The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

March 1st, 2009

Drawing all kinds of simple objects, just for the randomness of it. Fun stuff == cool stuff

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back to the painting render thingy

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Home, safe and sound.

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The movement engine is ready… ^^ Now let’s create the drawing engine…

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It’s moving… randomly… AND… it’s rotating… (with a minor bug…). This will kick ass!

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Looking up mathematical formulas… I knew those by heart only 3 years ago… Rusty… I tell you: Rusty!!

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Getting lunch before heading over to mom’s place.

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Wow, time flew by again! 3 AM :o Need to get some sleep RIGHT away!

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Holy… my math is a bit rusty… No.. VERY rusty… Damn…

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