Closing down for tonight
‘t Zijn toch altijd dezelfde kleine kindjes die moeten zagen, en oude koeien uit de sloot halen…
I’m on a hiiiighway to hell!!
Back to my flash portfolio design. I have this crazy idea…
played some games. Should try to be productive
Checking my sitestats. Pleased with the results :)
Wake-up pasta session with the parents in law
I’m pleased to announce that my girlfriend is now a Deville… You can figure out yourself what it means :p
cant seem to fall asleep
Playing with the nicest things in the world :D Nite nite
Waar gaat het naartoe met het web? Comic sans en Times new roman op dezelfde bladzijde van een Web2.0 site…
Had dinner while watching Rush Hour 3
Zipping 3,6 GB of video :)
Hurray for backups!
So now i’m member of the Flash Mafia of Belgium, huh? I like the sound of that :)
Cleaning up my desktop files: 2M08 videos all over the place
back home.Video editing will have a happy end after all :)
mp4 turns out to be a serious pain in the ass
having trouble getting started with the videos..
off to @newmovieclip to see if we can do something about those render problems
Transferring all footage taken on 2M08
on my way out to the shop
I love it when I can pay my bills. Always happy when it’s done :D
@_Tine_ congrats!
Alleen een koude douche is beter.
Back home… Time for some work
On my way out to @ikkekietje
‘Het belangrijkste is dat we hem vandaag weer de hele dag uitlachen.’
I don’t like it today…
Watching movies while thinking about future projects
Cleaning up my room
@Sneejk gewoon blanco indienen. En eens knipogen naar je examinator. Het voelt echt goed als je daarna op’t gemak naar buiten wandeld :D
Something is seriously wrong
Everything is done. Off to bed. Nite nite
Cleaning up my server
Allright, blog seems to be finished for now. Downloading the old versions and cleaning up.
Rearranging tags and categories on my blog… Was about time… Lots of work :)
@LadyElena: It’s okay now, you can come :)
Out for late night dinner
@stupidnoob Het is blijkbaar een groot probleem. Yen heeft daar al maanden last van…
FlashFocus video will not be online tonight. @newmovieclip will see if there’s something we can do about it :)
Had a very unfunny experience with the recycle bin in the kitchen
Still not sure wheter to change my blog skin or not…
My bunny was on the frontpage of my :)
@mattijsdesmedt nowhere public, as i’m waiting to see what the team thinks of it right now. It’s not very professional to be honest…
@sqwif not yet ;)
Video is rendered, and online. However i’ve got some serious issue with it ‘remixing’ itself… Checking for feedback…
Damn it… There’s a little weirdness in the video… Audio is perfect… The image is just… ‘remixing’ by times…
@joggink Right on!
@mattijsdesmedt Je bent laat man! FlashFocus was allang op de hoogte! Allen daarheen! :p
@joren @desaturated kzal de resolutie dan wrs wat verminderen dan. Blijkbaar ben ik de enige die er anders over denkt. Thx guys :)
@peterelst over de bandbreedte zou ik me geen zorgen maken:2TB per maand op mijn eigen host.De FlashFocus servers hebben geen beperking ;)
@desaturated ‘k zal eerst zien wat de kwaliteit is. Als dat in orde is zal ik het zo laten. Anders zal ik naar 75% van dat formaat gaan
@avalanched 720x576 (haven’t seen the quality of the result yet)
120-150MB for a 35minute video on the web. is that okay?
Converting the 6,4GB movie to something more mobile, to put it online :)
Rerendering 500 frames of the video. Will be exporting the whole thing afterwards. Looking forward to putting it online!
@exotic_mauI You look glorious as always ;) Your recording was the only one that needed completely NO editing!
Damn it! @aral’s tag on the video needs to be redone… that means another few hours of rendering! Darn! Where was my head at!?
Waking up and watching the preview render… 32 minutes… Fingers crossed that everything is ok
Ok, enough for today. Was pretty productive. Didn’t do tons of work, but got rid of lots of loose ends :) 2M08 video are up next!
Aha! Good news from twitter!… Great!
