I’ll chase this energy to the edge of the universe if I have to. It’s real. As real as the air that fills your lung… https://t.co/0VPVHrVlef
@putahontas666 Good for you! Geniet ervan! You deserve all the love!!!
RT @RedBullBe: And then your moped breaks down at 200 metres from the finish… 😠@Syr00p, @hyper_espe, @RonnyKingFPV and @Crostplay went #…
@Compi666 Oh shame 😔 That’s what I get for reading things too quickly. But still a great accolade.
When being slow awards you an Olympic medal! ⤠https://t.co/9dKCMO94cg
@hitRECordJoe “I never saw her again”
FPV pilots be bragging about “no stabilization” in their videos but that shit is shaky is hell. Come on guys, you g… https://t.co/FhnTBeNEac

@FinalFranktasy Right here. Still deeply in love with Tifa 21 years later. (She’s currently my desktop wallpaper â¤pic.twitter.com/fa9BoRwJK8K8
Saw this video a couple of days ago. I felt like I’d like to go to these locations. Then No-Excuses-Ronny did his t… https://t.co/FZNZAX3qm5
RT @TheRealSkyeGray: @RonnyKingFPV Yeah, true in all relationships. More listening, less telling.
Back in 2012 I applied for a job at an Apple store. I absolutely nailed this challenge without any prep. Understand… https://t.co/q6bV30SOEm
Mr. Beast released a video 30 minutes ago. By now it has been watched half a million times. The internet â¤
RT @lunardeiity: xiao yang — prosthesis and accessories by yvmin; china, 2021 https://t.co/ELVS7IUbMg
‘t Is al een tijdje dat ik gedesillusioneerd ben door @bpost_nl maar dit is toch een nieuw dieptepunt. Een pakket v… https://t.co/nDkY0hR6Xf
@alexduvallin @HHillierSmith Until you upload your next video. This rating is based on ‘how did your previous 9 vid… https://t.co/WXt8GXncTJ
@HHillierSmith I actually liked it. Found it very relatable and found your conclusion actually very fair. The quest… https://t.co/Ve53CYor1K
@studio_caro Peis wel da gij da gejinxed hebt, deze keer. Alles was goe tot gij zonodig een ticket moest kopen. De… https://t.co/J36B6MkFAK
@wouterds How much Youtube do you watch (check watch hours in your Youtube app)?
These results absolutely blow my mind. Can’t believe so many people watch YouTube on their phone. (I watch YouTube… https://t.co/ySRAj8aaw6
Kzweer het, @KennyLeys. You a dead man.
(het 3de pakje is NOG ALTIJD nie verplaatst sinds maandag 14u toen het bi… https://t.co/npSJJ2q3yQ
@Nonunsenses Voor de mensen die willen weten waar https://t.co/pIZyvT4nya gehost is… 😂
Earlier today I left the house on my Onewheel. 2 seconds into my ride, I realized I forgot my phone at home. I quic… https://t.co/UKGmgdy1XL
@GioakG Then take a break? Nothing wrong with recentering your mind. Even though it’s not ‘actual work’, it’s still… https://t.co/sSSbmnFzBn
RT @TrishFL1: Everyone should know this 💇💇 https://t.co/IAEb4585tp
That IS EXACTLY how it works 😂 I’m screaming 😂 https://t.co/YptiGbhzNp
@RhinoShowTV Even in fields they’ve never even heard of 😂
Same energy. https://t.co/19NAR0DAGg
@putahontas666 Don’t we all?
We miss you.
@MattyWTF1 I’d even suggest that people ask why they think that. Getting different perspectives is never a bad idea… https://t.co/ygGS9Kr8Rd
Hey @bpost_nl! Da’s echt nie cool eh! Mijn pakje dat uit 3 dozen bestaat is maar half afgeleverd. Werd nochtans all… https://t.co/HQTltuyzwM
@studio_caro Daar is een keibekende lifehack voor eh! youtu.be/IkXcw_rPU8c
@_SannyG @studio_caro Kging juist zeggen: toe doen gaat nog; daar zijn methodes voor… Maar als ge het open moet k… https://t.co/WptlIvDFfm

Daily reminder (by @Casey) pic.twitter.com/EeCw5cdpzS
Closers VS losers
https://t.co/RHHgGE2WV1 https://t.co/D5yJp5QRh2
An opinion? On the internet?!!! https://t.co/dylh2FNp2Q https://t.co/kwZcqo7cMx
The guy lacks vision. If he had said ‘a job working for you’, he might have had a legit chance… At least that’s w… https://t.co/nM65ylT7o6
@jNoxxx I think we burned out of coding for the exact same reason 😄😉
I’m currently teaching one of my colleagues Javascript as an attempt to help our web team grow. I found myself real… https://t.co/MX4JO6l8yx
F1: *kneels as a sign to fight racism*
Viewers: why bring politics into F1. We don’t need this here.
