Robomodo 15 years ago today the very first Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater was released on Playstation. Happy Anniversary @tonyhawk and @neversoft!
@ericgoens @janseurinck ja, ze hadden beter allemaal geen filmpje gemaakt. Die 100.000.000$+ was er ook vanzelf gekomen.
@JoshHelfferich not owning expensive stuff helps. ;)
Belated birthday trip to Holland with me beloved friends! You guys are the best!
CaseyNeistat VSCO filters are like make up on a pretty girl; the right amount should improve the look but you shouldn’t be able to tell it’s there
Saw @nickvegas toy around in #cinema4d and now I feel like getting back into the #everyday routine. I just don’t have the daily time for it.
@vmedium … Per week ;)
prplps Yosemite’s Safari uses bg color instead of cloth texture in the “over-scroll” at the top and bottom of websites. You _could_ style this!
I wish Square Enix would release Final Fantasy VII for iPad. I would totally love wasting my time with that.
nickvegas The only way to get better is to do more work. I have to take my own advice and start making more stuff.
I actually really like this: Waves (based on Google’s Material
My blogpost about Dooodl, (my WordPress plugin) just hit 250k views! Install Dooodl too!
Timelapse and hyperlapse are not the same. And playing any video at faster than normal speed isn’t timelapse/hyperlapse either. Thank you.
Hey @verge. You forgot the mother of all hyperlapses in your hyperlapse roundup. (cfr )
Waking up to a set of bugs that only exist because you tried to listen to somebody’s advise. Quite great to know “you were right all alongâ€.
Forget what you know about storytelling and watch @CaseyNeistat tell the most beautiful of all stories. Congrats!
@prplps yea, I’m not into cdn’s as well. At least not as long as I don’t have gazillions of visitors. ;)
I hate it when a page doesn’t load and this turns out to be the
@mikebeecham I even vented this anger in a lengthy blogpost last year ;)
@mikebeecham and these same people think that the calculator in iOS 7 is flat, not skeuomorphic. Yet, it’s both!
@mikebeecham exactly my point. People confuse skeuomorphic design with realistic design because of examples like these.
RT @mikebeecham: @noCreativity That has nothing to do with skeuomorphism. What the crap-pants are they talking about?
It’s images like this, that piss me off. Popular blogs educating their audience with incorrect information.
It’s one of these days where you rush to get everything done but at the end of the day you’ve got nothing to show for.
BrunoFonzi Instagram: the tech behind Hyperlapse and its image stabilization algorithm, Cinema
That one client that is not able to have a meeting that doesn’t take at least 2 hours… Even if it’s just a status meeting… How?!
Alarm clock says: GET UP GET UP GET UP.
I say: It’s too early, dude… Lea’me alone.
Today was another day if finishing projects and making deadlines. Quite happy with all the results. Let’s hope the clients are too :)
Working away on this final checklist while @NathanJY is doing some live-superstar-music-stuff! Perfect way to finish this project.
Great read: “How to stop giving a F@$% what people think.†
Spent almost 2 hours figuring out a massive bug. Squashed that. This baby is looking perfect! Some more minor fixes tomorrow and we’re done!
What a boss! RT @CaseyNeistat: what does a Polar Bear, a helmet, and a folding chair have in common? […] - #ALS
@Jannemans I’m not actually contributing to the actual WordPress source. I do create/publish frree stuff for the platform from time to time.
@Jannemans yea, makes you kinda proud to be part of that massive community :D
@Jonazzty I’m not sure why that would be a bad thing. WordPress is fairly user-friendly, very powerful and insanely flexible.
I still can’t believe that 19% of the web runs on WordPress. That’s roughly 1 in 5 websites! That’s immense!
@creytensp i don’t do drugs either. I’m 100% innocent in that department ;)
I’m meeting a potential new client today. In a coffeehouse. I dont drink coffee. Well, aint that a good start to the week?
Sooo… Ringworm and Minecraft.
