@gregorypierce “They” being Adobe? I think that would be a great idea. Very interesting point.
@Kimsje Holy crap! Da’s nog duur ook! Ik hoop dat het goed komt voor je! Komen ze precies wel wat laat mee af, heb ik de indruk.
@Kimsje Auwch! Dat suckt wel! Zie je dat zitten?
@MrBrightSky Breakfast, doing the laundry, buying food, the usual suspects ;)
ROFL RT @pierrezi Best WiFi network name ever: http://yfrog.com/h0k04rp #parijsstraatleuven
Right. Time for breakfast. I hate it when I find something I want to figure out. That’s when I forget to do the important stuff. BAD!
@tonylukasavage 2 weeks! ;-) It takes some time getting used to ;)
@sjespers @joristimmerman Er zijn nog mensen met die problemen ;) http://bit.ly/dZX63a Heb wel demo’s van anderen kunnen zien.
In fact: Safari is using more CPU power when scrolling an HTML page than when it’s running that Molehill demo in Flash. That’s impressive.
Wow, impressive: Safari process only jumps 4% when running this Molehill demo. That IS an achievement. Good job, Adobe! http://bit.ly/fQzyhl
So, seeing from today’s AS3 3D engines announcements related to Molehill going public, I assume we can now officially say PV3D is dead.
For fuck’s sake, guys: Get your Flash Player version detection right! http://bit.ly/hrvaX8 http://bit.ly/g8yomO
Pixel Bender 3D? That’s going to be interesting!
Just watched @foundat_ion episode 002. Everytime I hear the intro/outro it makes me think of the Social Network soundtracks. Great episode!
If Mobile Vikings SMS delivery were any slower, we could fall back to postal mail and still be faster.
pourmecoffee “Ladies & gentlemen this is the Capt; if you look out window you’ll see the f-ing Space Shuttle going to f-ing space.” http://goo.gl/WnxRL
RT @joshelman: Such a powerful comment by @shervin: “Twitter and Facebook are shields against future genocidesâ€Â http://t.co/Ua07vOr via …
florisvc Toch helemaal fucked up dat FEDERALE politie van verschillende PROVINCIES niet met elkaar kunnen klappen #PolitieHervorming
RT @fwa RT @hakimel: NES emulation in Flash for more than 1800 games. http://nesbox.com/
Saw my ex-girlfriend today. Kind of weirded me out.
@mykola Ha, nice! You got me curious now :D
. @mykola It’s a wordpress plugin that allows your visitors to draw you a little image: http://bit.ly/e6D1Fi (check sidebar for example) ;)
I really love some of the Dooodls people are submitting! It makes me happy everytime I see a new submission!
The whole world was invading Iraq when they were looking for a terrorist. So what are we up to now while innocents get shot for no reason?
Note to self: Stop postponing breakfast before going to class!
Change is good.
RT @AugustinDeBie: True shit …
Well, it took almost 72 hours to re-render all frames for my demoreel. This only took 16 hours when I had the deadline. Good optimization…
@prplps Looking very prpl! But the Tweeter/Dribbble/Tumblr links are not updated yet ;)
RT @_01010101 <span style=”font-size:500px”>attack</span> #htmlbandnames
@bit101 Thanks for the nightmares :(
But I’m kind of afraid Apple might be too confident about the iPad approach… Ya’know: Mac App store, iPad like app starting/folders… Brr
@joristimmerman @savvas You know, I actually don’t really care as long as the new stuff doesn’t get in the way I’m using my mac now.
RT @savvas “We’re taking our best thinking from iPad and bringing it all to the Mac with Mac OS X Lion” sounds scary.. http://bit.ly/bPWLCy
Dooodl 1.1 is out! Now with admin features and customizable everything! http://nocreativity.com/…
Quote of the day: “I don’t whine, BITCH!” by @kevinrose. I’m literally laughing my ass off :’)
Commited Dooodl 1.1.1 which fixes a glitch in the moderation queue. Should be propagating in the coming hours!