Also the vie… https://t.co/V9vUubXsCA
@OJBMUFC @stefano_witz @poet_game @zexersfusion @redbullracing Looks to me like he was slowing down… with this be… https://t.co/8SgtKYtd6X
Seb is such a role model. https://t.co/aLE4YxNmUS
@Muscleladyfan @Pelucherga @lawrobarretto Never? Really? I feel like this time around there was way more nuance but… https://t.co/Eek4mZV8sf
@JetzeMellema @lawrobarretto But Max has been pulling these risky moves for a while now and Lewis decided that Max… https://t.co/36QhFDTxyH
@JetzeMellema @lawrobarretto Race control was right: Lewis COULD have backed out of that move and avoided the colli… https://t.co/y9sQHKwEDc
The amount of times that @gopro cameras have left me down on professional shoots lately, is slowly approaching a po… https://t.co/FK8xNpdXea
@lawrobarretto A lot of people here clearly feel that the stewards (who are seasoned professionals by the way) have… https://t.co/DqVlDmuX1s
@paysic_ceo @lawrobarretto It was broadcasted. He asked on the radio if Max was okay while still in the car behind the safety car…
@Pelucherga @lawrobarretto You can’t love Senna, hate Schumacher, love Verstappen and hate Hamilton for doing exact… https://t.co/a9AhgtBlpd
Yes, that crash COULD have been prevented by Lewis. The stewards clearly agreed. Hence the 10s penalty. However, th… https://t.co/qyHcpve3tf
Did @bookingcom but an autocorrect entry?? I wrote “booking” and it replaced it with this… even if they didn’t, t… https://t.co/omuLheTCdJ
@Nonunsenses De comments daar zijn een typisch teken van de tijden: voor elke oplossing een probleem. Tis nie dazze… https://t.co/SXqIoea1uK
LindseyPelas By all means, get sick, but don’t request any drugs when you do. You don’t believe in science.
“Catch a moving train” https://t.co/9EQrpIvTcY
@MercedesAMGF1 F1: Like what you see, guys?
Drivers: -silence-
Lewis to Valterri: Just wait until they see what we’… https://t.co/RwJlfnYGsl
@hannes_bhc Tis precies alsof hij mee leest want da’s anders exact wat ik dacht dat hij nie durfde zeggen 😂 Waarom… https://t.co/ki693impDb
RT @KalebJohnstonNZ: drift is a living legend like what 🔠https://t.co/xy67oAUSfL
Sean Parker: 1 million isn’t cool. You know what’s cool?
Eduardo Savarin and Mark Zuckerberg: No…? What?
Sean Par… https://t.co/Deml1B4JZz
@studio_caro Caro, toch…. Regel 1 van het internet: don’t feed the trolls. Consider the source… Tis een nobody… https://t.co/Pvdsi1Rmyy
@hannes_bhc Da heeft niets met privacy te maken. Ze hebben gewoon de ruggengraat nie om te zeggen dat ze het nie le… https://t.co/whqCTqXgBw
Soooo… You sure you don’t need a decent web developer? Because I can tell that something is not exactly going acc… https://t.co/TSWXFJJXSa
@SpotifyCares Just to clarify, that was not part of the creator’s podcast episode. They are an American technology… https://t.co/dAfjgF9XeX
Hey @SpotifyCares how come that -as a premium subscriber- I just heard a local ad while listening to a podcast?! Th… https://t.co/3FRnf57zJh
This guy took the whole “you can be anything you want” life advice a bit literal… https://t.co/GxsPWllx4i
The Hamilton Commission report is a perfect example of giving constructive feedback without assigning blame in a ve… https://t.co/a6bY2FHqg3
@joristi We did the same thing at HLN. At first it seemed crazy but as time progressed, it turned out to be a very… https://t.co/8If640BF7r
@studio_caro Ik denk vaak dat ik aleen ben met die gedachten (noem het maar schrik). Maar aan de comments hier te z… https://t.co/xsy0rgNK1O
Caitchristinee Be genuine in all of your actions
davidrocknyc chase your dreams
@klausdelanghe Not sure where I picked it up. Saw someone challenge a friend yesterday when I remembered the trick ðŸ˜
“I hope this email finds you well”
To whoever came up with that opener: I hope when you step out of bed tomorrow m… https://t.co/LsuLXBkcTl
What’s a video that lives in your head rent-free?
