Last timelapse for this project is running… Cleaning up my room in the meantime…
Getting dinner. Pretty hungry. My stomach is really trying to make à point.
Signed up together with @chezFre for Les E-Magiciens. *fingers crossed*
Awesome! Totally love it! RT @mesh: Short film clip created with a holga :
Having found another challenge… Can’t put myself in that place where I start trying. I’ll end up in serious trouble with my other projects
SoundVisuals give me peace… I can’t deny it: The combo of colors, sound and interaction just give me the chills..
And I’m soaked… I feel like I got in the shower without undressing…
So when I finally get to the class on time… I get to the wrong room… So now I had to run _again_ only to arrive too late _again_.
@Quasimondo Depends on the talk I guess. However I’ve recorded and livestreamed talks, and speakers loved it. I’m with @bit101 on this one
Off to school for some quick administration… I need to take care of this asap…
@toStephen is da nie een beetje laat? :p