@Simon_Gee Hm… Might look into that someday… Will have to do for now ;)
@tonylukasavage Versions (mac). If you delete a file, the app tells you that file is missing,rather than ‘deleting’ it… That kind of stuff
@Simon_Gee It’s not like I’m able to choose :p Wordpress plugins are done using SVN: BOOOHOOO ;-)
@tonylukasavage No, not really actually. I just hate how I have to delete files through my SVN client, can’t replace folders, etc…
Well, it’s time to commit this update! Let’s hope all goes well… (because I hate SVN with a passion)
RT @tonylukasavage Coding for “the next guy” is pointless since 99% of developers are just going to (re)do it their way
I don’t need to fight to prove I’m right! I don’t need to be forgiven! — Baba O’Riley by The Who
@anthonyvanoyen I know, maar tblijft vrij ambetant…
There we go again… “Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 37748736) (tried to allocate 3096066 bytes)” Damn Wordpress…
Lucky enough I didn’t push out the update yet. Just noticed Wordpress updated to 3.1… (those updates are annoying)
Last time I’m running this update! This should be all set and ready to go!
I’m such a sucker for perfection sometimes…
Man, I wish I’d find this drum solo by Travis Barker in CD quality… It soooo rocks! http://www.youtube.com/w…
Everything is set. Finally. Will be pushing the update out tomorrow! Completely stoked about this!
@mvhseast Yezzzz! If all goes well, this thing should be live by tomorrow ;) (3AM over here ;) )
Everything’s ready. Let’s test the upgrade package… Fingers crossed
@FilleUniq Oei? Da klinkt nie zo positief! Wij doen nochtans zo ons best om er altijd op tijd te zijn! :(
@glenndavid echofon is volgens mij de handigste. Icebird is mooier maar mist bepaalde handige features.
Getting there!Last thing I’m looking into is adding custom coloring of the gallery.Wanted to do this update for 6 months!Coming along nicely
And that’s that for endless scrolling. From now on Dooodls will be loaded per set of 9 and you can choose to disable the Flash Gallery.
Well, i just added another fail to my resumé: Wanted to go to class but went to the wrong campus.
Writing the last part of the new Dooodl admin. Should be able to finish up this puppy by tonight.
@mrdoob oh my bad! Will check it out tomorrow (7am, and I need to get some sleep) ;)
@mrdoob Nope, I’m using the default version. Nothing fancy.
@mrdoob Seems like there’s some error in the browser detection: http://shots.nocreativit…
RT @indiequick: New Zealand earthquake 6.3. whoa. “@harper: http://t.co/R83hFNn this is JUST now. and totally fucked.â€
That was one hell of a productive night! Dooodl is updated for the most important part. Should be able to push this out tomorrow!
RT @golan: Just a little late to their own party,Microsoft finally announces Kinect SDK! http://www.theregister.c…
As a matter of fact: It’s me sending that clear message. Just so you never forget. It’s $_GET. Not $GET. Idiot.
Well, it seems PHP is sending me a clear message: Fuck off. First it starts ignoring my if()’s. Now it doesn’t find my $_GET…
“Dry your eyes” by The Streets blasting through the speakers. This song will always remind me of that one girl that got away. Good times…
@BWS_Nazz Da’s mijn demoreel die opnieuw aan’t renderen is. Is nu aan’t renderen op mijn 2 laptops.Straks alsk ga slapen rendert de iMac mee
And there we go! http://shots.nocreativit…
Let’s fix all those little glitches in my demoreel!
@OttoJanHam Ik kijk er al naar uit!
RT @duivvv Alex Agnew moet toch echt de minst grappige persoon ooit zijn..
@hamax1 Thanks, man! I’m glad you like it! :)
Creating worlds (quick post about the City BG I made today): http://nocreativity.com/…
Patatoe time at Jack It with @eXop
@ikbenmartijn Cool dat je hem leuk vindt! Veel plezier ermee :D
My first creation of the week is this desktop background, created with the #gsg (@nickvegas) City kit: http://bit.ly/f5qHM6
Everything looks better cross processed.
Out for a quick snack with @lyntje http://twitpic.com/41zn70
I just realized: I haven’t seen a kernel panic on any of my Macs in at least 2 years. Bluescreen on Windows was at least once in 6 months.