This will forever be mine: youtu.be/V8vO_p4HZAI
johnhilltube Being human is confusing
Pro tip: if you are ever presented the “sell me this pen” challenge, ask the person to autograph something. They wi… https://t.co/uXvwGAS7xq
@zweefpoes @KennyLeys @Desertfix Aight! See you in 2 weeks! Same spot, same time! https://t.co/gotr9SnQt0
@KennyLeys @zweefpoes @Desertfix Wat mij ook opvalt is dat @zweefpoes met zijn overal beste average time en consist… https://t.co/DKUUog8N1E
@KennyLeys @zweefpoes @Desertfix Als ik mijn gewichtsklasse invul (90+) sta ik wel nog in de top10. I’ll take that pass-fail 😂
@KennyLeys @zweefpoes @Desertfix Bij kwartaal sta ik al op 130. Met wat geluk kan ik de top100 houden tegen eind van de week 😅
@KennyLeys @zweefpoes @Desertfix We gaan deze pagina in het oog moeten houden om te zien of we nog in de top 100 st… https://t.co/RdbKwwWyrj
@Desertfix @zweefpoes Mijn ego is enkel maar een beetje gestreeld door @zweefpoes achter mij te laten 😠(kheb er ha… https://t.co/x7ZjVTssEw
@Casey But we have @RideOnewheel and that’s mighty close to hoverboards!!
@joristi Noise canceling headphones my dude!
@zweefpoes @KennyLeys Aight, ik kom ook af. Bel ik die gasten om mij bij jullie aan te sluiten of geven jullie gewo… https://t.co/aC7mM0k8bk
@zweefpoes @DikkenDieter @KennyLeys @ThomasCleynen @ief_speelt @AlexanderVanR @FredPaulussen @jerupt @LinaChauwie… https://t.co/Kh2Ak2gvFq
@MrsDuckk @ThomasCleynen Nee, ook nie.
@DikkenDieter @KennyLeys @zweefpoes @ThomasCleynen @ief_speelt @AlexanderVanR @FredPaulussen @jerupt @LinaChauwie… https://t.co/fMpWfWTWHl
@KennyLeys @zweefpoes @ThomasCleynen @ief_speelt @AlexanderVanR @FredPaulussen @jerupt @LinaChauwie @Desertfix… https://t.co/zV7tdNfry4
There are days when you want to make every second count. And there are days where you just try to make it to the ne… https://t.co/mjziJ3e3qV

DrifterShoots Us and the stars. pic.twitter.com/Q5o48UQQGy
Ik op mijn 35:
Al heel mijn traject zelfstandig omdat ik nie voor een baas kan werken 🤷â€â™‚ï¸
Probeert een nieuwe carr… https://t.co/PkC85UpxZS
Ik krijg dit aan niemand uitgelegd maar ik voel mij echt gefaald soms.
Can relate… https://t.co/ROvGslrGYk
RT @DrifterShoots: Vibe check for your soul🖤 https://t.co/zpXetU7HXz
When I started flying FPV, my goal was to get SO GOOD that one day, I could just go out and fly and just throw that… https://t.co/bqHvdut8fb
Dude be putting out bangers on the regular like it’s nobody’s business 💌🙌 https://t.co/ETLtGNCzbD
RT @meshna: TikTok is where you build fame
Twitter is where you build a community
Instagram is where you build a business
YouTube is wher…
Beautiful ⤠https://t.co/KeFznhVyOn
That will never get old ⤠https://t.co/lf78Y9kvaO
I just came across this quote again. How do people not realize?! 🙈 https://t.co/cSVlZSihiG
Why we run in the incredible heat https://t.co/UxUIEL8FHx
Been a great fan of Eminem since forever. Just came across this interview. Fascinating to get a view and sense of t… https://t.co/KQJBvcySNe
Eminem started surprise dropping new albums because he didn’t want society to have time to judge it before they act… https://t.co/Nk08bN3WoC
The Devil’s greatest trick is to have you believe he doesn’t exist.
