The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

September 2009

Omg. This weeks episode of diggnation is epic :’)

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Right on! RT @wirward: “After Effects is zo cool als Flash, maar dan met dikke tetten!!!” zei @babyC

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Either I am on a roll or I just made a complete fool out of myself… Anyway: I wrote a quick copy-hack to fix that scroll problem ^^

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I feel like a complete idiot as I expect the bitmapdata.scroll() method to just scroll the bitmap… not redraw it…

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I’ve got another cool idea for soundVisualisation… I should really get my head around the bytelevel sounddata in AS3…

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Totally digging the color palette in today’s/yesterday’s 365-shot.

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Hating ‘null’ in Flash, but loving null in AE :-)

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Somehow… deep inside… I knew I’ld love After Effects once I understand the basics… And what do you know? I was right!

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Seriously thinking about not making that step after all…

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Can’t believe I got up this easily… And off we go to AVM Preproduction! (gotta love Devine…)

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Just had a look at my older works… I really need to step up to the challenge… I’ve got so much more energy… What’s holding me back?!

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So far for illustrator. Now kill me.

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Had a rather bumpy night out karting… Let’s get cleaned up and head over to @chezfre

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After today’s CP3 class I think I should do some changes to Playr… Should look at that code again…

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I can totally see why @unitzeroone decides to stop but I have mixed feelings about the PapervisionX part…

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Consulting time… Shouldn’t take too long. I need food. Now!

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Updating my iPhone to 3.1. Wondering if theres a better way of jailbreaking than PwnageTool. I really liked the RedSn0w way of doing things

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My blog just hit the 200-Doodls mark! You guys rock!

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Cleaning up the last part of my room… It’s a dirty job but someone gotta do it… Right? But why me!?

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Can’t believe this… RT @stefsull: Uninsured 22-Year-Old Boehner Constituent Dies From Swine Flu (via @rowast)

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My work in illustrator is finished… not that bad after all.. But I remember being better at this… Getting some good night’s sleep now…

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First time in 2 years I open up Illustrator… Let’s hope some kind of a miracle happens… Otherwise this will be a disaster…

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I feel so old… Just bought “93 til inifity’ on iTunes. That track is like 16 years old…

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Looking good so far! Lot’s of extra space! Now let’s get that Xbox up and running again…

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Cleaning up my desk. Should’ve done that a week ago…

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Kissed Firefox goodbye… Giving Safari a real shot. You better make it good…

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Copying my Delicious bookmarks to Safari… I’m tired of Firefox…

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Lol :’) Good job,guys RT @peterelst: some guys tried to blow up an ATM in Dinant last night - ATM intact,wall came down on top of them #FAIL

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Hmz… Twitter changed a few things again… Not bad.

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Really excited about HYPE… Looking forward to the release…

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In case you lived on another planet today and you didn’t know yet: Adobe is opening the microphone stream in AIR v2.

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Nice pull! RT @bit101: sweet! it works! added these chars to wordpress comment blacklist: л и ч д б ы я В. no more russian spam!

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Note to self: Think.

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Come on SWFAddress. Play nice… Pretty please… With sugar on top?

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So that’s 2 people screwed by the debugger sandbox in less than 2 hours… That’s a pretty good ratio…

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@ChezFre Nein, was het aan’t runnen op mijn laptop ;) Zie mijn vorige tweet voor oplossing ;)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to ChezFre

@iamdesign Het probleem was dat Firefox (na de workspace switch) weer als standaard debugger was ingesteld. Daar staat geen Debug player ;)

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What’s the matter with those ‘local with file’-security errors?! It’s my file, and my XML! It’s safe! Run it, you idiot!

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I seem to be a bit early… Is this a free ticket to come in late next week?

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Come’on! Just open the mic up for the whole platform! RT @leebrimelow: Video of raw microphone access -…

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Awake and kicking. Feels good to get up early like this again…

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Hmz… Dooodl alread has more installs in 4 days than MakeTheBunnyTalk had after 18 months… Guess there’s an audience for Dooodl :-)

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@thatgrrl Thank you so much! I’m really glad you like it! :) Let me know if you encounter any kind of problems

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Dooodl is featured on “Le Blog de Thee”! I love to see that people really like it!

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Adding stripslashes to 1.0.9. Looking into making a page system for the html version of the viewer…

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In CP3 class… Testing DestroyTwitter. I still prefer Tweetie…

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I’m the update freaking freak!! I update and fix like a mad man! Somebody stop me!