So it seems everyone in Kortrijk is doing their laundry on a sunday. And they all do it in the very same laundry room where I do mine.
@BWS_Nazz @AugustinDeBie TomTom GPS op iPhone 4 heeft het bij ons onlangs erg goed gesteld (Kortrijk naar Gent (ikea) over snelweg) :p
I just realized: I have worked for at least 4-5 years with Red5, and it’s still not even up to 1.0 (although it’s getting close now!!)
Cheap rip. RT @wirward Mijn eerste gedacht was dat dit een affiche was van #devine :) http://twitpic.com/41x88j
Lazy sunday. But I’ll have to do the work which I wasn’t able to do during the week for some inexplicable reason.
@nickvegas Did you shoot those with CrossProcess? I kind of digg some of the colors in there! Nice shots!
@woutr_be That’s where ‘responsibility’ comes in handy ;)
@woutr_be Visa! ;)
@woutr_be CrossProcess, TiltShiftGen, QuadCamera, Whatsapp, 360 Panorama and of course Cydia ;)
If you’re into motion graphics: Watch this! It’ll be the best 8 minutes of your life. http://bit.ly/eZQ5Rs
It’s been a while since I’ve been tired like this. I actually feel ill. Off to bed. G’night my tweeting friends
RT @Joyce_VanO: Dear Icebergs, Sorry to hear about the global warming. Karma is a bitch. Sincerely, The Titanic.
Had a nice little workout with @philipdubois. This is going to be a daily treat! Going to be awesome!
Finally found the time to check out the @postrmagazine I got earlier this week from @N_A_G_D. http://twitpic.com/414ldk
I dont feel like presenting today. so I just won’t. All I wanna do is go back to bed and have some more sleep.
That’s what seperates “us” from “them” ;) RT @AugustinDeBie Good night … It’s fucking 10AM … #Deadlines #Devine
It does make you feel better when people tell you you’re crazy… “Sometimes it’s a good thing not to know how crazy something is…”
Ha! Everything’s ready. With minutes to spare. Wasn’t nervous at all there… (But I AM very sarcastic right now…)
Uploading… Minutes before the deadline. *fingers crossed for a fast upstream*
@Aveliene No rest for the wicked ;)
@BobSermon Nee, tzal weer indienen worden vlak voor de deadline…
I’m desperate for some sleep…
Another allnighter. And it’s only been 2 weeks. What does that tell you about #devine? It tells you you need Girl Talk in your music lib!
@jeffreyLIVE Gij ook succes dan! Doet da goe ;)
Progress is moving fast… This might just work out in the end…
I always feel like an idiot when I write 50 lines of code and then realize I just could’ve used 1 line of maths…
Well, that’ll teach me for trying to do ‘what is best’. And I still don’t like programming games.
FUCK YEA!! RT @benDesigning Kinect + Unity3D + AR Goggles !
@Suiadan Oh, yea, true story. Doesn’t really matter ;) However it proves how well that particular person is informed about the facts ;)
Trying to make a point by saying Android has far more applications than iOS is kind of making you look like an idiot. You know that, right?
LOL :D RT @nickvegas Apparently EVERYTHING can be turned into a Mac vs PC debate. Ugh. Pick a tool and start working already.
Rofl RT @boskabout: mijn goesting was derjust toch ietske groter dan de tieten van Justine Henin tesamen, nu helaas niet meer
“Starting over is always succeeding.”
Same story! RT @thomasjoos too much work, too little time!
@glenndavid Ja, idd. Vind het ook meer een gok dan iets anders. Stocks kunnen mij niet boeien. De toekomst van Apple dan weer wel ;)
Let’s hope they’re all wrong… http://bit.ly/hdoBde
Calling it a night. Downloading the last diggnation episode before catching some sleep.
I actually don’t care how this project ends. I just can’t be bothered.
Always another way out.
I sure hope the following weeks at school will be the routine again. I need to do stuff at home, you know…
@boskabout Jup, maar ik vermoed dat PushButton Engine dat standaard heeft. Heb alleen geen idee waar ik naar moet zoeken ;)
RT @Devineforum Iedereen die met ons mee gaat naar FITC Amsterdam heeft zonet een email gekregen! Lees zeker alles es aandachtig door!
