The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

February 7th, 2011

@ChezFre You’re trying to compile a SWC with dependencies to classes which you’re not going to distribute? (due to licensing I guess)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to ChezFre

@Format_ I’ve used it quite a few times. Not too impressed with it. Great piece of technology. Not practical to me, though.

via Twitter for Mac in reply to Format_

Safe and sound back in Kortrijk. All went well today. Good stuff!

via Icebird for iPhone

Everything’s done. Totally happy with that. Will do sone revisiting of my old hometown later on. It’s been 20 years since I’ve been there.

via Icebird for iPhone

Progress: [||||||||||||||______]

via Icebird for iPhone

Rofl!! RT @delegatevoid: @noCreativity you mean you were born in a country that actually has a government ? That is so cool :D

via Icebird for iPhone

First time in about 15 years I’m back in Luxemburg. Kinda happy to see my home country back.

via Icebird for iPhone

Going to Luxemburg today. I’m so bored with bureaucracy.

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What’s the point of getting up early like this, if we’re going to be late anyway…

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Well, threw out Exchange Push mail and replaced it with Boxcar email push. Let’s see if that fixes the battery drain trouble I had.

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@Jeroen_HD Tis nie om doorverbonden te worden. Tis om te weten waar de locatie van dat bureau is ;) Toch merci ;)

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@Jeroen_HD Al geprobeerd, geen avance ;) Tzijn nummers met ‘directe doorverbindings’-nummer eraan.

via Twitter for Mac in reply to Jeroen_HD

I’m pretty sure, if Google wants to stay the nr. 1 search engine for another 5 years, they’d better step up their game…

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I’m doing a reverse lookup of a phone number in Luxemburg using Google.This is the first result.How’s that even close!?

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So in order to find my real dad I called 35 different phone numbers and 7 different institutions… Now which ones were important?

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True story! RT: @thomasheylen: gebruikt voor het eerst @ font-face, veel netter dan Cufon…

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The Tourist is pretty nice. Kinda felt the ending coming but a very good movie anyway!

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