Turning my real-life room into 2D planes which I will use to simulate real 3D in a 2.5D environment… It’s fun… if you love pixel-pushing
Thinking about pushing that 2.5D thing as far as possible… Wondering about the overhead in flash at the same time…
At the pastabar for a quick bite. The pretty girl is working today and DAMN: she’s smoking hot!! Feels like summer for a second again. #wauw
Not doing your job but constantly experimenting kinda starts to pay off these days: I find myself recycling all kinds of code I wrote…
@didieeer Thx buddy! :)
Finally! Been waiting for this for weeks!! RT @mrinal: Hype Framework is now available for download http://hype.joshuadavis….
There’s magic behind every corner… Just watch the guy who shows you how to discover it…
Gave up on postponing dinner… Feed me, Seymour!
I got Published… Kinda ;) http://bit.ly/3yuHiT
Goe bezig belgacom: “Eenmalige installatiekosten: 50€”. En dan krijgt mijn pa een factuur waar die installatie 190€ is…
Check what i got in the mail! October issue of publish! With my workshop!! http://twitpic.com/ni4fs
What’s the point of the Mail app notifying you of new mail when it’s been marked as spam anyway??
I just realize I lost all my fonts when formatting my mac… I am so not used to doing that anymore…
And there he is!
Waiting for @iamdesign to arrive.
Digging that whole lists thing… Really cool to connect to new people!
I should really check out that lists thing everyone is talking about… Otherwise I don’t really see the point yet…
Last timelapse for this project is running… Cleaning up my room in the meantime…
Getting dinner. Pretty hungry. My stomach is really trying to make à point.
Signed up together with @chezFre for Les E-Magiciens. *fingers crossed*
Awesome! Totally love it! RT @mesh: Short film clip created with a holga : http://bit.ly/U05cI
Having found another challenge… Can’t put myself in that place where I start trying. I’ll end up in serious trouble with my other projects
SoundVisuals give me peace… I can’t deny it: The combo of colors, sound and interaction just give me the chills..
And I’m soaked… I feel like I got in the shower without undressing…
So when I finally get to the class on time… I get to the wrong room… So now I had to run _again_ only to arrive too late _again_.
@Quasimondo Depends on the talk I guess. However I’ve recorded and livestreamed talks, and speakers loved it. I’m with @bit101 on this one
Off to school for some quick administration… I need to take care of this asap…
@toStephen is da nie een beetje laat? :p
I like it when I see how somebody finds the solution to his problems on my blog ^^
This week’s episode of diggnation is brought to you by… Pizza, de rodenburgs and @wirward!!
out to get pizza for @wirward and myself for our Pizza-night later today
@TheRhythm Why not go back in time and remember AS2.0 & XML. THAT was FUN! ;)
Making great progress on this After Effects project. Looking good!
Note to self: Never ever try to do anything eclise-isch with Flex Builder. Will have to figure out how to unfuck my Flex install tomorrow…
Errors in code are never errors. They’re just opportunities in disguise to write better code!
@sebastianvyaene The actual job is to write code (without errors)(you’re not being paid to write errors). And…
I should really consider rewriting Playr instead of trying to fix it… There’s so many things I should make better…
Cleaning up some nasty Playr hacks and fixing some mini-bugs.
So close to making a Facebook account for @chezfre…
Timelapse madness! http://digg.com/u1FAm3
@bartclaeys Standaard is dat er niet op OSX. Ge kunt het wel installeren (de Apple versie heet ‘Numbers’. De MS versie is gewoon Excel:mac)
Checking Gen’s bags… She went shopping Bruges
Rendering 5 HD timelapses at once… Let’s hope for the best…
Cool! Dooodl got featured on DesignBeep! http://digg.com/u1F7ui Love it!
Rendering a few timelapses in Premiere… Fighting my way through the render settings.. Haven’t done this in a few weeks…
It’s official: I need to get my eyes checked. Damn…
Cool! The workshop I wrote for Publish is out there! (And I haven’t got a copy yet! :( ) http://www.publish.nl/ca…
Having @hofa and @exotic_maui over to visit Gen
gen still hasnt beaeten ANY SCORESSSS
Waiting for Gen to be ready to head out for dinner… Gen’s playing games on the iPhone… Addictive stuff…
Boat tour and guess what: it starts raining!!
