Boom! RT @tekkie: Brilliant: not everything is on App Store or generally, on your phone pic.twitter.com/0FOJLgiqVd (link via @petetak) #getalife
The end of an era. http://t.co/DelGOWJfC5
I just updated my LinkedIn profile… And I’m not even looking for a new job! How about that!?
Paying invoices, reviewing design proposals and talking about new client work. @NathanJY does it all at the same time. What a hero.

I got mail from the internet. No, not email; MAIL! Today, #Splinternet, on 2BE. Best piece of TV you’ll see all year! pic.twitter.com/b2sMEixS8U
Created an overly complicated button in CSS3. Don’t bother checking in older browsers. It’s probably doesn’t labs.nocreativity.com/css3button/lPj4kk
I’m totally obsessing over CSS3 and Javascript as of lately. That shit got me.
@MurtenSaerbi I guess that’s the result of time moving on :) new adventures ahead :)
@vercoutere well, that’s just lies!!
I used to build my internal tools in Flash. I do this now in Node. I’m starting to realize just how little Flash I still do. (None…)

This is actually mindblowing… RT @SciencePorn: Will we have 128 TB chips in 2030? pic.twitter.com/lhfTZwVKpA
@thenerd_be heb hier al een aantal keer het icoontje zien passeren maar de snelheid bleef op 10Mbps :( tzal gene vetten zijn :(

Brilliant_Ads AT&T anti-texting campaign to raise awareness pic.twitter.com/9olXGJRh3Y
@lievenscheire of codeschool! ;)

Finally 4G at Base on iPhone 5+. Go to settings > general > about to start the carrier upgrade ;) pic.twitter.com/s5preAtAFt
Enough with the working! Weekend!

I really wish I could work on a site for the Kaiser Chiefs someday. Just so the titlebar in Terminal makes sense pic.twitter.com/FnoQlsA97d
Brilliant! http://t.co/Tdtp1LTTEL
One does not simply install a Mooodle theme.
It’s one of those days where I’d better stayed in bed. Just took me 30 minutes to figure out why this Wordpress template won’t update…
Really liking my current grunt setup. I’m pretty sure this will greatly improve my workflow for at least some projects :)
Midnight Javascript training… Totally rocking it!
@EmilieDecoutere ander wachtwoord en eens je connected apps bekijken ;)
@EmilieDecoutere really? ;)
Of all the spectacular things that happened in the magical year of 86, this one really jumps off the page. http://t.co/yNIjrQkJrs
Totally losing my mind over this grunt-contrib-watch thing that doesn’t seem to fire delete-actions in subdirectories…
Some of these are actually pretty spectacular! http://t.co/a3KQW04TZh
Having a hard time figuring this out/finding it on Google: Anybody knows why grunt-contrib-watch doesn’t fire upon the deletion of a folder?
“Features are complicatedâ€: A quick overview to what an apparent simple feature change in a platform actually implies http://t.co/nUBtzdXy2N
@YordiDreams did ya? :p
I was about to reminisce about TurntableFM. Instead I found out they shut down the site in November 2013… Damn…
Waking up to Mombasa by Hans Zimmer, performed live. Screw coffee, THIS is what wakes people up. https://t.co/9W6tfrO0y9
We’ll be working on some top secret projects tomorrow, called Greyhound and Rhino. HOW AWESOME IS THAT!?
mikebeecham I now have availability to take on other projects / semi-perm or perm positions. If you know of anything, ping me. Thx. Also RT if possible.
@thenerd_be I used the shiznit out of Dreamweaver, man!
@BobSermon There’s a ton to read about using/customizing ST. Keyboard commands, projects, hotkeys, package manager, all that stuff! :)
@BobSermon jamiewilson.io/predawn/ Enjoy :)
@svenpeeters Heb er al lang geen projecten meer voor gekregen nee. Is nie erg ook nie. JS is so much more fun :)
@svenpeeters TernJS runt vb een V8 om zo code te compilen (zoals Flex Builder met AS3 deed). Komt dicht in de buurt voorlopig.
@svenpeeters Da was de reden dat ik weigerde om te wisselen naar iets nieuw. Heb bij sublime heel wat code completion gevonden via packages.
@svenpeeters @FabianMeul Ik vind UI enorm belangrijk. Ge spendeert uren en uren in da ding. ’t Moet prettig zijn ook ;)
@BobSermon This is still 2 as 3 is still in beta :)
@BobSermon @GuusDeGraeve Packages installed: http://t.co/w2L5z7wASu
Theme: Predawn http://t.co/r1JZfT6n2W And a ton of user-settings. :)
@FabianMeul Been using it for more than 10 years. Old habits die hard. ;)
@GuusDeGraeve Well, everybody said it was better. Nobody said why. Or how. It’s like Lego! It get’s better the more you play with it.
Spent a few hours last night toying around with Sublime Text and setting it up the way I’d like it. I’m a changed man. Goodbye Dreamweaver.

