@erwinverdonk yea, you’re right! Thx for your input. Have a good weekend too!
@erwinverdonk yes, standard test run works just fine. The error only occurs when publishing. Haven’t found any updates on the subject yet
@erwinverdonk Which OS are you on? Anything special concerning the certificate/provisioning I might ‘ve forgotten/overlooked?
@erwinverdonk Setting ‘permit debugging’ to true doesn’t help. The version I’m using is the trial from the Adobe site, released this morning
@erwinverdonk As far as I know IPA-debug is set to false (unless it’s not the radio button in the settings dialog) http://digg.com/u1Uu2u
@peterelst I already threw those out. I’m still seeing this error with a basic timeline animation (1 shape tween)
@peterelst At first I added some movieclips and textfields, but I scaled everything down to the bare minimum: This is an empty SWF.
So who of you guys managed to successfully publish an IPA using Flash CS5? I’m seeing the following error: http://digg.com/u1UtrO
Clearly deserved! RT @jnbeck: RT @infrared5:We just won the award for cool technology at the MIT In-NOW-Vation event!-Congratulations Guys!!
It makes you kinda wonder… Or at least me… http://nocreativity.com/…
A whole new approach! RT @Ayame__: and then Javascript said:
var now = new Date();
Thunder’s gone already… You’re kidding me right?
The hot weather of the past few days is getting back at us: I hear massive thunder.It promises to be an eventful night.Let’s set up the DSLR
@scottjanousek: What good would that be? They’d probably kill off Flash, and stop producing CS for Windows :p
ran 4.35 km @ a 05:33/km pace with Nike+ on 04/29/2010 (run time: 24:09) http://bit.ly/9hdiYA #nikeplus
Apparently my feet didn’t agree when I decided to speed things up for today’s run: Both of them are bleeding. Uncool stuff.
I can’t wait for my tablet to arrive! Will probably have to wait until monday… (Although it might just arrive on friday!)
@GuusDeGraeve mja, kleur is beter. Hij is zeker lichter. Maar kvind de seekbar bv een ramp. Die buttons voelen erg bloated en 1998 aan enzo
This is just simply A-FUCKING-MAZING! http://digg.com/u1UjTd
A new youtube player? Seriously? You guys really need to get your act back together. Youtube is turning uglier by the day…
@mstichel Ha, that’ll probably be the problem. Thanks for pointing that out!
@Format_ Kging ernaar zien vanaf da’k thuis was, maar blijkbaar hebt ge het al :) Top!
I HATE it when people tell me to ‘wait just a minute’ and then leave me standing out there for 2 hours. Eventually I just went home.
Been sitting here for more than an hour for a ‘quick meeting’. Just great
Tis maar nen glutton die in brand staat. http://twitpic.com/1j3nal
Brand in het centrum van Kortrijk. http://twitpic.com/1j3mgg
@lisavd Da betwijfel ik dan weer: Heb pas een paar weken geleden nen nieuwen gekocht :p
Nike+ on iPhone is pretty buggy… Already did 4 workouts of which 2 weren’t even recorded…
@aral I think it’s a bad idea. I blame FB & FB apps for making people think it’s okay for someone to access your data when they feel like it
@Format_ Huh? Nee :D
001000110011000100110001001100010011000100110001001000000011110100100000011000100110100101101110011000010111001001111001 #tweet11111
Ask whatever needs to be asked! http://www.formspring.me…
A similar take on the Bras Monkey idea: http://digg.com/u1UcGg
Time for pasta before starting an interactive multi user 3D test…
@joristimmerman Kinda emberassing for such a lousy animation… Don’t ya think? http://digg.com/u1UV7L
@tekkie Mine is the standard Safari browser. Nothing fancy. So either Safari sucks, or HTML5 is a resource hog :p
This is what happens when I play a video in Safari using HTML5… What are you guys so psyched about?? http://digg.com/u1UUew
Nieuws.be is enorm slecht bezig met hun advertenties… Ze willen precies geen bezoekers nie meer…
Loving this! http://digg.com/u1UUZq
Wondering when AIR for Android will become available… Considering of making it a quite important part of a project…
Off for some quick grocery shopping…
@AugustinDeBie Thx gast! Kga der keer naar zien! Alvast merci! :)
“All kinds of friendly!” Genius! RT @a_cup_of_t: Shower pooling is imo the best action ever from #AXE. http://bit.ly/bEoGBR #greenmarketing
That’s the one! If you haven’t seen it, do take a few minutes off and check it out! http://digg.com/d119tNg
Looking for that Spaghetti talk on Ted one more time. I love that presentation!