At the pizza hut. Textung @Hofa he should come by tonight to see Gen
Heading to Ghent to meet up with Gen, a Canadian friend. Looking forward to seeing her again.
To me, all of this seems so natural… But apparently so many people do not realize…
@BobSermon So did we ^^
Jeniffers body. Love it. The movie itself was okay too ;)
Waiting to get in. About to watch “jeniffers body” with @wirward
Getting dinner. Did enough experimenting for one day
@Jannemans Nope! There’s still a physical click (which you can hear). I do think they implemented a ‘soft tap’ but I didn’t try it…
What was Apple thinking when they figured it was a good idea to let Mobistar sell the iPhone in Belgium. Can’t even find it on the website..
I love the magic mouse. Let it be said.
How the hell did I only find out about this now?? http://www.juxtinteracti…
@ddefrenne Windows draaien op een macbook… Kinda defeats the point of having a macbook… :p
Checked some stuff about embedding assets (MovieClips in a SWC) in AS3… I’m not all that happy about this… This should be easy…
Note to every OSX user out there who doesn’t know yet: You CAN make a screenshot on OSX using just 1 keystroke… http://digg.com/u1ExTP
I’m writing a blogpost that features ‘Facepalm.jpg’. That must be saying something…
Heading out for dinner with @ladyelena.
@modernSpices Yezzz, why?
Is any of you guys working using Version Cue in CS4? I’m wondering if I should give it a try.
Ok forget about that last tween… I already love it!
Hmz, haven’t been a big fan of using custom Tween classes, but the new TweenLite sure looks attractive… http://digg.com/u1EvtV
@savvas Let’s hope it doesn’t crash… Wouldn’t be a first class driving exam :p
Wow… I must’ve been wasted yesterday… Overslept half a day… Damn…
Off to bed. Getting some sleep before it’s “Friday Already!”…
Seems like I’m finally done… Let’s start working using my shiny fresh Leopard install ^^
@wirward ne staat al 2 minuten aan uw deur. Die nu keer open!
Slowly getting my head around that MVC thing… How can something that simple be so complicated to get?
Off to class and unlike last week, I’m going on time…
Updating my mac and installing all of the software I use. It’s more than I figured it would be
That went amazingly fast… Getting some sleep now… Goodmorning all!
It appears installing osx from a usb drive only takes 10-12 minutes, whereas the DVD install take up to 45 minutes… Nice!
Rebooting to reinstall Leopard from scratch… Feels weird… Haven’t done anything like this in 2 years…
That’s cool… The progress bar just jumped from ‘2 hours remaining’ to ‘1 hour remaining’… “Back to the future” anyone?
Are you kidding me??? This thing has been copying for over an hour. It now asks my password. I type it in, hit enter… And it starts over!?
It’s 1:41AM… Guess who’s cooking…
@BobSermon I’m going back to Leopard :p
‘Copying 78 255 items to BACKUP’ ’620,25MB of 135,89GB - About 2 hours’
That’s it. I’m going back to leopard.
Just watched a video tutorial by one of my lecturers. He makes complicated stuff look so easy…
Heading to the Apple store to check out the Magic Mouse, and lay my eyes on the next thing I’ll buy there…
Wow! Dooodl hit 825 installs after exactly one month! I’m blown away!
Updated my Wordpress installation. Everything seems to be running fine :)
Oops, wrong link. The topic I was referring to is this one: http://digg.com/u1ElMI
As of today I’m officially a FlashFocus Evangelist… It has kind of a cool sound to it :) More info [Dutch]: http://digg.com/u1ElM7
Great. I finish the tutorial, I hit the stop button, and the recording software crashes. Gotta do it all over again…
@modernSpices Video tutorial of the written version I posted here: http://digg.com/u1EP0m
Recording a very short and simple video tutorial
Off to get a haircut!
Cool! Patrick, the original designer of the SuperMini theme finally got in touch with me!