Looks like the new blog is ready to be shown. WIll check out the popular opinion tomorrow :)
I can’t believe some pro’s do not think about the rest of the page when creating CSS selectors…
Ok, now I need somebody to give me some feedback on my new blog design, before i’ll put it online :)
New blog is up & running. Unbelievable how many trouble you can get during something simple like this…
uploading the new blog
is backing up his blog in order to upgrade
Some people don’t seem to understand the concept of retorical questions and sarcasm. Good morning.
Well, let’s see what that does… Will play a game, and then go to bed :) nite nite all
Aha, it seems to be rendering faster now!
If things keep messing up like that, I’ll just drop it…
What is the deal with people creating themes that can user their own ‘skins’ anyway?? I thought themes were the main concept of ‘skinning’??
I just realized how full of crap K2 is… Will I really have to make that wordpress theme myself??
Might wanna stick with K2 after all…
Allrighty! Let’s get a clean blog theme so i can update to 2.5.1
@stefsull Try Twitterific: it’s simple, and it’s for mac. I’m sure you’ll like it :)
@netlash: waar zit jij wel ergens??
I just had an awesome idea! Let’s give this bunny a perfect voice…
time for some lasagna
@imkedielen is verzonden, maar ik vrees dat ik de naam van je konijn niet correct gespeld heb (hoofdlettergevoelig…) ;)
@imkedielen Als het deze was van ‘you are a loser’, dan wel, ja :)
Backing up my blog
@dimitrivh I noticed that, but then again: it never worked till now :p Will see what happens when I update to a newer version :)
Wat ik vond van MultiMania 2008?
@dimitrivh Just click the download button here: :p (direct link: )
Writing my review on 2M08… Video will be for some days later… I wanted it to be published sooner, but apparently I can’t :(
MakeTheBunnyTalk in de Wordpress Plugin Directory *trots*
The wordpress plugin directory is pretty awesome… Must admit… not bad..
Getting my bunny widget up and running in the Wordpress Plugin Directory
Setting up the new clanforum
hurray! Wordpress Plugin hosting approved! Awesome :)
Is checking out Jaiku, since Twitter is not that attractive anymore…
Rendertime is up to 12 hours again… At 47%… Well… let’s see what happens…
Cancelling the 32 hours of rendering. Will redo it in avi… Let’s see what happens.
oh great, the ‘older’ button on mobile twitter is gone too… Not very appealing anymore…
@peterelst. Ill check it out! Thx
Converting all MP4 files to AVI… Looks like it’s going pretty fast… Let’s hope i don’t lose all my work done in Pr/Sb afterwards…
Rendering is rising above 27 hours… I’m not doing this… Need another solution…
Mailing @BertHagendoorn
Premiere job seems to be finished… Let’s render… Will take a day or so… MP4 is just BAD.
Letting the video render a bit while i take a walk outside
@desaturated dat zal best veel werk worden nog… ‘k Zal nog zien :) (SRT bedoel je waarschijnlijk)
DAMN!! Interview with Jullian (Group94) is almost not understandable… Hmmz… I need a time machine
@joren, yea, i figured that could help me a lot, but seen as CS4 is not for the coming weeks, i will have to get around that somehow else :p
@peterelst: i’m thinking about subtitles, but i haven’t figured out yet how to do that as fast and as simple as possible
cleaned up @peterelst ‘s interview. Only 3 more to go… Sound isn’t all that, but most of it is pretty understandable. :)
Great, now soundbooth is acting up… Why doesn’t this ‘just work’?
@mattijsdesmedt they will be published on FlashFocus @joren I can’t remember you… If i’ld see you i could tell.
Wow, some of the recordings in the hall are just EXCELLENT!
Editing video for 2M08… Hoping my iMac will not do any weird shit…
cleaning up my room, and having lunch
@mattijsdesmedt Videocard seems to be having problems @inz_ they said about a week. @LadyElena no replacement laptop/imac possible.
people at the mac store suggest i bring my imac back in
Getting ready to go to the shop
Great, spreadshirt is sending me back my money… Fucking great…
Fell asleep while watching a movie… It’s almost midnight… pff
preparing dinner
Played a game… Not in the mood for anything.. buh..
