Loving this!
@brianblakely I’m actually Ronny.I think you got @boskabout and me mixed up.Unfortunately I don’t have all the required skills/experience :)
@anthonyvanoyen Auch!! That’s gotta hurt! My sympathies. ;)
@anthonyvanoyen Slim ;) 21 of 27?
@anthonyvanoyen En pakt Apple Care. Die toestellen zijn (voorlopig) een dure bitch om te herstellen buiten garantie.
@anthonyvanoyen beetje de kosten balanceren met de noden. Tmoet ook geen stukken van mensen gaan kosten eh :)
@anthonyvanoyen 3TB vind ik dan wa veel. :p ik krijg 1TB nog nie vol ;)
It’s one of these days where you really wish for that one special thing to happen.
@anthonyvanoyen Kdenk nie dagge weet hoe snel da is… Anders zou’t ge da nie vragen. Da’s echt zot ;)
How would you summarize the entire career of Samuel L. Jackson?
A badass motherfucker.
Classic. RT @catshive: CSS http://t.co/VlIHokWZcp
@hannesfostie House MD? Nee?
The guy who designs the devices that put smiles on millions of faces is the only one not smiling. Irony. http://t.co/30gRKgzs6d
10 completely logical reasons to oppose marriage equality. To whoever wrote this: More power to you!! http://t.co/Lhupsi125g
Olivia Wilde (aka Thirteen) vs Justin Bieber’s fans. Hilarious. http://t.co/cmSVUgDCuu
In the future, being able to code will be just as important as today’s “being able to readâ€. So learn it. http://t.co/IyiAf47gA1
Why is the rum always gone?
I went to the carwash today after waiting for almost 2 months due to snow,rain,… Now it’s starting to get cloudy again.I think I’m gonna cry
Let’s give the lady a bath. http://t.co/br00gRExMS
I can’t wait to run in a place like this and have my mind blown :)
@duivvv De generated source bedoel je? De pagesource van de server zelf ziet er volgens mij gewoon SEO vriendelijk uit…
That’s the stuff. RT @lyntje: @noCreativity http://t.co/jYM9uQvEjl
@Stievius Dat doet het juist voor mij. Ik wil ‘ontdekken’ op een site. Animaties, effecten, texturen… Ik geil erop!
@duivvv “In order to be able to view this website, Javascript needs to be active in your webbrowser.†Source ziet er normaal uit.
@kennyclement Werkt hier perfect (OSX 10.8.2, Chrome 24,0.1312.57). Rare browser plugins die in de weg staan mss?
The @momkai site is actually a great tribute to how far HTML has come. 5 years ago this would have been a Flash site. http://t.co/gAdqzdKwPE
@Jannemans @anthonyvanoyen @svenpeeters @panic Thanks for the heads up, everybody! Rockin’!
@delegatevoid Yea. I’m oldskool like that ;)
@anthonyvanoyen Met iCloud!? Sinds wanneer!? Zal wel moeten met dropbox doen want mijn oude Macbook heeft kan geen 10.8 installeren. Thanks!
I need to login to an FTP server but the login details are entered on my other machine. How is there no cloud-sync for FTP clients, yet?
@hannes_bhc Nog een Mac Mini thuis. Als dat uw primaire werktool is MOET ge een 2de toestel hebben. Anders 5 dagen uw iPad meer gebruiken ;)
Cookie-time! Freshness!! http://t.co/deusOeIWCt
@delegatevoid smudges on the screen, kids changing the channel every second… and there’s the “why?â€: we use remotes for TVs…
Apparently the rumored Apple TV set will have multitouch.
I just can’t express how stupid that sounds.
I would totally like to see this happen. That would be pretty badass. http://t.co/RpmAVW57SM
@boskabout Thanks! Checking it out! :) /cc @brianblakely
Midnight Javascript coding. Just 2 years ago, that would’ve been midnight Actionscript coding. How times change…
I love it when I peek inside somebody else’s code and find my own code instead. Makes me quite happy actually :)
Thank you for validating my theory :) RT @JoshHelfferich: Mondays don’t suck. Your job just sucks.
“Come to the dark slide”
I’m not sure I’ve ever seen so much awesome in so little graffiti.
