The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

May 2011

Some of those FB polls are hilarious: “Which dead musician would you bring back for one last live concert?” One of the answers:Justin Bieber

via Twitterrific for Mac

Anybody else out there feeling the urge to click an ad on a site, just because it looks so damn pretty?

via Twitterrific for Mac

First workout in a week. And it hurts.

via Twitterrific for Mac

Yup. This is a one-man-show. And it works.

via Twitterrific for Mac

Opening an Excel files shows me a dialog with ‘Opening file. Press CMD+. to cancel’. What’s wrong with pressing ESC?

via Twitterrific for Mac

Booh! RT @ikbenmartijn Steve doet echt geen moeite meer om dingen geheim te houden… Tot zover de fun… #wwdc #apple

via Twitterrific for Mac

What to do when waiting for feedback? Posting yesterday’s blogpost: Mercury!

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You know it’s time to get some sleep when one of your layers is named ‘Lightsaberfighting squirrels’ and you don’t think that’s strange.

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Awesome! New 2A site coming soon! RT @object404 Did 2Advanced forget that April Fools is over? Comic Sans ftw! :)

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@scottjanousek You just outgeeked me :p I don’t watch Start Trek, but I’m guessing it means I should expect projects to take more time ;)

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Just realized how much I was off when guestimating how much time would go into this project. Kind of blown away to be honest. :/

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4 down, 2 to go! This deadline is going down!

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Whoa, sometimes the internet is a hostile place. Don’t you dare to correct somebody EVER because they will come over and kill you.

via Twitterrific for Mac

I just got a color code via IM. The first thing that entered my mind was “Why is she hashtagging this conversation?”. Where’s my head at?!

via Twitterrific for Mac

Why is Twitter telling devs not to create new Twitter clients. Don’t tell us what to do. We are the very reason you made it this far.

via Twitterrific for Mac

What happens to people who patiently wait for Excel to load on OSX? They grow old and die.

via Twitterrific for Mac

“Initializing progress bar”. Are you kidding me!?

via Twitterrific for Mac

@Simon_Gee I’m not bright enough to come up with any great idea that might actually kill me. Although: hurting myself? Yes, very likely. ;)

via Twitterrific for Mac in reply to Simon_Gee

Man, sometimes I’m such an idiot. Someday I’ll get an award for that. Let’s send this one back to the render server one last time.

via Twitterrific for Mac

That’s the kind of ‘software working together’ Adobe doesn’t show during keynotes. http://shots.nocreativit…

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Had a great weekend. It’s a beautiful monday to start the week and I’m ready for it. Let’s split some wigs and kick some ass!

via Twitterrific for Mac

Why are you processing your screenshots with Instagram? Am I the only one thinking it looks stupid?

via Twitterrific for Mac

You know those moments when people go “holy SHIT”? This is one of them. RT @aral: BMX triple backflip. Mind blown.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Flemish Region, Belgium

Youtube comments are seriously crippled. No threaded comments, no ‘view conversation’… Youtube is so 1998 when it comes to UX.

via Twitterrific for Mac

“Oops” RT @dimitrivh smsen voorlezen op live radio… altijd spannend :D

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brian_wong Sunkissed

via Visibli (retweeted on 10:07 AM, May 30th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iPhone)

On another note: My desktop seems to be a mess. According to finder there are 105 items on my desktop! HOLY CRAP!

via Twitterrific for Mac

Let’s fix that render! Some tiny stuff and a first-class fail. Now all in the past!

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I have the most amazing girl in the world. The most amazing girl!!

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Flemish Region, Belgium

@prplps Nope, requires a respring though. ;)

via Twitterrific for Mac in reply to prplps

Holy crap! MobileNotifier rocks! I heard all kinds of good stuff about it, but it’s totally awesome!

via Twitterrific for Mac

Yea baby! RT @davy_delbeke Door 1 of andere reden kom ik vaak bij deze foto terecht. Good times, good times indeed!

via Twitterrific for Mac

On another note: Man I miss San Francisco! I really loved that place! I wanna go back.

via Twitterrific for Mac

There’s nothing like sending off a project to the renderfarm and then listening how the fans start to go all crazy.

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Yup, I love 3D. I always thought I did. Just didn’t quite know it yet.

via Twitterrific for Mac

When in doubt, use more nurbs.

via Twitterrific for Mac

@Boris I have never had the Death-grip issue :)

via Twitterrific for Mac in reply to Boris

Sunrise. That means the world’s still turning. Time to go to bed.