How cute! My little Eki is exchanging juice with her first boyfriend!! pic.twitter.com/iqp5Y09WuK

There we go! @lab9be fixed it again! Top service! RT @techzor: @noCreativity ‘s 27″ display is rea#sparklesparklerpic.twitter.com/6nnXAATu9RTu9R
@bertiecorrie @NathanJY @Deminoodle I do think Nathan would have my ass for that one :p
@BrunoByttebier Sociale experimenten eh ;)
@bertiecorrie @NathanJY @Deminoodle I’m not going to post that picture here :D
@NathanJY @Deminoodle @bertiecorrie I feel bad for Nathan now :(
Just signed a long-term contract with @m3tropoly. Please put your seats in an upright position: There’s a shitstorm of awesome ahead!
Apparently tweets will be retweeted more often if you ask people to retweet it… Anybody care to retweet this for the sake of retweeting it?
@tekkie no, i have 2 external Thunderbolt displays. One of them went black. Apple store is looking into it. Seems to be a popular problem.
Well one of my Thunderbolt displays just died. Guess who’s going to make a trip to the Apple Store…
There are those days that waking up seems to be more painful that any other fall I took while skateboarding…
Just checked out next week’s planning. Looks like I’m working on some next-level magic-stuff. Totally psyched about that!
BiIIMurray Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and think of what could go right.

ThePoke You may see a better piece of street art today but I doubt it. pic.twitter.com/VanCRYX2tZ
Finally updating my workstation from Adobe CS6 to Creative Cloud… Been planning on doing this for a year… Time fies…

I rest my case. RT @jeroen_algoet: Oh so funny â€@noCreativitytpic.twitter.com/KCoitSHRHZHZ

I went to the movies but must have tripped through some kind of wormhole and found myself in my future garage. pic.twitter.com/PdEKKOqfLi
Instagram is down… I feel bad for all those people who need to actually eat their food instead of taking filtered photos of it.
I just had a client tell me “BILL ME MADAFUCKAH!â€. I dare you to find a client that likes you more.