@BeateV t-t-t-t! It’s practically awesome, if that’s what you mean ^^
@BrunoByttebier ik apprecieer enorm dagge mij wilt sponsoren. Kga dan morgen een kiezen ;) thx man! Das echt lief!
RT @DrWoohoo: Needed: Frontend Freelance Dev who ♥s MVC, SASS/Compass, Backbone, Require, Ajax, jQuery+Modernizr. Email me. :)
In other news: my white MacBook just completely froze. I’m calling it. 2 more weeks before the magical blue smoke escapes.
@brianblakely What are the terms, the kind of work and the budgets? Long or short term? Thx @boskabout :)
@hannesfostie Het zal wellicht een MBP Retina worden hierna. Hou je niet in om me de specs/prijs eens te sturen. ;)
Hmm, I’m pretty sure this white Macbook is about to die. The screen backlights just stopped working for a minute… Ouch!
RT @JoshHelfferich: Proof that humanity accepts things because it’s just too lazy: Digital pre-orders.
@_gw Thanks for the email address. I’ll try to list my findings and let you know! Have a good night ;)
I can’t stop wondering: Is Square Enix actually working on an iOS port of Final Fantasy VII? That would be awesome, right? RIGHT!?
Define: hype. http://t.co/OBrI7io7l3
Nas came to Brussels?! How did I miss that!?
Been playing around with Geckoboard all night. Found quite a lot of bugs… Pretty annoying for a paid service.
How does one not know that? http://t.co/wUc6BTrwRB
Ok, one more time: Short urls are meant for character-count limited services like Twitter. Not for emails… http://t.co/qNGTtdSqIM
Awesome! The girlfriend prepared a little snack before dinner ^^ Yummy! http://t.co/TiJD3cdvm8
I actually enjoyed that design. It was a delight every time I saw it. Now it just looks like any other app that plays some kind of sound.
That whole anti-skeuomorphic movement is actually making me sad. Bye bye beautifully crafted Poscast app. Hello Windows 8 look-a-like crap.
Sexism…? racism…? Really?
Seriously, it’s the year 2013. Lighten up, people.
Says my actual boss… RT @jeroen_algoet: @noCreativity nono! Like a boss
Jumping from Gecko & LightSpeed development straight to Wordpress.
Like a nerd.
Damn, 7 years of Twitter. Who would’ve guessed this “pointless service†would change the world and still be around so many years later?
@prplps that’s the point: it’s not on the lockscreen.It’s hidden behind multiple touches.Far more in fact than in the current iOS.Backwards.
The idea of a lockscreen is to … lock the screen. Having all kinds of interaction in the lockscreen seems backwards to me…
This ‘brilliant’ lockscreen concept for iOS7 just proves that people don’t understand simple and great UX.
This is pretty cool… Although it might be very distracting on the car in front of you in traffic. http://t.co/2BhRh1AyEE via @ikbenmartijn
@aral Sure, new people with new ideas are great but there’s a reason we invented the words ‘classic’ and ‘amazing’. You’ll have to come ;)
@aral Come again? How can you not be part of @multimania. The MM keynote is *you*. Surely you must be mistaken, Sir.
@angelovm I’d rather be part of a team that has more adventurous projects and clients ;)
Chance of a lifetime [HIRE ME] http://t.co/3TMaFmZVAt
Finally got around writing this post. Watch this space tomorrow ;)
@jeroen_algoet @BrunoByttebier Zonder potten vliegen ze niet zo ver. En het geluid bij aankomst is verre van dramatisch. ;)
@BrunoByttebier @jeroen_algoet low-level tech is makkelijk te imiteren ;)
@jeroen_algoet @BrunoByttebier Vlug even een prototype gemaakt. Hij brabbelt voorlopig maar wat. Een beetje zoals het origineel ;)
LewisHamilton wishing you a great day & sending you lots of positive energy! Dont let any negativity in, remain positive. time is precious as my girl says
justinspratt Sir Jonathan Ive: “Apple never has, and never will do consumer research. What a focus group does is that it will guarantee mediocrity.”
