Giving up. I’m a zombie right now. Off to bed…
Man, I’m exhausted… But I just wrote a whole bunch of code, and got everything right in one try :)
Trying to make some progress, but everybody is keeping my busy.
Home sweet home… With pasta!
Had a very intresting meeting with Christoph. At the train station now to head back home.
Arrived at diegem. Heading to the adobe hq to meet Christoph.
Got on the train. Destination diegem. Working on this presentation engine assignment in the meantime.
Heading to the train.
Installed the skype iPhone app. Good going guys. Can’t even focus the username field before the app crashes. Fix it please ;)
Seems like I’m done here. Finishing touch will be tomorrow’s task!
Doing some more crossbrowser finetuning on my blog. Hoping to be able to go live with this tomorrow.
@jnbeck haha, nice one! :D
Hmz, working on my new blog layout reveals the old one has never been IE6 compatible… And nobody told me??
Did some changes on that blog layout. Time for dinner.
Well, that was uncool.
Time for some breakfast after a short coding night!
We are getting somewhere with this imageviewer thing. Kinda getting the hang of this!
Working with Rik while listening to Industry of Love.
is seeing some great progress behind the scenes of FlashFocus. Really looking forward to releasing this to the public!
Off to bed… Spent a whole night on playing around in Flash… I’m such a kid…
I’m out of creativity as it seems. I need to recharge my batteries…
Looking into my list of deadlines, and deciding what to do next…
@HoFa Make sure you pick me up on the way over ;)
Cool, my new blog design is actually almost ready. Will be finishing up on this next week..
hacking css like a mad man…
@DaveFlash Geen beter moment mogelijk… fris, alleen, een rustig :)
Out for some fresh air…
My past keeps getting back at me. I wonder why.
@DaveFlash Kga da theme nie verdelen hoor :p Da wordt voor mijn persoonlijke blog, maar als ge nog altijd geïnteresseerd zijt, ga’k da doen
Turning this HTML design into a Wordpress theme (I can’t believe I’m still so fired up…)
To all my recent new followers: Happy to see you guys follow me, but with no tweets, I can’t make a decision whether to follow you, or not
Had a few hours of sleep. I feel way better again… Man, i was WASTED!
Home, and totally powered again… Should really get a few hours of sleep…
is fallling asleep in class. I need to go home asap.
Allright! They liked it!
Allright, this looks pretty cool! Let’s get read to hand it in, and head to class…
I feel like screaming.
Had a very cool night, with some friends. Had @HoFa over for a relaxing chat. Now back to some work.
Had a great race.
Getting ready for some relaxing: karting evening!
@bramzo I’ll write a blogpost with all in’s and out’s asap ;)
Getting a headache, all of a sudden. Let’s hope dinner fixes the issue…
Fighting the IE wars…
working on this blog design. This will truly rock!
Well, that’s looking pretty good… Now time for some food, and then off to bed.
Pixel pushing. Cause that is what we do. We strafe for perfection.
Creating the background images for this site. Man <i love the result of this!
Getting started to get this baby a new home in HTML land
Making great progress. This will turn out to be one hell of a blog design!
Messing around in photoshop and having lots of fun. This will turn out to be something very cool!
@Robbedewilde I wanted to do that, but didn’t have the time to record one there.
Result of the tiltshifte timelapse: - I kinda like it.
halfway the batch… Still 750 to go…
Just dragged 1533 pictures into a droplet… Let’s GO!
Experimenting with Tilt shift photoshop post processing, and timelapse content…
ran 2.72 km @ a 05:24/km pace with Nike+ on 03/24/2009 (run time: 14:43) #nikeplus
getting ready for a run
@byDust Oh yea, school did. :(
@byDust Now you ALMOST know what it feels like when the people you care about leave for 3-5 months!
Just sent out one of the most important mails in my life.
Back home. Feeling a bit weird.
Writing a session description… Turns out to be harder than expected.
@kevinvandamme Lol, kging u net bellen om te vragen of je stopt aan’t station. Veel beterschap, makker :)
Seems like i’m done here. Ready for tomorrow. Chilling a bit before heading to bed.
