UXYoda Minimalist design. Less design it is not.
MurtenSaerbi The company I work for is looking for talented flash wizards, jQuery magicians, CSS guru’s and overall nice dudes/dudettes. #artcoreSociety
@MurtenSaerbi Haha! Very subtle! I almost didn’t notice what was going on ;) Good luck finding your Guru/Wizard/Magician ;)
It’s awesome to be called a name which is exactly what you set out to become.
Yea baby! RT @aral_lara: wagner-pizza.be: You share it, we pizza-party it! Well done! @miespaties @noCreativity &the rest of the team!
@smnprtz aight, klinkt interessant. Thx maat!
@veldenj *steekt hand op*
Anybody wanna tell me what @shipmentapp is? It seems they don’t want to tell me on their website (where I’m supposed to request an invite)
Jonazzty RT @lyntje: Gezocht: Vlaamse stem m/v die voice-over van 1:30 min kan opnemen. info/contact via gwendolyn@gents.be / @gentsagency RT = thx!
@parko_Kortrijk dan was de persoon in kwestie nie in zijn beste humeur. Nie leuk om het weekend mee in te zetten.
yratof Seriously, I DON’T NEED WIDOWS!!! I need width! Stupid alphabetised auto crap
Alles wat ik voortaan online deel, kan een Pizza Party worden. Zelfs deze tweet. Doe ook mee op http://t.co/JYWqFKKc en win je Pizza Party.
Big up for @davykestens. Got some remarkable investors backing his @twitspark business! Congrats man!