Some of those FB polls are hilarious: “Which dead musician would you bring back for one last live concert?” One of the answers:Justin Bieber
Anybody else out there feeling the urge to click an ad on a site, just because it looks so damn pretty?
First workout in a week. And it hurts.
Yup. This is a one-man-show. And it works.
Opening an Excel files shows me a dialog with ‘Opening file. Press CMD+. to cancel’. What’s wrong with pressing ESC?
Booh! RT @ikbenmartijn Steve doet echt geen moeite meer om dingen geheim te houden… Tot zover de fun… #wwdc #apple
What to do when waiting for feedback? Posting yesterday’s blogpost: Mercury!
You know it’s time to get some sleep when one of your layers is named ‘Lightsaberfighting squirrels’ and you don’t think that’s strange.
Awesome! New 2A site coming soon! RT @object404 Did 2Advanced forget that April Fools is over? Comic Sans ftw! :)
@scottjanousek You just outgeeked me :p I don’t watch Start Trek, but I’m guessing it means I should expect projects to take more time ;)
Just realized how much I was off when guestimating how much time would go into this project. Kind of blown away to be honest. :/
4 down, 2 to go! This deadline is going down!
Whoa, sometimes the internet is a hostile place. Don’t you dare to correct somebody EVER because they will come over and kill you.
I just got a color code via IM. The first thing that entered my mind was “Why is she hashtagging this conversation?”. Where’s my head at?!
Why is Twitter telling devs not to create new Twitter clients. Don’t tell us what to do. We are the very reason you made it this far.