@GioakG Wait? “used to”? What you on about???
@Nonunsenses Ik ben 34. Matching tussen 25 en 40. Beste klik heb ik met mensen van 30-35 valt me op.
@Nonunsenses Ik ben heeeeeel voorzichtig met de reclame sector. Slechte ervaringen mee gehad in het verleden. Ge mo… https://t.co/DEmkpVVSv7
@Nonunsenses Fuck, da lijkt me plots super plezant om daar te werken 😂
Actually LOL’ed 😂 https://t.co/s9UvF8Jof1
@Nonunsenses Do I dare ask? 😂
@Nonunsenses Are we not gonna discuss the name of that group chat? 😅
@hannes_bhc Zalig! Goede kans ook voor @Cowboy_HQ om hun stolen-bike feature wat verder uit te bouwen gebasseerd op… https://t.co/BJzdtD4QVN
Years ago, I worked with an awesome scrum-master. I had a hard time learning his ways and sticking to his principle… https://t.co/po0hHp9D0i
@Syr00p @KennyLeys @hannes_bhc Yea maar wa als ge die bel laat afgaan terwijl ge in de buurt zijt? Of beter nog: al… https://t.co/wro9i9mWXG
@paintedblack Thanks for your artwork every race weekend. It has become a tradition that I really look forward to.… https://t.co/bRdVZbCIb6
@paintedblack Thanks for your artwork every race weekend. It has become a tradition that I really look forward for.… https://t.co/3gPaDEaC5b
For a second I thought Helene had stopped her F1 poster project. When I got to her Twitter page,I was greeted by th… https://t.co/aYOjwIf93M
@joristi Thanks bro! â¤
FPV Drone pilot flies through workshop where creations like Tomorrowland stages, TV sets and even the Noor Riyadh S… https://t.co/J3WdX4F4QE
@mknol @kalamint_io From what I heard/read, it is to keep people from minting every JPEG on their hard drive in the… https://t.co/RrRcFcwrcd
zeus_999_ @StarLight50310 @PatrickSomuah @ValtteriBottas @MercedesAMGF1 racism is not fake you fucking degenerate
Racism has nothing to do with politics. As long as people keep referring to it like that, we still have a lot of wo… https://t.co/TxJE9V7K9K
@Marliesvdwalle Hey Alexa, what is a narrative?
@dennismons De enige manier hoe ik het zou kunnen onschrijven: pic.twitter.com/Jify0fNnzf
@dennismons Was redelijk intens door de 1.5m regels enzo 🙈
@dennismons Toen hij de beelden zag zei hij dat hij er niets van gemerkt had 😂 die mannen waren full-on in the zone… https://t.co/UK464R9YmR
@dennismons youtube.com/RonnyKing/ hier gaat ge wel iets vinden denk ik 😉
Just in case you missed it the other 2000 times I tweeted about this: Check out the showcase performance by Off The… https://t.co/TaFjgHi1bm
@dennismons Yes! Al jaren lang obsessed met first person crashing! 😂😠Echt super plezant! Zeker in tijden van coron… https://t.co/hlTzg6pDdI
@MercedesAMGF1 * insert BUUUURNN gif * pic.twitter.com/BX9MG64FUa
RT @dennismons: I do indeed, ALWAYS, need a baby squirrel clip. https://t.co/wWjSnQZMW3
@Curtis__M @MercedesAMGF1 I wasn’t sure what he said. For a second thought he’d said “leave it to me, Bono”. I was… https://t.co/Hmthxn5CYs
@MercedesAMGF1 @KennyLeys 😂
@putahontas666 Wassup girly? Wanna talk? Inbox is altijd open. U nie laten doen. Things get better. I promise.
@GewoonChristof @studio_caro I came here for this comment. I was not disappointed. ðŸ™
@Nonunsenses Nee, Kenny. Nie zolang de pandemie bezig is. Hoeveel keer moeten we da nog zeggen?
@jerressic @KennyLeys @plankgaspodcast @F1 @LewisHamilton @ziggycoertjens Perez in een Red Bull.
