The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

October 15th, 2009

I ran 5801m before hitting a wall and tumbling to my death on my iPhone.

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wow: people over at must’ve done a horrible job…

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I always wonder what some developers did when building a browser: I open an empty tab and all of a sudden my HD starts spinning like crazy

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Well… Mobistar 3G worked for a few hours but it seems down again… Damn it guys… What’s up? Fix it ffs.

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RT @aral: Canabalt has the best web site of any iPhone game. The ultimate demo.Heading to app store to get it now :)

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Off to unfail the day…

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@wouter OMG! Ben gemist van uur :s Dacht dat het om 14:45 begon… Kga zometeen afkomen … #failoftheday

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@joristimmerman Hmz, intresting point! Might actually be a very important point or even The Reason why. Nice one! Thx!

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Holy cows… FlashDen had to change its name because Adobe asked them… I’ve got a BAD feeling FlashFocus might be next…

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@didieeer I’m creating a timelapse that only shows the difference over time. Part of the school project we’re working on ;)

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Making notes on what to do and what NOT to do when starting the next timelapse…This will turn out to be the greatest thing I’ve ever built

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You see… Creativity as you know… It’s just like gravity… All it needs… is a little… pussshhh…

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And I’m off to school!

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Applied for an educational iPhone Dev License… Should be enough for me… Now let’s hope Apple approves… But I’ve got that feeling…

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So… My video’s waiting in the Vimeo-line… Now convert it! Faster!!

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