Breakfast at 2PM…
good morning. Still tired to be honest…
Played some COD for some time… now back to some work :)
made my mac have a heart attack… Litterly… Kernel panic, but to be honest i was pushing it…
Testing the limits of Expose
out for a late night snack
Oh crap… I just had a nasty ‘broken’ window screen… Something might be having a little trouble getting along with the heat… …
Video editing is going quite well :)
Great, interviews’ sound will be cleaned up… Still a bit of digital garbage in there, but it will do.
Having more RAM wouldn’t hurt right now. Premiere and 3GB of HD video editing is a hard one apparently
Giving premiere another try
Wondering what to eat
@sqwif: yup, a lot
Gving iMovie a try with the MP4 files
auwch… Sound is totally screwed… I wonder how I’ll work that out…
Checking out the footage, taken yesterday at 2M08
Home, doing some stuff for FlashFocus now
buying new glasses in decathlon
out for lunch with @LadyElena and her parents
the 2M08 award show is about to start
on our way back to the 2M08 award show
waiting for the bus to go to kortrijk to get some food
waiting for group 94 to start. Room is crowded
got an interview lined up with group 94. Awesome
waiting for @stefsull to start her session
@aral is about to start his session
waiting for the keynote to start
still waiting for jeroen,jelle and the others
waiting for everyone to arrive
on my way to 2M08
Requested Wordpress to host the Bunny widget. Now time to go to bed. Getting up for 2M08 in less than 4 hours. Nite nite!
Get your own nabaztag widget for wordpress now!
Mails went totally off the chain today :s 73 mails… What. The. Hell. Questionmark.
2M08 is a wrap, and it was great
Nabaztag widget is fully working! Awesome! Will post it tomorrow. Now some work for flashfocus :)
Home from a walk through Kortrijk. Now back to the Nabaztag widget.
Out for a walk with my gf
working on the nabaztag badge for WP2.5
Time for dinner before starting on the new Nabaztag widget for wordpress
So if I want to update my blog i’ll have to change my theme AGAIN… Great… Will try to fix those bugs myself…
Checked out all my bunny messages… Seems like there is a Bunny revolution coming… Better be prepared then.
Will checkout if my current blog can be updated to WP 2.5.1
Wordpress Twitter badge update
It’s aliiiive!
Mailed spreadshirt to ask why I haven’t got my FlashFocus T-shirt yet.
Arranging rendez-vous for Jeroen, Jelle, Samuel and Tine
on my way back home. Have to prepare lots of things for tomorrow
Leaving wordpress alone already, and going to Expo Kortrijk, to see @newmovieclip
Listening to some music while checking out what is going wrong in my WP plugins for WP 2.5
Good morning… Well… nvm..
working on the interviews with Jeroen
Setting up Textmate to my needs… Already pretty happy… Just need to change the autocompletion from the escape key to another shortuct…
home from dinner. Now back to customizing Textmate to my needs. Anyone knows a good PHP code completion bundle?
out with @LadyElena for dinner
2M08 Mobile Guide released.
@newmovieclip: kzal morgen naar de EXPO komen, als’k je niet meteen vind bel ik je wel even. Vanaf hoe laat ben jij daar?
How could I ever be so wrong…
Writing down interviews for speakers at 2M08
@Maikel No, didn’t get WP to save the settings in the admin panel… Will keep you posted :)
I just realized that without my friends I’ld be nowhere near where I got till now…
Really in love with TextMate… However i need PHP code completion (and possibly AS3 too). Any suggestions are welcome… Now off to bed!
Watching the sun rise again…
Hmz… This isn’t working…
Trying to contact the designer of a wordpress theme i updated
Wondering what to do today…
Wakker worden, en lachen met mensen.
Time for my bed… G’night
Updating my testsite to WP 2.5.1, while watching Friends
will work on a new bunny widget tonight
Will play a game with @DustyRoxx
listening how @dustyroxx explains his mother how to cut and paste files on her computer… Technology is fun.
Give me a place to stand, and I shall move the world.
Op zoek naar een leuk kot: groot, betaalbaar, proper, en in centum kortrijk… Lekker makkelijk
Had dinner and watched a movie… Pretty much out of energy…
checking out the 2m08 mobile guide
is pretty sure about the first Multi-Mania nominee, and winner :)
is in love with music
‘Wil jij een flash game maken voor mij tegen 50€ betaling?’ Tuurlijk, waarom niet. Moet dat ingepakt worden, of is’t om mee te nemen?