@LadyElena Ohjawel hoor!
That’s it. Time to wrap up. We had a blast!!
That’s it. Time to wrap up. We had à blast!!
Second win! We’re on a roll now!
First win of the day. Feels good!
We’re ready… Well.. At least a few of us… http://twitpic.com/1iaxbh
On our way to the paintball contest!
About 4 days ago, @kevinrose talked about something like this on @diggnation. Now it exists… Told you! http://digg.com/u1UM6G
Should Topsy pingbanks to blog posts be considered as spam? I’m kinda torn…
Cool! Flash builder design view solution for Linux users! RT @WernerL: Let’s drag and drop that http://bit.ly/czUsSl
Nice one! RT @tekkie: For str.reverse() in JavaScript: String.prototype.reverse = function() { return this.split(“”).reverse().join(“”);
Having fun at school… It’s a great day ^^
@W0utR Make sure you stick to the program. It starts pretty boring/easy/slow, but you won’t end up getting hurt (experience ;) )
Put down my glasses for like 2 minutes and realized how bad my vision actually is… Damn!
Man, I wish I was born like 20 years earlier. Listening to AC/DC makes me realize how much crap today’s artists are producing…
Jarvis, are you there? At your service, sir. http://nocreativity.com/…
Hm, @quasimondo totally get’s it right: The HTML5 guys are all excited about <canvas> and stuff but Flash paved the way years ago. #flasher
Lovin’ the 3rd edition of Flasher’s Mag already! Great work by @leebrimelow! http://theflashblog.com/…
@joristimmerman Flasher’s magazine is already a podcast on iTunes ;) Does that count? :p
RT @quasimondo: Robertson has a point http://j.mp/au2WfS - once ads become HTML5 you will wish the times you could use a Flash blocker.
Genius :D RT @wannesdeloore: http://www.belgian-gover… #saynomore
For those about to rock, we salute you! http://digg.com/u1UCDR
Oooh… I like the sound of that! http://gizmodo.com/55215…
Home after another great Pizzanight (it actually isn’t pizza night anymore)(but nobody cares). Time to get back at experimenting!
@AugustinDeBie Ikzelf heb da nie gekocht. Heb de bijhorende schoenen. Kweet dat ge da wellicht in sport/schoenenwinkels kunt vinden.
Well, what do you know. My experience IS a good teacher…
Well this is where the end-user (the developer) is getting hurt over trouble between 2 companies: http://digg.com/u1U4oG
Very slowly getting my head around iPhone Dev and Objective C. And now I remember why understanding error messages is so damn important :-)
I love this stuff! http://digg.com/u1TyvF
Don’t tweet without my confirmation. Ever. RT @aral: Thank you, @monkdrunk for tweeting without telling me from http://twtlab.com. (…)
Seriously, how can it be so confusing to divide 2 numbers in Objective C… Math should be easy…
LMAO xD: RT @darthvader Speaking from experience, you don’t want to just lose top secret gadgets. Or Death Star plans.
@devdev_be I guess it is, but right now I want to test some Flash things on there (and the deadlines are closing in :p )
Doing some more experimenting in Xcode… Really bummed out about Flash CS5 not working for me right now.
Appearantly my package from hong kong already arrived. And you won’t believe what it says on the outside: AIR MAIL ^^
@BWS_Nazz So you compiled the IPA file? Not just CTRL+ENTER? Any clue what I might be doing wrong?