WTF is wrong with photoshop!?
My roommates are pissing me off again. We’ve got around the fastest internet connection around, and yet I feel like I’m on 54K
Off to go meet @code_is_art
had a cool idea for a timelapse. This will be great :)
Off to bed. Night night!
Looking through some pic’s I took in Rottterdam. Might become very intresting…
Off to the nightshop! Need some stuff (yes, candy etc… :( )
@Jannemans Thanks man! 4sec/shot during 2,5Hours.
@Jannemans Ow! Right! xD My bad:
Uploaded another timelapse. Pretty happy with the shot itself. Too bad I let some mistakes happen.
Timelapse is running (camera is on top of that building)
Setting up my stuff for my next timelapse recording
Messing around with my iPhone and @code_is_art’s G1
Watching Gran Torino while playing with the values of my first RAW photos
Out with yen.
I just don’t get it…
Cleaning up the countless number of experiments on my desktop and everywhere else…
Getting dinner
@breakerforlife Wa is er gebeurd mss?
@code_is_art Gezond dieet daj gij volgt jong :p
ran 4.29 km @ a 04:47/km pace with Nike+ on 03/20/2009 (run time: 20:34) #nikeplus
Getting ready to go out for a run.
Designing the newsletter for FlashFocus.
Got some FlashFocus work done. Now time for some relaxing…
Off to bed. Worky worky tomorrow.
Totally fighting my way through the soundwaves in Flash… So close…
private function resample(bytes:ByteArray) - only the sound of that name promises coolness… And it won’t dissapoint!
I’m so on a roll here… If only I had an extra lifetime to just complete the ideas I always come up with…
It must have been years ago since I sat down using my headphones to listen music instead of using speakers, but right now i just HAVE TO!
Thinking about adding a property to the Playr class that allows playr to broadcast errors when they occur instead of throwing them silently
btw: ‘Invaders must die’ is one hell of a disc!
Updating the Playr class and experimenting with some new features…
Let’s reinstall Flex Builder…
Scratched myself from the #bca list.
Some people rise… Some people fall…
Really digging the results of that FB quiz I took: http://shots.nocreativit…
Back from a meeting with @newmovieclip. Time for lunch now
off to bed. Too damn tired for a shower. G’night
Home from a looooong day at Rotterdam and ending up in Den Bras with the guys, @iamdesign, @wouter and @newmovieclip. Had some great fun!
In an African restaurant. Great place!!
Having lots of fun with my classmates while having a drink. Now wondering what to have fir dinner.
Having lunch in the center of Rotterdam. Definitly not my city. About to head over to the skatepark.
Leaving for a day of Rotterdam.
Is looking for a fisheye lens for his sony alfa 200. Any suggestions?
Hmz, all that Iphone 3 buzzing… I wonder if there will be a new iphone, together with the new firmware…
Okay, somebody please explain me how that got into my head: There’s no vacation for another 2 weeks…
@iamdesign laat ze maar eens goe zuchten ;)
Going to have pasta with @code_is_art
@iamdesign Verrrrry funny :(
Ow? All forum topics on the AUG.BE site are gone. That’s not cool…
@amsville This day is only getting better then :)
@amsville Well he did actually check it right after the preso :p But all went fine, so it’ll be okay (even with the major IE bugs)
That went pretty much better than expected.
hmz, just realized @iamdesign shouldn’t be reading his Twitter until this afternoon… *prays*
Oh shit! Just realized this form stuff isn’t optimized for MSIE… That’s a problem… DAMN IT!
Let’s head to that exam.
Allright! The race is on!!
Getting ready to go out Karting with Stijn and Grudge
@byDust yea, but he’s buttugly and ran off to some hole in south-africa… What a nutcase… :p
Looking for a speaker for FlashFocus online meeting. Kinda like <head> but smaller. Suggestions are welcome!
Getting some flashfocus work done! Time to get moving!
Watching diggnation, and enjoying the great sunshine
Back home. Time to get some food processed, cause this man is HUNGRY!
That was easy
The internet just died on me! but i managed to fix it!
is pretty much exhausted…
Done racing. In den bras to get a last drink before heading home
Chilling out before the next heat.
