The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

October 5th, 2009

So who of you guys knows if I’ll be able to use SoundMixer.computeSpectrum to get the soundwave of the current playing track on the iPhone?

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RT @wirward “Flash on iPhone”? Is it Flash when there’s no FP involved? Yes it opens the iphone to more developers but it’s not flash right?

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And here we go: Flash “on” the iPhone:

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Same here… RT @robslegtenhorst: can’t wait for #flashcs5

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Man, not learning obj-c kinda payed off: Let’s take AS3 and develop apps for the iPhone. I totally love this! #adobemax

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I remember tweeting about ‘iphone-readyness’ earlier today… Guess I was close ^^

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It’s true! Flash on the iPhone? Compile flash to the iphone! #adobemax

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Omg, this is fucking hilarious! But what is that? :o #adobemax

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They talking about iphone AND flash… WHAT is coming next?? #adobemax

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LMAO: He draws a pink triangle, adds a bevel and then calls it ‘a piece of art’. Great! #adobemax

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Are you kidding me? Physics engine in Flash. Built in. Nice! #adobemax

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“1 IDE to rule them all” — I like the sound of that :) #adobemax

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“It’s a little dot for us, but a great step for Flash-kind” oh god :’) #adobemax

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“Whazzaa?” “Nothing… just having dinner… Watching the keynote…” #horriblejoke

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Jailbreaking my phone. Again… And while I’m waiting I’m drawing a few more frames for that storyboard…

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Well, Adobe… Where’s my FP 10.1 debug player? I want to play around. Gimme. Now!

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Did I see ‘Microphone waveform access’ in the new FP 10.1?Do they mean AIR by ‘desktop only’ or do they actually enable this in the browser?

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Those new features smell like iPhone-readyness.

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Went to the apple store only to hear i’d be without an iPhone for at least 2 weeks. I don’t miss my wifi that much. No repairing then.

via Echofon