The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

November 20th, 2011

Hackers are the new superheroes.

via Twitter for Mac

RachelNichols1 GOOGLE: “I know everything!”
FACEBOOK: “I know everyone!”
INTERNET: “Without me you’re all nothing!”
ELECTRICITY: “Keep talking, bitches.”

via Twitter for iPad (retweeted on 7:30 PM, Nov 20th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iPhone)

@davy_delbeke MK:Legacy is geweldig! Ik vond het destijds al vreemd dat er maar zo weinig mensen van wisten. Nu blijkbaar nog altijd.

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to davy_delbeke from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

mctcommunity wij gaan naar FITC! schrijf je nu in voor 22november zodat we nog aan de super early bird tickets geraken!

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 1:58 PM, Nov 20th, 2011 via Twitter for Mac)

@MurtenSaerbi True: however, I have a certain expertise they should trust. Example: Why a forum is not a good support-platform, etc.

via Twitter for Mac in reply to MurtenSaerbi

What’s the point of having a developer/designer if the client tells him what to do all the time?

via Twitter for Mac

Sending out emails, doing preliminary renders and changes… At 5AM. I need to go to bed…

via Twitter for Mac

He Proximus! Leuk verhaaltje zo! ‘t Is ook al nie de eerste keer eh…!

via Twitter for Mac