Is anybody out there that has actually build iPhone apps using Flash CS5 on Windows? Getting a stange ‘Files not created’ error.
Well, that was a pretty educative first iPhone experiment. Too bad I couldn’t compile using Flash CS5 (windows)(weird error) Must find fix!
Hurray! “Welcome to the Apple Developer Program”
RT @W0utR: almost wasted 2 weeks i could have worked for school (…) anymore, hope going to school will get me motivated again
@devdev_be Ik had een ISO image van Leopard, da’k via Disk Utility op mijn USB stick had gezet. Ze zouden da zo moeten verkopen :p
@devdev_be OSX installeren vanop een USB stick (ipv cd) geeft je een half uur voorsprong (install van 10.5 duurde 12 minuten vanop USB) ;)
@MrBrightSky Da’s al een paar weken (maanden?) oud hoor. En da soort mensen doen mij huiveren… Bah.
@Dauntless No doubt! ;)
It’s kind of amazing how mankind is able to say “The moon? We’ve been there…”
Great, I deleted a subdomain by accident. Now the server won’t redirect requests anymore (even after adding it again). Not too smart…
Deleting a ton of files on my server. I really accumulated a lot of stuff (say: crap) during the past years! Wow!
@devdev_be Well, I figured about the same: I might just be experiencing my first ‘Waiting for Apple’-moment ;)
@joggink Most interesting. Thanks for the info :) We will see I guess ;)
I just remembered today is sunday. Would that somehow be a factor in how long iphone devprogram reponses can take?
@joggink Oh, sweet! Thanks for the heads up!
@peterelst Well, that’s not cool! I feel like an 8 year old kid, waiting to play with his new toy!
Is there some place where I can buy ‘patience’? I most definitely need it…
Come on Apple! Send me the confirmation mail already so I can get started!
@thomasjoos Hmz, I wouldn’t say it’s the same but it holds truth in some way…
Well… You guys did it… I am actually considering it but it still collides with my principles…
@peterelst Flash CS5 is asking for a provisioning profile, so I’m looking into ways of bypassing this. Seems pretty hard at this point.
@peterelst I tend to not agree on this one. Dev’s should be allowed to test apps on their own device (1) straight away, no questions asked.
@tekkie True that, but I’m kinda blown away by the great looking result. Looks like ‘Crysis’-clouds ;)
@thomasjoos I’m not ready (yet) to *pay* to just explore the actual platform using my *own* device
Wow! This one looks pretty nice! http://wonderfl.net/c/h9…
@peterelst Thats what I feared.Won’t be joining the program though.Looking into distributing through Cydia.Only need to bypass prov in Flash
@peterelst Oh? Can’t seem to find it(I thought those provisioning profiles were only given out to people enrolled in the iphone Dev program)
@Los_Cuentos No. It’s to compile iPhone apps (and skipping the provisioning is no option :p)
Any way to create a fake provisioning profile for iPhone dev? (Not building apps for the app store but i do want to test it on my iphone)
Don’t tell me not to forget to subscribe to your RSS feed. Provide good content and subscribing will be a default reaction…
@AugustinDeBie of nen apple store? (Lab9 of Switch)
@AugustinDeBie Der is ier nen sportwinkel nie ver van mijn kot. Kga maandag eens gaan zien (doe mij er nog eens aan denken) ;)
@AugustinDeBie ge kunt ook zo’n plastiekje kopen waarmee je die chip aan je schoen vastmaakt. Dus je hangt niet vast aan nikeschoenen :)
ran 4.94 km @ a 06:26/km pace with Nike+ on 04/17/2010 (run time: 31:47) http://bit.ly/cZZMhS #nikeplus
I really hope I will be a better father to my child than my father was to me.
I want Flash CS5! I want check out iPhone stuff!
And again: The Fortis homebanking fails on me… Let’s head to the bank…
@Format_ Hebt ge onlangs een andere Flash Player geinstalleerd? (Door Flash Catalyst/Flash Builder te installeren ofzo?)