Een Schumacher ter… https://t.co/9Xu4lzigeT
@GeertStockmans @Lieneuh Ah op die manier. Mijn docent int hoger heeft het probleem met gemiddelden ooit uitgelegd… https://t.co/f6wzbyk6aR
@GeertStockmans @Lieneuh Ik snap dit niet. Kunt ge effe uitleggen in mensentaal die te verstaan is door iemand die 2 keer gedubbeld heeft? 🤣
@Melimatty Bijna 8 jaar ondertussen. Nice. Houdt ge er u aan?
@neenieoke That’s a killer look maar sinds wanneer heeft catcallen iets te maken met kledij? Catcallen is enkel iet… https://t.co/rByCvhqa0q
@mr_crazydude Very. I need help.
@kvandenhaute 😂😂😂
@Abatatacomsal @F1 I feel like “blasphemy” is in order 🙈
Being single sucks. Do you know how long it has been since I played with boobs other than my own? pic.twitter.com/wb1tUwiOTO
@desmetjens Idunno. Ik vind het lastig om in te schatten. Ik probeer mij er niet over uit te spreken omdat het zo’n… https://t.co/ZWkEYOD8mU
@kvandenhaute Da kan al even goed. Ge merkt dat mensen er meer en meer hun voeten aan vagen. Men is het beu… maarja. Da lost niets op eh.
@kvandenhaute Die dingen gaan exponentieel dus hebben een aanloop nodig om uit de hand te lopen. Maarbon, ik ben oo… https://t.co/OhYQR76uzC
@desmetjens Van wat ik gelezen heb gaat er bitter weinig veranderen. Der gaan nog altijd veel kinderen bij elkaar k… https://t.co/NZyUGPY40F
Virologen: pak scholen aan
De gemiddelde idioot op straat: ‘t zit duidelijk in de scholen eh. Die kindje… https://t.co/2Eo2KTqTG8
@Denjormund @Serianox_ @Paul_Karp @d0rkph0enix Truth be told: I’d love for the guy to go to the police and tell his… https://t.co/vV0o6mzDQj
@render_times I kinda got out of C4D when PR was making its way in. I remember seeing some stuff being made with it… https://t.co/ri2qrBP9Md
@OriginaldoBo What TikTok move? Are people bored again and coming up with random stuff just so they could hate on it?
The superpower I thought no one knew I had ðŸpic.twitter.com/lKR399GZgRZgR
I gotta remember to ask this on a date ðŸ˜vm.tiktok.com/ZMeDA3wkA/JDjybf
I really wish this pandemic was over. I wanna go on a date with a girl in Austria… 😂🙈
I had the privilege to work with Fisheye on their latest company presentation video. The result is pretty dope! Go… https://t.co/rT1o4UEhQL
@Nonunsenses Super eigelijk. Niets te klagen. Gezond, dak boven mijn hoofd, job waar ik op ‘t gemak kan werken, all… https://t.co/C4Z442LpuE
Now THAT is a shot worthy of going viral. 😲😲😲 One of those drops of lava anywhere on the drone and that puppy is in… https://t.co/I99qXpYVJa
@putahontas666 Komaan, foto’s. Sharing is caring.
@putahontas666 I’m sure he wouldn’t mind 😆😉
@patattenmeidt @RockSlam Ik heb onlangs de vergelijking gehoord dat get gaat om een sixpack limonade ofzo. Als iema… https://t.co/GqsTxbYu5i
@botgrinder Wait you’re 40!?
@ruskamartin Esher called. He’d like to have a word with whoever was in charge.
@poepekletsbe @Nonunsenses Yea. Ik ben benieuwd.
@RockSlam Ge moet u daarvoor nie laten opsluiten. Ge kunt da aanleren hoor. Also: ik denk nie dat die kooitjes groo… https://t.co/tZzRMVEoCx
@metron2001 @hitRECordJoe You are referring to ‘practical effects’. Many directors will always go for practical sin… https://t.co/QcvWo2sFaY
Holy sh– https://t.co/e9cgQT8xrH
Remember that time when I flew my FPV drone in a church to a live metal band performance?