Holy crap, this is hard. 1993 or 1994? I feel like 1994 might edge ahead…
@Jonazzty He really shouldn’t. He should really be looking up t@beeplele@nickvegasas@richnosworthyhy an@mn8erer.
My 12 year old brother just called me on Skype and asked for help on how to light his Cinema 4D scene. My mind is blown.
dribbblejobs Metropoly is hiring an UI / UX Designer anywhere
RT @JoshHelfferich: Good guy Google—this is what’s displayed if you try to open the Chrome dev console while on Facebook:…
“Lizard poisons spock†- captcha. True
@capitalP_dangit Your creator is a funny man ;)
This is brilliant! @capitalP_dangit just pointed out it’s WordPress. Not Wordpress. WP even has a function for it.
First times for everything. Just wrote my first Wordpress Walker. Pretty stoked this actually worked!
This has got to be the most brilliant hack/experiment/mockup ever.
I wonder if it’s just a matter of time before Twitter apps like @tweetbot will add a frature to filter out “promoted faves”.
@glenndavid Laten we het hopen. Anders hebben ze nogal slechte PR mensen ;)
@tonylukasavage The same thing happened during the Boston Bombing. No shame at all.
I might have slept too little in the past few days… :/
@tonylukasavage Well, yea, that would make sense. But that’s not the case here… :p
Git commits with the message ‘latest version’. Kill me now.
That feeling when that project you’ve been working on for so long reaches the final milestone.
Ha, as it turns out, i’ve been using so many INNER JOINS in the past few years, I totally forgot you could query 2 tables independently…
@BobSermon I use it all the time. Great for live-debugging ;)
@BobSermon Go to a site and start typing ‘jQuery’ in the console and watch how it tells you all available methods/properties on the object.
@BobSermon Not as flawless as Flash Builder. I’m thinking V8-like like in the Chrome console.
I wish there were a lightweight code editor like Atom or Sublime Text with JS autocompletion support like Flash Builder had for AS3.
Oh look! Secret surprise gift from @TransIP as a thank you for recommending them to a friend via Twitter! Thanks!
@SSSUPERMACHINE Da snap ik. Ging eerder over sommige code. Als ge hulp nodig hebt met de full-implementation: ;)
@angelovm Anyway: like @prplps said, we could talk about this all day. The point is: As far as principles go, I’m unimpressed.
@angelovm @prplps Exactly, because they (professors) looked under the hood and called you out on bad code. Avoid at all cost ;)
@angelovm @prplps And before that I was a student who’d pull alnighters as much as was needed to get the job done properly.
@angelovm @prplps I was a producer at Saatchi & Saatchi for million-euro clients/projects. Missing deadlines was not an option.
@angelovm @prplps And I’m able to do that because I’m comfortable with getting things right without need for a redo. Saves time and budget.
@angelovm @prplps As I said: I never missed a deadline since I turned freelance. In fact I deliver way within budget/timeframe ;)
@prplps @angelovm I don’t care about ‘the website’. It’s the principle of ‘this ought to do it’. I don’t want to rely on second chances.
@angelovm @prplps All unacceptable excuses to me.If you’re popular like that & try to ride that wave for your new company,you gotta deliver.
@prplps @angelovm I know their name. And what they deem ‘ready to go live’. I’m not sure I’d consider that a success.
@angelovm @prplps Then make sure you can deliver. Or do a better job of estimating how much time you need.
@prplps Well, I’m not sure what to think at this point. As far as first impressions go: This ain’t a particularly good one. :p
@prplps I rather take my time and get things done properly instead of rushing out a poorly crafted website for my newly-founded company.
@prplps I’m still not sure why cutting corners seems to be generally accepted. If you claim to be online experts, act accordingly.
@WouterDS @warrebuysse @BramDevr da maakt het voor mij echt nie beter hoor ;) das lijk nen auto met kapotte remmen de baan opsturen.
@WouterDS @warrebuysse @BramDevr the result of bad planning/communication and one more sign amateurism.I haven’t missed a deadline in years.
