The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

November 12th, 2011

Why are people *expecting* bad/poor code these days? Is that some kind of hipster-thing for developers? I’ll go away. Just like ‘skip intro’

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@BeateV I’m afraid you couldn’t be more wrong ;) /cc @lyntje

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@bengarney Bad timing it is, then ;) Are you guys going to start something new?

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@bengarney My initial thought was that PBE pulled the plug after feeling Adobe’s new vibe…

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@bengarney I know. Still, that’s a bit unsettling for whoever is an active PBE dev. If the community doesn’t pick it up, it dies…

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SFW btw ;) RT @cmuratori: A site for anyone who thinks kerning isn’t vitally important to comprehension:

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@prplps what about ‘\u0001’ type chars?

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@prplps Zal aan het Howest netwerk liggen. Devineforum is ook deels down.

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woutr_be You are working in a constantly changing environment, the last thing you want to do is focus on one technology!

via Tweetbot for iPhone (retweeted on 2:45 PM, Nov 12th, 2011 via Twitter for Mac)

peterelst I’d be interested to see if I’m alone on this -

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 2:20 PM, Nov 12th, 2011 via web)

@joristi @prplps @duivvv De vraag is wel of er nog aan zal verder ontwikkeld worden… Papervision3D bestaat ook nog altijd eh ;)

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to joristi from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

I wonder if anybody at the Adobe Flash Platform division accidentally dropped something on the self-destruct-button…

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

Ben ik ook wel in geïnteresseerd RT @prplps: @duivvv Wat gaat er nu gebeuren met de lessen?

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

We all knew that Flash would eventually lose popularity and go away. I did however not expect this being pushed by Adobe themselves.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

@anthonyvanoyen Het feit dat ik er geen interesse en toekomst in zag is de reden waarom ik er nie door was… Funny how things go…

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to anthonyvanoyen from Courtrai, Courtrai

@QuaghM wouldn’t count on it. There’s the door, please move on. Adobe stuurt een duidelijk signaal van onbetrouwbaarheid. Ga naar Unity3D

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to QuaghM from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

@danielalbu As I understand Adobe’s donating the source to the Spoon project in order for them to take control over it. Looks bad right now.

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to danielalbu from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

So by the end of next week all of the Flash platform will be killed off?

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

Hm, so Adobe drops Flash for Mobile, then makes the Flex SDK open source, all in the span of 3-4 days?

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

nodename “In Soviet California, Flash leaves you!” - Yakov Smirnoff

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+1 RT @neurofuzzy: I’m in a group video chat with 192 others - Click to watch or join:

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Listening to Big L. Old skool hip hop. I miss the old days when hip hop was still cool.

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