Discussed the Apple updates, new phones and LCD panels with one of my roommates… Being a geek is fun… But not for our wallet…
Apparently this really is ‘The New Apple’. I’m impressed…
Off to meet up with @ladyElena’s parents and have dinner
Just made a complete fool out of myself at school while trying to print 15 images for @chezFre… Shouldn’t printing be easy??
Me to the rescue! I’m putting fires out all over the place :D
Somebody drew a very cool Dooodl on my site! Love it! http://digg.com/u1EgCV
Playing with augmented reality and After Effects…
Finishing up, ready for some ‘nothing to do’-ness
Scanning, editing, timing, testing, and it’s all fun!
Finally ready to get some more work done…
preparing to head out to take some pictures with @chezfre
Waiting for @chezfre to head out for lunch.
After Effects at 9.30AM… This might be a bit too early on a monday…
Just found out about the FLARManager library. Pretty nice! http://words.transmote.c…
Very cool article, with lots of truth! http://digg.com/d117L8G
Just got a phonecall from a Canadian friend. She’s coming next week! Really looking forward to seeing her again
@NeuroProd lol, nice. Added one play myself. I’m exhausted now xD
Just finished a picture project for school with @lyntje. It looks pretty cool!
Cool! Went over the 300 doodls-mark this night :)
That’s it: I’m wiped. Off to bed for some sleep…
Starting After Effects. Again. Yes, once it has you, it doesn’t let you go all that easily… There’s so much to explore!!
Waiting in line: 30 minutes… You do that. I’ll cut it out for today… Let’s do something not After-Effect-isch…
Rendering the same thing one more time… Hoping to greatly improve the ‘arm-in-front-of-logo’ effect… I think this will look pretty nice
Today seems to be highly educative but i’m still taking a break. A man has to eat!
This is what I’ve been working on today: http://nocreativity.com/…
Your video will start converting in approximately 00:28:29. Thanks Vimeo! I’ll go and have dinner in the meantime :)
Rendering my After Effects experiment to a PNG sequence… This could take a while… Shopping time it is!
Frame by frame animation in After Effects… Aaahhhh… The love of every designer…
If every Twitter user would include #beatcancer once in his/her tweets today, we could raise 200 000$ to “beat cancer”!
And now it’s definitely time to get some sleep…
Rendering my first ‘real’ After Effects experiment… This will take a while… Pretty stoked with the results so far :)
So it finally happend… After Effects crashed… Now let’s see if those crashes are as safe as my professor tells me…
Recorded some footage to play with in After Effects… Making a little movie. Discovering new stuff is so much fun!
Wrote a mini tutorial on Time remapping to create a ‘slow twist’ effect in After Effects (Dutch) on FlashFocus: http://digg.com/u1EP0m
Allriiiight! Time remapping using gradients! I LOVE THIS!
Still looking for a way to turn a plane with a little bit of bending in AE (kind of clothing imitation). Looking into this for HOURS now…
Getting seriously pissed at either Adobe for weird artifacts on Snow Leopard or at Apple for breaking CS4… You choose… I reboot.
@W0utR Dooodl! Definitely! ;) (Sexy Bookmarks, WP-stats, Akismeth, meet your commenters, shadowbox js, wptouch theme plugin, wp postviews)
Time for dinner… More tinkering later…
@BobSermon So you heard that, huh? :p
I’m having such a cool idea for one of my projects. Really doubting if I can realise this…
Changing my Twitter Profile… Finding it weird not to be able to choose to center the BG-image…
@dvanautgaerden Degoutant gast xD
Thinking about a few projects. Really have to make my mind up about this…
I ran 5801m before hitting a wall and tumbling to my death on my iPhone. http://www.canabalt.com/
wow: people over at grabup.com must’ve done a horrible job… http://digg.com/u1EJyb
I always wonder what some developers did when building a browser: I open an empty tab and all of a sudden my HD starts spinning like crazy
Well… Mobistar 3G worked for a few hours but it seems down again… Damn it guys… What’s up? Fix it ffs.
