The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

October 6th, 2009

At @chezFre’s place. Geeking around and experimenting (in flex…)

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I would LOVE to see Adobe give props to the RED5 team for their work (but they won’t… right?)… #adobemax

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@joristimmerman Hey man, check what I found! And look where i found it ;)

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That was a pretty intresting demo… However I noticed a bad sales-smell…

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Great, my girlfriend’s got the flue. Guess who’s next…

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@joristimmerman And re: multi-touch. FP10.1 now features multi-touch etc. I expect FCS5 to compile those too to an iPhone app ;)

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@joristimmerman Well we’re lucky Apple is charging 100$ to be able to enter the App store so a quite a few ppl wont publish to the app store

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@joristimmerman How did you not read about it? It’s all over the place! Multi-touch, gestures, etc. It’s all in there ;)

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@joristimmerman Not really. Had to re-render the same file over and over again ;)

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“Render, motherfucker!Can you do it!?” “What?” “Say what one more time! I dare you you! I double dare you! Say what one more god damn time!”

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@TheRhythm Cool! Laat vooral weten wat je ervan denkt ;)

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@TheRhythm Ik verwacht uitgebreide review (en invites indien je er hebt :p )

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Creating animatics in Premiere… Nothing like the smell of fresh storyboards in the morning…

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@bartclaeys Bye man. Good luck! Have a safe trip ;)

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