Off The Cross - Live in… https://t.co/GRzHI2igGp
RT @joristi: Jealous much.
While Europe is preparing for another lockdown, Israelis are drinking in the pub again.
Well done! https://t.…
@peejay_cee @studio_caro Ik heb ooit gelezen dat stretchen vooraf in feite gevaarlijk is omdat ge de spieren uitrek… https://t.co/lKCPDAO2VC
@Telenet hey, ik had een afspraak met een technieker die hier volgens SMS om 8u ging zijn. Nog geen updates over ET… https://t.co/8CZ5DZYFxv
@SirWrender Ambient occlusion is one of the most efficient gains in almost any wrender I ever made. It’s one of tho… https://t.co/ifYzfoWzIl
I never met her but so many people told such beautiful stories about her that elevated her to an iconic and legenda… https://t.co/LrgxKJFu5A
bdotsenol @F1 X: How was your last year at Ferrari?
Seb: pic.twitter.com/ErS67jjToj
@Dsoenens Ik heb onlangs een studie gezien die aantoonde dat er een correlatie was tussen het aantal verjaardagen d… https://t.co/dBJlpMjNrI
@Hummusprinses Hoe noemde mij een slechte junior. Het jaar erna zat ik bij de Persgroep HLN te bouwen. Het heeft mi… https://t.co/MrAznT537I
@PeterHuys I swear, that was my first thought as well but nope. As you can tell from the screenshot, i entered 9000… https://t.co/j6YTLPwLfH
I’m currently moving in Ghent (Belgium) and looking to hire a van to move the furniture. So I’m entering my address… https://t.co/LgFmpquaaO
@JimmyKane9 Of course. It’s not healthy to just accept everything but that’s not the point. People who can handle t… https://t.co/o9wJpkCPyv
Consider me dangerous. pic.twitter.com/YipoooUKEu
Doctor yells at me in lowercase explaining how vaccines have inadvertently kept antivaxxers alive. I love that man!… https://t.co/j08NVgQffF
@hitRECordJoe You okay, Joe? 😂
@verge “Master of coin” pic.twitter.com/uGemu46KEO
Remember last week when I said that bowling alley video was kinda amateur hour. Well, the guy released another vide… https://t.co/85HahCf0d9
People keep sending me that video from the bowling alley. I’m sorry guys. That was mediocre at best. Watch Slatt ab… https://t.co/RttaSK9kNq
TikTok has finally decided that I need to see people succeeding in their personal goals. Seeing all those people ce… https://t.co/eEowzcZpvJ
Fuck yes! This is the fantastic news I’m here for! https://t.co/S4YpdrNq2E
@TheRealSkyeGray @EJPointer @PollinatorZen @jazzrat2000 @jay_jdavis @nathaliejacoby1 @GabeDiLaurentis @beanie_59… https://t.co/fJfxcmv3Lz
If the son is anything like his dad, this could be the beginning of something very special. Good luck, MSC. https://t.co/okogpBya82
@JosefBsharah @beeple He once replied to one of my mails (2014) and got me to do everydays as well. I did it for 10… https://t.co/MB67ixA8zv
Nice. https://t.co/24OyVUCRyl
@beeple @garyvee by now, I’m sure you’re aware of Mike’s successes both in his industry as well as the recent NFT d… https://t.co/tEB31O3tYS
hate to be that guy but I’ve got this piece for sale if anyone is interested!!!111 😂😂😂 https://t.co/NR9vutYox0
@samsheffer I absolutely love that @beeple is finally being pulled out of the shadows. The guy has been doing legen… https://t.co/iMAtgOy7RD
I just realized that not being able to share your happiness will really hurt you on the inside…
I woke up and felt anxious right from the get go. I’m not sure what it is but something is subconsciously worrying… https://t.co/k3wGFKDMJq
@XMileyX20 Mensen die zich aan alles en nog wa in het verkeer opjagen: Allemaal beetje meer chillen. Het komt heus… https://t.co/kIBYEqjBew
I changed my mind. The shot is actually fairly bad. Considering it was run through Reelsteady (yes, I can tell) and… https://t.co/oOTLUNyIR4
@Volcanohead @MC372 Any experienced FPV pilot can pull off that shot. This is actually a fairly easy shot. I’d say… https://t.co/YNPlqYJ19T
@wbuxtonofficial @paintedblack i thought you might relate to this
Prime stuff ðŸ’pic.twitter.com/dNZLIYSSsDIYSSsD