@Format_ Heb je da op alle videos? Was na een paar keer refreshen opeens opgelost…
Whats wrong with Youtube? http://digg.com/u1TijI (My player version: http://digg.com/u1TijH ).
Weird. Echofon crashed for a days. Now all of a sudden it seems fixed!! Great!
Experience can be a great teacher. But it can be a source of creepy nightmares too.
@MrBrightSky Alsk het goe voorheb heet da daar ‘tracking’ (als ge op tekst klikt, in uw properties panel kijken)
Listening to the latest song of Walter Ego. Lovin’ it!
It’s funny how people write “Test” while *testing* the Dooodl plugin.It’s kinda redundant since it states 800+ have been submitted so far :p
Cool! Mobistar just called me and offered a refresh of my contract including more free calling! Great!
Ultimately this is how Hollywood and others (whose work gets pirated) will get back at you. http://digg.com/d11OWYR
@tekkie Flash CS5 will be able to export to iPhone apps. It’s up to Apple whether they’ll accept or reject them.
Oh damn! The 2nd issue has been out for quite some time now… I do realize now I have never seen issue 1…
Watching Flasher’s Mag issue 2!
Cool! New episode?! Hell yea! RT @leebrimelow: Want to watch the first 2 episodes of Flasher Magazine?Get them at http://bit.ly/d0zHu4 (…)
Thinking about the fastest way to create beautifully customized components in Flex 4. Flash Catalyst isn’t suited for what I’m looking for
It had to happen sometime… RT @articG: :D RT @bioRex21: Bill Gates Bans iTunes From Windows http://bit.ly/bJIvfR
@W0utR Hmz, ik heb da nie voor. Is uw SO globaal declared?
Once I can order this, I will. http://digg.com/u1TaMJ
Wow time flies when you’re productive. Trying to get home but I guess i’ll just wait for my train to be undelayed. *sigh*
Giving that Amsterdam footage one more shot: stabalizing and tracking in mocha…
@dimitrivh sure, depends on when I finish up though. I’ll let you know ;)
Heading to Ghent to work on a project. Not too excited to be honest.
Too bad RT @joristimmerman:RT @donotfold: LOL :) Adobe’s content aware fill just isn’t good enough http://i.imgur.com/QmeqG… (via @kstre)
The good thing about the youth is: They don’t know obstacles.
Well, who knew? “Twitter is now your legacy”. http://digg.com/d11OSRc
Had a great night with @philipdubois, @wirward, @ladyElena and Pascale. And I know one thing for certain: I’m going to NYC before 2011…
Watching Diggnation. @kevinrose and @alexalbrecht are giving away great ideas for iPad accesory businesses.
Wow, upcoming Digg Dialogg is with former president Clinton. How cool is that? http://digg.com/u1TUfe
@marzsman Ah, so that explains :) Okay then!
@joristimmerman I remember reading about it over there, but I don’t see where he mentioned it was free… :p
I thought SourceMate was free. How did I get that into my system?
7 pages of notes about todays #cs5 event at the #augbe meeting! Wow! Way more than I thought! Let’s write!
leebrimelow Smart web developers know both Flash and HTML, and more importantly, know when it’s appropriate to use each. This will always be the case.
Going home. #augbe meeting was definitely worth it! See younext time guys!!
“we delightfully kicked QuickTime out of premiere for osx”. And you guys are surprised apple rejected the iPhone packager?
No mention of the iPhone packager during the flash demos. Well well… #augbe
@Ayame__ it’s confirmed: browserlab in dreamweaver requires an interrnet connection :)
Not a bug! It’s a feature! #augbe
The venue is packed! Love how this event starts! #augbe
Holy shit! The #augbe team chose a magnificient venue. Well worth the effort of getting here! http://twitpic.com/1fc6xe
Got on the train. About to leave for Antwerp to head to the #augbe #cs5 event. Looking forward to it.