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RT @LadyElena: I’m looking for an internship in an advertising agency for 8 days (preferably 1 day a week this semester).DM me. RT = nice :)

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Fixed another Dooodl Bug. Everything running perfectly fine now. Finally. Time for some sleep..

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I screwed up badly today. A bad day for updating, and a dark day for bugfixing…

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Finally completely fixed Dooodl. Commiting all changes in a second. 1.0.5 is a safe version.Do read the notes though!

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Rolled the plugin back to 1.0.1 (to avoid more installs). If you see a update notice: Do not install it until further notice here!

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Looking into fixing the 1.0.2 bug asap… Man, I did NOT see this coming! Damnit!

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To everybody using the Dooodl Plugin: DO NOT INSTALL the 1.0.2 update! It removes all current doodls from the filesystem!! Pls RT!!

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Over at @wirward’s place for dinner

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Great: Dooodl is running as the actual plugin right now. I have to say: Me and SQL: Not a happy marriage…

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@peterelst Jared is a very cool presenter! I hope you’re doing a write-up about #fotb afterwards :-)

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For the sake of humanity: Somebody already livestream @joa’s session!! #fotb

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Updating my blog: A few css fixes, updating Wordpress, and upgrading my Doodl-Wordpress hack to the actual WP plugin… Mysql: here i come!

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Cool! My Dooodl Wordpress plugin is featured on Geekeries(.fr). Couldn’t be any more appropriate!

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People talking about creativity saying “you can’t boost your creativity” lose all their credibility in one single sentence.

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Come to the dark side… We have cookies… And buggy code with funny comments!

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It’s awesome when people comment on your blog saying ‘Great blog, great articles’. Makes me happy ^^

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So what’s so great about Chrome Frame? Your (not up to date) IE user needs a plugin for it to work. They better get a decent browser at once

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So you used Grabup? But you don’t anymore because Snow Leopard broke it? Well… Create your own grabup for free!

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Somehow folder actions (osx) have a 5-10 second delay. Can’t figure out why that is (because I HAVE a perfectly working grabup workflow now)

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Extra tip: Koop meerdere exemplaren samen met uw collega’s om de verzendingskosten zoveel mogelijk te verdelen ;)

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To all my fellow Deviners: Save 20€ by buying ‘After Effects CS4 classroom in a book’ on (17.99£ + 7£ shipping) (via @chezFre)

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So the basic funtionality of uploading the image to the server is working (bye Grabup), but I’d like to see a progress indicator. Any clues?

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Building an automator workflow to replace grabup. (And don’t nobody talk to me about tinygrab…)

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to all you guys over at #fotb: Did Richard tell you anything about release dates for Flash Builder or CS5?

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Seriously: what the f#%$ is wrong with al those Flickr iPhone applications crashing like that?

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Waiting for @Wouter to start the first class of Creative programming 3

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I added the Dooodl Creator source so you can create your own :) Feel free to send me a link to yours!

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Finally. Only took them like forever… RT @dimitrivh: Code completion for custom classes Will be in flash cs5 #fotb

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Waking up and getting ready for the first day of school again. Seems like it’s going to be a great day…

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Cool! Dooodl has already been downloaded 100+ times! Happy times ^^

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Out for drinks with @ChezFre. It seems like a good way of starting devine part 2

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Readme.txt and screenshots are commited too. Now for some beta users (as soon as the plugin page is updated online). Feel free to shout!

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Cool, apparently my ‘Make The Bunny Talk’ widget was featured on FlashDen:

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Commiting the Dooodl plugin to the Wordpress SVN repository. Next: Readme.txt and screenshots :)

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Getting up to speed… First things first: Catch up on breakfast and lunch.

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Fixed. There’s no way of going to sleep when you KNOW you can beat the bug! Now I’m off to sleep. For real. Good morning.

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But I honestly don’t care anymore for now. Off to bed. I’m totally not wondering what kept me up until now. No really: I’m not. Not one bit.

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I HATE IT when this kind of stuff happens.Somehow Shadowbox seems to be ignore the 2 links (THE ONLY 2 I NEED) in the frontend of the plugin

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Having a bit of trouble getting Shadowbox to work out of the box with Dooodl… It works on my blog… It doesn’t on my testblog… What?

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And the viewer is working too! That was fast! The complete Dooodl app is now a plugin in a Wordpress installation! Let’s finish up!