Hmm. How do I manage high velocity collision detection in Push Button Engine? Any clues?
@BeateV I shall not disappoint ;)
My teammates did some great work yesterday! Good progress!
The amount of detail in the #GSG City Kit is pretty insane! http://bit.ly/fq9jxv Awesome work @nickvegas and Chris!
Holy crap! That’s a cool render made using the #GSG city kit! http://bit.ly/dPBQOU Digging it!
@michahell Haha, yea. I’m so disappointed about what I’m doing. So now I’m ashamed to share the whole story :p
Can’t believe I’m doing this… But it seems there’s no other way today.
RT @scottjanousek When Watson starts calling itself “Mr. Watson Skynet”, then we should become concerned.
Just so y’all know: Dreams do come true.
Twitterific keeps asking me if I want to buy it. That’s about the 50th time since I installed the ad-supported version. Annoyiiiing…
@ikkekietje ja dus :(
@ikkekietje stond hier in mijn drafts, en t internet was vannacht kapot. Zou kunnen hoor.
Interesting… RT @FreddyAmazin: Facebook is the second most famous word which starts with an ‘F’ and ends with a ‘K’
RT @quotebooktumblr: Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see. — Arthur Schopenhauer
RT @joggink Is looking for longterm freelance Frontend jobs. (RT is nice)
@mrCreosoto That’s slow motion ;) Not stop motion ;)
Interesting… RT @FreddyAmazin: Facebook is the second most famous word which starts with an ‘F’ and ends with a ‘K’
The best way of knowing how something looks, is by just doing it and see what happens.
I’ve been wanting to write this for MONTHS and eventually I couldn’t hold it in anymore: http://nocreativity.com/…
HAHAHA RT @flyosity Motorola Xoom available for pre-order for the low, low price of $1,199! http://cl.ly/4a63
Reading an Android vs iPhone article. Funny quote: “The highest level open software in Android is Apple’s WebKit browser “. I lolled.
Good points RT @FITC Why Apple can’t be too worried about Android 3.0 Honeycomb tablets taking away iPad sales: Part 1 http://ow.ly/3RF5u
@FITC This is kind of emberassing. I clearly lost sight of how many ‘old guys’ are actually out there. Really looking forward to FITC A’dam!
@FITC WOOOW! 400?! That’s immense!! I’m sure it’s hard to pick them. I’m just surprised non of those ‘old guys’ are coming. ;)
Awesome! RT @hossgifford UAV flight over New York, Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges; Liberty Island & Statue of Liberty — http://bit.ly/dHdSIh
@bit101 so it seems. It kinda feels weird though. I mean: I literally grew up with you guys!!
@UnitZeroOne Sad to hear but very understandable. I hope everything is okay.Best of luck with everything. Hopefully we’ll see you back soon!
@hossgifford True story, but ‘old farts’ have a great story to tell. I really enjoyed your presentation last year. ;)
And as it turns out: @hossgifford and @unitzeroone are not coming either. What’s going on? :(
On another note: A lot of great names not showing up on the FITC Amsterdam schedule. No @aral, @joshuaDavis, @peterelst or @bit101. Why?!
What is it with people and being late all the time? Been waiting for somebody to arrive for an hour now…
@tonylukasavage “So, what am I doing here? Hmmm… I’m chasing that guy… ” ;) Inception was most definitely easier ;)
Remember the Iron Baby fake trailer? http://bit.ly/dRwSkO Here’s the making-of: http://bit.ly/hJZaku
Imagine if Twitter and Facebook would just stop existing.Tomorrow you would wake up and both would be gone. How would that affect your life?
There! Him!! I got that article via him! RT @daandesmedt @noCreativity Thanks noCreativity! :p
Dear designer, you aren’t that special - http://bit.ly/dXAHC0 (Via somebody in my twitterstream, can’t remember who, sorry)
@Twitterrific still happening though! :(
I make all of these visual associations. At first nobody quite get’s them and make me feel like an idiot.Later they then all agree.Annoying!