Why is it annoying me to see the world go nuts over an average-OK droneshot? The shot was fine, the timing was good… https://t.co/M8WLpsqMv9
RT @KSI: 2021, positive vibes only. Need to stop with the hate man. On all sides. Including people who support me. Life’s too short to be a…
@markjpwns 6. I thought that would be less…
Hospitals are running out of oxygen. Fuck. vm.tiktok.com/ZMeh2X8Q1/
RT @garyvee: be thoughtful, the overall excitement of the NFT space is Remarkable and very long term, a lot of the prices of current projec…
Feedback krijgen op https://t.co/TUQeW9NhCt:
“Ronny reageert snel. Wat Ronny beter zou kunnen doen is sneller rea… https://t.co/r5jSqdTUB4
@MrCobblewobbles Well, I guess we have our answer… (check original tweet)
@BTCAaron @DrBitcoinMD If you can stick to this schedule/routine without any interruptions, you’ll beat your goal EASILY!
@BTCAaron Totally doable! It takes discipline more than anything else. So keep reminding yourself of why you’re doi… https://t.co/P3T1PMG6ef
Let me spoil the reviews here: It seems @insta360 REALLY wants people to compare this to a GoPro. No, it will not o… https://t.co/Br64ArMmCK
I guess another embargo has lifted? ðŸpic.twitter.com/VG5SAI33RT3RT
Let me spoil the reviews here: It seems @insta360 REALLY wants people to compare this to a GoPro. No, it will not o… https://t.co/PxXuwQ7Ize
I guess another embargo has lifted ðŸpic.twitter.com/EcI7FkppPXpPX
@RockSlam “Gasten we geraken er nie meer aan uit. Wa doen we?”
- “In UK hebben ze het paar jaar geleden aan het vol… https://t.co/76jpDTbi1L
This clip has been sent to me at least 10 times by now. Rightfully so! The orchestration and timing in this one was… https://t.co/eLg6zMt91Z
Her: I have a high tolerance for pain.
Me: me too.
Her: How much?
Me: I once pulled a hair out of my nose and I did… https://t.co/j41RUGBvs7
@DelphineDC_ kga het zo zeggen: ofwel doen de rechters wat nodig is, ofwel zal het volk op straat komen en zelf afr… https://t.co/3eJAfeSoBG
@DelphineDC_ Fuck that shit. Zeker in dit informatietijdperk weet een 16 jarige maar al te goed wat ze net gedaan h… https://t.co/stxYnN7hBM
@FakePlasticRuby Kleine sidenote hierbij: iedereen die zijn normale mensenstem gebruikt in plaats van de hoge huisd… https://t.co/zbMfeL8jnM
@FakePlasticRuby 1. Ik zie u graag! Ge weet da toch eh??
2. Stop met blaffen! Da is uw eigen staart!
3. Ge gaat noo… https://t.co/KHXJT99PQG
@studio_caro Ik ben niet tevreden over het feit dat ge ons mega geheim project zo open en bloot op internet smijt.… https://t.co/r60iFh19yh
Dear production houses: flat color profile is not some hip filter that the kids use because it’s cool. It’s meant f… https://t.co/PDCNj1bL6U
650GB of remaining space used to be plenty for me a couple of years ago. Today it means if I were to go out for FPV… https://t.co/e5DFluTMub
A couple of weeks ago I met some downhill skaters. I ended up sending the drone up and chasing them for a few lipos… https://t.co/1rzhWLabaG
@bobaesen Uit de kast gekomen? I guess I missed that. Doesn’t change a thing: Ge zijt wie ge zijt. Maar da nieuws z… https://t.co/Tv4UxHMtNB
@jNoxxx @Bloodyspasm @Syr00p @Deomew Ze spreken van ‘chefs’. Ik ga ervan uit dat dat een ‘hogere’ functie is dan ‘b… https://t.co/acExDRcv6S
@Bloodyspasm @Syr00p @Deomew @jNoxxx De wereld moet over equality spreken. En dat gebeurt momenteel. Mannen en vrou… https://t.co/3q4gTwzgt1
@Bloodyspasm @Syr00p @Deomew @jNoxxx Laten we beginnen bij het begin: Dit is niet hun eerste publieke stunt en dat… https://t.co/bdqgpgFQs3
@MrCobblewobbles I agree which is why I’m not sure if I support them with this idea. I am supportive of the fact th… https://t.co/gANpinpPkn
Nice pull. Post something highly controversial that will get the attention and then use the comments to make your a… https://t.co/Wtle7V28t7
So when did you learn that “overmorrow” is an actual word and means “the day after tomorrow”?