Your greatest trick is to have the Devil feel… https://t.co/yBFVYAaKxv
@wouterds Het lijkt mij echt een algemene mentaliteit in dit land. Er zijn heel zeker uitzonderingen maar er is een… https://t.co/PT0l8Nykfx
RT @Sumwize: I use to be good at interacting with everyone, now I suck at it. I love those who still put up with me, you’re the real mvps,…
There’s strong correlation between me muting more Belgian people on my timeline and Twitter being more fun.
@Nonunsenses @JurgenGeevels In mijn ogen is het twitter kanaal in kwestie wel degelijk een brandstapel. Ik vind het… https://t.co/y1CkiXltex
@JurgenGeevels @Nonunsenses Het rebelse kader heiligt in mijn ogen de middelen niet. Er wordt een ethische grens ov… https://t.co/OoZhsYJtQ2
@jonsneyers @driesdepoorter @FlemishScroller Ik vind dit een heel misbakken project. Mensen lijken te vinden dat ze… https://t.co/rOoFomE4aD
@JurgenGeevels @Nonunsenses Kortstondig? Een twitter kanaal dat de bepalingen broadcast is een nieuwsmedium. Je bep… https://t.co/9Mugf6QFng
@driesdepoorter @FlemishScroller ‘We willen geen big brother’ maar ge bouwt hem zelf en denkt dat ge aan het rechte… https://t.co/fAt20QpLml
@Nonunsenses Ironisch. Maar vooral triestig dat het volk dat altijd beweerde dat ze geen Orweliaanse toestanden als… https://t.co/AuX4IqQ0wo
I made websites that had a “skip intro” button. https://t.co/2ON4qlFQ4c
@Syr00p Tis een nobody keyboard warrior die hun eigen identiteit geheim houdt omdat ze zich zo nie in de wereld kun… https://t.co/LM2bp2uzNG
@Syr00p Da gij dit soort uitschot nog een podium geeft is beyond me…
@palpeet I totally expected the “Drive to survive” title to show up as the car pulled out 😂
RT @RageKnows: fossil fuel corporations rn https://t.co/Ir63CFiL3J
@MercedesAMGF1 What’s your take on the 5-sec penalties that were handed out of “forcing drivers off the track” in t… https://t.co/eIvTo9EC1k

Bing Maps be like “San Francisco does not exist” pic.twitter.com/i7HjyNMz6D
It was just pointed out to me that when your phone autocorrects “fucking” to “ducking”, it actually refers to “crou… https://t.co/XHbkvHapJI
To correct your moves, you have to be in motion first. https://t.co/5lcRDVkWmy
Hollywood called. They want their insane oversized CGI-looking batshit-crazy disasters back. https://t.co/xDu4kDQlws
@F1 I mean… they’re all complaining about the same thing. Ok guys, we get it, there are other drivers on this sho… https://t.co/wtjqGT3ffU
Can we please forbid the use of the phrase “net-zero carbon emission” in marketing messages and commercials. It’s a… https://t.co/hqOwN9gzhU
The level of detail and precision is so insane. You really have to know what to look for to be able to say this is… https://t.co/kmjFm69JMs
@Vie19812 @EijkemansMario Yup, same here! Die dingen zijn nog nie eens makkelijk te vinden!
Speed and precision. Pretty much a guaranteed recipe for success. https://t.co/U00zvSKEdT
@F1 Crazy to think that Perez feels he’s still underperforming while sitting 3rd in the WDC behind the 2 main prota… https://t.co/QIx5XQDlod
@Compi666 I start at 10-11 😉 work from home is quite awesome ðŸ˜ðŸ’Œ
Right after sunrise. Nothing like going to sleep with the greatest view in the world fresh in memory. https://t.co/GVmPqHxM30
Me at almost 5AM: it’s almost 3AM… I should really go to sleep…