description: ” you use the newest technology to keep the app up to date”. Required skill: “actionscript 2”
Done working. On my way to the trainstation. Weather here starts to look pretty bad. Let’s hope it doesn’t follow me to Kortrijk.
I am 66% addicted to Twitter http://bit.ly/12QvNC
from the curvaceous @Oatmeal
@UnitZeroOne that’s nit google os, that’s GOS and that article dates from 2007 :p
RT @codinghorror: testing is for the weak. real developers use The Force, because in your heart you just *know* that sucker is gonna work!
My bosses are too confident. Message on The desk says: ” hi Ronny. You know what to do. Good luck”. Here I am all alone again xD
Off to bed now… Heading to Kortrijk after work tomorrow… Note to self: Don’t forget to pack before you go out the door in the morning…
Did some newsletter work… Now away from the computer… Let’s play some games…
@joristimmerman Also true, but not having a site as a webdesigner/developer might just be a pushing your luck :p
The best freelancers I know have no portfolio. Only a temporary site, which has been there for many many years.
@stupidnoob Die man is al 15 jaar nie gaan werken… #geefgeendommeopmerkingenalsgedesituatieniekent
#ooitgehoordvanconge #yesihaveabadday
@kriskras Ge zou’t daar toch zot van worden? Ge zit een hele dag op’t werk, en als ge dan ‘savonds zit te chillen begint em der keer aan…
Is this guy serioius? Mowing his lawn at 8PM… Seriously: What?
Heading home. Will do some work for FlashFocus tonight. That way tomorrow I get to chill out all night with @LadyElena.
Out for lunch. Having a cool idea for a domain name! Buying that tonight ^^
Hmz…Weather for the coming week doesn’t look as good anymore…
Well! iPhoto seems to do the trick pretty much alright! Not bad at all. Way better than the standard Java client…
Let’s see if the iPhoto uploader works better… Uploading 162 pics is a serious pita…
And how the hell did I upload all of those pictures but the last one but have none online at all?? Seriously, what??
Upload already failed 3 times. No feedback from the client why… Talk about a lack of usability…
Cool, my boss called: “since you don’t need me to keep everything in order I’ll sleep in tomorrow. You know what to do. See you at noon” lol
big useability fail when uploading multiple pictures to facebook. You can’t see how many pics you’ve selected…
Selecting pictures from our stay in Copenhagen… 200 is not nearly enough…
Cool stuff. Nuff said. http://bit.ly/Ikqbr
Heading home. Hungry as hell. Feed me!!!
Cool! It’s confirmed. I will write a (few) article(s) for a magzine! Can’t say which one yet but I’m very excited!
Waiting for the streetcar. Damn it’s cold outside. Let’s hope that changes…
Took @LadyElena to the train station. Heading home now. Feel like going out for a ride.
Together with my brother on our way to Oostende to pick up @LadyElena