Loving the Mailbox interface. Especially the flat date picker. Nice touch! pic.twitter.com/N0iSOAwuSS
It seems my man @joristi totally sold me on the Sonos magic. I want some now!
thecodezombie “Swaghetti Yolognese”
Analyzing Nathan’s follower’s reactions is my new hobby RT @NathanJY: Post-intrusion reaction live with @noCreativity http://t.co/ji0spQlmj7
For the less tech-savvy people: Heartbleed explained in 6 pictures. xkcd.com/1354/ /via @pjetr
Fixed an IE8 bug that drove me nuts. Of course I did that in total Ronny fashion: Obsessing like a crazy man until it’s fixed…
@anckaertR Nope, had to wait for it until the Blue Bar Of Updates appeared.
Whoohoo! I finally got the new Spotify UI on Mac! That’s the stuff!
“I would have no problem kicking the shiznit out of Andy Warholâ€. Still the best line I’ve ever heard in a movie…
That has got to be one of the coolest sites I’ve come across this yeariconmonstr.comkK /vi@NathanJYJY
Word! RT @vmedium: Good riddance IE6!
RT @tonylukasavage: “Titanium apps are ugly.†Possibly the most ignorant comment I’ve ever heard regarding Titanium. #NativeUI
I could watch this gif animation all day. http://t.co/1Uj7CRrpyo
@glenndavid Never change a winning team ;)
Damn you, crashing Dreamweaver! You’re killing my flow full scale!
@vercoutere Very straight-forward approaches and solutions for problems that used to be near-unsovevable to me. Really awkward ;)
Learning the most ridiculous CSS tricks ever these days… Totally stoked!
@angelovm nenee, we gaan wel met terminal werken. Werken met een team en het project moet portable blijven. Dus tis van moeten ;)
@angelovm Vandaar da’k zeg da’k liever met een GUI werk :p I’m not making that shit up :D
@angelovm That’s exactly where things go wrong:
“Of course this will work!â€
*hits enter*
*computer crashes in spectacular fashionâ€
@angelovm @Deminoodle I’m not hiding from it. I’m just very aware of the power.GUI’s don’t accidentally destroy your entire project.I might.
I can’t believe what tortur@Deminoodlele is putting me through. He’s making me work in Terminal… Happy monday to you too! ;)
So they flipped a car today in #F1. Good thing they have these lower noses now that should prevent cars from getting airborne. #irony
It’s like they took this guy out of a video game. I’m having trouble believing this is real. CRAZY! http://t.co/tPHDaCaMu8

Pink trees? Sure… @ Evolis instagram.com/p/mcrRF3t5ft/
I swear: I have been in this meeting. RT @WouterDS: “The Expert†— https://t.co/jYudhkOIUF
bit101 Just read that when you run, your heart generates enough pressure to squirt blood 30 feet. I’m going to cut the next runner I see to test it

raju Nice: What $1 million buys you in Monaco, Hong Kong, London, Mumbai & New York in sq m: pic.twitter.com/jgfXanIhal H/t @BenedictEvans
@SlackHQ @SlackAPI Ah, I wasn’t aware of the existence of this page! Thanks! Good luck and have a nice weekend!
@SlackHQ @SlackAPI Ok! Thanks for the heads-up! (Time to consider an API-status page on the dev-portal? ;) )
@SlackHQ @SlackAPI Ok, no pressure. Just wanted to make sure that nothing on our end was causing the issues. Good luck!
@SlackAPI @SlackHQ Are the webhooks having trouble? The outgoing messages don’t come through to our service. Anything going on?
Slide to unlock every iPhone generation at once. http://t.co/JIxWuU7rLB http://t.co/KLvIkgja6J

HistoryInPics Golden Gate bridge - opening day. 1937. pic.twitter.com/Lw1iZXdF6H
Worked on some very annoying but very interesting projects this week. But it’s now officially time to celebrate weekend!
I think a cache file just saved my freakin’ life…
@SlackAPI I figured out what the problem was later that day.The API charset encoding was not the problem.But thanks again for getting back:)

Spotify really did their homework with the new UI look.That flat stuff looks good.In other news:it’s freezing in hell pic.twitter.com/t2QHzeHOjj
Truly inspiring talk of an astronaut who turned blind in space. “Fear not” http://t.co/RLt00cdSR8
This animation and music is brilliant! Real piece of art. vimeo.com/m/90556803
Totally rocking the responsives into this website!
@ivesdeblieck I haven’t used Google Music yet, so I can’t compare :)
@ivesdeblieck I’m not sure what you want to browse. I usually only jump into my playlists.
Spotify finally did a decent redesign of their app. It’s still flat but at least now it doesn’t look like 1995 threw up on it.
Paperwork is at my booky, taxes done, invoices paid, BOOM! I’m a free man once again for 24 hours!
It’s that time of the year already: too hot to be able to sleep. Ugh.
True story. https://t.co/CyvCShKFej