Who of you guys uses the favorite feature on Twitter as a ‘read it later’-tool? Am I the only one?
Great workout with @wirward. Slowly getting back in the zone. Awesome!
Just watched a documentary about the events of 9/11. Can’t believe it’s been almost 10 years.
object404 Sure, binaries & bytecode can be decompiled, but that’s one more barrier for casual hackers compared to JavaScript View Source in a browser.
It’s pretty cool to read about the experiences people had with Playr. Makes me feel really happy!
Really interesting talk about how to focus on getting your work done by @nickvegas. Good one! http://www.ustream.tv/re…
Episode # 5 of @foundat_ion is amazing! Interview with @brian_wong. Very interesting story. Thanks for your time,Brian! http://bit.ly/iXIyFr
It’s podcast night: Foundat.ion, Diggnation and GreyscaleGorilla Livecast!