@WouterDS @warrebuysse @BramDevr Again:not acceptable. Missing the deadline is no reason to produce sub-par work. Missing the deadline is…
@BramDevr That attitude is why our industry is underrated. We build the presence for potential billion dollar businesses.Treat it like that.
@BramDevr Quality within the timeframe is what separates pro’s from a wannabe ;) I’d rather be late than deliver sub-par quality work.
@BramDevr Nope. Tables are for data. Not design features. Vertical align can be done without tables.
I didn’t think I’d ever see the day: A brand new agency uses HTML table-layouts inside Bootstrap columns, anno 20#newlowwlow
@glenndavid Basecamp voor client communications. Teamwork voor project management (intern).
lyntje Wij verhuizen dus ons duplex #appartement in #Kortrijk komt 1okt vrij! Meer info via Share, care, tweet, repeat!
I’ve seen these offices! RT @snorewell: How to start a creative agency.
That was yet another insane coding marathon. This project is getting close to being finished. Can’t wait to finish this puppy up.
A glass of water is so much fun.
“You Can Already Code—You Just Don’t Know It Ye@edrex_
Yo mannen! Kijk! Der is nen livestream van de Grote Markt van Kortrijk. *crickets*
RT @lyntje: Nog een sneak peek! Het zoekertje komt later online, maar contacteer mij of @nocreativity gerust…
Adobe seems to have a nice offer for hobbyists: Photoshop and Lightroom for 9,99€.
Stereographic projections, Dubai, airports, timelapse,4K. This video’s got it all. What’s not to like?
Holy crap, that was one hell of a coding spree. Time to relax a bit before heading to bed… I so need to get a life.
I spent the past 2 hours building 2 buttons that open popovers with forms in them… The animations are so beautiful. I’m in love with this!
If I didn’t know any better@CaseyNeistatat is obsoleting Twitter for breaking news by using Snapchat. Crazy.
This is a must-watch for every drone-enthusiast out there. Think before you fly. 10 minutes of terror.
Sporting my @uglybelgianhous shirt today! Bring the hate!
RT @N_A_G_D: Hey, it’s pay your freelancer day!
@Deminoodle That’s how real pro’s handle busine#likeabossboss
Deminoodle Bug melden aan @noCreativity die dan naar zijn bureau loopt vol met Nutella op zijn gezicht. Dat zou pas live-entertainment zijn.
@Deminoodle Volledig! En dan ook de slack chat publiek maken zodat ze onze “office praat” kunnen “horen” ;)
And that’s the end of today. Working at night is so peaceful… Distraction-free. And most of all: It’s when my brain works best. Joy!
maxvoltar It’s important, but the best jobs aren’t defined by the work you do. They’re defined by how much you grow as a person, and help others grow.
Nothing says ‘happiness’ quite like removing countless lines of code without feeling bad about it :)
I used to think that Yo was a pretty neat idea that made itself very powerful. I don’t anymore.
RT @iamdevloper: The worst kind of development tutorials:
“And look at that, I haven’t even written a single line of code so far.â€
I’m fascinated… RT @mhausenblas:
This is not only awesome but rather impressive. Try out on your smartphone.
CaseyNeistat oh snap. guess who just got the best internet address in the game?
mdo brb, bash aliasing yolo for git so i can type `yolo merge master`
RT @iamdevloper: Ambiguous terms in tech:
• DB
• WP
• VC
• Bootstrap
Please check before naming your next thing.
@BobSermon Not sure, couldn’t be bothered anyway now.
About 3 years ago (when I was still working at Saatchi & Saatchi), I requested a business account at Pinterest. Today I got it. Quick!
I wrote about my favorite #Wordpress theme development tools. Feel free to share yours as well!
Okay, that’s it. From now on, our cat’s name is Snorlax.I’m in my office; he’s downstairs. I can hear him snoring… OVER MY MUSIC! WHAT!?
That feeling when you want to Tweet something but you just can’t manage to get the whole story to fit within 140 characters without missing
Remember when everybody met at the @aral’s Singularity conference? I still maintain it was awesome and should be a yearly thing!