Taking a shower. I need it ^^
@iamdesign Sure thing! Let’s see if you’re up for the challange ^^
ran 4.10 km @ a 04:54/km pace with Nike+ on 03/15/2009 (run time: 20:08) #nikeplus
Getting ready to head out for my first run in 3-4 months…
Arrived in Kortrijk. Chilling out before going for a quick run
Arrived in Oostende. Waiting for my train back to Kortrijk.
On my way to mommy. The weather is sweet here!!
Had a weird night. Feel kinda unhappy.
Heading to brussels with yen.
Got on the train. I love being on the road like that.
Heading to the trainstation
I’m so lucky with my friends… Otherwise I’d still be asleep xD
Finally rendered that 360 panormic image: 15000px x 5000px. Pretty cool result.
Waiting for this movie to be done downloading, before heading to bed :)
Zipping and handing in this assignment
Pixel pushing across browsers and platforms…
Watching Rock ‘n Rolla. Chilling spree.
Done scripting this baby. Heading out for dinner before finetuning the design.
Enhancing this form with some javascript features
I can’t believe I’m arguing over this with someone who’s 19 years old…
This is turning out to be a bad habit…
Got to get started on that presentation…
Almost ready with the serverside only version.
Zo heel af en toe… mis ik haar… Want zij wist beter dan ik wat er in mijn hoofd omging…
Had a shower and dinner. Back to my assignment now!
Working on this form assignment again. Really making progress.
Did some great progress on my work. Hoping to finish this up tomorrow :)
@glamorous_be Bwa, da’s met met cola, en wa film rustig opgelost… Alleen de wekker zal morgenochtend nie mijn beste kameraad zijn :D
Creating a php form validtion script
Some people are hilarious… Get a freaking clue!
man i’m dead tired
Posters voor de kartingavond uithangen. Wie komt der mee?
Off to get a haircut
Having lunch while my laptop is doing whatever he can to render out this 360 panorama
Allright, I’m getting to understand this new Sound API! That’s cool!
I wanna do a mexican wave with laptops! Who’s in? (Yea, I’ve got a crazy geeky idea)
I really have to get started on this project. This is important: GET IT DONE!
Arrived in the lesson. Apperently @newmovieclip is about to replace our regular teacher. Cool :)
rendering a full 360 shot in photoshop… My laptop is burning…
It would really make me feel better if my roommates would STOP DOWNLOADING!
Been looking at this XML file for about an hour… I still haven’t decided how to do this…
@thomasjoos It was just presenting the project I made for an assignment ;) No slides involved :p
Presented my project. Turned out to be AWESOME :) Happy times!
@jnbeck Girls from myspace eh? You seem to have an intresting roommate :D
@jnbeck Yea, I kinda like the idea of that… But how do I make them believe that I don’t have anything to do with that? :p
That looks okay. Next in the line is…. More work…
It’s CLEAN. I feel great now. Let’s get to work now!
My room is a complete mess… Should clean up… No I really really should!
Out for some shopping
getting a few hours of sleep. Dead tired…
Sipping hot chocolate. I feel better already. Might wanna head home to finish that assignment and head back to school…
Heading to school to finish this.
First time in months I watch the sunrise. What an amazing moment…
Closing up. It looks pretty nice. I can go with the result!
Creating a soundfactory test… Just in case I’d run out of time, huh…
This is really becoming one of the coolest projects I’ve done in years. Lots of cool animations!
Flash CS4 just crashed TWICE in 60 seconds… That must be some kind of a record…
That’s 10. 10 Times in half an hour… It’s starting to piss me off…
Flash already crashed 5 times on me today… And I’ve got a deadline to make…
Navigation seems to be ready. Now for the cool part!
Making progress. Finishing the navigation animation…
Awake and kicking
Calling it a day. Got a lot of work tomorrow. This will be a VERY close one…
Making great progress. Have to keep going for another 2 hours though…
Optimizing my image so the Stereographic projection in Flash looks sweet as candy
Starting my quest in AS3… This should be fun…
Having dinner before getting to the next task…
Hmz, this is taking too long… Starting to get a bad feeling about this…