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Mail reply at 2AM… That’s what you get when you don’t answer your mails right away… Lesson learned!

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wtf? RT @mesh Why isnt the press covering this? #spain

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I’d love that! RT @AtiKuSDesign Awesome video showing some cool features they’d like to see in iOS

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Time to wrap up and head to the gym. Happy weekend!

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@Heeties Yea, it’s always better to have too much of something than not enough ;) Especially concerning ‘choice’ ;)

via Twitterrific for Mac in reply to Heeties

@Heeties True, very true in fact. However, the philosophy of that line reflects the fact that one knows so much stuff to do, he can’t choose

via Twitterrific for Mac in reply to Heeties

Meh. I hate this. “Now that we can do everything… What are we going to do?”

via Twitterrific for Mac

They are shutting down the Google Translate API due to ‘extensive abuse’? Is that even possible?? How do you ‘abuse’ a translation engine?

via Twitterrific for Mac

Pretty nice! Amazing piece of Flash awesomeness! http://pleasurehunt.myma…

via Twitterrific for Mac

@AugustinDeBie Are you kidding me? Zijn der echt mensen die niets anders te doen hebben dan dat? :D

via Twitterrific for Mac in reply to AugustinDeBie

#durttevragen is de meest idiote hashtag ooit. We weten dagge het durft vragen WANT DE VRAAG STAAT ER! #durftteklagen

via Twitterrific for Mac

Well, the warp stabilizer is running so smoothly in the background that iTunes has a hard time playing the next song in the playlist.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Flemish Region, Belgium

@nickvegas Oh, ok, cool. Looking forward to it :)

via Twitterrific for Mac in reply to nickvegas

@Format_ New keyboard, old one died on me :(

via Twitterrific for Mac in reply to Format_

Oh good lord… RT @AugustinDeBie @noCreativity hell no, close that box and open it once a month, I do it :p

via Twitterrific for Mac

I feel kind of uncomfortable with the following: I love the smell of new (unpacked) Apple products. Am I the only one?

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@nickvegas Hi, Nick. Did you record today’s livecast? (It doesn’t seem to be online on Ustream).

via Twitterrific for Mac in reply to nickvegas

Had a great night out with @lyntje, @wirward, @philipdubois, Elke and Pascale. Now it’s time for Diggnation.

via Twitterrific for Mac

ROFL: That last one really did the trick :D RT @Format_ Facebook brake-ups are like watching a building implode

via Twitterrific for Mac

Just noticed: If you don’t follow someone on Twitter (who’s tweets are protected) and (s)he @reply’s at you, you won’t see the reply.

via Twitterrific for Mac

Keyboard broke.Spacebar only working from the left hand side. How the hell do those things break? :s

via Twitterrific for Mac

Cool pictures, @thenerd_be. Some very cool shots in there! Good job! #2M11

via Twitterrific for Mac in reply to thenerd_be

Haha. “Oh my god! It’s connecting! YES YES YES!!!” (cc: @aral)

via Twitterrific for Mac

That is one hell of a Flickr set: Very very cool pictures!

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All kinds of cool and important stuff. at 1:30AM. Yea, that’s when the rocking is done.

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@BrunoFonzi Thanks man! I’m glad you like it! Hit me via DM with any questions/wonderments you might have :)

via Twitterrific for Mac in reply to BrunoFonzi

Great edition of #2M11. Met up with a lot of people I haven’t seen in a while. Today was a good day.

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samcvd #unfollowQ is the new #twunchQ

via Tweetie for Mac (retweeted on 3:02 PM, May 24th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iPhone)

@Kinepolis yes yes! Heb een mailtje gestuurd via de Kinepolis site. Heb eerder vandaag antwoord gehad. Alles fixed! Thumbs up! Dank u!

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to Kinepolis from Flemish Region, Belgium

Cool! Just talked to the FDT guys and got a code for a free FDT pure license. Thanks guys! Go check their booth #2M11

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Flemish Region, Belgium

Big ass room is big ass! RT @stefsull: Keynote filled at #2M11 Way to go Koen!

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Flemish Region, Belgium

Interesting keynote. impressive stuff: warp stabilizer, Photoshop SDK and @sjespers speaking very good English! Good stuff! #2M11

via Tweetbot for iPhone

Holy crap! The keynote room at #2M11 is amazing! Will post a picture later on! Nice move, guys!