This is brilliant. Robin was truly awesome :)
Oh man…Robin Williams is no longer with us?May he rest in peace.We thank you for your brilliance.Goodnight Vietnam.
Nothing like that feeling when you write code you thought about for about 2 weeks and it works and completes that big challenge instantly.
Every time I build a feature as simple as possible for the end user, I realise how much energy goes into making the feature work that way…
@lunargravityBE @glenndavid Hier ;)
wp_list_pluck just became my new favorite tool!
@angelovm Ge zou da denken… Ik doe dat nu al zeker 10 jaar :p
‘Hm… A date in PHP…’
*googles php date format*
Every time…
Oh man. The week starts with me having to dig through a Wordpress plugin that involves custom SQL statements… *shivers*
RT @iamdevloper: require(‘blood’);
// success.js
Royal schitzelballs, Batman! This guy is nuts!
I just guessed a movie title just by seeing the “20th Century Fox” animation before the actual movie started. #boss
@WouterDS What’s wrong with Compass? Why ditch it?
Yup, it’s sunday and I’m working on a client project because it seemed like fun. I can’t believe I love my job that #blessedlessed
I still think this is awesome: @robdyrdek’s Alien Workshop logo painted on top of the Fantasy Factory on Google Maps.
I still think this is awesome: @robdyrdek’s Alien Workshop logo painted on top of the Fantasy Factory.
5$ for a logo: #wygiwypf. what you get is what you pay for.
@BrunoByttebier @TransIP Zot hoe goed die prijzen zijn eh? En hoe deftig alles daar is. Blij dat je er tevreden mee bent ;)
Finally! Time to get rid of your Like-gates, people!
Building complex multi-option filters which pick images, other options and render canvases… Who wouldn’t want to be doing that at midnight?!
emmkaff Scientists: Don’t freak out about Ebola.
Everyone: *Panic!*
Scientists: Freak out about climate change.
Everyone: LOL! Pass me some coal.
Oh boy… What did they do to my favorite childhood movie :(
“Your Wordpress website updated to version 3.9.2â€. Again. And again and again. I seem to run more WP sites than I remember.
Hans Zimmer gave us a masterpiece with Time.If you would like it to be a little bit more aggressive,you’ll love this
If I’m not mistaken, this was the longest most productive phone conversation I’ve ever had.
Beautiful breakdown of @CaseyNeistat’s take on storytelling with Snapchat and consecutively pairs it up with Youtube.
Whoever came up with Belgian tax law should be working in theoretical physics or something. This shit is mighty complex!
After I wrote CSS code that fixes somebody else’s table design…
I wonder if the people who hate Google’s / Facebook’s tracking policies have stopped using Google Analytics/FB Like boxes…
@ThinkGraphical That’s what we have duct-tape for! :D
I forgot how new griptape destroys the surface of the skin on your thumb… My thumb feels like it’s been turned inside out…
@WouterDS @mobilevikingsBE heel int begin nie [foto] ;) vandaag de eerste keer zo’n goe resultaat in centrum Kortrijk
@prplps @mobilevikingsBE forgot the photo in the first one ;)
4G with @mobilevikingsBE in Kortrijk seems to be improving. Nice!
Man, @CaseyNeistat really nails this snapchat story thing. The guy is a freaking genius.
Honestly wondering what will go go first. My wrist or my ankle. Anyone care to place a bet? @ skateâ€
Streetart at the skatespot. @ grabbelpas Zwevegem
BrentToderian There’s bike infrastructure… & then there’s Dutch bike infrastructure. World’s 1st suspended bike traffic circle:
@WouterDS compass.
New deck. New trucks. Same passion.
@bertiecorrie Nah, I don’t think so. He’s too much into enterprise development. It just wouldn’t work.
Had a weird episode yesterday where strangers thought my best friend and I were a gay couple… That’s a first.
Not sure how this happened but it seems like I’m listening to an old album of The Kelly Family…
One can only code for so many hours. I’m turning in. Good night.