I’ll go first: 15 seconds ago.
So apparently 3 assholes lured a gay man into an ambush, then attacked him and eventually killed him.
It’s 2021. H… https://t.co/lSKiJ29HN9
dcurtis Nothing is more valuable than being a genuinely interesting person living an interesting life.
I’m sorry: WHAT!? BLASPHEMY! https://t.co/Uv4F8arLgE
RT @studio_caro: If anyone has an invitation for Foundation please consider me 🙌🻠#NFT #eth
@thenerd_be Hij gaat daar super blij mee zijn! Heeft hij een SD kaartje? Die GoPro footage vult vrij snel en vereis… https://t.co/2XIpT7Q3b5
Youtube struggles. https://t.co/vZ8v5ehTED
@thenerd_be You’ll also want to think about a way he can mount the camera inside the plane to either film himself o… https://t.co/IlIhkvmdZb
@thenerd_be Gopro hero 9. Never look back. Perhaps throw in a pack of telesin ND filters for that added cinematic s… https://t.co/sv1YxyVIHJ
@TISWOUT Het jammere is dat antivaxxers en de slechte informatie allemaal de betrouwbaarheid van zo’n campagne in t… https://t.co/m6Q91ev5Dr
@Life_is_Xbox @Bloodyspasm Ge vindt 7 uur veel? Wees al blij dat het nie 7 weken was. THIS IS FINAL FANTASY WE’RE T… https://t.co/18CUErvd7u
@F1 @ValtteriBottas I genuinely believe the guy has what it takes to be an F1 champion but I’m not so sure if he ha… https://t.co/hadUA0jOnP
There’s nothing in life I appreciate more than my friends. I’m actually not sure if there’s anything that remotely… https://t.co/lF63DOiahv
@putahontas666 Niemand kan uw nagels zien. Die ogen eisen alle aandacht op; niets kan daaraan ontsnappen.
@KennyLeys Only one way forward. And it’s easy when you have great people surrounding you💪ðŸ™â¤
@hannes_bhc This is exactly what I mean when I say I have the best friends who support me at all times. Much love â¤
@gemarkeerd Thanks, Dimitri. ðŸ™â¤
@TheRealSkyeGray Thanks, Skye ♥. I will forever be in debt with all the people that I came across in life: heroes o… https://t.co/x96e7ITXWc
@studio_caro Wat is het probleem met het bloot bovenlijf feitelijk? Meisjes op tinder laten toch ook blijken dat ze… https://t.co/kWmMN0TCAt
If I had to describe how I feel, this scene nicely sums it up right about now. pic.twitter.com/NabZNYSMaM
Dad was left alone and tried to make it work but he was unfit to be a parent and did everything wrong. He wasn’t ev… https://t.co/fNvAEapFiy
During my 20’s I was lost, angry and frustrated. In the past couple of years, I became a very different positive an… https://t.co/vD4tZ6myfQ
She didn’t even show up for the divorce court date. She also hadn’t replied to any requests about her wishes concer… https://t.co/IsTeBOOXP7
A year later my father got married to the woman I’d grow up with, thinking she was my mom. However that marriage fe… https://t.co/u7g7QGOxvt
That woman got married to a man who I thought was my dad. Mom took fairly good care of me (for what I can remember… https://t.co/omafgUe0VQ
At the age of 16 I ran away from home because by then my family life had turned to shit. Again (foreshadowing). At… https://t.co/M2v1N8ksNM
That folder has been with me ever since then. I never really thought I needed to know what happened to me but I nev… https://t.co/X5UrLXQ4jb
I was born in June of 1986. I had a father and a mother who were apparently married. They divorced a year later. Fr… https://t.co/KbcM3Ateaj
I never really knew what happened to me when I was a kid so I had the brilliant idea of finally figuring it out. I… https://t.co/MmU6jC8DTu
At age 12 my dad told me that he’s not actually my father. I was adopted. Kind of. I was 12 and so he gave me a kid… https://t.co/iBudGLrGn8
@scoutmasterx @F1 Absolutely, he kept it together even under immense pressure. That’s why I said that the title of… https://t.co/GOMTmYohNH
@F1 It’s called Drive To Survive.