RT @aral: Canabalt has the best web site of any iPhone game. The ultimate demo.Heading to app store to get it now :) http://www.canabalt.com
Off to unfail the day…
@wouter OMG! Ben gemist van uur :s Dacht dat het om 14:45 begon… Kga zometeen afkomen … #failoftheday
@joristimmerman Hmz, intresting point! Might actually be a very important point or even The Reason why. Nice one! Thx!
Holy cows… FlashDen had to change its name because Adobe asked them… I’ve got a BAD feeling FlashFocus might be next…
@didieeer I’m creating a timelapse that only shows the difference over time. Part of the school project we’re working on ;)
Making notes on what to do and what NOT to do when starting the next timelapse…This will turn out to be the greatest thing I’ve ever built
You see… Creativity as you know… It’s just like gravity… All it needs… is a little… pussshhh…
And I’m off to school!
Applied for an educational iPhone Dev License… Should be enough for me… Now let’s hope Apple approves… But I’ve got that feeling…
So… My video’s waiting in the Vimeo-line… Now convert it! Faster!!
And there we go: Another 3 hours of timelapsing ahead… Joy joy joy…
@thomasjoos I agree with @tijs: Dropbox. It’s free, you can request extra space for little money, and it’s very reliable (even teamwork)
So who of you guys on Mobistar haven’t got any 3G reception? (cellular data that is) #mobistar #fail
Apparently they’re shooting the local TV-series around the corner. Massive lights, tons of people and an mindblowing amount of equipment…
Over at @wirward’s place. Pizza and diggnation… The guy’s night, so to speak…
@mesh SoundMixer.computeSpectrum() sounds like a winner ;)
Preloaders 101: A preloader is supposed to keep your visitor interested while he waits.. Not waste all of his CPU and make him go away.
Creating a warp effect (by accident) while playing with my Fisheye footage in AE. Don’t you love discovering a new world?
Back to some brainstorming and storyboarding… Need to get this done before 5PM…
What’s up with all those differente debuggers for Flash, Flex and AIR? Come on! Real Developers use trace()! ;-)
If you can think it, you can make it.
And to be honest: I think it looks rather funky. I might actually like it ^^
Once you get to know the basics of the Xcode environment the painful experience is over… The only thing that stays is the insane syntax
Biting the bullet (once more): Giving iPhone dev another chance…
Totally digging the wireless internet coverage at our place. 4 AP’s for 9 rooms… Love it!
Emptied the trash on my macbook… First time ever since I’ve got… Freed up 30GB’s of space…
Another quest for a songtitle…
Out for a walk…
Back from lunch with @chezfre. Looking into a few video challenges… Let’s make this happen!
After effects is cool. #thereivsaidit
Waiting for our teacher to arrive. Let’s hope he shows up after yesterday’s incident…
Rendering the timelapse… Wondering if it’s any good…
Working in AE all night, and still I’m not finished!
Time for some cooking… * inserts food into microwave and pushes a button *
There we go… stuff is set for another 3 hour timelapse… Let’s make it intresting!
Waiting for the creative programming class to start.
Having lunch with @chezfre
Feeling ok… Allthough I know I’m actually sick now… The next few days will be pretty hard on me…
Using iTunes home sharing to sync my itunes libraries on my macbook and my imac. Really like the ‘show items not in my library’ :)
Sitting on the train. Leaving for Kortrijk in a few minutes. My beloved city, here I come!
Over at mom’s place. It’s good to be here
Out to get lunch. Skipping breakfast as I slept in a bit too long.
“Rate my parket” @ 3:33AM with too many cocktails inside… Bad idea…
Fixed yen’s digibox. Waiting for him to clean up the place to head out for drinks
Reading a few blogpost and noting the ‘retweet counters everywhere’… “Tweeting an article” is the new “Digging”…
Visiting yen’s grandmother in the hospital before heading home.
Arrived on Oostende. Waiting for yen to pick me up. Feels kinda good to be here
Waiting for my train to leave for Oostende. First time in a month I’m going again.
Testing tweetie before heading to bed. Digging the nearby feature.
@bartclaeys Haha, yea I got that far, but the update doesn’t seem all that spectacular to me… :p
Everybody is talking about Tweetie 2, and nobody really explains why… Soooo…. Enlighten me…