Holy crap! Google Streetview in Belgium seems to have covered the entire country already :| Okay, I’m officially creeped out.
BAM! RT @mikehaugland people should occupy their time with making cool shit, instead of bitching about stuff they don’t like so much.
It seems that ‘occupying stuff’ is the new hype… Occupy HTML, Occupy Flash and now also Occupy SQL. Good lord…
@webdevotion What the -?! If I click the download link, it shows me this. Once I logged in, the download starts. http://t.co/80YG2SEG
@webdevotion Go on, hit the download link… ;)
There’s a few out there I thought? RT @woutr_be: It’s 2011, shouldn’t we have found another solution for captchas by now?
As it turns out I don’t have Skype installed on my MacBook.I head over to the Skype site and there’s no direct download.I have to log in?!
RT @jynse: Iemand geïnteresseerd in een mini-opdrachtje native app development? Design wordt aangeleverd. DM of mail voor meer info! #devine
RT @bram_: OH: “An SEO expert walks into a bar, bars, pub, public house, Irish pub, drinks, beer…”
@desmetjens Lord no! Not in this country! :D
Massive good news in the email! I’m so proud!
Let’s see if moving files to an external hard drive can outrun a RAR extraction… I don’t think so…
Only 12 years ago, having a computer at home was quite unique. Now it’s strange not to have a device in your pocket with 10 times the power.
Buuuurrrn!! RT @Heeties: Lol @noCreativity but they are used to Microsoft releasing and patching it later on ;)
Are you guys seriously reporting that Apple is not releasing a minor software update due to bugs? That’s not news. That’s common sense…
@davykestens Interesting question. I went for a quick test and found this :) http://t.co/owsNGM0i Check out the source :)
@mykola Sounds like a great idea but at some point somebody has to clean up and I want to make a difference… Although it comes at a price ;)
@mykola Lol, seems very true. Found myself working 6 days straight into the early hours… :/
@mykola I’ll try to remember that while making a massive list of footage-fuck-up on the client’s side ;) Thanks for the kind words ;)
@mykola Ha, yes. How did you figure? :D
@mykola You might be right… Still sucks… I always feel horrible when I can’t deliver on a deadline :(
Oh boy… Deadline is at 9AM, everybody’s sleeping, there’s missing footage and nobody can be reached. Tomorrow is going to be a bad day.