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Flemish Region, Belgium

@thijswostyn mag van mij. Is wel een lens voor op een Sony alfa. Als ds past voor jou breng ik hem mee ;)

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to thijswostyn from Flemish Region, Belgium

Good morning, all! It’s time! Happy Multi-Mania day!

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tonylukasavage I know everyone likes to rag on the Android emulator, but seriously, its this complicated to resize the damn thing?!

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 2:17 AM, May 24th, 2011 via Twitterrific for Mac)

Nice move :D RT @dimitrivh +1 RT @joren: Nog een voordeel aan een uniek emailadres voor elke website

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Check out this hardcore stopmotion reel!…

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Great! Seems like a new iOS5 feature! ROCKING! RT @Format_ #swag

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This should be a very interesting week! Cool projects! I’m so happy!

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Flemish Region, Belgium

RT @smickie: “I’ll Bing that for you.” “What the fucks Bing?” “Dunno I’ll Google it…”

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What a beautiful day! Great monday! I love it already!

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Never saw so many bats at once. Fascinating!

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“Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That’s why they call it The Present.” You didn’t know that last part, did ya?

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Holy crap! RT I’ve seen many card tricks in my time, none anywhere near as mind blowing as this one. by @Zee

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RT @MissLaris: Vriendin verkoopt haar HTC Desire, wegens aankoop Desire HD. Toestel perfect in orde. Vraagprijs 280€. RT=nice http://bi

via Tweetbot for iPhone

@Format_ I went to a basketball court nearby where I live. We should go out skateboarding once you’re back! Great idea :)

via Twitterrific for Mac in reply to Format_

I just went skateboarding for the first time in 3 years. On one hand it felt great and awesome. On the other hand it felt strange.

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Beautiful lighting outside. Sudden lights coming from behind the clouds. Wonderful. Or is this the beginning of the Apocalypse?

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@webdevotion That would actually be a very good idea! One should be able to write a plugin for that for Eclipse ;)

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@boagworld It’s a totally different story compared to the other 3, but I wouldn’t call it bad. It’s still got the magical pirate elements ;)

via Twitterrific for Mac in reply to boagworld

appcelerator Only 200 followers away from 10,000 let’s make this happen today

via CoTweet (retweeted on 7:34 PM, May 21st, 2011 via Tweetbot for iPhone)

Just realized there’s no way any app can upload voice clips. How lame is that?!

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Flemish Region, Belgium

@BeateV zijde zeker dawwe het over hetzelfde lelijk geval? Blauw met knoppen die overal een unit te laag staan?

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to BeateV from Flemish Region, Belgium

Dexia desperately needs a UI update or their ATM machines. The current one is HORRIBLE and it’s been like that for years. Ugh…

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Flemish Region, Belgium

RT @danielmaier People are making Rapture jokes like there’s no tomorrow.

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My girlfriend turned blonde today and boy; does she look hot! (I’ll leave it up to her to post a picture ;) )

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@Format_ as far as I know: time in Japan is ahead of us. It’s past 6PM over there ;)

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to Format_ from Flemish Region, Belgium

RT @N_A_G_D: Damn, slept till noon. Did I miss the end of the world? Japan, holla back if you’re still there, kinda.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Flemish Region, Belgium

@aral Cool! Hit me up if you want to have a drink ;)Hhave a nice trip

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to aral from Flemish Region, Belgium

I’d love to finish this project, but apparently my FTP server doesn’t feel like it. Getting time-out’s all the time. Upload the file, bitch!

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Holy freaking crap! That’s one of my most impressive renders I’ve made so far. Very satisfied with the result!

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@aral Hi Aral! How are you doing? When are you coming over to Kortrijk?

via Twitterrific for Mac in reply to aral

How cool is that!? I get home from the movies and my render is finished the second I wanted to check on the progress! Rocking!

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I heard some bad reviews of the latest Pirates movie. It’s not all that bad, guys. Different doesn’t necessarily mean ‘bad’ ;) I liked it!

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Seated for the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie. Let’s see if it’s any good.

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Goe bezig @kinepolis.Ik heb net tickets besteld voor de film van 22:15.Na betaling krijg ik een redirect met dit Wa nu?

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Cooking dinner while doing the laundry. I feel very feminine. I’m pretty sure it’s because of the multitasking.

via web

GSP Got tweet?

via web (retweeted on 7:24 PM, May 20th, 2011 via Twitterrific for Mac)

Time to get ready for the weekend!