@FilleUniq Proficiat!
“Megan Fox (@MeganDFox_) is now following your tweets (@noCreativity) on Twitter.” COOOL!
For those who don’t know what I’m on about: That dialog pops up every few hours. Insanely annoying. /cc @twitterrific
Dear @twitterrific: I don’t mind the ads in the free version. This however ruins the user experience completely: http://bit.ly/hjVQcc
True story! RT @woutr_be PayPal makes buying stuff with a visa card way to easy :(
Just had my sister on the phone. Problems with her boyfriend. If I weren’t a guy, I’d think they’re all assholes.
Another tablet “to be released soon”. Great. It’s not like we have had any of these over the past year.
Today is about changing a few things. But first: Breakfast!
New @twitterrific made me switch again after almost 3 years of not using it anymore. Not really sure if I’m sold yet…
neurofuzzy Whomever is in charge of design at @gawker, @kotaku, @gizmodo etc, nice work! Impressive, cutting edge design. For 1997!
When I woke up this morning I felt I would go to bed feeling exactly like this. Some things just don’t change. Not even after 6 years.
Apparently I’m part of a dieing species of bloggers who still write posts with 30+ words and don’t use a stock image in every single post.
Well, just when you think everything starts being perfect, the bubble bursts.
@jeffreyLIVE pech voor u! Dan krijgt ge er maar geen!!!
@joristimmerman of course!! ;)
The cupcakes look magnificent, once again!! http://twitpic.com/3y1xih
@aral It’s about the same in Belgium, but for 3 months I think. You need to pay them a fee (10€) in order to see what you did beyond then.
jerseyraindog A man visits the doctor.”Doctor, doctor, I’m addicted to Twitter.” Doc replies, “I’m sorry, I don’t follow you.”
I want to do a thousand things and because of that: I haven’t done a single thing!
This is exactly why georestrictions are BULLSHIT: A Belgian citizen living in India cant watch the news of his country http://t.co/akgMp5f
I don’t have high expectations for that new Transformers movie, just because they took out Megan Fox. http://t.co/3rXhX3U
I don’t think Sony’s interested in doing good business anymore. Haven’t they got a PR-responsible who’s pointing out what they’re doing?!
Engadget is getting good at coming up with these terrible headlines: “Custom in-ear monitors”? Say what!? http://t.co/NtE9i17
ROFL: RT @polyGeek: Any of you fucking pricks mention HTML5, and I’ll execute everymotherfucking last one of ya! #PulpFlash
@jantjeman idd. Het idee spookt al een paar weken door mijn hoofd,maar ik wou toch even zien of ik niet het warm water opnieuw ga uitvinden
@jantjeman Beiden zijn meer samenkomsten. Ik dacht echt maar aan iets zoals #aug meetings, maar dan vaker. Denk Barcamp maar kleiner/vaker
Is there anything else than #AUGbe in Belgium/Flanders where digital creatives meet up? (Not talking entrepreneurs here)
@Ayame__ Gezien het uur van de dag lijkt het erop dat je metamorphose naar die-hard-deviner nu eindelijk compleet is! ;)
In 2009 my motto was “Always create new stuff”. In 2010 it was “Create cool shit”. 2011 will be about “Making it look sexy”.
Had a great night with @wirward and Pascale! Been a while since we hung out.
FlashFocus Win gratis festival tickets voor FITC twv. 399 euro! Trekking winnaars 18 februari. Meer info hier: http://bit.ly/fvHNX0 #FITC #giveaway
@ChezFre You’re trying to compile a SWC with dependencies to classes which you’re not going to distribute? (due to licensing I guess)
@Format_ I’ve used it quite a few times. Not too impressed with it. Great piece of technology. Not practical to me, though.
Safe and sound back in Kortrijk. All went well today. Good stuff!
Everything’s done. Totally happy with that. Will do sone revisiting of my old hometown later on. It’s been 20 years since I’ve been there.
Progress: [||||||||||||||______]
Rofl!! RT @delegatevoid: @noCreativity you mean you were born in a country that actually has a government ? That is so cool :D