The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

February 17th, 2011

Progress is moving fast… This might just work out in the end…

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I always feel like an idiot when I write 50 lines of code and then realize I just could’ve used 1 line of maths…

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Well, that’ll teach me for trying to do ‘what is best’. And I still don’t like programming games.

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FUCK YEA!! RT @benDesigning Kinect + Unity3D + AR Goggles !

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@Suiadan Oh, yea, true story. Doesn’t really matter ;) However it proves how well that particular person is informed about the facts ;)

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Trying to make a point by saying Android has far more applications than iOS is kind of making you look like an idiot. You know that, right?

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LOL :D RT @nickvegas Apparently EVERYTHING can be turned into a Mac vs PC debate. Ugh. Pick a tool and start working already.

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Rofl RT @boskabout: mijn goesting was derjust toch ietske groter dan de tieten van Justine Henin tesamen, nu helaas niet meer

via Icebird for iPhone

“Starting over is always succeeding.”

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Same story! RT @thomasjoos too much work, too little time!

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@glenndavid Ja, idd. Vind het ook meer een gok dan iets anders. Stocks kunnen mij niet boeien. De toekomst van Apple dan weer wel ;)

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Let’s hope they’re all wrong…

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Calling it a night. Downloading the last diggnation episode before catching some sleep.

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I actually don’t care how this project ends. I just can’t be bothered.

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Always another way out.

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