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As far as I can tell, the creator is working smoothly too now :)

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Installation and Sidabar Widget are working. Now for the viewer and the creator…

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Cool! Plugin installation works! I love Wordpress! <3

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Turning Dooodl into a Wordpress Plugin…

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Wow! About to pass the 700 views of my Flickr stream today. Last night’s project seems to be a success :)

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Thinking about starting a 365 project. Still wondering how I’ll do it…

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Just updated the Dooodl History Viewer (using Tiltviewer). It still works on mobile devices (and in non Flash supporting browsers) though ;)

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Checking out TiltViewer…

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I am officially dead tired!! Blogpost coming up tomorrow! </online>

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Uploading 8.77MB of cropped coolness. It’s like awesomeness in a box!

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Holy smokes! No, eh.. wait… HOLY FIREBALLS!! (That was fucking awesome!!)

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Off for the most dangerous photoshoot I’ve done yet.

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Done with the room… Time for a shower… I’m happy! New carpet, new closet!

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I’m really digging the doodles people are submitting on my blog! I love it! Thanks to everyone who’s contributing!

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To everyone who guessed: Yezzz! Flying fireballs! And a DSLR to capture it. It’s gonna be magic!

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Just bought the stuff for my next experiment. What’s your guess?

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Emptying my room. New carpet: here I come!

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@wouter Ergens voelde ik die methode wel aankomen :p Too bad dawwe nie meer SQL krijgen: GROUP BY (mensenVanVorigJaar) ;-)

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‘t Gebeurt nie vaak, maar nu benk toch wel akkoord… WTF. RT @anthonyvanoyen: Er zit allesbehalve logica achter de klasgroepenverdeling …

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Whenever I see my name pop up in a list of ‘creatives’ between ‘Rob Chiu’ and ‘Ryan Stewart’, my face starts smiling just a little bit more

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Out to get some bread. Beautiful morning

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Finished my temporary history view. I know, I’ll go to hell for using table-design, but I can roll with that…

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@W0utR That’s the actual inspiration behind this project ;)

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Time for breakfast! Oh… Wait… Time for dinner… Time flies when you’re working!

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Hurray! You can now draw Doodles on my website, and save them to the sidebar! Check it out!…

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Note to self: ‘Bugfixing’ means you *remove* bugs. Not adding new ones!

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Really making progress! Happy times! Finishing up the drawing app before starting to implement a few (‘lots of’) bugfixes.

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I did a good night’s work. Time for some sleep. Might be finishing up on this tomorrow :)

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Hmz, Echofon Push Notifications take about 10-15 minutes to arrive. Not too bad. Liking it so far…

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Twitterfon renamed to Echofon and now supports push? Let’s check that out!!

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Sooo… Now I only need to save those bitmaps to the server and add them to the database… This promises to become intresting…

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@DaveFlash Yes, AS3 Matrix. I need those to guide my bitmapdata.draw() to the right point of the stage ;)

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Working on my Matrix-kungfu since I need those for my project… Digging my way through the livedocs…

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Doing bits and pieces of work on this app but it’s starting to shape up. I’m gaining momentum. Might actually be working by tomorrow morning

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I kinda don’t see the higher meaning of the error 1053 existence. I want to do what I want and not what a company thinks is ‘best practice’

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So! I’ve got the GUI for my next project figured out… Let’s make it work…

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Sterke fotos, harde waarheid. RT @hannes_nieuwsbe: fotoreportage: Ghana, stortplaats voor afgedankte computers

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>”Bond VS Bourne, who would win?” >”It’s a tough question but Bourne would kick Bond’s ass!” - Matt Damon

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LMAO xD People are actually starting up a business to monetize “Bugfixing battles between developers in order to see who’s the best”…

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Feel the rhytm! Feel the rhyme! It’s haircutting-time!

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Heading to the Apple store. I might just have a broken wifi antenna… I don’t like this…

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Welcome back to the world of the living. The time is 11:50AM. Have a good day.

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Out for drinks with @Sneejk and @lyntje

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“Would you invest in Microsoft?” “I would… Surprisingly, I would… ” #techcrunch50

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That’s pretty impressive! Make sure you checkout Bing Visual Search once it’s up (should be up after the current presentation)

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Watching #techcrunch50 livestream, and really like the Microsoft guys presenting Bing and the direction they’re heading… Impressive…

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Out to the photostuffshop to find myself a nikon-to-Sony lens adapter

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I was about to start working on this thing. But then a friend of mine came in… I never got past the project setup…

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Finally building that Doodle thing I wanted to build. Wanted to do that for quite some time now…

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We started our journey back to Kortrijk with being late for our train

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Barbeque time!

