Playing with the nicest things in the world :D Nite nite
Waar gaat het naartoe met het web? Comic sans en Times new roman op dezelfde bladzijde van een Web2.0 site…
Had dinner while watching Rush Hour 3
Zipping 3,6 GB of video :)
Hurray for backups!
So now i’m member of the Flash Mafia of Belgium, huh? I like the sound of that :)
Cleaning up my desktop files: 2M08 videos all over the place
back home.Video editing will have a happy end after all :)
mp4 turns out to be a serious pain in the ass
having trouble getting started with the videos..
off to @newmovieclip to see if we can do something about those render problems
Transferring all footage taken on 2M08
on my way out to the shop
I love it when I can pay my bills. Always happy when it’s done :D
@_Tine_ congrats!
Alleen een koude douche is beter.