out for a late night snack
Oh crap… I just had a nasty ‘broken’ window screen… Something might be having a little trouble getting along with the heat… …
Video editing is going quite well :)
Great, interviews’ sound will be cleaned up… Still a bit of digital garbage in there, but it will do.
Having more RAM wouldn’t hurt right now. Premiere and 3GB of HD video editing is a hard one apparently
Giving premiere another try
Wondering what to eat
@sqwif: yup, a lot
Gving iMovie a try with the MP4 files
auwch… Sound is totally screwed… I wonder how I’ll work that out…
Checking out the footage, taken yesterday at 2M08
Home, doing some stuff for FlashFocus now
buying new glasses in decathlon
out for lunch with @LadyElena and her parents