@dimitrivh Da dacht ik ook (op de #augbe site stond 50m, op Gmaps stond 1,3km. Leek me duidelijk :D )
@dimitrivh Oh, thanks! Google maps stuurde me even de verkeerde kant uit ;)
RT @dimitrivh station langs de winkelgallerij langs achter uitwandelen.Zodra je buiten staat naar links kijken en je ziet jet op 50 m #augbe
@bit101 Well, then I’d like to have a ‘delete tweet’ option in my desktop client (tweetie), otherwise I have to hit the site, log in, etc ;)
@bart_chanet Nee,eigelijk is de vraag (heel subtiel dan):”Wie kan er mij zeggen hoe ik er ongeveer moet geraken vanuit centraal station?” :p
I think Twitter needs a ’30 second edit’-period to enable you to correct typos…
@peterelst Aren’t we all? ;)
Holy shit.. Apple is going crazy. http://gizmodo.com/55156…
Life is like it were just one long ‘first kiss’. http://digg.com/u1TMiw
You guys are freaking amazing! Thanks Jeroen (whichever one you are :p ): http://digg.com/u1TMWE
Another cool doodle in my sidebar! You guys are on fire today! http://digg.com/u1TLI7 (Made by @davykestens )
@peterelst Yea, this was kind of disappointing.
What the hell were you smoking? RT @AugustinDeBie: Please Apple, buy Adobe …….. #CS5
Wow, so either they didn’t have the time to update their videos… OR (!!!) Adobe will be able to get around around that #section331 thing
Wow, that lens correction thing most definitely rocks! #photoshop #cs5
@Ayame__ I guess so. Browserlab is an online service. Dreamweaver is probably connecting to it and feeding you the previews from there.
Auwch! ‘The Packager for iPhone’. Good things you guys updated this demo seen the current situation! #cs5
I’m kinda bummed out… I expected some live presentation. You know, people doing live demo’s. Not an oversized #cs5 ad…
Getting ready to watch the #cs5 launch event. Don’t let this be overshadowed by Apple’s #section331. There’s way more cool shit coming!
@SanderDbe Cool! But how is one supposed to hook up the lens to that 360 light bulb? Looks worth the effort to try it!
Guess what: Opera won’t have to give away an iPhone anytime soon… http://my.opera.com/comm…
And whoever drew this doodle on my site: Dude, you freaking rock! I’m blown away! http://digg.com/u1TKUu
Interactive music video’s! Cool! http://nocreativity.com/…
RT @tekkie: Whatever your arguments for the new iPhone SDK Developer Agreement, devs are fleeing off Macs. Can you imagine the impact?
I love creating fun projects like this!! Time for some dinner!!
Creating stuff… I love what I do. Unconditionally.
I always figured the guys writing for MacWorld would be grown ups with a brain. I was wrong. http://digg.com/d11O49P
@wouter Ik dacht dat jij in San Fransisco was?
Totally rocks! http://www.notcot.org/po…
Holy shit! Tweetie will become the official Twitter client? For free? Cool! Oh AND acquired byt Twitter! http://digg.com/u1T9Rh
RT @mesh: RT @gskinner: Return of the Blue Lego: SWFObject blueLego edition, brings the blue lego icon back to the iPad. http://is.gd/blQ1s
If HTML5 won’t kill Flash… Apple might just do so after all. http://digg.com/d11NyyS
Translation of #section331: Fuck off, devs. http://digg.com/u1T6ey
ran 4.86 km @ a 06:35/km pace with Nike+ on 04/09/2010 (run time: 32:03) http://bit.ly/aBweA5 #nikeplus
I think yesterday was the perfect example of how a company doesn’t give a shit about their platform developers…
RT @Adobe: We are looking into the new SDK language. We continue to develop Packager for iPhone OS which will debut in Flash #CS5
This kind of says it all: RT @peterelst: blogged “Apple versus developers — this time its personal” — http://bit.ly/aiLgje
RT @savvas: On April 09th, Apple will introduce the iPhone OS4 Dev Agreement. And you’ll see why 2010 will be like “1984” (/ even worse)
@peterelst You’re completely right! I’m wondering what Adobe’s next move is… They will definitely not back off just like that…