Thank you :) RT @aral RT @_funkyboy: All the browsers, please fix this now! Hacking the anchor tag in 100 characters http://t.co/H0eE4sEOPm
Spot on. RT @gruber: —I actually do think “Days of Heaven†is a better movie than “Fight Clubâ€.
—I hope you like divorce.
Apple didn’t change the world.
Technology did.
We all dreamed of computers in our pockets. Apple was the company to finally pull it off.
First: Apple didn’t change the world! They stole the ideas!
*St Peters Square photo happened*
Now: Apple changed the world!
Bring it! More AirPlay-games! RT @unity3d: Get your AirPlay on! Take a look at this fresh example for 4.1. #Unity3d http://t.co/uuNjrybeqf
Hey @F1. Your mobile browser detection is buggy. I’m using a Macbook and seeing this. http://t.co/YYPjSMstrl
Congrats to @nickvegas and his team for the updated site. Looking like a fresh company about to break out some awesomeness!
Seriously? A ton of money on marketing and they don’t provide the final version of the phone for hands-on reviews? http://t.co/FXY918NKn9
Congrats to @SaatchiBrussels and @FCBarcelona for changing 60.000 lives for the better in 3 months! Boom!! http://t.co/fSRWDCUc5q
At the hospital to do a follow-up of my kidney stones from last week and for another minor operation.
Told you! Took only a few hours once it was daytime in San Francisco:Digg is building a replacement for Google Reader http://t.co/6FLE0pcaAF
How badly do you want these? http://t.co/4hl2uMDTTE
@minorissues @bart_chanet @dimitrivh Met ogen open… recht derin… Nice pull.
@bart_chanet @dimitrivh @minorissues I knew that one was coming :p Het leek me al een rare zin… Annnyway… Who cares about the steak!?
@dimitrivh @minorissues Mijn misses is geen fan van steak koken. Dus zo verdelen we de kook-taak ;)
@dimitrivh @minorissues Dus als ik vanavond geen steak klaar maak voor de madam is’t peanuts? :(
You know that feeling when you are looking for an answer and you think you found it… And you just need to make sure you were right?
Oh look! More snow! Are we in Canada yet?
Instant e-karma! RT @prplps: Adagio is looking to hire a Communication Manager > http://t.co/9TYm9QZgN7 < RT for some e-karma
True story. Did nobody else notice? RT @fwa: Don’t worry, twitter is the new RSS #GoogleReader
On another note, I’m quite surprised there’s no Kickstarter project yet to build a new Google Reader. Now it’s a game of who blinks first ;)
If you’re really so deeply sad because of Google Reader being dropped, try one of these. http://t.co/Ei6IABEYXO /via @ikbenmartijn
Define “class actâ€: @iamwill donates £500k to @PrincesTrust to improve science and tech in school http://t.co/gVFyBbpilm
@jeroen_algoet @BrunoByttebier bestaat al. Systeem dat via motion detection muggen detecteert en met lasers de vleugels verbrand. ;)
So many people screaming for the loss of Google Reader. Is anyone of you thinking about building a replacement? There’s clearly an audience.
@aral it’s okay ;) publishing a localhost is like watching porn: nobody wants to admit but we all did it ;)
@aral Localhost? Really? Either I’m too late for the joke or you just copy-pasted the wrong URL ;)
@hannes_bhc denk ook nie dat da via messages zou gebeuren. Eerder via direct email.
@hannes_bhc fake. Mark zou nooit persoonlijk contact opnemen. Tenzij ge zijn maatje int echt zijt mss.
Interesting topic, didn’t read the article. Which idiot decided it was ok to put plenty of animated gifs in there!? http://t.co/E2R2d6E2Bm
@British_Airways Are you doing something against this? People are (ab)using your brand and scamming people in the process. //@glenndavid
RT @yratof: Also, not digging all these web design companies that come across as corporate. It just doesn’t sit right, it’s like corpora …
@glenndavid talloze Facebook pagina’s hebben da ook al gedaan.
Ayame__ I hate Android, I hate Facebook and I definitely hate them when they join forces!
#justfuckingwork #unhappydev #phonegap #mobiledev
@Pieter_VH lijkt idd een bug te zijn. Kging idd ook suggereren van de comp enkele frames langer te maken. Succes verder
@Pieter_VH verder werkt de Remapping wel op die 2de comp?
