Off to bed now… Heading to Kortrijk after work tomorrow… Note to self: Don’t forget to pack before you go out the door in the morning…
Did some newsletter work… Now away from the computer… Let’s play some games…
@joristimmerman Also true, but not having a site as a webdesigner/developer might just be a pushing your luck :p
The best freelancers I know have no portfolio. Only a temporary site, which has been there for many many years.
@stupidnoob Die man is al 15 jaar nie gaan werken… #geefgeendommeopmerkingenalsgedesituatieniekent
#ooitgehoordvanconge #yesihaveabadday
@kriskras Ge zou’t daar toch zot van worden? Ge zit een hele dag op’t werk, en als ge dan ‘savonds zit te chillen begint em der keer aan…
Is this guy serioius? Mowing his lawn at 8PM… Seriously: What?
Heading home. Will do some work for FlashFocus tonight. That way tomorrow I get to chill out all night with @LadyElena.
Out for lunch. Having a cool idea for a domain name! Buying that tonight ^^
Hmz…Weather for the coming week doesn’t look as good anymore…