In this season Grosjean went to a barrier, broke his car in half and walked out… https://t.co/brQxYf3kov
First watch this trailer for season 3 of Drive To Survive, then tell me you’re excited without telling me your exci… https://t.co/LSeEpZ2bbW
Hug random people. Give handshakes and high fives to everyone. Go stand in the middle of large crowds. Have dinner… https://t.co/pgAZF8fflv
Smartest thing I’ve seen on Twitter in a while. https://t.co/3ZPUlABfve
What do you mean “was”? Me and Jessica Rabbit are still together. My girlfriend doesn’t know so *SHUSH*… https://t.co/GbLiWrLWku
People being passionate and obsessing over stuff they love to do usually brings out some hugely inspiring stuff. Al… https://t.co/6LiDrrlpbL
You know you’re doing fantastic work when real stuff starts looking like CGI 😂That stabilizing maneuver😠Such an am… https://t.co/KHQOMhemrZ
He knows his stuff very well and so he knows exactly which risks to expose himself to. It’s like when stuntmen put… https://t.co/RatK6uzmkY
@SaidBataray Ge zijt vergeten dat ge 8 ongerelateerde technologieen moet beheersen, een master diploma moet hebben… https://t.co/6y24NOb5hu
@oh_jayla @bunnygirlava aka “taking the high road”… I like it! 💌
RT @thisisnelle: Just for one day. 💛 https://t.co/uecS4Q2GOY
@wouterds Rode onewheel? ðŸ˜
I was riding my Onewheel through the center of Ghent earlier today when all of a suddenly a lady turned her phone t… https://t.co/puDN1iAfxu
LMAO. Saw the same thing when I opened Youtube: “Well I guess the embargo has lifted…” 😂😂😂 https://t.co/ByES5ZpyQn
@joristi Good times, right 😄
Ik heb gisteren wa stuff op 2dehands gaplaatst. Is precies “Ronny’s little nerd shop”😂 (Xbox, Apple Watch, keyboard… https://t.co/u33erniRAA
@putahontas666 Slet heeft precies een negatieve connotatie maar da’s toch gewoon het vrouwelijke woord voor een pla… https://t.co/xIR7yaHCZQ
I work hard every day to make this FPV dream become a reality. Every week I find myself being validated as a real p… https://t.co/9pivqxBPid
@SaidBataray Good luck, makker. Ge gaat uw werk hebben. Sla mij gerust over. Er zijn er vast die het schouderklopje… https://t.co/fqkXPp5woK
Came across this and felt annoyed. pic.twitter.com/pGlK0KucYi
I’m not sure how to respond to this other than to call out developers for being lazy, unapologetic idiots who creat… https://t.co/bgxYs7TDK8
This gotta be fake. There’s no way that a bird’s got more and better moves than I do. https://t.co/cL65n8XKou
@Syr00p Los van de regels (die soms dommer zijn dan de hele pandemie): gebruik vooral je verstand. Dat betekent al… https://t.co/idM8atAmir
Can someone help Scrat with that damn nut already…? tis is getting out of hand… https://t.co/osJzgtX6vE https://t.co/x5mmCHW9nD
@putahontas666 Makes 2 of us.