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RT @lyntje Mensen, kijk toch uit waar je loopt. #sigh

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RWW ReadWriteHack: Discontinues Support for Internet Explorer 6

via Tools Plugin for Movable Type (retweeted on 6:25 PM, May 20th, 2011 via Twitterrific for Mac)

Lighting something black and reflective is easy. Lighting something white and reflective is a bitch.

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This is by far the most time I’ve spent on such a tiny thing…

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RT @tekkie: FREE @FDT4 Pure license for ALL @multimania attendees. Visit the @Powerflasher booth during the conference!

via Echofon

object404 wtf. Center for Disease Control (CDC) has an actual zombie apocalypse contingency plan…

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 12:37 AM, May 20th, 2011 via Twitterrific for Mac)

stefsull Getting this old iPad set up for my use. You mean when I update apps, it takes me OUT of the app store & I have to go back in to do more? :(

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 6:50 PM, May 19th, 2011 via Twitterrific for Mac)

Ever since iOS4.3, autocorrection is seriously annoying.Sometimes I actually get it right,ya know.Don’t try to correct a perfectly good word

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I don’t know why but I find this to be a strange ad by Adobe… Or Apple… http://shots.nocreativit…

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When using #Cinema4D NetRender you know you have to cache the dynamics but don’t forget emitters:Use ‘Bake Particles’ in the Simulation menu

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Hello world! How you doing today?

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mattbrett You know when you scare a cat and they jump straight up in the air and let out a little “fsst”? That will never not be funny.

via Tweetbot for iPhone (retweeted on 11:57 AM, May 19th, 2011 via Echofon)

You know what happens to freelancers who don’t sleep at night…? The same as everybody else. They get tired. Goodnight.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Flemish Region, Belgium

How do you guys work with multiple Twitter accounts without messing it up all the time? I just replied with the wrong one. Again…

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On another note: I’m happy to report I was able to resurrect my render server (who died for no reason). Kind of a relief.

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Bullshit windows computer 0 - 1 Pissed off Ronny

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Nope, It’s not me. Yup, it’s all Window’s fault. After 10 minutes working with it, I remember why I call it ‘crap’.

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tomkrcha If you get a blank screen with AIR for iOS, make sure you dont load or embed any SWF files that interpret AS3 code. Simple but happens offen

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 5:19 PM, May 18th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iPhone)

Woah! Lots of stuff at the same time going on.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Flemish Region, Belgium

Let’s see if I can fix my render server machine, because it seems that thing is broken… By standing there and doing nothing… :/

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@UnitZeroOne cool Ralph! Looking forward to the development of Unity3D and Flash! The best 2 tools ever combined!

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to UnitZeroOne from Flemish Region, Belgium

@killthedinosaur Lol, not taking anything. I’m just weird like that :p

via Twitterrific for Mac in reply to killthedinosaur

Getting started for a new day! Only slept for 3 hours but I feel great!

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Flemish Region, Belgium

@joristi really? What did you use for defragmentation?

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to joristi from Flemish Region, Belgium

lyntje Ik kan de tagline “win een iPad” niet meer zien. Dit kan echt niet meer. Kom op, verzin dan toch een originele prijs. #lazyasses

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 2:02 PM, May 18th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iPhone)

dimitrivh Lol! RT @EpicTweets_: Microsoft bought Skype for 8.5 billion dollars… hahahaha, idiots!!!! They could have downloaded it for free!

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 9:24 AM, May 18th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iPhone)

Finally progress! Let’s get the frame before hitting Photoshop… I’d love to get some sleep soon…

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Hypernurbs, metaballs, subpolygonal displacement and reflections. Somehow it just doesn’t want to work on this computer. “preparing” my ass.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Flemish Region, Belgium

Mixing 3D renders, with After Effects goodness and realtime Flash effects. Just because it has to be perfect.

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What started as a wild idea a few months back is now becoming hard reality. Cool shit is the best!

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Getting dinner. Hungry as hell!

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Flemish Region, Belgium

@BeateV ok, kga hem vannacht opladen. Komt er morgen maar achter ;)

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to BeateV from Flemish Region, Belgium

@BeateV Wanneer heb je hem nodig? Kga maken dat hij opgeladen is tegen dan ;)

via Twitterrific for Mac in reply to BeateV

Who comes up with these things? I mean… Running Linux inside of your browser… What were you smoking!? Impressive.