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On out way to Baal. I’m thinking about a video project I might do next week.

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Finally awake after what must’ve been the worst night of sleep ever.

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There we go! Another cool idea for an experimental shot… I need a guitar!

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My sincere pleasure, mate :-) RT @HoFa: Birthday present from @babyC: http://www.thomashofkens…

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Getting dinner. Pretty hungry.

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What have I been doing today? Preparing @hofa’s birthday present

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Oh! Look! There’s Photoshop again!

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Are you kidding me?! 10.6.1 is out already!? Wow, talk about updates - That’s insane! SnoLeo has only been out for 2 weeks #osx #snowleopard

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So far for productivity/creativity today. Did quite some cool shit today.Thanks to @hofa for tagging along! Love the result of today’s work!

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There we go! Added 2 tricks to my stream. I love those series shots!…

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Second picture’s done. Let’s see if I can get a third one out of it…

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Watching this week’s episode of Diggnation

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Out for dinner with kenney

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First time I’ve done this kind of shot. Totally love it!…

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Editing the pictures I shot with @hofa this afternoon while skating. I make him look good like never before!

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Over at @hofa’s place. Waiting to head out for some skateboarding.

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Second attempt at Cookie Splash! My own opinion on this? Success!

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Preparing for another cookie splash experiment…

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Wtf is going on in Kortrijk ???? THe doctor is gone. The pharmacies are closed. WTF guys???

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After 3 years I’ve taken down my portfolio site. Going to redirects you to my blog now. </freelancer>

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There comes Photoshop… Let’s see what happens next… Exciting!

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The words of the hour are: “Cookie splash!”

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Some things will never change. Some things do.

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Ripping somebody’s else’s idea, and acting like it’s your own is about the lamest thing I’ve seen so far.

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…aaaaand my lamp just died. Again.

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Thinking about buying a Lensbaby… Anybody experience with those?

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In ghent with @ladyelena for some shopping.

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Waking up. Insanely hot in here… WOW

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Off to bed. Time to get some sleep.

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Out for a drink with Leendert. (Yes, I know, it’s 2 AM.)

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There we go! BezierAnimation for everyone!

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@peterelst Thanks, Peter. Just found it ;) I was confusing it with ContainerMovieClip and MovieClipAsset… (yes, it hurts..) :p

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Right… UIComponent. I knew I’d have to think for 5 more minutes before asking here… Let’s finish this baby!

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Anybody here wants to enlighten me? How do I add a (ordinary) Movieclip into a Flex (4) Panel? I’m out of ideas and LangRef isn’t helping me

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@peterelst It is fun! Building a demo and digging my way through my first Gumbo experience now. Will blog it as soon as this is ready :)

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Creating a demo of my BezierAnimation class to demo all its capabilities.

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Out with @ladyelena for dinner

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Fell asleep for an hour there…

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Added a few more features to that BezierAnimation Class. I think I went over the top, but that’s okay. It’s fun! :)

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Finally! It’s gone! Time to get some sleep now. Bah, I hate bugs…

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I’m really starting to thing Flex Builder 3 is the bad guy here. Anybody have issues using FB3 on SnowLeo?

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And then you find it: It is not null indeed. Something else is null… Damn it, it’s getting too late to deal with this kind of stuff…

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I’m having a bug as tiny as never before but it’s unfixabled. Wtf is going on… if() is fucking with my good nature… IT’S NOT NULL!

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The ‘simple class that should not be very complex to make’ turned out to be quite a challenge to create. In the end it seems almost perfect

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Note to self: always comment mathematical formulas when writing code. Can’t understand why some things work like they do right now…

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Doing some more work on this BezierAnimation class. Really liking it so far. It’s getting pretty cool!

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Working on visualizing the Bezier path… I’m really making things way too complicated here…

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Poll: One class that can handle both fixed and organic bezier animations, or one class for each of them?

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ran 11.58 km @ a 06:13/km pace with Nike+ on 09/06/2009 (run time: 1:12:09) #nikeplus

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Having belated breakfast… Woke up at around 1:30PM. Not good…

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We are having too much of a good time today. We ain’t worrying about tomorrow.

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There’s more tweets in this month! Go up and select a date to see more ↑