@Pieter_VH heb je ervaring met Time Remapping? Heb gemerkt dat het de eerste keer altijd wat raar is.
Seriously, supermarkets.
Pretty please?
So I paid for PlexPass, downloaded files for offline viewing but I can’t view them unless I’m online? What’s the point!?
Great move from Microsoft. Let’s see what people can come up with. RT @schizdazzle: Microsoft opens Kinect fully http://t.co/ddWLNdJnGX
The coolest job description? Director of innovation. Goodby Silverstein & Partners has 3 of them. http://t.co/4wK7y8rkUO
@Pieter_VH Als ik de bron mag geloven gaat het over make-up.
100 girls with and without make-up. Interesting differences.
/via @netlash
@issuus mijn balkon heeft hier een mooi 10-15cm laagje ;)
@Pieter_VH Nope, it doesn’t.
There’s something about Massive Attack and the way they create music. Always catches my attention from the first note.
I was looking for my ratecard in my home office. I haven’t seen it in months. Found it right away. I seem to be organized. How about that?
savvas Can u imaging G Street View getting almost live updates when everyone owns a pair of G Glass?
Man, technology is AWESOME. Ustream + iPad + Apple TV = Live DJ stream in my living! Yea baby!
RT @anna_lantz: “People don’t come to your website to look at your logo or navigation, they are there for your content.†#adaptive #sxsw
tonylukasavage Everyone thank twitter for making every developer in the world hesitant to build innovation/business around your API.
Cooking dinner for the first time in a year and it’s not for my girlfriend. It kind of slips by you just how much stuff you do together.
Also: A little look behind the Google Doodle scenes ;) http://t.co/FWsaXLOxMW
Remember the Google Moog Doodle? Apparently in 24 hours, visitors created 57 years of music using the doodle! YOWZA!
My girlfriend is on a flight to #sxsw. I’m back home in Belgium watching the flight tracker to see when she lands. I live technology.
Getting a massive headache.
Removed glasses.
Headache goes away.
@Telenet Yup, probleem verholpen. Alles werkt zoals verwacht. Thanks voor de snelle actie. Goed werk, dames en heren :)
Totally loving the Plex Media Server infrastructure! Syncing iPad content remotely! Too bad the syncing feature is pretty expensive…
@jvans @telenet Heb hier een hele home office die ik ten alle tijde bereikbaar wil hebben (test server, scherm overname, archief, etc)
@jvans @telenet Heeft mij al enkele fancy dingen laten doen in het verleden. Vind het allemaal niet slecht. Alleen jammer van dit soort bugs
@jvans @telenet Trouwens heb ik een eigen interne router.Echter moet de port forwarding wel gebeuren bij ‘entry’ dus op de Telenet router ;)
@jvans @telenet Hoeft nie. Alles werkt verder altijd wel zoals het hoort. Alleen nu het probleem met die website. ;)
@telenet Er is een fout in jullie javascript op http://t.co/SGzaW7QpDF waardoor ik niet in staat ben port forwarding in te stellen. Help?
RT @BrunoByttebier: @noCreativity ‘Audi Wiedersehen’ :-D
I’ve had my Cinemagram account for almost a year.Now they want me to send an SMS to verify my account.
Danke schön. Audi Wiedersehen.
Well, it seems they’re just giving all the surprises away… Thanks for that. NOT. http://t.co/lJUhdahmlA
Just got a meal before checking out. I haven’t eaten in more than 36 hours. This was heavenly; BELIEVE ME. http://t.co/xvg3CfnUGZ
I’m going home today.
Pro-tip: kidney stones are no fun.
Avoid at all cost.
@WouterDS nierstenen. Pijntjes :(
Just another day in paradise. http://t.co/KBZkDBkyW5
I’m one of those guys looking at your CSS code and thinking to myself you spent way too much time making the comments look nice.
Stuck in what appears to be a serious traffic jam. Parents are taking their kids for a walk between the cars. Fantastic.
“When Facebook actually makes something useful, I’ll consider paying attention.â€
I love how people just hate for the sake of hating.
Wow, Real Racing 3 for iPhone is another incredible racing experience. Can’t believe I got that for free!!