@LadyElena: It’s okay now, you can come :)
Out for late night dinner
@stupidnoob Het is blijkbaar een groot probleem. Yen heeft daar al maanden last van…
FlashFocus video will not be online tonight. @newmovieclip will see if there’s something we can do about it :)
Had a very unfunny experience with the recycle bin in the kitchen
Still not sure wheter to change my blog skin or not…
My bunny was on the frontpage of my my.nabaztag.com :)
@mattijsdesmedt nowhere public, as i’m waiting to see what the team thinks of it right now. It’s not very professional to be honest…
@sqwif not yet ;)
Video is rendered, and online. However i’ve got some serious issue with it ‘remixing’ itself… Checking for feedback…
Damn it… There’s a little weirdness in the video… Audio is perfect… The image is just… ‘remixing’ by times…
@joggink Right on!
@mattijsdesmedt Je bent laat man! FlashFocus was allang op de hoogte! http://tinyurl.com/6ekc4x Allen daarheen! :p
@joren @desaturated kzal de resolutie dan wrs wat verminderen dan. Blijkbaar ben ik de enige die er anders over denkt. Thx guys :)
@peterelst over de bandbreedte zou ik me geen zorgen maken:2TB per maand op mijn eigen host.De FlashFocus servers hebben geen beperking ;)
@desaturated ‘k zal eerst zien wat de kwaliteit is. Als dat in orde is zal ik het zo laten. Anders zal ik naar 75% van dat formaat gaan
@avalanched 720x576 (haven’t seen the quality of the result yet)
120-150MB for a 35minute video on the web. is that okay?
Converting the 6,4GB movie to something more mobile, to put it online :)
Rerendering 500 frames of the video. Will be exporting the whole thing afterwards. Looking forward to putting it online!
@exotic_mauI You look glorious as always ;) Your recording was the only one that needed completely NO editing!
Damn it! @aral’s tag on the video needs to be redone… that means another few hours of rendering! Darn! Where was my head at!?
Waking up and watching the preview render… 32 minutes… Fingers crossed that everything is ok
Ok, enough for today. Was pretty productive. Didn’t do tons of work, but got rid of lots of loose ends :) 2M08 video are up next!
Aha! Good news from twitter! http://twitter.com/twitt… Great!
Looks like the new blog is ready to be shown. WIll check out the popular opinion tomorrow :)
I can’t believe some pro’s do not think about the rest of the page when creating CSS selectors…
Ok, now I need somebody to give me some feedback on my new blog design, before i’ll put it online :)
New blog is up & running. Unbelievable how many trouble you can get during something simple like this…
uploading the new blog
is backing up his blog in order to upgrade