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Just bought ‘Pro-Test’ by Skinny Puppy on iTunes. Really my kind of music.

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Looking through some old code. Apparently I was pissed when I wrote some of this… Funny stuff.

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Let’s get the Cinema4D render out. And let’s hope tomorrow I can shoot some better footage. This looks like crap.

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Time for dinner. Enough AS3 madness for one day.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Flemish Region, Belgium

Holy crap, generating this grid from the inside out using AS3 turned out way more complex than I would’ve thought:

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Doing some Cinema4D experimenting. Amazing how fast you forget some tricks when you don’t repeat them over and over…

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Aha, Little Moo just told my business cards are on their way! Rocking!

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Motion on monday: “Red Bull Big Tune opening titles”…

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Disabled auto-updates for my jailbroken Apple TV. Why would I want to update something which works perfectly, anyway?

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Had the greatest weekend with my girlfriend.

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Well, looking at my twitter stream, it seems #eurovision is taking place. Time to ignore Twitter for a few hours till it’s over.

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echtemannenshop Ik heb zoveel geleerd van mijn fouten dat ik serieus overweeg er nog een paar te maken.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 7:56 PM, May 14th, 2011 via Echofon)

Good point! RT @boskabout: Schoon volk komt altijd te laat. (Omdat ze er zoveel werk aan hebben om zich schoon te maken ;))

via Echofon

roelvandommele #howest servers down door alweer een stroompanne van #eandis in #Kortrijk. Gelukkig kunnen we onze 5.500 studenten informeren via Twitter!

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 3:22 PM, May 14th, 2011 via Twitterrific for Mac)

Strange things. And puffy clouds. Interesting day!

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Wow, just discovered a major continuity fail in ‘Friends’! The appartment numbers have changed from 4 & 5 to 19 & 20. (I know nobody cares)

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There are better things to wake up to in the morning…

via Twitterrific for Mac

Read in the Irish Pub: “happiness is the first sign of madness”.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Flemish Region, Belgium

Pretty amazing how many new wifi networks pop up around here.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Flemish Region, Belgium

Emptied the trash on my computer: 60K files deleted. 125GB disk space recovered. Yikes :/

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Whoa! RT @bit101 yes, nicotine is addictive.

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I just realized I have no decent pictures of myself. That kinda sucks.

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My Mac just completely froze.Had to pull the plug to get it going again.It’s really time for a new machine.This one shows clear signs of age

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Flemish Region, Belgium

@jonaspottie @joristi Don’t put any ideas in their heads. The should leave @dropbox alone. Dropbox needs no change: It rocks as is!

via Twitterrific for Mac in reply to jonaspottie

BOOYA! RT @newmovieclip Large Bitmap Support in a refreshed FP Incubator build — No limitations in BitmapData sizes!

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You know the ‘Mac VS PC’ topics, right? They’re stupid, right? Well check out the comments in this Canon vs Nikon post

via Twitterrific for Mac

Who of you guys uses the favorite feature on Twitter as a ‘read it later’-tool? Am I the only one?

via Twitterrific for Mac

Great workout with @wirward. Slowly getting back in the zone. Awesome!

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Flemish Region, Belgium

Just watched a documentary about the events of 9/11. Can’t believe it’s been almost 10 years.

via Twitterrific for Mac

object404 Sure, binaries & bytecode can be decompiled, but that’s one more barrier for casual hackers compared to JavaScript View Source in a browser.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 4:44 AM, May 12th, 2011 via Twitterrific for Mac)

It’s pretty cool to read about the experiences people had with Playr. Makes me feel really happy!

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Really interesting talk about how to focus on getting your work done by @nickvegas. Good one!…

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Episode # 5 of @foundat_ion is amazing! Interview with @brian_wong. Very interesting story. Thanks for your time,Brian!

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It’s podcast night: Foundat.ion, Diggnation and GreyscaleGorilla Livecast!

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Had a wonderful night with @philipdubois, @lyntje, Elke, Pascale and @wirward. You guys are the best!

via Twitterrific for Mac

@prplps cool! I’m glad you finally got it going ;)

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to prplps from Flemish Region, Belgium

Making stuff look easy is so hard.

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LMAO RT @Plip: Microsoft have done it, the end is nigh!

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Flemish Region, Belgium

Having a hard time figuring out how to generate this layout based on math. Though one.

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There’s more tweets in this month! Go up and select a date to see more ↑